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  • MEDITATION PATH UPDATE - Limitations and overcoming them, workings and backlash

    I ran into some financial issues recently. Nothing insane, just mini-disasters that required some spending that I frankly didn't have the income to fix, by having some emergency cash.
    I asked a Guardian how to deal with this problem, and got the advice to ask the Gods, and do a basic Runic working for money. This is the first time I did a working in order to genuinely enact change in my life, so this is likely beneficial info to some people here.

    I initially did a Ritual to Lucifius, with the goal of asking for help in this process. There was a sum of money I had to gather, a few methods that could work, some brainfog on my end, some pessimism on my end because of the situation, and a little bit of hope.
    After Ritual, I breathe in the energy of Lucifius, and enter into a communication session, with just me, the sigil and a piece of paper.

    I was able to put together a small plan to get about 90% of the money I needed, with one of the methods to gain the money requiring pure luck as it was sales-based. I only had 90% of the money even if things worked properly.

    The working was simple. 111 FEHU vibrations, some affirmations, some visualization. I've grown to be able to feel energy and other similar things, and this working showed me a lot of my power.
    When vibrating, after a little while, I entered trance, everything was a little bit more colorful and quiet, and I felt the power of being able to laser focus on something, feel the energy all around me, and raise it using the mechanism that the rune offered. These words will likely only make sense if you've used energy for a working before, and it really is a beautiful click moment.
    Then I did the affirmations, and then visualization. I saw myself succeeding, my mind was on the goal, and visualization was beautiful. I felt a powerful energy buzz while laying down and visualizing, and so many things clicked. The amount that thoughts control consciousness, the energy buzz itself, everything was blissful. Frankly, not much can be said here as far as words. If you do it, you will know what I felt.

    I am doing a 40 day working, and I'm just done with being halfway.

    I had 6 days to make the money, and I didn't make it via the selling related option. I got my money easily, partially with a paid favor to an old friend. I had full confidence that what I was doing was going to alter my path and lead me to a positive direction. I just knew.

    In the end, when push came to shove, I paid everything I needed to pay, in a very surprising way.

    I did feel pushback, I had no money and no food for a couple days, learned some tough lessons of money management, and knew deeply that the Gods were going to help me and I was going to achieve what I needed.

    Now, writing this post, these events are about a week old. I got a few extra projects in my side gig that gave me some extra money, me and the missus have had some upgrades in terms of income, and I have cash to spare. I'll definitely set up an emergency fund, then do another working in some time after finishing this one. Hopefully we'll have some real disposable income to donate to the ToZ.

    Frankly, I can't talk about this working as much as I want to. Things are often quite personal, and we each have our own path.

    But I want to throw a suggestion onto the people reading this. TRUST THE GODS, AND TRUST YOUR OWN POWER.

    Mentally, and intelectually, I'm quite an advanced individual. But I still have so much work cut out for me to truly become a full human. This working taught me quite a bit, and it taught me something very interesting that I must stress.
    ENERGY IS BLISS. A fundamental understanding of the underlying principles of reality is bliss. Knowing your human spirit can achieve what it sets out to achieve is bliss.

    Life is genuinely an amazing adventure, with its challenges and issues. If you anchor yourself in the Gods, you will go quite far. I'll definitely keep speaking about my experiences, and I hope my enthusiasm intoxicates others. If my writings are to do anything for you, they must make you a devout follower of the Gods and of this path. All else is just meaningless details, and the mysteries this path offers are amazing. I am ultimately a beginner. The things that can be achieved on this path are infinitely larger than what I can see, and thinking about that is pure delirium. You will climb, you will fall, and you will enjoy it, if you understand the purpose behind it.
    I'll talk about some meditation updates here, since I'm journaling anyway, and it'll help keep me accountable as I'm leveling up my routine.

    For today, an interesting thing I noticed is how a formed habit can manifest.

    I did my morning meditation, as usual, and after some extra tasks I had to do throughout the day and a tiring workout session, I felt completely out of it for evening meditations, and I just didn't feel like doing my regular AoP (18 ALGIS and 18 SOWILO). I wanted to just do my bare minimum of 9 and move on, because I just "didn't feel it".
    But, wouldn't you know it, when I started, I got completely in the vibe and did my usual 18 vibrations just fine.

