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About The Power Of Us and The Enemy - Visiting/Gazing Into Other Worlds

GoldenxChild1 said:
Maybe this is a foolish question, and if so, I apologize, but why don't our beloved Gods show themselves physically to humanity and refute all argument to our origins and purpose? Satan has won the war "up above", and I would guess that Orion has control over the solar system as well.

Are there rules of engagement?

Even if the majority of Mankind is unwelcoming, they are inferiors and could be divided or disposed of.

A statement has to be made.

The enemy must understand that so long as our planets and races are intact their will be struggle. Understand that the enemy is here in the case of rabbi and Jews. This planet is also surrounded by enemy aliens, and Earth's astral filled with the enemy.

How disheartening to the enemy would it be if they lost this planet, without our Gods' even lifting a finger or coming here? The enemy would think twice before they do it again, they would think are the resources and time even worth it?

At least that is my opinion.
slyscorpion said:
We can't just let them be around somewhere even if they are fully exposed their existence is a biological and spiritual hazard to earth and anything or anyone they come in contact with even if in an isolated quarantined area. Plus if you let them sit around you never know that the war is over for sure until they are gone.

That's right. Even so, I've never said they should stay, that would be exactly like you have head lice, and after you discover that, you think that they're all gone or they won't do harm to your scalp anymore just because you now know about them, which is completely wrong. Parasites are still parasites.

However, as this happens on a larger scale, genocide wouldn't be possible, and the reason why is in this: "There would be no war if the enemy was simply superior". Since head lices are inferior you can just get rid of them in a few days up to a week, but when it comes to jews, this becomes hardly possible, as we are at war they're not inferior either, and let's not forget that they are still an enforced authority on this earth.

All we can do now is wait and see the effects of our RTRs, they will most likely expose themselves so much that people will act physically in order to get rid of them or even destroy them, but there are lots of ways this can manifest. They won't be staying here, that's for sure, parasites are still parasites.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
This story of nordics going against Satan doesn't ring right to me, it feels like one of those mainstream stories like "the Gods came here to mine gold".
In the whole universe the Nordics probably doesn't just mean Father Satan's side, and those you speak about weren't allied with him from the start.

Perhaps you're right. That would mean going back to square one in my understanding. What a shame.

Although there is probably an element of truth to that story. The jews refer to themselves as gods and to us as slaves, and apparently gold has been found on the Moon just like on Earth. And the jews are obsessed with both gold and slaves. It's like their two favorite things.

If we follow Phaeton theory as written in the JoS sermons, and this Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth to form Earth's Moon, then maybe we could assume that Phaeton had a lot of gold? And also, crashing the planet associated with the psychic chakra seems like a microchip attempt, but on a planet level. So there's the slaves element and the gold element.

What do you think?
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.

The ancient stories people used to bring on fear about planet x awhile ago. The great destroyer, the flood etc. I think this is all related to that.

Unrelated questions:

Did they borg or enslave Mars and/or phaeton or just destroy it. Was there actually another planet in another solar system people sometimes or often visited or colonized if so what and where was that and what happened to the people there or are they still fine.
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.

I only know as much as a few others here but maybe I can help give some more credence on the series of events in the solar system.

1.) Earth apparently had a enormous impact with a large body 'supposedly' 4.5 billion years ago. This would have been well before any proto life had yet developed at least to our understanding. This was well before the dinosaurs and the complex organisms living here today. This was even technically long, long ago. Before even the life span of some of our Gods, which are reported to roughly be 500,000 years old or greater/lesser to that age. We are talking supremely ancient ancient history here for our solar system. This may or may not have kicked up the debris to form our moon, id wager it did not (will explain shortly) OR it was only enough to create a lesser much smaller non-spherical moon at the time. Like Mar's potato shaped moons.

2.) Billions of years later war found its way into our solar system. Probably a million years from our current date, but the exact time and date of this is largely speculative. All we know is that war began here. Not sure amongst who, or why. It could have been between the Gods of Duat and early reptilians, it could have been between other alien factions or species. I don't know. All we know is that war started up in our solar system.

