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Leveling up your God Ritual experience


Active member
Jun 26, 2024
The schedule for the Rituals to Eligos and Forcas has concluded. This was one of the better schedules I've ever participated in, for many reasons, and all lead back to an advancement that JoS has made, that many of you are already aware of.

These Rituals were very important to do, and I hope everyone was able to participate to the best of their ability. If you were lacking, you can still obviously perform these. Connecting with the Divine Nature of Forcas is incredibly important to attune oneself to Victory as a concept. To put it shortly, humanity has been constantly programmed to have a "loser mentality", to not chase victory, to not appreciate it.
Eligos, as equity, justice, and many occult representations that deal with the power of rectification, cleans up an important biblical curse that has made the jews more resilient in the face of persecution (persecution coming as rightful punishment for their actions). This curse's power on each individual, and on these material levels as a whole, has been heavily destroyed due to our efforts.
These Rituals act in tandem, and they had very important and specific roles, so I hope everyone here did their part. Regardless, all God Rituals are incredibly important for individual Theurgy (aligning oneself with the Gods to be more like them, and manifest more of their Divine Nature within the material) as well as its societal and energetic consequences.

God Rituals will always work. They will work even if you mess up a pronunciation here and there, they will work even if you miscount one rep, even if your voice cracks once, even if you didn't do it perfectly. But they are a tool, that can be made to be more efficient. They work as well as many factors allow.
Factors like:
- knowing proper technique, which comes with both knowledge and practice
- efficient energy output, which is a function of many skills that come through advancement, as well as focus that comes with practice
- more time and more God Rituals done over time, in order to even get that aforementioned practice
- more people doing the Rituals, for a bigger energy pool and a continuous "crystallization" of the intent of the Ritual. Imagine this as the Ritual being "engraved into history" as it is enforced more
- more people doing the Rituals at the same time, as synchronized effort pierces further. You don't have to fully understand the metaphysical factors at play here to just intuitively know that it helps

Many of these will be improved by having:
Motivation to do the Rituals, knowledge about how to be able to handle more, little tricks people with experience have discovered and a way to organize in order for that synchronization effect to be doable.

Clergy has decided to organize this space for our Rituals, and it is heavily encouraged for you to join.
If you are already doing God Rituals (at all), there is no reason NOT to join.

This space uses the Element platform, and if you have any issues with entering, do make sure to ask here and someone will most likely chime in and help.

Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ Ritual Room
This schedule that we did together was part of the strongest and most effective ones I've ever did.

I will briefly explain the benefits that I have instantly seen.

The first 3 Days felt like a bath in a soothing cleaning energy.

These 3 Days were followed by an incredibly risen sense of energy, since then I've started to feel my energy better than ever.

The next 3 Days kept increasing my energy and my ability to sense my chakras and be intuitive about my soul. I've also had certain visions and the energy felt like it was talking to me.

And the last day of the schedule, gave me the greatest gift.

Which I can describe like the ability to focus extremely well, this is a first, I can describe it as a perfect stillness.
Where my body is incredibly still, like it isn't even there, not the usual relaxation, where my focus is enhanced and my ability to raise energy aswell.

It is amazing.

Thank you to everyone who participated, thank you to the Clergy who made this possible and of course big thanks to our dear JG Alexandros Iowno!

Hail Satan!
Because of this ritual schedule I have been able to fix many things in my personal life. This is also the strongest ritual schedule for me as well. Organizing like this is a gift from the Gods.
The one experience I'll share when I performed the group rituals, especially for the Eligos ritual, was in the activation and cleansing I felt in my 3rd eye.

To simply explain, I felt the energy pierce my 3rd eye, fill my head with white-gold and then slowly desend down my body until it fully enveloped my aura.

It occured to me at the very end of the schedule that many of our brothers and sisters struggle mainly from the pattern of negative thoughts they may go through at certain times in their life that only serve as limitations in our spiritual empowerment. This negativity is then only amplified by the curses or programming the enemy has thrown at us our whole lives.

