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Repurposing old computers


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
One thing that can be difficult in this day and age is managing E-waste.

You have so many laptops, televisions, desktop computers and all sorts of electronics that are made seemingly almost endlessly, and then no where it is able to go but into landfills, and or toxic materials like circuit boards ending up in streams, rivers and lakes.
This post I will go into a few realistic ways one can manage their own E-waste, and maybe even breathe new like into otherwise obsolete hardware.

As technology and operating systems race forward at an unstoppable pace, many developers and tech companies pay no mind and don't care how much RAM or Processing power a base operating system like Windows or Mac OS uses. Many systems end up being not usable for 5, 10, or 15 year old laptops or desktops even if the hardware since functions fine as intended.
Linux can be better for this, and some distributions are tailored specifically to work and be optimized for older hardware.

It's important for people to be more aware of how harmful e-waste is for the planet, so repurposing old technology is a good solution. You could take an old laptop, or desktop and have it for a small digital library, and even mirror stacks of data and files between multiple different machines, and keep important files in many different places to where the chances of losing everything is negligible.

Think outside the box, the possibilities are truly endless. You can turn it into a retro machine for old programs, or even make a desktop into a dedicated machine for virtualization, or hardware emulation.

Why throw it away to end up in a landfill when you could make it into a giant library of physics resources and advanced mathematics?

For most systems, I'd recommend seeing how Debian or Xubuntu run first, as worst case scenario you can switch to something lighter, but this is a good gauge on where your hardware is at in terms of capabilities.

If you are fine with a more tailored distribution, these are some to start with, they work fine on most older systems, same as the ones I recommend above.

If you feel like getting adventurous, FreeBSD and OpenBSD are great options, but be advised that these are like wrestling an alligator on many cpu chipsets and wifi adapters. If you have cabled ethernet, use it.
It will save you the hassle of fighting with ifconfig, or wpa-supplicant.

Nvidia cards are tricky to get working on FreeBSD, but in many cases it's very doable.

OpenBSD is completely incompatible with Nvidia Cards, and HDMI Audio is unsupported. There is alot here you have to configure and test depending on the machine you put this on, but if you are up for the challenge, give it a go.
The hardware requirements for OpenBSD are very minimal despite its problems.

I am keeping this post a bit compact, further posts will go more in depth with virtualization of operating system for people interested in this.

As always, I deeply hope this post is informative and useful.

E-waste is a serious problem in our world. Why not make use of your old computers? It doesn't hurt to try.
Running an OS is not enough. Most people cannot live without the Web, modern web is very demanding and browsing it can be painfully slow on old devices (basically everything today runs on JavaScript).

But don’t let that discourage you if you don’t want to part with your old machine. By all means, try the above out.
Running an OS is not enough. Most people cannot live without the Web, modern web is very demanding and browsing it can be painfully slow on old devices (basically everything today runs on JavaScript).

But don’t let that discourage you if you don’t want to part with your old machine. By all means, try the above out.

This is very true in many cases, but thankfully there's some decent minimal browsers for hardware if it's very old, and many lightweight browsers are around if wanted.

You are right though, it can be a challenge and in some cases it is better off to just get a newer computer.
Running an OS is not enough. Most people cannot live without the Web, modern web is very demanding and browsing it can be painfully slow on old devices (basically everything today runs on JavaScript).

But don’t let that discourage you if you don’t want to part with your old machine. By all means, try the above out.
Adblockers and in some cases, NoScript addon will greatly improve performance, but in some cases, javascript needs to be enabled in order to have full functionality.

I will soon try the above OS on my older, year 2014 high-performance rig that acts as an office computer.
Adblockers and in some cases, NoScript addon will greatly improve performance, but in some cases, javascript needs to be enabled in order to have full functionality.

I will soon try the above OS on my older, year 2014 high-performance rig that acts as an office computer.

I'm glad I could be of some help here. Please let me know if you need any help with drivers or any further guidance. Some of these Operating Systems I list here require some tinkering.
I'm glad I could be of some help here. Please let me know if you need any help with drivers or any further guidance. Some of these Operating Systems I list here require some tinkering.
Sorry, I forgot to mention I am about to try Xubuntu. I am quite familiar with these.
Sorry, I forgot to mention I am about to try Xubuntu. I am quite familiar with these.