3.) During this period of war several events took place around generally the same period of time. Albeit it likely with hundreds or even thousands of years apart.
3.)-a.) A large water filled world known as Phaeton was destroyed. This ejected a tremendous amount of water into our solar system that later froze into ice. After a period of time this frozen water found its way to Earth and began impacting the planet. Its unknown whither these huge glacial impacts tilted Earth off its axis, or if the earlier 4.5 billion year old impact caused this, but one of those two impacts was responsible. Earth priar to taking on Phaetons frozen glacial remnants was a rather temperate and warm planet. The abundance of added glacial ice cooled earth substantially and begin Earth's ice ages. Prior to this it is also theorized the continent of Antarctica was home to temperate temperatures and may have supported plant and animal life in greater numbers than today, this is just speculation but a possibility.

4.) At some point around this same period, most likely during or near Phaetens destruction Mars was host to an advanced intelligent species and society. I do not know their relation to us or the Gods of Duat, but it is speculated, infact I believe confirmed that there is a small population of 'Martians' living there today deep underground. This society of Martians was nuked, by extremely powerful planet scorching level nuclear devices. It leveled almost every single advanced lifeform on the world. Billions of sentient lives lost, trillions of floral and fauna gone almost abruptly.

5.) At some point to Gods of Duat arrived on Earth if they were not already heavily involved in affairs within the solar system previously due to the former mentioned affairs. They mined Gold (I believe) to help repair atmospheric conditions on Duat, and also created a gene-spliced hybrid race of themselves, us, humanity. NOT for slavishly mining gold, but to be Earth's Stewards. We were to watch over Earth, care for it and live with it. Advance ourselves, learn and grow spiritually and achieve godhead through their benevolent truths and knowledge.
5.)-a.) It is also around this time, to my understanding, the Gods gifted Earth the moon as we have it today. Either by artificial construction or they took a rocky body from our system and shaped it. Regardless it is highly speculated the Gods did this to reform the spiritual astral body connection to Earth from when Phaeton was destroyed. It is my understanding Earth's Moon is a replacement for Phaeton. This would explain its abnormally large size even though Earth does not have a sufficient enough mass to capture a spherical satellite naturally. We should only be capable of capturing smaller moons naturally like Mar's moons. Also the moons mass if complete, should have much greater gravitational forces on Earth but it does not. Suggesting the satellite may be hollow to some capacity. And third it is perfectly positioned so that it eclipses our sun, in a nearly perfect manner. By the possibilities of this occuring naturally it is almost impossible for such a perfect chain of events such as this to produce themselves on their own.

6.) Reptilians to my understanding are solely responsible for the creation of the jews at this point. Sometime after the gods returned physically to Duat they arrived and genespliced humans here with their own DNA to create the jews. They may have also wiped out several advanced cities of mankind as well to set us back, I think this is where the story of atlantis comes in. It may have been a very advanced gentile society that was destroyed.

Then humanity began to regrow, and redevelop with a parasite in its midst, slowly taking over seats of power and being assisted by their reptilian masters as well as the reptilian's slaves, the greys a formerly conquered planet and enslaved planet (exactly as they intend to do to ours.)

And here we are today.

Take heart, motivation and strength from this history however, not pessimism. Look at all we have done with our spiritual warfare in retaliation to these plans against us. Fight on. We will win Earth back, and usher in a new golden age for humanity under Almighty Father Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat.

Sorry to be off topic but I was wondering if there were discussions and research on the matter of a the Bahaโ€™i so-called religion. This was set up by the crypto Jews in Iran. And should be looked at and studied further and should not go under our radar.

Besides judo christian and islam the Bahaโ€™i should be part of our focus.


Hail God Satan Lucifer!
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

The so called "Enemy Nordics that have went against Satan" is just another stupid meme created out of Stichin. And some fancy theory creation making by people saying random stuff that would make no sense.