I noticed the more I meditated on the energy and 'memory' the rituals inspired in me, the harder it was throughout my day for me to entertain a negative mindset or perception over my life and self. It's incredible how therapeutic these latest rituals have turned out to be, and everyone really should join in on the Element group because we all know 100%, the JoS has some big ritual plans for the upcoming days to celebrate our Father Satanas.

I look forward to seeing new members join these powerful sessions.
The happy comments regarding this Ritual initiative have been really lovely to read lately. 🙂

I've also created an account to join in, but somehow it doesn't let me join through this direct link? It says I don't belong to any of the required spaces/rooms to join. But searching for it in the app just gives me an error message.. 😅
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I missed the element topic creation on the forums and messaged on the 10th later in the day so I was not able to participate. I'm so thankful that this is staying around!

I do have an issue in that I am unsure how to use that link on the application. I tried using Element on my browser but it says it's not supported: if there is a browser I should switch to than I gladly shall.
This was a BIG step forward for all of us both individually and collectively. I managed to do both rituals in the given times only twice and the difference from the solo/uncoordinated sessions was significant as expected and even more.

I know that this virtual temple will be improved and our methods further perfected with time. It's a beautiful thing to behold. Like a child becoming an adult to be proud of.

This schedule has given me a perfect blend of peace, power and learning. A practically indescribable feeling and a humbling experience that wouldn't have been possible without HPHC, JG AI and all of you so...

I'm eternally grateful.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I missed the element topic creation on the forums and messaged on the 10th later in the day so I was not able to participate. I'm so thankful that this is staying around!

I do have an issue in that I am unsure how to use that link on the application. I tried using Element on my browser but it says it's not supported: if there is a browser I should switch to than I gladly shall.
I just got invited properly on the app so no need for the aid!
The happy comments regarding this Ritual initiative have been really lovely to read lately. 🙂

I've also created an account to join in, but somehow it doesn't let me join through this direct link? It says I don't belong to any of the required spaces/rooms to join. But searching for it in the app just gives me an error message.. 😅
When you first set up your account, you should open it with the "demonicarmy.com" extension, not the "matrix.org" extension. Delete or deactivate your existing account and open an account again and replace the "matrix.org" extension with the "demonicarmy.com" extension. Afterwards, your account should look like this: @"your username":demonicarmy.com
The recent advice that was shared here about doing God Rituals, really helped me. I have been too "robotic" and rushed. Now, I feel the energy a lot more.

I'm still practicing and getting better at doing them, but the recent schedule was indeed very powerful. I think I enjoy and have more interest in these than doing the FRTR, although I believe that is still important (for the time being, at least?).

Anyway, in addition to the Ritual schedule, I did a Ritual to Queen Astarte for something, and pleaded for help and advice regarding a certain situation. I believe She acknowledged me and was aware of me, because I felt it, and the next day I really did feel like I had my answer and help. I am extremely grateful to Her. When I asked Father Satan for help with communicating with Her beforehand, I felt this intense energy almost instantly in my chest.

I look forward to doing more of them, and taking part in more schedules.
When you first set up your account, you should open it with the "demonicarmy.com" extension, not the "matrix.org" extension. Delete or deactivate your existing account and open an account again and replace the "matrix.org" extension with the "demonicarmy.com" extension. Afterwards, your account should look like this: @"your username":demonicarmy.com

Thank you for your reply! I actually did that (I followed the steps in the post of Draconi666 which mentioned this part) but it somehow does not work. I also tried once again with another account and also de- and reinstalling the app did not help..
I believe I understand it on some minor level so if you'd like help in the form of PM/Chat so it goes quicker I'm open to that. (if that's allowed and ok) Or we can do it here if you're more comfortable. I only offer because of being approved is time consuming on part of the moderator as well as keeping you from joining in as fast as possible, which has already helped me. Our lovely Satanic family is so diligent and group rituals are already taking place quite often in my literal only not even a full day of being there. I also believe it's the ethical thing to do because of the aid I was giving and the good feelings I am receiving on behalf of everyone and the Gods themselves. I can not overstate the help I've already received from these wonderful Brothers and Sisters of mine.

