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Lord Andles

Sitemizi okuyabilirsiniz.


  • Zodyak Pozisyonu: Kova Burcunun 10-14. dereceleri
  • Tarihleri: 30 Ocak-3 Şubat
  • Tarot Kartı: Kılıç 6’lısı
  • Mum Rengi: Siyah*
  • Bitkisi: Menekşe
  • Hayvanı: “Cehennem” Köpeği/Kurt*
  • Gezegeni: Plüton ve Mars*
  • Metali: Demir ve Gümüş*
  • Elementi: Ateş*
  • Rütbesi: Lord Andras’ın rütbesinin insanlarda karşılığı yoktur.*
  • Lord Andras, Şeytan’ın Baş Muhafızı ve Güvenlik Şefidir*
  • Lord Andras 30 lejyon yönetir ve bir Gece Demonı’dır
Lord Andras, İngiltere’nin güneydoğusunda bulunan Weald’da geçmişte tapınılan Tanrıdır. Düşmanları tamamıyla yok edebilir. Lord Andras, (düşman) büyücüleri ve onların asistanlarını öldürmesiyle ünlüdür. Çok tehlikeli olduğu söylenir.

Andras, erkek olmasına rağmen aynı zamanda İngiliz ve Keltik Tanrıça Andrasta olarak da bilinir. “Andrasta”nın anlamı “Yenilmez Olan (“The Invincible One”)”dır. Andrasta Iceni kabilesinin koruyucu Tanrıçasıydı. İngilizlerin savaşçı kraliçesi Boudicca’nın Romalı düşmanlarına karşı savaşa gitmeden önce Andrasta’ya dua ettiği söylenir.

Andras’ı uzun bir süredir tanıyorum. Aslında Şeytan’a adanmış olanlara son derece cana yakındır. Kendisi gerçek bir savaşçıdır. Kendisi benimle ilk olarak Ouija Tahtam aracılığıyla iletişim kurdu. Onu ilk kez gördüğümde kısa boyluydu, siyah-beyaz çizgili bir gömlek giyiyordu ve hoyrat bir görünümü vardı. Yanında bir de sert, tozlu ve gri tüylü, kırmızı gözlü, vahşi görünen, hırlayan siyah bir kurt şeklinde bir “Cehennem Köpeği” vardı. Andras’ın üzerinde enerji çalışması yapıp onu özgür bıraktıktan sonra, kendisi uzun, ince ve çok yakışıklı bir Demon’a dönüştü. Uzun, beyaz bir kaftan giyiyor ve ortasından ayrılmış, beline kadar uzayan altın sarısı saçları var. Kendisi gerçek bir savaşçı, ama aynı zamanda da bir sanatçıdır. Andras, düşmana karşı en tehlikeli Tanrılardan biridir.

— Yüksek Rahibe Maxine
Hello, this is the 666 forum, so I will answer in English. You can use Deepl.

Lord Andras is Ares from Greek mythology.

Lord Andras is a god who was worshipped in the past in the Weald in the southeast of England. I believe this is where the phrase "Great King of the Weald" comes from in his ritual.

Many times when I pray to him, it is as if my fear suddenly disappears. I feel a sense of courage when I say his name.

He is very close to Satan.

He is a commander.
Hello, this is the 666 forum, so I will answer in English. You can use Deepl.

Lord Andras is Ares from Greek mythology.

Lord Andras is a god who was worshipped in the past in the Weald in the southeast of England. I believe this is where the phrase "Great King of the Weald" comes from in his ritual.

Many times when I pray to him, it is as if my fear suddenly disappears. I feel a sense of courage when I say his name.

He is very close to Satan.

He is a commander.
Rhank you Can you tell me about your experiences?
Rhank you Can you tell me about your experiences?
It is good to share our experiences with each other. This inspires new members. And that's great.

Lord Andras' element is fire.

When I was 6 or 7 years old, after waking up in the morning, I was walking to the kitchen to get a drink of water. About 20 meters from my window, I saw a big ball of fire blazing.

No one could see it but me. It was in the shape of a sphere of energy. I gasped for breath. And I was dumbfounded.
It kept burning.

It reminds me of who I am and where I come from. And that I have a purpose. I don't know if Lord Andras did this.

i dont know why, something prompted me to share this.

Other than that, I don't have anything to say for now. So many demons have found a place in my heart. I love them.

-You can organize a ritual for him.
-You can meditate on his Sigil.
-You can connect with him using your heart chakra.
-Taking care of your spiritual work and taking care of yourself will make him happy.


He is a great commander and leader.

If you have any further questions, you can contact me in the Turkish forum or here.

You can also work on the crown, third and throat chakras. This will benefit your psychic communication.
Andras, Andrasta, Ares, Tyr...
These are the names of Andras. Not Andles. Writing the names of the gods without distorting them is a sign of respect.
It is good to share our experiences with each other. This inspires new members. And that's great.

Lord Andras' element is fire.

When I was 6 or 7 years old, after waking up in the morning, I was walking to the kitchen to get a drink of water. About 20 meters from my window, I saw a big ball of fire blazing.

No one could see it but me. It was in the shape of a sphere of energy. I gasped for breath. And I was dumbfounded.
It kept burning.

It reminds me of who I am and where I come from. And that I have a purpose. I don't know if Lord Andras did this.

i dont know why, something prompted me to share this.

Other than that, I don't have anything to say for now. So many demons have found a place in my heart. I love them.

-You can organize a ritual for him.
-You can meditate on his Sigil.
-You can connect with him using your heart chakra.
-Taking care of your spiritual work and taking care of yourself will make him happy.


He is a great commander and leader.

If you have any further questions, you can contact me in the Turkish forum or here.

You can also work on the crown, third and throat chakras. This will benefit your psychic communication.
Ohhhh goodddd ,Thank You very much

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