Yes, the enemy "Borg" has absorbed some so called beings that look like "Nordics", as they might have absorbed a lot of other things.

There are also other "humanoid" looking aliens around, involved or not involved actively in any of this.

The more random theorycrafting, the more issues this creates. Regardless people keep doing this for whatever reason, so it's impossible to answer every single thing.
StraitShot47 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Maybe this is a foolish question, and if so, I apologize, but why don't our beloved Gods show themselves physically to humanity and refute all argument to our origins and purpose? Satan has won the war "up above", and I would guess that Orion has control over the solar system as well.

Are there rules of engagement?

Even if the majority of Mankind is unwelcoming, they are inferiors and could be divided or disposed of.

A statement has to be made.

The enemy must understand that so long as our planets and races are intact their will be struggle. Understand that the enemy is here in the case of rabbi and Jews. This planet is also surrounded by enemy aliens, and Earth's astral filled with the enemy.

How disheartening to the enemy would it be if they lost this planet, without our Gods' even lifting a finger or coming here? The enemy would think twice before they do it again, they would think are the resources and time even worth it?

At least that is my opinion.

Interesting thoughts.

However, I can feel Satan's power over the astral. Even from now compared to 2017 it's considerably different "up there", you can feel it. Also, I don't think we are "surrounded" by the enemy conglomerate. Satan and the gods have their influence both spiritually and physically here. I don't know for sure, but, I believe we have our side residing in many parts of our solar system.
Great post. A lot of this was greater confirmation of what I knew or anticipated, but there'll be a lot of people who are going to be asking these questions due to the alien topic being so visibly mainstream in recent weeks, so it was rightly timed.

At the same time I do appreciate your slight hesitancy in talking about these particular topics. You've usually been right in saying that even the slightest tidbit of knowledge regarding the status quo regarding the enemy or the state of our galactic neighborhood usually fuels endless gossiping and people just making stuff up from hours on end.

Mind you, it's only natural that people are fascinated by this subject, even if knowledge on the subject is only so helpful given the current situation we're facing and dealing with right now. Like I said, measured caution with the unveiling of information has been wise. The lure to go full Star Trek on these topics is truly tempting for some.

I'd actually been discussing the nature of the enemy with some friends lately, and of course certain questions arise. One of the things I had to explain was the notion that there's not necessarily any clear separation between the enemy and its AI. They'd be so interdependent by this point that it'd be borderline indistinguishable. All the same, being able to explain who the enemy is by using the concept of an AI or a program was helpful in their understanding of how a race could fall so far and be so, in our eyes, malevolent. Not that the program perceives itself as such, as it can really only understand the benefit of its own propagation, with any deviation being simply illogical. On the lower levels this binary manifests as the Abrahamic holy/unholy dichotomy. You got this very obviously with Zoroastrianism, literally everything in that system was classified and ranked as holy or unholy, with many things being completely arbitrary.

All in all, these ideas have been fairly easy to swallow over time, given some of my earlier experiences. My Guardian, earlier on, gave me witness to the thoughtform in the astral itself. An awful experience to be sure, but it was still an important one. Thing is, even then, with more limited senses, I still knew nothing felt natural about it. It felt, even to me then, like an artificial construct, something wholly unnatural.

I remember a few people hypothesizing in the past that the rise and onset of the reptillian program coincided with some sort of galactic cataclysm way back when. I think this was an interesting idea. It was sort of chicken-and-the-egg though, as people were aware of this race's fall, and as such were attributing this to some sort of disaster, when the advent of such an AI would be more than enough of a disaster in and of itself, meaning any sort of other disaster would be unnecessary. A race can architect its own doom, without being aided by any sort of other cataclysm, after all.

