Yoga Asana of the Day: Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2)
Illustration by @Ardgion
Standing in Mountain Pose, spread your feet approximately 4 feet (48 inches) apart to the sides, arms straight out at shoulder height, palms facing down. Turn the right foot 90 degrees to the right, and left foot slightly to the right. (Alternatively, you can begin from Mountain Pose by stepping the left foot back by 4 feet and turning the left foot slightly outwards, keep the right foot where it is.) Keep your entire left leg engaged and knee tightened. Inhale, and on the exhale bend the right knee so the thigh is parallel to the floor, forming a right angle from your thigh to your shin. Do not bring your right knee in front of the toes, keep it above the heel.
Keep your arms straight as in the illustration, feel a stretch across the shoulders and chest. Face your right palm. Keep your shoulders in line with your hips and fully open. Feel strength in your hips, and a balance of your shoulders being above your hips. Keep your core engaged. Remain in this pose for up to 30 seconds with deep breathing.
To do the other side: From the above, straighten your right leg, pivot on your feet so your left leg is now in front yet your chest is still facing the same direction; repeat all instructions for the left side. To finish, relax your arms, straighten your legs and return to Mountain Pose.
Benefits: This pose strengthens the legs and prevents/treats leg cramps. It is relieving for the back.
Illustration by @Ardgion
Standing in Mountain Pose, spread your feet approximately 4 feet (48 inches) apart to the sides, arms straight out at shoulder height, palms facing down. Turn the right foot 90 degrees to the right, and left foot slightly to the right. (Alternatively, you can begin from Mountain Pose by stepping the left foot back by 4 feet and turning the left foot slightly outwards, keep the right foot where it is.) Keep your entire left leg engaged and knee tightened. Inhale, and on the exhale bend the right knee so the thigh is parallel to the floor, forming a right angle from your thigh to your shin. Do not bring your right knee in front of the toes, keep it above the heel.
Keep your arms straight as in the illustration, feel a stretch across the shoulders and chest. Face your right palm. Keep your shoulders in line with your hips and fully open. Feel strength in your hips, and a balance of your shoulders being above your hips. Keep your core engaged. Remain in this pose for up to 30 seconds with deep breathing.
To do the other side: From the above, straighten your right leg, pivot on your feet so your left leg is now in front yet your chest is still facing the same direction; repeat all instructions for the left side. To finish, relax your arms, straighten your legs and return to Mountain Pose.
Benefits: This pose strengthens the legs and prevents/treats leg cramps. It is relieving for the back.