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Climb To The Gods: We Won't Dumb It Down

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings everyone,

Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:

1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie

Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.

I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.

To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.

Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.

The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.

Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.

As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.

The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.

Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.

We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.

I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.

Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.

As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.

I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.

May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for your genuine care and love for us HPHC! You have never stepped down and have been the best teacher we could have been given. Thank you for all your contributions and hard work to help us all. May you be eternally blessed!! HAIL ZEUS!!
I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly.
You will never leave our place, ı know this. I know it seems a bit selfish but it's a very beautiful feeling to have a man in charge and to have him sometimes carry you forward when you stop.

Even if it's hard to adapt.
The education system is designed to make people sheep. It tells you what to think, not how to think, and it overemphasizes subjects that we do not all fully need, reiterating it so much that it wears the mind down, leaving the mind unable to refresh and expand.

Most people simply don't know how to think, because they had no idea how to form this ability. Those of us who do have this ability it is from past lives, and/or we were fortunate enough to have parents or another mentor who developed this in us.

The whole education system needs a massive restructuring. And humanity as a whole needs to stop being so willingly ignorant.
Thank you very much High Priest, I think all of us seeks higher wisdom even if it doesn't click instantly. May you be blessed for making this possible and giving us this opportunity.

The education system is designed to make people sheep. It tells you what to think, not how to think, and it overemphasizes subjects that we do not all fully need, reiterating it so much that it wears the mind down, leaving the mind unable to refresh and expand.

Most people simply don't know how to think, because they had no idea how to form this ability. Those of us who do have this ability it is from past lives, and/or we were fortunate enough to have parents or another mentor who developed this in us.

The whole education system needs a massive restructuring. And humanity as a whole needs to stop being so willingly ignorant.

I remember there was or maybe there is still a school for jews in Hungary, and for example they let the kids re-invent math formulas for problems, instead of giving them it right ahead, and they do things so differently, they teach them how to think and be creative and so on. Apparently many "muh genius" came out from this school, but obviously not because muh holy master race but simply a better pedagogical system strictly forbidden from the goy.
Thank you so much for your care and love for all of us, for allowing us to grow new Knowledge, you are revealing to us more Secrets about the Gods, you are giving us a sure foundation for Evolution. You help us to advance in Spirituality on the Path of Satya, forward to the Truth, pointing out the most direct and most Blessed Path to Zeus and the Gods. Your work is invaluable, and you too are invaluable to all of us and to the whole Community. I cannot tell you how happy I am to have you here, your Wisdom and Power gives us Strength and Hope!

Thank you so much, dear High Priest Hooded Cobra! You are like a Big Brother always watching over us, accompanying us in our Development, helping us to Perfection. Powerful thanks to you, Big Brother Cobra! You are our Guardian and Mentor, you are our Guider of Power, Wisdom and Nobility of Zeus and Gods here!
This is fantastic to read shortly after registering my account, i agree that information should never be dumbed down. The complexity of things is interesting, and by simplifying information you are therefore removing pieces of the picture that you cannot comprehend unless you have the whole image in front of you so to speak. Complexity is fascinating because it allows you to see all the details of whatever it is that you are processing. Hail Zeus, , Hail HPHC and Hail the Gods.
Greetings everyone,

Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:

1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie

Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.

I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.

To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.

Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.

The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.

Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.

As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.

The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.

Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.

We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.

I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.

Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.

As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.

I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.

May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks I appreciate your sermons their awesome
Hail Zeus and the gods
And for there knowledge!!!!
Greetings everyone,

Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:

1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie

Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.

I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.

To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.

Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.

The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.

Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.

As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.

The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.

Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.

We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.

I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.

Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.

As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.

I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.

May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This found me in a time of uncertainty & hesitancy, has helped to put things into perspective for me.
I thank you sincerely for this sermon.
Greetings everyone,

Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:

1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie

Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.

I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.

To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.

Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.

The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.

Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.

As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.

The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.

Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.

We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.

I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.

Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.

As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.

I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.

May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I often open the forum to see if there is news from you High Priest, the sermons give me an immense charge, they are lessons of incredible value every time..

Like all your work by the way.
It is fantastic to see concretely how I am and how we are all better since we have been here, thank you very much HP!
Greetings everyone,

Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:

1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie

Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.

I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.

To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.

Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.

The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.

Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.

As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.

The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.

Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.

We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.

I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.

Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.

As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.

I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.

May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's a very inspiring sermon, thank you very much High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 :)(y)

Each of us needs to overcome our inner limitations, I believe that everyone is a Zevist/SS will eventually break down the walls that need to be destroyed.
Greetings everyone,

Oftentimes I am told by people that it's probably "better" to not complexify information and this in many ways can mean the following:

1. Do not make something better, because "people will not get it"
2. The above, assumes that people are dumb
3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie

Given I disagree with all of the above and I believe that the Gods did seed humanity with great intelligence, or at least, those who are meant to understand spirituality, must evolve, I refuse to dumb down things.

I refuse therefore to not make you better, because this will "challenge" you, or to take as granted, Gods forbid, that people interested in the Gods are "dumb". To want to know the Gods, indicates intelligence and good will beyond the ordinary levels and one is more than ready to be imparted, gradually, with the Truth.