To chime in on the other relevant topic, the whole enemy Nordics thing always smelled like bunk to me. Mostly I figured it was a relic of the day people were still tuning into Sitchin. Sure, 20 odd years ago I couldn't really blame people for doing that, as there wasn't really much other research on the topic. But we're here in the now, and its good for these ideas to be discarded by this stage. We aren't the only beings in the neighborhood who look more or less like we do. From my understanding there's likely several near-human races that we partly know of. Not to go too much into elaborate sci-fi discussions here, but I recall a discussion about the "Arcturians" at some stage, they themselves not looking all too distant from ourselves. From my recollection they weren't allied with the enemy, but were simply otherwise neutral to our existence. Point remains though, no doubt a lot of races have had individuals "borg'd" at some stage or another, but I doubt any were on a mass scale equivalent to what are now the Greys.

As a sort of final point, if I had to speculate, something like the enemy program, in the context of the universe's overall history, was likely doomed to eventual failure and defeat. An AI program, like itself, cannot really evolve past a certain point, only grow outward. With the universe's limitless potential in mind, a race's whos own biological potential has been limited and hamstrung was eventually going to get outpaced by its adversaries, ie, our Gods. It's simply more a question of when, and how much the damage this program causes is minimized.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

The so called "Enemy Nordics that have went against Satan" is just another stupid meme created out of Stichin. And some fancy theory creation making by people saying random stuff that would make no sense.

Yes, the enemy "Borg" has absorbed some so called beings that look like "Nordics", as they might have absorbed a lot of other things.

There are also other "humanoid" looking aliens around, involved or not involved actively in any of this.

The more random theorycrafting, the more issues this creates. Regardless people keep doing this for whatever reason, so it's impossible to answer every single thing.

This meme that has been blockchained and is continuing to blockchain unto reality has already been dispelled by other members and other information.

For example many state "Oh humanoid White alien civilization = Nordic".

The people whom are our Orion Empire Gods Are called "Nordics" their realm of existence has led them to classify their species as "Nordic".

But an asshole civilization or human aliens or a human alien colony or a human alien under kosher borging is NOT called "Nordic" their civilization probably never even realized what Nordic is.

For all intents and purposes they probably don't even use the same terminology.

For example we call Blonde/Blue Eye/Tall Sub-race of Whites "Nordics akin to our Gods". But we are called "HU'sMAN". Hu's man or Human or SatanMan. Satan and the Gods literally created humanity to be mini-Gods with language to boot.

So just because we see a humanoid civilization does not mean they are Human NOR Nordic rather they have their own name.

Have non of you guys ever played or watched sci-fi, sci-fan games or movies. In Stargate SG1 they go to the Genei homeworld and they call themselves the Genei humans who look humans but live and weltanschaang(World-view) in their own place. They wouldn't even know WTF human even means.

We call them humanoid as they resemble the Human species but they can call themselves something else.

It's like the other aliens from SG1 guaold humans with serpent attachments but aren't called humans. Even in the movie the backstory is they created humanity they left and humanity created it's own things.

Have you guys ever thought that they created their own language and own identity.

We call them greys or reptilian but there could be a myriad of names of classification both from their own i.e. the enemy and our Gods.

For example in Starship trooper we call them bugs a derogatory name for the enemy but if we study them they are arachnoid type aliens and on top of that since the human can sense the alien by touching it. What if he reads it's mind and discovers their actual name and classification.

Another possibility is the aliens from Starship Trooper are unclassified by their own species as they recognize each other cohesively but aren't at the level of data scribing and data retention.

For example we call Ants, ants but do ants know they are called ants are ants at the level of processing logical and illogical information. Most likely barring a few ants that perform very primitive work they are not at that level.

Plus the other statement needs to be mentioned what do the Gods call ants in their World. So it begs the question what kind of information do we learn. We classify butterflies but is that even the name the Gods have for winged bugs that are friendly, non-hostile, and promote biodiversity and even sexual reproduction of plants and other lifeforms through pollen exchanges.
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Perhaps you're right. That would mean going back to square one in my understanding. What a shame.