    Early on in my meditation routine, I didn't really feel that snowball effect when starting. Starting took mental effort, pursuing took mental effort.
    Now, I've formed a bit of a mental habit, so my mind would find it weird to do less after starting, and I've also begun to feel energy a lot more, which makes meditation far more fun. It's like when you eat and you can't stop until you're satiated.

    It's still a slight mental effort to start meditating, but I can feel it becoming less and less of an effort over time. I might drop my current routine here sometime in the future, but let this post be a motivator. And hey, maybe people who see this should also start talking about their meditation journey on the Forums.
    My new signature banner.
    The Caduceus is a symbol that I've always enjoyed ever since I was a little child, and while I am not sure about who my Guardian Daemon is, Lord Thoth has been the God (besides Zeus Himself) that I've had the most intense experiences with during His Ritual.
    Zeus Ammon is there as my favorite portrayal of Father, as a testament to my love for Greek and Egyptian culture specifically, and because I personally love horns as a symbol.
    Playing around with a certain artistic style in image generation.

    People who have been exposed to christian imagery can recognize what this style is mirroring, and it insidious to me that this beautiful Hellene artstyle, inherently European in its nature, is associated with so much evil and ugliness. I want to make a dent in this.

    Just generating these images and seeing this style used for positive imagery was cathartic to me. So expect more to come.

    Spirituality, "Divinity within our consciousness", and "mental hijacking"
    - How the abrahamic religions program the mind

    It is with sadness and with happiness that I write this essay. Happiness, because it is a weapon against the enemy. Sadness, because many will not grasp it.
    The natural path of a human, biologically without even involving belief in the spiritual, is upwards, and towards well being. This is because evolution is a natural force that propels us to better adapt to the environment, and because the human body and mind are designed to function well, not to be broken or work against the betterment of the individual. These are ideal conditions.
    However, existence also contains entropic forces that drag one down, from natural decay to entities that are in alignment with these entropic forces, and against the forces of expansion and betterment. These latter, are the "Enemy", and they have worked in clever ways against us.
    They influence minds that are vulnerable, misaligned, making horrible mistakes that have set them in the lowest dwellings of consciousness. That is how they have chosen their perfect group of perpetrators for their schemes. This influence, and this group, creates harmful ideology whose main goal is programming of the mind.
    Our experiences shape how we see reality, at levels where the average person does not even notice how heavily these influence their worldview, their actions, and thus, what they create in the world.
    But the most abhorrent type of ideology that has done this is the Judaic-originated abrahamic religions, because they hijack how we view not just ideas, principles, and all that, but also what I will call "anchors of consciousness".
    "God", understood as the highest truth there is, the ideal of perfection, the ineffable, omnipresent essence of reality and of creation, is a concept that is an unalienable element of the human mind.In a human mind that is functioning optimally, "God" in this sense, is an important operator of our decisions, acting as one of the concepts that should most highly decide our actions.There are other similar "anchors", but this example will suffice for my point.
    Through my spiritual experience, I've found it is factual that our consciousness being connected to these concepts in a healthy way is an absolutely beneficial thing. It is a healthy element of a belief system, optimal for what a human should be like, and will lead only to benefits. It will draw you away from malicious things, strengthen your moral compass, draw you to expand your consciousness by studying and living life, by thinking critically and seeking Truth, while authentically loving the self, appreciating life, and affirming reality as opposed to delusion.
    This much does not need "belief in the supernatural" to be believed, and while I would go further to say that these anchors are gifts given to our consciousness by the Gods, I am not focusing on that to make this post as palatable to the skeptical crowd as I can.
    While reading the above paragraph, you might've thought that this is not what the average "God believer" acts like, they are delusional, don't affirm life or reality, use God as a crutch for their limited worldview, and as escapism.
    This is where that programming comes in.

    Most enemy ideologies simply lower the importance of these anchors within the individual's belief system, driving one away from them, but this most heinous subversion of religion acts as their ultimate trap, as it is a method to "counterfeit" these tethers we have to higher concepts, that both drives us away from the real anchors, as well as creating fake "anchors" that truly only drive us further away from reality, into delusion and death.
    When these false bindings become strong enough, one is a "religious fanatic", where their mind is completely shaped by these religious programs. Their connection to, say, God, appears powerful to them, but it is an illusion. They have made their entire worldview religious, but the source of that religion is enemy propaganda, meant to empower one small group and weaken all others. Meant to ultimately lead humanity towards death.To break these bindings and re-establish connections to the true anchors can be a Herculean task. The expression I used in the title might be straight out of science fiction.
    But, after reading this text, after understanding what programming does, what else can you call a person that has fully fallen within these systems, their worldview altered and their perception of reality warped, other than a person who has had their mind hijacked?