To lie is out of the question, as lies will only invite curses from the Gods, which lies also mean that we curse ourselves by doing this. We worship the Truth for a reason. This is a most meaningful reason.

Yes, you will see things that might conflict you a bit or require mental expansion. Yes, you will need to meditate to understand it all. Yes, you must push yourself to relate to the Gods and climb to their level, and Gods must not come down to us all the time and shrink themselves to dumb monkey levels of understanding. Because if they do this, we do not grow.

The "Religions" of the enemy challenge the human mind and make it very stupid. They require foolishness, submission and slavery. To attain these purposes the mind must not think for itself and people must be dumb. The dumber the people, the more applicable for them to belong to Christianity or Islam. These programs are meant to systematically create dumber, more irrational and more superstitious folk, that is easy to control.

Our enemy has an aim to make humanity non spiritual, make them dumb and disable their mental functions. This distances the human being from the Gods and only gives more and more distance from the Cosmic Intelligence. As one becomes dumber, violence, superstition and arrogance, all of which are negative for spirituality, do take hold of the mind and one becomes a prisoner and not a child of the Gods.

As a leader of the Gods I refuse to treat my people as incapable, dumb, foolish or to shrink things just so that you feel "comfortable". Your wisdom, power and potential is great, and I see this very directly for all of you and have seen since the first day I stepped up here. Therefore, knowledge and wisdom must flow and we all must adapt to wisdom, rather than expect wisdom to shrink itself for our limited minds.

The Gods have predestined all of you, in your own time, to become like them. This process will not happen with the constant shrinking of the human soul and mind, but by expansion.

Now some of you can sometimes experience a little confusion or feeling over-blown by certain things. We all have. This does not mean one is dumb, on the contrary, it means the mind is expanding.

We ask the Gods to take away our ignorance, not to increase it. The defiance of ignorance stands many times outside of our "Comfort Zone". Yet, as you will have noticed in the path, the Gods propel you past the state of ignorance, step by step and gradually, until your mind becomes a garden and not a desolate desert. As flowers grow, sometimes they can be confused about this process.

I am here to remove walls from your minds and your hearts and souls, not to increase the walls. If one finds they are stuck on the wall, ask questions, work it with meditation and ask the Gods directly. Your Guardian Daemon is here to expand your consciousness and lead you to the Truth. This journey is not a journey of walls and prisons, it's the way out of the prison of ignorance. They will lead you through. Have faith in yourself and in your Guardian Daemon in this process. Be patient.

Certain answers, took me over 15 years to understand, being stuck on them again and again; I wasn't ready. This didn't mean I was dumb. It's all about that one must grow the strength to climb the wall. When we climb, the Gods push us and we can help each other climb the wall. This is why community exists.

As promised, as we go, more and more things will be understood about our transition. You will see very blantantly and clearly, why this context expansion has occurred. Simultaneously, your own mind will expand and you will become stronger and more capable. This can sometimes come at the expense of comfort. But comfortable ignorance is our enemy.

I refrain from public expressions of emotions, but I have to tell you the above is because of serious love for you and your development. I cannot be treating people who prove themselves on the daily to be sworn by the Gods, to dwell on the lesser levels of ignorance. Everyday you give me hope and reason and I seek to return the same. This is a move of genuine love for everyone here and for humanity. We must love each other to move forward, and the Gods. This is what we need. To expand and to grow.

May the Gods be with us and keep us on the straight path.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very motivating and amazing.
It is a very motivating article, I believe that we will break the walls inside us all together thanks to my brothers and sisters.
Thanks to HPHC for writing articles that educate and improve us every time.
Hail Zeus and the gods/goddess!
To think is to exist. To continuously push yourself through life and claim your breath.

It is not that its complicated, it's a matter of one willing to limit their understanding. To hinder their own minds due to choosing the easiest path.

We are not here to kick up our feet but to put in the real work needed to grow. And grow we shall.
im sorry for my response since it is probably going to be sound rude but i really want express my opinion about this sermon. not really trying to argue but i just really want to voice my opinion.

i had a paragraph long response to this sermon
since this is the first time, im not 100% agree on sermon
i felt that was too long and overreacting so i just scrapped it
but i want at least say that
(mostly i agree, about 95% just a bit part of lines that took my attention especially point no.3 in beginning)

i get it, we need to not rely too much on being spoon fed and actually learn to analyze and understand it on our own because it is also important part of intellectual growth

however, to me, that is only the case for pre-existing complex matter
INTENTIONAL COMPLIFICATION doenst make any sense to me aside for it is being challenge or as test of intellect but not necessary for teaching or sharing valuable information
i just feel like most of the cases this complification, act more like a gatekeep or filter than "teaching"
its slow down or even out right prevent a student for expanding knowledge
and some complex knowledge a requires proper guidance/teacher to not misunderstand it and use it correctly because they might hurt themselves/other if used wrong or spread misinformation (WHICH HAPPENS ALL THE TIME)

but im sure this is obvious to anyone anyways (it just some arsehorse elitist are actually doing it on purpose which really irritates me)

now im not saying your sermons or topics are complicated and hard to understand
yes, can be confusing sometimes but "manageable"

it just after reading this sermon, it made me an impression to me that simplification and clarification can be hindrance to develop person intellect, which really "triggered" me i guess
i might be misunderstanding but i will still gonna say it here