Although there is probably an element of truth to that story. The jews refer to themselves as gods and to us as slaves, and apparently gold has been found on the Moon just like on Earth. And the jews are obsessed with both gold and slaves. It's like their two favorite things.

If we follow Phaeton theory as written in the JoS sermons, and this Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth to form Earth's Moon, then maybe we could assume that Phaeton had a lot of gold? And also, crashing the planet associated with the psychic chakra seems like a microchip attempt, but on a planet level. So there's the slaves element and the gold element.

What do you think?
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.

Well, the official narrative that they use is that a planet the size of Mars crashed into the Earth to form Earth's Moon. I read someone's comment on the forums here saying that this is to dissuade Phaeton theory. Crashed, destroyed by lasers, whatever the case, it apparently caused the flood on the Earth and damaged the axis or something like that. That's what I have understood by reading the sermons so far. Mars size makes sense considering this ancient planet was right between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. I've felt that there is a sort of hand of Divinity when it comes to the ordered Solar system with the planets and everything. It was right next to Mars, and right before Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn form a sort of pair, and for some odd reason, they specifically say that this crashing planet was the size of Mars. Specifically. If it's to dissuade Phaeton theory, then I feel they are admitting something at the same time, and simply trusting that the goyim won't put it together.

Back to my main points about gold and slaves though... I'm just thinking that if we assume that the Moon was part of the asteroid belt remains of Phaeton, and was somehow reformed to replace the 6th chakra (or however it happened), and there's gold on both the Moon and on Earth - then perhaps there was a lot of gold on Phaeton, and has a connection with the so-called mining trip narrative that they talk about.

I don't know. This is mostly conjecture of mine, but it makes sense to me.
The mining of gold was a lie of the jew sitchin. It's an allegory, the gold means they came here to make us Gods. Gold as in golden chakras that manifest when you're a God. This is what I know.
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Perhaps you're right. That would mean going back to square one in my understanding. What a shame.

Although there is probably an element of truth to that story. The jews refer to themselves as gods and to us as slaves, and apparently gold has been found on the Moon just like on Earth. And the jews are obsessed with both gold and slaves. It's like their two favorite things.

If we follow Phaeton theory as written in the JoS sermons, and this Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth to form Earth's Moon, then maybe we could assume that Phaeton had a lot of gold? And also, crashing the planet associated with the psychic chakra seems like a microchip attempt, but on a planet level. So there's the slaves element and the gold element.

What do you think?
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.

The ancient stories people used to bring on fear about planet x awhile ago. The great destroyer, the flood etc. I think this is all related to that.

Unrelated questions:

Did they borg or enslave Mars and/or phaeton or just destroy it. Was there actually another planet in another solar system people sometimes or often visited or colonized if so what and where was that and what happened to the people there or are they still fine.
There was a famous remote viewer, Ingo Swann, that said that he saw white desperate people stuck in bunkers in Mars. Maxine also spoke about that.
From what it seems, it looks like nuclear weapons were also used on Mars, hence why Mars looks like a post apocalyptic place.
It could be safe to assume that our solar system was a whole colony of White people.
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.

The ancient stories people used to bring on fear about planet x awhile ago. The great destroyer, the flood etc. I think this is all related to that.

Unrelated questions:

Did they borg or enslave Mars and/or phaeton or just destroy it. Was there actually another planet in another solar system people sometimes or often visited or colonized if so what and where was that and what happened to the people there or are they still fine.
There was a famous remote viewer, Ingo Swann, that said that he saw white desperate people stuck in bunkers in Mars. Maxine also spoke about that.
From what it seems, it looks like nuclear weapons were also used on Mars, hence why Mars looks like a post apocalyptic place.
It could be safe to assume that our solar system was a whole colony of White people.

I am going to look that up thanks. When we get to go to Mars that will be so super interesting. Maybe we can help them later on if they are not of the enemy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

The so called "Enemy Nordics that have went against Satan" is just another stupid meme created out of Stichin. And some fancy theory creation making by people saying random stuff that would make no sense.