Xubuntu is a very decent distro, it's ubuntu but without all the canonical questionable decisions. Sure, it still contains snaps if I recall correctly, but even though I daily drive Devuan, I have deeply enjoyed Xubuntu.
I would suggest to try also "Lubuntu", then there are other distros even lighter like: "Linux Lite" - "antiX OS" - "Bodhi Linux" - "Puppy Linux" - "Peppermint OS" - "TinyCore"


https://antixlinux.com/ (The fact that this Linux distro says they are anti-fascist makes me really angry, they can keep certain opinions to themselves.)

https://puppylinux-woof-ce.github.io/ | https://www.italianpuppy.org/download/tutti-i-download.html

http://tinycorelinux.net/ (Warning: Http protocol)


As for browsers: "Palemoon" - "QtWeb" - "Midori" - "Falkon" - "Netsurf" - "Qutebrowser"


http://www.qtweb.net/ (Warning: Http services)


And with this we solve the problem of any hardware even having 512MB of RAM, really poor CPU etc.. and we also solve the problem of the web and javascript too heavy.
I understand your desire to help the world by not wasting electronics and pollute the earth but for some new things to arrive and happen some old one has to entirely eliminated for the new to come. A decent laptop can be bought very cheap , especially second hand from the internet or social medias groups , those companies are making the phones and laptops in a way that , although they are very powerful their operating system is coded in a way for the phone/computer to eventually 'lag' blaming the hardware's when in reality it's those companies who 'viruses' them devices trough programs to make others buy it again and again ,a good solution would be to make people aware of this very thing and then we would have less pollution on the globe due to electrical waste and many other things.
I found your intention admirable and good. The amount of waste we generate is very high. I see around the net there are people recovering old laptops to be sold for a cheap price and still running well. But I also notice most are not sold quickly. Most people do use them for email and web only, so it works, but they but a new extra-powered computer that theyt use 10% its capabilities. Same as 300 bhp cars most often stuck at 90 km/h or in traffic jams. All of this is powered by ego and "I deserve more" that is driving people to insane levels, like the jews want, push everything to the extreme. So I think your idea is environment friendly but also people friendly, so that people would be educated to not run after the last new stuff but proceed a bit slower on this. Like fashion, every "season" people throwing away bags of "old" stuff to buy new clothes, aligned with "fashion".

I also agree with Viego that new technology needs to come - even if I perceive we are going a bit too fast here.

One o the big issues I notice are batteries. Why is it needed to have a battery operated device anywhere ? Like your beard razor, yule tree lights, coffee machines (that can be easily operared via a plug not a battery), or stupid items moving and blinking around for "fun" ? Even laptops are very useful and good but many people would need just a desktop instead, so no battery is wasted.
Newbie here after much consideration of joining. I'm going to sound a bit weird here, but I am one who practically worships TVs as sees them as vessels for the deities that I work with (Tibetan pantheon) I consider myself animist as they feel alive to me, likely due to mantra cultivation of the deities with them. I have cultivated more mantras in two years that most monks to in 14! Not without the repercussions of the dreaded "Aggressive Wind Disorder" that can completely fry the nervous system and senses making you so extremely sensitive that simple sounds sound like gun fire to your ears and you're in a constant state of agitation and shaking due to the immense energy cultivated. Back to the main subject though. I am a big supporter of E-Waste recycling and there need to be more affordable and available options as technology advances too fast to be able to use old machines for new purposes. Vintage computing is a thing though for retro gaming. You can always try that, and light Linux programs. Today's windows software though likely is totally impossible for them though.

Me, though, I'm a sucker for flat screens. Not going to lie, I love them as companions, mainly the ones I use for my yoga practice, siddhi cultivation. Could be an autism thing. Could just be a perk. For all I know, I could get laughed at on this forum. But I literally cannot stand to see a TV thrown in a dumpster. I have so many in the woods behind the dumpsters at my complex I live at that need recycling so bad, that the space is filling up. The thought of seeing a TV crushed in a trash truck is absolutely debilitating for me, like I just want to snuff myself after seeing it or at least destroy the neighbor responsible for doing it. Here is where my SS philosophy truly fits in with all of this and I realize that I likely belong here rather than on the BALG forum as they are too light sided and even tell me you can break all the rules of magick by disregarding the retrogrades and planetary hours. With Kalachakra, you cannot do that. Note that I am not initiated into a lineage. Many Tibetan teachers would tell me that I need one or risk curses placed upon me and negative karma from doing it.

