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Recent content by Hidden Warrior

  1. H

    Questions Ad infinitum

    Hello, You can't change the house planets position. On the other hand, you can make any work to enhance a planet or house. Here lies the difference between normal people and magicians. Normal people can't do anything to change their fate, so they will be slave of their natal chart. Magician...
  2. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    UPDATE! Bulgarian language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits go to @Banicaman and @OccultAffinity666 who I thank for their efforts on this work. For any mistake, bug or anything else, reply below. HAIL ZEUS!
  3. H

    Of how the God's travel between the altars they have in earth

    First, chill, second, do you know how to read English? Take my previous reply and translate it into your native language, as I never stated you don't have to read it.
  4. H

    Please Read if You are Raising the Kundalini Serpent - Raw Reality I've Learned from Raising Mine

    You clearly don't even know what you are talking about. If you had a risen kundalini, rest assured you wouldn't be here writing multiple replies, but working closely with the Gods. I am not here to "block" your path, but you can see that we started from the initial post where you stated to have...
  5. H

    Of how the God's travel between the altars they have in earth

    The Gods don't "materially" travel from altar to altar. You don't have to read these texts as if they were describing real scenarios. A lot of them are histories to teach ethics or other hidden spiritual teachings.
  6. H

    Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG): A Modern Guide for the Zevists

    You are just describing how the Gods communicate with us when we are not able to astrally communicate with them, that is, through visions, sensations, and other factors. No need to create fancy terms.
  7. H

    Please Read if You are Raising the Kundalini Serpent - Raw Reality I've Learned from Raising Mine

    As already stated by @Aquarius, you didn't rise your Kundalini. This forum is no more a place where random people can show up stating to have risen the Kundalini when they where 14 years old. People like Aristotle, Pythagora, Apollonio of Tyana probably had risen kundalinis. Even if a...
  8. H


    Impeccable work as always!!! The design is beautiful, and the content is on levels I've never seen before. May Zeus blesses all of you!
  9. H

    Recent revelation ,

    Lord Zeus is not the creator of the universe in the sense of how we humans perceive creation. The Universe has not time and space, and at the same time it is infinite and it has always existed and will always exists. These are higher order spiritual topics, one cannot simply sit before a laptop...
  10. H

    2025 SS Calendars

    It should be working fine now. Sorry for the little downtime.
  11. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Update: - Added Bengali astrology calendar - Added Hindi astrology calendar - Added Lithuanian astrology calendar Thank you to all the translators that worked to their realization!
  12. H

    Inside High Priest Initiation – Humanity’s Hidden War Revealed

    We can witness a special evolution of a humanity soul, from which we must learn and apply as much as possible. Hail the Son of Zeus, High Priest Hooded Cobra!
  13. H

    Anu=Enki,Enlil. Enki ≠Enlil

    Read the new information. We are continuously evolving and discovering new information, as we connect more with the Gods. Satan and Zeus are the same being, but these two names represent different aspects of the Universe.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