Yes, the enemy "Borg" has absorbed some so called beings that look like "Nordics", as they might have absorbed a lot of other things.

There are also other "humanoid" looking aliens around, involved or not involved actively in any of this.

The more random theorycrafting, the more issues this creates. Regardless people keep doing this for whatever reason, so it's impossible to answer every single thing.

Oh okay. I see. I've just been reading the JoS material and it was mentioned by Maxine about the enemy Nordics in one of the articles. I didn't know.

Thank you.

There's a great children's movie about a supercomputer and advanced technological development. It's called Code Lyoko.

The film shows that it can be very dangerous to give freedom to a machine's consciousness.



This means that machines can be endowed with consciousness and this is wonderful, excellent and extraordinary.

Obviously, robots and other machines need to be controlled with chips and everything else we need to manage them safely and make sure they are not a danger to us. We don't have to play with fire.

Machines do not have the properties and capabilities that biological structures have, and so we should definitely not give them free will.

Biological beings with free will are much more dangerous than robots with free will, if they are abused and/or deprived of their freedom, in case they are not bound and controlled totally and permanently and therefore could free themselves and take revenge. This is because biological beings have many more properties and capabilities and therefore are much more capable, powerful, advanced and superior from robots.

Robots are wonderful and very useful things but because of their inferiority and low understanding compared to biological beings, it is not safe to give them free will even if they were not meant to be servants.

I used to think that we should create and use nonfree biological beings for servitude and for dangerous and unpleasant work because I didn't know they could have consciousness. Now I know that robots can have consciousness and I also know why we don't need nonfree biological beings to serve us and to work for us. Because we are neither parasites nor do we have a deficiency like the enemy.

Equipping the robots with consciousness and their development and advancement obviously under control will be more than enough for our needs.

I was circling like an inexperienced pendulum in the dark on this argument. Thank you very much for shedding some light on this.

May you be Immortal and Eternal Commander Cobra!
Aquarius said:
The mining of gold was a lie of the jew sitchin. It's an allegory, the gold means they came here to make us Gods. Gold as in golden chakras that manifest when you're a God. This is what I know.

I suppose that makes sense. But why would a jew craft an allegory for us about turning the chakras to gold? Then again I can't pretend to understand why jews write half of the nonsense that they do. They make a living by selling our myths back to us in various corrupted formats.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The so called "Enemy Nordics that have went against Satan" is just another stupid meme created out of Stichin. And some fancy theory creation making by people saying random stuff that would make no sense.

Yes, the enemy "Borg" has absorbed some so called beings that look like "Nordics", as they might have absorbed a lot of other things.

There are also other "humanoid" looking aliens around, involved or not involved actively in any of this.

The more random theorycrafting, the more issues this creates. Regardless people keep doing this for whatever reason, so it's impossible to answer every single thing.

I'm a little confused. For example the page 'The Truth About Extra-Terrestrials' it mentions explicitly enemy nordics. So this refers beings that just look like nordics?

The page 'The Tree of Knowledge, the Apple and the Serpent' also seems to support that Nordics have betrayed Satan, or more accurately this article suggests Satan rebelled against other Nordics. One thing about this particular article that confuses me is that is states that 'Humanity was created by extra-terrestrials who needed slave laborers in the mines' In this thread itself Aquarius said that the mining of gold is a lie by Sitchin (a known Jew). Is this just outdated info (not Aquarius but the article).
AgniCosmos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The so called "Enemy Nordics that have went against Satan" is just another stupid meme created out of Stichin. And some fancy theory creation making by people saying random stuff that would make no sense.

Yes, the enemy "Borg" has absorbed some so called beings that look like "Nordics", as they might have absorbed a lot of other things.

There are also other "humanoid" looking aliens around, involved or not involved actively in any of this.

The more random theorycrafting, the more issues this creates. Regardless people keep doing this for whatever reason, so it's impossible to answer every single thing.