I really have to thank WoadWarrior personally for encouraging me to do the Bastet ritual as well as Forcas for some masculine clarity I needed. (I say them because someone pointed to them directly and I am no where near at the level to even understand the Gods rituals, I only know I need to do them) WoadWarrior also aided me in another way and showed me the error of what I was doing. It feels so nice to improve, and I'm also starting to see more and more hang-ups I have: which is good because that means I can move past them and know they are there when it comes time to do freeing the soul workings.

To speed things up I will say when you made the account did you ensure you made the account on the proper matrix? It needs to be the matrix of demonicarmy.com when you create the account as well. Also make sure to message @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com directly once the account is made and wait for the invite. I could not directly join myself but the invite worked wonders and bypassed whatever issues I was having. I believe the lesson for myself was another reminder of patience and persistence.

I wish you very good tidings and success in this endeavor. After all in the Forcas ritual one of the affirmations is success in all endeavors so if you feel worry I would suggest doing that. Again I've no idea the true power of these, their purpose, or reasons but that just came to me as a way you can help 'let of steam' and worry over this matter. Have faith that you will join one way or another and trust in this amazing family that Maxine has birthed into the world. Glory and Honor be our Mother Maxine's forevermore for helping save humanity.
Just in case someone runs into the same problem: the solution was to write to JG Alexandros Iowno ( @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com ) directly on the element app and I got an instant invite. Thank you!
Is this for everyone? I downloaded the app but can't seem to get to the link/it won't open. It keeps telling me to install the app even though it's installed on my phone
Thank you!
Hail Satan
Hey guys I'm trying to join the server and I'm having an issue it tells me error code 502 anyone have any idea what that is?
The schedule for the Rituals to Eligos and Forcas has concluded. This was one of the better schedules I've ever participated in, for many reasons, and all lead back to an advancement that JoS has made, that many of you are already aware of.

These Rituals were very important to do, and I hope everyone was able to participate to the best of their ability. If you were lacking, you can still obviously perform these. Connecting with the Divine Nature of Forcas is incredibly important to attune oneself to Victory as a concept. To put it shortly, humanity has been constantly programmed to have a "loser mentality", to not chase victory, to not appreciate it.
Eligos, as equity, justice, and many occult representations that deal with the power of rectification, cleans up an important biblical curse that has made the jews more resilient in the face of persecution (persecution coming as rightful punishment for their actions). This curse's power on each individual, and on these material levels as a whole, has been heavily destroyed due to our efforts.
These Rituals act in tandem, and they had very important and specific roles, so I hope everyone here did their part. Regardless, all God Rituals are incredibly important for individual Theurgy (aligning oneself with the Gods to be more like them, and manifest more of their Divine Nature within the material) as well as its societal and energetic consequences.

God Rituals will always work. They will work even if you mess up a pronunciation here and there, they will work even if you miscount one rep, even if your voice cracks once, even if you didn't do it perfectly. But they are a tool, that can be made to be more efficient. They work as well as many factors allow.
Factors like:
- knowing proper technique, which comes with both knowledge and practice
- efficient energy output, which is a function of many skills that come through advancement, as well as focus that comes with practice
- more time and more God Rituals done over time, in order to even get that aforementioned practice
- more people doing the Rituals, for a bigger energy pool and a continuous "crystallization" of the intent of the Ritual. Imagine this as the Ritual being "engraved into history" as it is enforced more
- more people doing the Rituals at the same time, as synchronized effort pierces further. You don't have to fully understand the metaphysical factors at play here to just intuitively know that it helps

Many of these will be improved by having:
Motivation to do the Rituals, knowledge about how to be able to handle more, little tricks people with experience have discovered and a way to organize in order for that synchronization effect to be doable.

Clergy has decided to organize this space for our Rituals, and it is heavily encouraged for you to join.
If you are already doing God Rituals (at all), there is no reason NOT to join.

This space uses the Element platform, and if you have any issues with entering, do make sure to ask here and someone will most likely chime in and help.

Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ Ritual Room
How can one level up the other rituals when performing them

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
