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Recent content by Egon

  1. Egon

    About the translations

    Also only the other pdfs are not translated, the 2005 sermons in web pages are but I forgot to upload them. I will do so as soon as I finish moving. @Sol Rei 666 @alquimista13
  2. Egon

    moderador preciso de ajuda

    Manda um recado para @ApolloAbove [TG] mixar sua conta antiga com a atual.
  3. Egon

    Rituals #76749 Which Ritual Should I Do to Get into that Job?

    You can prologue your blessings ritual / rune workings by doing the Power Ritual of a God related to the job, and doing your personal prayer at the end, for example, Thoth for IT, Andras if you will work on a gym or military, Asclepius and Valefor for medicine, etc., use your intuition and...
  4. Egon

    Other #76756 Patient person to the joy of Satan.

    No one comes here perfect already. This just means you have an overreactive mind/too much air, and needs balance through meditation. Stick to a meditation program and these problems will fix themselves with time,
  5. Egon

    About the translations

    True, could there be a priority list of sermons/books to be translated? Also I ask the other translators to pay attention to the sermons page because I already used several existing sermons that are in the library, so you don't repeat them: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Satanic_Sermons.html...
  6. Egon

    Me ajudem

    Dá no mesmo, tudo isso faz parte da alma.
  7. Egon

    Me ajudem

    Não vai fechar, é só limpar todos os teus chakras e alma depois.
  8. Egon

    About the translations

    Yes, the original 3 made by Lady Maxine. Gods Rituals are priority, me or @BlackOnyx8 [TG] have them all in time for schedules: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/rituais.html
  9. Egon

    About the translations

    Anything that aren't the classic websites by Lady Maxine as I did them all. I haven't translated Edward's stuff, and there are some sermon series that could be translated like afterlife series by HP HC. Also I'm waiting to see how the new domains will work before transposing all existing...
  10. Egon

    Magia negra

    Esses sermões vão esclarescer isso: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/hate.18990 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/feeling-sorry.17765 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/on-satanic-revenge-ethics-about-anger.82412...
  11. Egon

    Evoke Godess Afrodite

    You can do the ritual to Astarte and mentally pray to her at the end/meditation part: https://josrituals.org All the rituals to the Gods listed should be tried eventually as well as these empower and open the soul to blessings. What you can expect...
  12. Egon

    Love yall im finally understanding more about spirituality and our gods ,but i have one question.

    First two links at: https://blacksun666.org Probably more will going to be added when Zevist Personalities section becomes available.
  13. Egon

    ZEVISTS: Our New Name, Zeus & Thunder Power - Sat & Zev

    Also the word for "God" in Spanish is Dios, and in Irish it's Día. Now that you mention it, it sure is strange when they use the argument "because Italian x Latin are also different languages", yet they still sound almost identical, but when it's Greek it is supposed to have become fully...
  14. Egon

    ZEVISTAS: Nosso Novo Nome, Zeus & Poder do Trovão - Sat & Zev

    Saudações a todos da nossa família SS Estou abaixo para explicar todos os antecedentes e processos simbólicos para que continuemos no caminho do conhecimento e da consciência mais elevados. Em breve, a Página de Símbolos em nosso site será atualizada, mostrando verdades e compreensão mais...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