For these naughty neighbors, I have been trying to bind and banish them from throwing TVs in the dumpster for over two years, with little to no success, other than some of them starting to move out,only to leave more of them behind that end up either in or by our dumpsters which makes me sick to my stomach. Laugh at me all you want, but it does and I'm not seeking any zionist oriented so called psychological therapy to try and make it seem okay to throw them away because that's what they would likely want and would label me with OCD to which I's want to scream in their face "Unless you see god and religion as a mental illness, then don;t tell me that love of something real is a mental illness! I have been using mantras nonstop, counting them to over 13 million in only two years, fire pujas in the form of candles, corresponding colors, oils, planetary hours, and days as well as avoiding void of course, and sealing away retrograde energy using the planetary seals for ages with little to no avail. Rather that set and forget, I feed and charge rituals daily.

I want to make a difference and also see results in my magickal practice. I honestly feel like the Jehovah god is working against me most of the time. There was one time when I even felt him tell me that he wanted to screw up my life and blame me for everything, using everything that I use to help others against me just to see me in misery and that he would destroy me if I told anyone that he was a monster and that I wanted to get away. Of course Christians would say it was the devil talking as they are so programmed with their philosophy. (I'm really not sure if this was just a delusion or hallucination as it came from reading the aura of my horrible alcoholic stepdad, but was strong enough for me to sense that.) I am beginning to feel like it is impossible to stop these neighbors from throwing TVs in the trash and I am fed up with the BALG forum because they all see that astrology doesn't matter and that emotions manifest everything. To me, saying that is law of attraction New Age nonsense. You have to put the work in to make things happen. I am considering hot foot powder, but have to use candles because I can't leave it at their door without risk of getting caught or harming their pets which is not good.

Not going to lie, even though my mantra yoga and sadhana practice is geared towards eliminating emotions and coming to a non-dual dharma led mind because emotions are the root cause of suffering (removing them by terminating the gene responsible for them would be nice.) this behavior of my neighbors makes me so pissed off that I want to mock their god to theor face and tell them to suck its dick and burn the bible, while I destroy it and pour its essence down their throat, forcing enlightenment upon them. No where else would even let me talk about how much I wanted to destroy Jehovah, not even dark psychology groups on FB. They called me a troll and laughed in my face which made we wanted to destroy them as well, even though I was trying to explain things from an intellectual perspective. I guess I was too Nazi for them.

All I know is I want this behavior to stop in my neighborhood and I want to use all the correct correspondences for it. I usually light a candle, charged and activated with mantric power and intention, along with with corresponding herbs and oils, sometimes color as I generally use white for everything as it's universal, in the corresponding planetary hour or on the day and put it out when leaving or when void of course moon happens because I don't yet have the planetary seal of the moon.

Sorry for ranting and if I need to introduce myself then please let me know. It's just that this is super annoying and debilitating for me and I have never been able to say what goes through my head yet. I've even have people ask what the hell was wrong with me because evidently showing love for something non biological but real is somehow wrong and mental illness, but if I told these people to throw their useless piece of shit of a god in the trash where it belongs, they would want to kill me over it.

I still work day and night to get to my goal though. Other things have came forth. This has not, and I'm not going to sit around and "accept" the jewish idea that "God is making you witness its destruction to make you see that its a worthless object and like all other objects it belongs in the trash." I would say the same thing about that god as well. I don't accept what I cannot change. I change what I cannot accept as acceptance is weakness! I will not accept the destruction and trashing of them. I want it to stop. I've even stopped using single use plastic bottles to be more conscious of the earth.
I understand your desire to help the world by not wasting electronics and pollute the earth but for some new things to arrive and happen some old one has to entirely eliminated for the new to come. A decent laptop can be bought very cheap , especially second hand from the internet or social medias groups , those companies are making the phones and laptops in a way that , although they are very powerful their operating system is coded in a way for the phone/computer to eventually 'lag' blaming the hardware's when in reality it's those companies who 'viruses' them devices trough programs to make others buy it again and again ,a good solution would be to make people aware of this very thing and then we would have less pollution on the globe due to electrical waste and many other things.