I'm a little confused. For example the page 'The Truth About Extra-Terrestrials' it mentions explicitly enemy nordics. So this refers beings that just look like nordics?

The page 'The Tree of Knowledge, the Apple and the Serpent' also seems to support that Nordics have betrayed Satan, or more accurately this article suggests Satan rebelled against other Nordics. One thing about this particular article that confuses me is that is states that 'Humanity was created by extra-terrestrials who needed slave laborers in the mines' In this thread itself Aquarius said that the mining of gold is a lie by Sitchin (a known Jew). Is this just outdated info (not Aquarius but the article).

The Gods are really smart and none would ever do this to their leader Satan. They don't work that way. Another BS was that "Enki was at war with Anu". Anu and Enki, ie, Satan's Father, were never at "war". These were spiritual allegories that were mistranslated.

However, yes, there are cases where some people have fallen to the enemy and/or made alliances that have went south, as in have become borg'd out. Pleidians and Andromedans are in this suspicious category, when people have "met" with these under drugs or questionable experiences, they always tell them the same horrid communist shit Greys try to force unto humans. Andromedans only "appear" humanlike, and humanoid, even Nordic [as we humans define] but they appear to be one and the same as the enemy. Nothing makes them appear allied or once allied to Satan.

They are definitely somewhat advanced, but they haven't played a serious role in developing let alone helping humanity. Nothing was built on Earth for Andromeda.

Also, some thoughforms of the enemy, do appear as "Nordic", even the foul shits of the enemy, such as Gabrishit, Michashit and the rest of this.

We needed to update for a while, because a lot of these things are from circa 2004. HPS Maxine has evolved tremendously since, and so have others. Also, a lot of new information has come out that is from the UFO investigation and research, and many other things.

Sirius, Betelguese, Aldebarran [which is under Astarte's rule] are the planetary systems that have played major role in the history and upbringing of humanity.
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
The mining of gold was a lie of the jew sitchin. It's an allegory, the gold means they came here to make us Gods. Gold as in golden chakras that manifest when you're a God. This is what I know.

I suppose that makes sense. But why would a jew craft an allegory for us about turning the chakras to gold? Then again I can't pretend to understand why jews write half of the nonsense that they do. They make a living by selling our myths back to us in various corrupted formats.

In early 2000's where they knew humanity would eventually find out [Sumerian excavation and translation of the myths], jews tried to control this information that was going to come out. They translated a lot of things in the grossest manner, and Stichin was a very famous author who did this. And he put a lot of garbage in his theories to make the Gods appear stupid, or others simply mistranslated.

The Gods could mine this elsewhere, and the universe is rife with gold. They could easily be mining asteroids and get infinite gold. They definitely did not need to come here to do that, as Gold is abundant on some asteroids x100 times any parts of gold that could be found on earth.
jrvan said:
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The so called "Enemy Nordics that have went against Satan" is just another stupid meme created out of Stichin. And some fancy theory creation making by people saying random stuff that would make no sense.

Yes, the enemy "Borg" has absorbed some so called beings that look like "Nordics", as they might have absorbed a lot of other things.

There are also other "humanoid" looking aliens around, involved or not involved actively in any of this.

The more random theorycrafting, the more issues this creates. Regardless people keep doing this for whatever reason, so it's impossible to answer every single thing.

Oh okay. I see. I've just been reading the JoS material and it was mentioned by Maxine about the enemy Nordics in one of the articles. I didn't know.

Thank you.

I'll keep my theories to myself from now on if that's best. I don't want to cause problems.

Read online, there is a lot of things. Post whatever you want, we are here to converse. Keep them coming.

As about what you said of them creating "imposter" things, such as a "fake kundalini", all that xianity is, is a fake promise of the salvation from the Kundalini that is within ALL GENTILES, and NOT ANYTHING EXTERNAL, LET ALONE A JEWISH SPOOK!