    Essay written for Outreach.
    Zeus of greatest renown, aid us in our journey.
    May your greatness be known to all.

    Hail Zeus Basileus, Hypsistos, Pantokrator, Hegemon, Ombrios, Bronton, Astrapaeus, Keraunos, Ouranios, Dikaios, Moiragetes, Themistos, Horcios, Xenios, Sthenios, Tropaios, Stator, Nikephoros, Meilichios, Kouros, Kataibates, Cthonios, Zagreus, Ktesios, Ploutodotes, Philios, Agoraios, Euregetes, Tauros, Ammon, Lykaios, Keraunios, Aetophoros, Bouleus, Mantis, Epiphanes, Genethlios, Herkeios, Karpophoros, Phytalmius, Anax, Theos, Eleutherios, Charidotes, Eosphoros, Soter, Pater, Syllabos, Teleios, Apomyiios, Ithomatas, Katachthonios, Melichios, Olympios, Stratios, Akraios, Polieus, Areios, Georgos, Krateros, Hypatos, Homagyrios, Pandemos, Koryphaios, Boulaios, Hypatus, Sosipolis, Astrapaios, Keratinos, Lykeios, Panhellenios, Theodotes, Semaleos, Amphictyon, Hikesios, Phyxios, Boanerges, Tropaiophoros, Xanthos, Labrandeus, Orkios, Pylaios, Skotitas, Theophoros, Agathos Daimon, Hyetius, Kyrios, Pankrates, Pistios, Tenedios, Thaulios, Thaumasius, Epakrios, Erymanthios, Aetnaeus, Olympos, Naos, Eleios, Laphystios, Larisaios, Limnaios, Lydios, Moneta, Mysiakos, Oritos, Ourios, Pasios, Petasios, Polichos, Sabazios, Semnos, Sitalkas, Smintheus, Synomosios, Tympanios, Zmertios, Adad, Ammos, Anemos, Epekoos, Gamelios, Harmonius, Helios, Hicesios, Kerannos, Kryphios, Lachmaios, Lariseus, Lathrios, Limenaios, Mochthos, Panamourios, Patrikios, Phemios, Sator, Skopeus, Telios.

    Glorified has been your Brother in this day!image1.png
    Many people pray or communicate with their Guardian Demon, or Father, and that is great. I've been doing that for quite a bit too, to great results. It's essential and I would argue it's just as essential as cleaning, AoP and other habits as a daily practice, a spiritual checkpoint during every day.
    But communicating similarly with the other Gods can feed the soul in different ways, expose you to more diverse energies, and give you a wider perspective.

    Today, I opened the Rituals site (the quickest way I use in order to access the sigils) to do my evening prayer to Father, but I had an intense intuitive desire to instead open Lady Astarte's page.
    As per my usual practice, I focus on the sigil and meditate on the moment, trying to clear my mind, then breathe the sigil's energy into me similarly to foundation meditation, then speak my mind.

    I felt a much different energy and attitude "watching" me, palpably different to Father.
    The issues I discussed, emotions I vented, and plans I was making did indeed fit better with Astarte's dominions, and I feel like this intuition was good to follow.

    I might dedicate specific days to try to become closer to specific Gods, and allow in their influence a bit more. This post is here to advise others to do the same.

    The method I described above of prayer is also advisable when one wants to regularly stay within the Gods' "embrace", without the need to do God Rituals, as the more I advance, the more I understand that the God Rituals are not to be "spammed" (this is also emphasized highly by JGs and Clergy in the Temple. (Join it if you haven't already)


    Zeus is the highest being within form.
    Satya is the highest being beyond form.
    Together, they are God.

    Join us on X!
    Compiling here some of the video materials I've helped create for JoS as part of Outreach. I want to use the profile post feature more, and I guess this works as a start.
    If you also want to contribute to JoS's growth by using your social media skills, video and image skills, etc., contact @Alexandros Iowno [JG] for further inquiry, or use the specific thread for it.

    Jewish slander of the ancient Culture - 10 minute video
    Who is Beelzebub? - based on the JoS site section - 1 minute video
    Rune Series: Fehu - 1 minute video
    The Golden Age - based on a sermon by HPHC - 3 minute video

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