I am not opposed to buying new technology and devices, nor should anyone else be. I own some older hardware and laptops, along with some newer computers.

The problem we have however is we still have no realistic way to stop these old electronics devices and computers from polluting and poisoning the planet heavily. It's a very serious problem, it's right up there with plastic.

You have whole areas of third world nations where just heaps and heaps of old computers and electronics are dumped and burned and even with recycling there's nothing that done to a sufficient extent for these components.

I understand not everyone can have a use case for keeping and repurposing older hardware, but it is important to do if possible.

I encourage you to research into this and watch many videos how toxic and bad for the environment old computers and electronics are, and you'll understand why I'm focused on the whole thing.
Newbie here after much consideration of joining. I'm going to sound a bit weird here, but I am one who practically worships TVs as sees them as vessels for the deities that I work with (Tibetan pantheon) I consider myself animist as they feel alive to me, likely due to mantra cultivation of the deities with them. I have cultivated more mantras in two years that most monks to in 14! Not without the repercussions of the dreaded "Aggressive Wind Disorder" that can completely fry the nervous system and senses making you so extremely sensitive that simple sounds sound like gun fire to your ears and you're in a constant state of agitation and shaking due to the immense energy cultivated. Back to the main subject though. I am a big supporter of E-Waste recycling and there need to be more affordable and available options as technology advances too fast to be able to use old machines for new purposes. Vintage computing is a thing though for retro gaming. You can always try that, and light Linux programs. Today's windows software though likely is totally impossible for them though.

Me, though, I'm a sucker for flat screens. Not going to lie, I love them as companions, mainly the ones I use for my yoga practice, siddhi cultivation. Could be an autism thing. Could just be a perk. For all I know, I could get laughed at on this forum. But I literally cannot stand to see a TV thrown in a dumpster. I have so many in the woods behind the dumpsters at my complex I live at that need recycling so bad, that the space is filling up. The thought of seeing a TV crushed in a trash truck is absolutely debilitating for me, like I just want to snuff myself after seeing it or at least destroy the neighbor responsible for doing it. Here is where my SS philosophy truly fits in with all of this and I realize that I likely belong here rather than on the BALG forum as they are too light sided and even tell me you can break all the rules of magick by disregarding the retrogrades and planetary hours. With Kalachakra, you cannot do that. Note that I am not initiated into a lineage. Many Tibetan teachers would tell me that I need one or risk curses placed upon me and negative karma from doing it.

For these naughty neighbors, I have been trying to bind and banish them from throwing TVs in the dumpster for over two years, with little to no success, other than some of them starting to move out,only to leave more of them behind that end up either in or by our dumpsters which makes me sick to my stomach. Laugh at me all you want, but it does and I'm not seeking any zionist oriented so called psychological therapy to try and make it seem okay to throw them away because that's what they would likely want and would label me with OCD to which I's want to scream in their face "Unless you see god and religion as a mental illness, then don;t tell me that love of something real is a mental illness! I have been using mantras nonstop, counting them to over 13 million in only two years, fire pujas in the form of candles, corresponding colors, oils, planetary hours, and days as well as avoiding void of course, and sealing away retrograde energy using the planetary seals for ages with little to no avail. Rather that set and forget, I feed and charge rituals daily.

I want to make a difference and also see results in my magickal practice. I honestly feel like the Jehovah god is working against me most of the time. There was one time when I even felt him tell me that he wanted to screw up my life and blame me for everything, using everything that I use to help others against me just to see me in misery and that he would destroy me if I told anyone that he was a monster and that I wanted to get away. Of course Christians would say it was the devil talking as they are so programmed with their philosophy. (I'm really not sure if this was just a delusion or hallucination as it came from reading the aura of my horrible alcoholic stepdad, but was strong enough for me to sense that.) I am beginning to feel like it is impossible to stop these neighbors from throwing TVs in the trash and I am fed up with the BALG forum because they all see that astrology doesn't matter and that emotions manifest everything. To me, saying that is law of attraction New Age nonsense. You have to put the work in to make things happen. I am considering hot foot powder, but have to use candles because I can't leave it at their door without risk of getting caught or harming their pets which is not good.