I ABSOLUTELY HATE when something like academic teachings or lessons are INTENTIONALLY COMPLICATED instead of making it clear and straight to the point
because i am sure it caused more hindrance to growth of student than being "challenge" and just to sound like sake of being "smart" high education shenanigans

im probably just overreacting but i really REALLY hate how standard education work nowadays to point something like this REALLY BOTHERS me and i want someone to hear my whims

also my response are suppose to be much much longer but i decided check other newer posts
and i notice, the topics and sermons starting become much easier to "digest" and understand
so decided to take back other stuff i wanted to say

just to be clear, im not asking you to dumb down the posts. im fine with how it is now

it just i just want to say that "simplification" is as important as "complexity" for developing intellect, especially if done right.

also, about no.3

"3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie"

isnt it just a "LIE" then?

how is it different from making simple lie to making complex lie IN SOME CASES as "LIE"? does it even matter??

well anyways, i dont really need an answer for that

we probably going to end up having a conflicting opinion in this matter
you probably gonna correct me and im not really gonna challenge that

so, it is what it is then.
im sorry for my response since it is probably going to be sound rude but i really want express my opinion about this sermon. not really trying to argue but i just really want to voice my opinion.

i had a paragraph long response to this sermon
since this is the first time, im not 100% agree on sermon
i felt that was too long and overreacting so i just scrapped it
but i want at least say that
(mostly i agree, about 95% just a bit part of lines that took my attention especially point no.3 in beginning)

i get it, we need to not rely too much on being spoon fed and actually learn to analyze and understand it on our own because it is also important part of intellectual growth

however, to me, that is only the case for pre-existing complex matter
INTENTIONAL COMPLIFICATION doenst make any sense to me aside for it is being challenge or as test of intellect but not necessary for teaching or sharing valuable information
i just feel like most of the cases this complification, act more like a gatekeep or filter than "teaching"
its slow down or even out right prevent a student for expanding knowledge
and some complex knowledge a requires proper guidance/teacher to not misunderstand it and use it correctly because they might hurt themselves/other if used wrong or spread misinformation (WHICH HAPPENS ALL THE TIME)

but im sure this is obvious to anyone anyways (it just some arsehorse elitist are actually doing it on purpose which really irritates me)

now im not saying your sermons or topics are complicated and hard to understand
yes, can be confusing sometimes but "manageable"

it just after reading this sermon, it made me an impression to me that simplification and clarification can be hindrance to develop person intellect, which really "triggered" me i guess
i might be misunderstanding but i will still gonna say it here

I ABSOLUTELY HATE when something like academic teachings or lessons are INTENTIONALLY COMPLICATED instead of making it clear and straight to the point
because i am sure it caused more hindrance to growth of student than being "challenge" and just to sound like sake of being "smart" high education shenanigans

im probably just overreacting but i really REALLY hate how standard education work nowadays to point something like this REALLY BOTHERS me and i want someone to hear my whims

also my response are suppose to be much much longer but i decided check other newer posts
and i notice, the topics and sermons starting become much easier to "digest" and understand
so decided to take back other stuff i wanted to say

just to be clear, im not asking you to dumb down the posts. im fine with how it is now

it just i just want to say that "simplification" is as important as "complexity" for developing intellect, especially if done right.

also, about no.3

"3. Keep it simple also means in some cases, to lie"

isnt it just a "LIE" then?

how is it different from making simple lie to making complex lie IN SOME CASES as "LIE"? does it even matter??

well anyways, i dont really need an answer for that

we probably going to end up having a conflicting opinion in this matter
you probably gonna correct me and im not really gonna challenge that

so, it is what it is then.

There is a big difference between making a lesson easy to understand, versus reducing the quality of the overall lesson, yet either of these can happen when something is simplified. Ideally, simplifications are used at lesson 1 within the full course, then by subsequent lessons, you are able to move past this.

If you viewed lesson 10 without first viewing lesson 1, you overall concept of the subject would be much worse than if you started from the beginning and built upwards.

I believe what HPHC is referring to here would be negative and permanent simplifications which are not done to promote comprehension at low levels, but have the negative result of capping overall conceptualization of the subject.

Another example of negative simplification would be a situation where we pretend lesson 5 is the furthest extent of a subject, when in reality it can go to 50. If I only teach lesson 5 and crown you as a master for this, then that harms you.

Sometimes we have to refer to concepts from lesson 5 so lesson 50 makes sense, but lesson 5 is not a substitute for 50 and vice versa. Furthermore, sometimes seeing terms and concepts from unknown lessons, even if temporarily confusing, drives curiosity and learning.

I did not get the sense that HPHC was promoting any of the concerns you had listed, although I can understand why you wanted to ask and clarify. To me, it looked more like he wanted he did not want to place unnecessary ceilings on learning, different from structured lessons.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