Not going to lie, even though my mantra yoga and sadhana practice is geared towards eliminating emotions and coming to a non-dual dharma led mind because emotions are the root cause of suffering (removing them by terminating the gene responsible for them would be nice.) this behavior of my neighbors makes me so pissed off that I want to mock their god to theor face and tell them to suck its dick and burn the bible, while I destroy it and pour its essence down their throat, forcing enlightenment upon them. No where else would even let me talk about how much I wanted to destroy Jehovah, not even dark psychology groups on FB. They called me a troll and laughed in my face which made we wanted to destroy them as well, even though I was trying to explain things from an intellectual perspective. I guess I was too Nazi for them.

All I know is I want this behavior to stop in my neighborhood and I want to use all the correct correspondences for it. I usually light a candle, charged and activated with mantric power and intention, along with with corresponding herbs and oils, sometimes color as I generally use white for everything as it's universal, in the corresponding planetary hour or on the day and put it out when leaving or when void of course moon happens because I don't yet have the planetary seal of the moon.

Sorry for ranting and if I need to introduce myself then please let me know. It's just that this is super annoying and debilitating for me and I have never been able to say what goes through my head yet. I've even have people ask what the hell was wrong with me because evidently showing love for something non biological but real is somehow wrong and mental illness, but if I told these people to throw their useless piece of shit of a god in the trash where it belongs, they would want to kill me over it.

I still work day and night to get to my goal though. Other things have came forth. This has not, and I'm not going to sit around and "accept" the jewish idea that "God is making you witness its destruction to make you see that its a worthless object and like all other objects it belongs in the trash." I would say the same thing about that god as well. I don't accept what I cannot change. I change what I cannot accept as acceptance is weakness! I will not accept the destruction and trashing of them. I want it to stop. I've even stopped using single use plastic bottles to be more conscious of the earth.

Two things I'd like to address here:

1. You should try some grounding and some aura, chakra cleaning as you are a bit on the deep end regarding this. I don't mean this in any bad way either but you need to be balanced.

2. If you are truly this passionate, perhaps having the Gods guide you to have an E-waste recycling buisness would be very beneficial to you.

Besides all this I understand, I have trouble throwing away my electronics as well. That's why I have two full drawers and a bin lol. But try not to take this so far that people question your mental stability, that's a sign you need to reel back a bit.
I would suggest to try also "Lubuntu", then there are other distros even lighter like: "Linux Lite" - "antiX OS" - "Bodhi Linux" - "Puppy Linux" - "Peppermint OS" - "TinyCore"


https://antixlinux.com/ (The fact that this Linux distro says they are anti-fascist makes me really angry, they can keep certain opinions to themselves.)

https://puppylinux-woof-ce.github.io/ | https://www.italianpuppy.org/download/tutti-i-download.html

http://tinycorelinux.net/ (Warning: Http protocol)


As for browsers: "Palemoon" - "QtWeb" - "Midori" - "Falkon" - "Netsurf" - "Qutebrowser"


http://www.qtweb.net/ (Warning: Http services)


And with this we solve the problem of any hardware even having 512MB of RAM, really poor CPU etc.. and we also solve the problem of the web and javascript too heavy.

Thank you for sharing this, I'm sure some members will find this very helpful. :)
I am not opposed to buying new technology and devices, nor should anyone else be. I own some older hardware and laptops, along with some newer computers.

The problem we have however is we still have no realistic way to stop these old electronics devices and computers from polluting and poisoning the planet heavily. It's a very serious problem, it's right up there with plastic.

You have whole areas of third world nations where just heaps and heaps of old computers and electronics are dumped and burned and even with recycling there's nothing that done to a sufficient extent for these components.

I understand not everyone can have a use case for keeping and repurposing older hardware, but it is important to do if possible.

I encourage you to research into this and watch many videos how toxic and bad for the environment old computers and electronics are, and you'll understand why I'm focused on the whole thing.
As I've said, I know without needing to look anymore what you're saying. The reason of those computer failing to function is due to the softwares reasons not hardware. One way to stop pollution is to make people aware of this very thing, of how the big tech companies/corporations are infecting those devices with viruses which can't be hidden which came mostly on updates.

On my device I have windows 10 ( which works way faster and better then 11, tested) because I'm right in what I've said. My updated are turned off trough some special settings which can be done in literal 2 minutes without requiring too much of a big brain to do so:

And again, I repeat, the devices are good, regardless of their age, it is the software connection trough forced updates of Windows which fuck up the actual electrical competent not the literal physical thing but it's brain "software".

The better solution I see would be not to use old computers but to show people that those computer/phone companies are garbage and do what I've said. The Govs are not carrying about this thing because they're making loads of money for their owj supremacy which is retarded in itself because we're all humans but leaders always worked against us, but not anymore, the more we wake up to truth the better.
As I've said, I know without needing to look anymore what you're saying. The reason of those computer failing to function is due to the softwares reasons not hardware. One way to stop pollution is to make people aware of this very thing, of how the big tech companies/corporations are infecting those devices with viruses which can't be hidden which came mostly on updates.

On my device I have windows 10 ( which works way faster and better then 11, tested) because I'm right in what I've said. My updated are turned off trough some special settings which can be done in literal 2 minutes without requiring too much of a big brain to do so:

And again, I repeat, the devices are good, regardless of their age, it is the software connection trough forced updates of Windows which fuck up the actual electrical competent not the literal physical thing but it's brain "software".

The better solution I see would be not to use old computers but to show people that those computer/phone companies are garbage and do what I've said. The Govs are not carrying about this thing because they're making loads of money for their owj supremacy which is retarded in itself because we're all humans but leaders always worked against us, but not anymore, the more we wake up to truth the better.

To be honest here I would do more research into what I explain here and not come to half-thought conclusions about important subjects. If you don't care, that's fine too and understandable..
To be honest here I would do more research into what I explain here and not come to half-thought conclusions about important subjects. If you don't care, that's fine too and understandable..
If don't know how you've reached on the conclusion that I do not chare , If I wouldn't care then I wouldn't had exposed the companies who make the abuse.

I paid $15000 2 months ago for Crosshair-16-HX-D14VX [laptop] it had the genuine and original windows 11 on it , it took 4 hours for this mega advance computer to finish it's entire update and settings and everything else, I have tried putting windows 10 and this was not worked , had to go trough some special settings in BIO's setting just so then.. I could be able to put windows 10 instead of 11. When I have finished that it took 20 minutes not 4 hours , give this laptop to a newbie and in 5 years time it should work perfectly but some will try it then and will obviously consider windows 11 as a OS then the person in question would believe the laptop is 'too old' and needs to throw it away when in reality , as I've said , the biggest issues are the software's not the actual electrical components [the computers/laptops/phone]. I know how those things works , this is not a contest of who is 'smarter' I am just telling you the pure fact of things , I have been born with the technology in my lap since I was a baby , got this thing in me , I am more then aware of what's going on , coming with 'if you don't care' is absurd , what you want me to say to prove that I do care beside the facts I've provided you with? Let's be honest now.


Now, obviously do not expect to believe everything ChatGPT or others AI would say because those are controlled ,observed and watched and their answers are limited within whoever wants to decide but I know that I am right as per for this OpenAi as extra information:

So again, in conclusion, the solution would not be to find an optimal way to reuse old systems but rather to expose companies such as those who are abusing and lagging them devices on purpose just for the marketing purposes.

Although you might be able to use an old computer for a while this will be outdated in time by the internet , many things are inter connected and even if you stop the updates and things as such they will still find a way to 'viruses' all of the devices in order for all of us to make more pollution and buy new one so they can get rich and the planet goes to shit.
- They could simply send data trough your IPS, browser , new and advanced plugins samd.

I hope this made more sense and I am also looking forward for a better and cleaner world.
Sorry about the grammar mistakes and the price was $1.500 not 15k.

I* care* samd.

Have a nice one !

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