They are the original liars and imposters.
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
The ancient stories people used to bring on fear about planet x awhile ago. The great destroyer, the flood etc. I think this is all related to that.

Unrelated questions:

Did they borg or enslave Mars and/or phaeton or just destroy it. Was there actually another planet in another solar system people sometimes or often visited or colonized if so what and where was that and what happened to the people there or are they still fine.
There was a famous remote viewer, Ingo Swann, that said that he saw white desperate people stuck in bunkers in Mars. Maxine also spoke about that.
From what it seems, it looks like nuclear weapons were also used on Mars, hence why Mars looks like a post apocalyptic place.
It could be safe to assume that our solar system was a whole colony of White people.

I am going to look that up thanks. When we get to go to Mars that will be so super interesting. Maybe we can help them later on if they are not of the enemy.

Also check Moorehouse's books. They write a lot of interesting things. HPS Maxine has recommended these both on the forums and for Clergy before.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pleidians and Andromedans are in this suspicious category, when people have "met" with these under drugs or questionable experiences, they always tell them the same horrid communist shit Greys try to force unto humans. Andromedans only "appear" humanlike, and humanoid, even Nordic [as we humans define] but they appear to be one and the same as the enemy. Nothing makes them appear allied or once allied to Satan.

They are definitely somewhat advanced, but they haven't played a serious role in developing let alone helping humanity. Nothing was built on Earth for Andromeda.

Also, some thoughforms of the enemy, do appear as "Nordic", even the foul shits of the enemy, such as Gabrishit, Michashit and the rest of this.

That's very interesting and kind of upsetting to hear in a way. 'Andromedus' has been my Satanic name for over 12 years since I first dedicated. A little disheartening to know some of the more negative connotations associated with 'Andromedans'. I wasn't aware of that at the time my Satanic name was first cemented all those years ago. Regardless, it's how I chose to identify myself now, maybe I can clean up the prefix with my actions and contributions and make it something of positivity again.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods are really smart and none would ever do this to their leader Satan. They don't work that way. Another BS was that "Enki was at war with Anu". Anu and Enki, ie, Satan's Father, were never at "war". These were spiritual allegories that were mistranslated.

Man that piece of the puzzle was bugging me for the longest time I swear, very happy to hear that was incorrect. I always felt something about that was incorrect.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods could mine this elsewhere, and the universe is rife with gold. They could easily be mining asteroids and get infinite gold. They definitely did not need to come here to do that, as Gold is abundant on some asteroids x100 times any parts of gold that could be found on earth.

Another very profound and greatly needed realization thank you. I sort of always wondered that too, I thought maybe gold was just a rare resource? but that never quite made sense. Very grateful to have that clarified H.P. Cobra thank you very much.

I really appreciate all the insight and wisdom into these topics, it is highly welcomed and I am very thankful for it. It's always such a bizarre feeling to realize that a fraction of your picture of events was slightly off the entire time. Unsettling for sure, but it's highly welcomed when the truth about the subject matter comes to light. I'm very thankful for your time clarifying the specifics there.
Andromedus1488 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

That's very interesting and kind of upsetting to hear in a way. 'Andromedus' has been my Satanic name for over 12 years since I first dedicated. A little disheartening to know some of the more negative connotations associated with 'Andromedans'. I wasn't aware of that at the time my Satanic name was first cemented all those years ago. Regardless, it's how I chose to identify myself now, maybe I can clean up the prefix with my actions and contributions and make it something of positivity again.

Andromeda was an Ancient Greek name that was just given to the constellation later. Nothing bad in it.
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
The mining of gold was a lie of the jew sitchin. It's an allegory, the gold means they came here to make us Gods. Gold as in golden chakras that manifest when you're a God. This is what I know.

I suppose that makes sense. But why would a jew craft an allegory for us about turning the chakras to gold? Then again I can't pretend to understand why jews write half of the nonsense that they do. They make a living by selling our myths back to us in various corrupted formats.
Not sure honestly. Maybe he knew that eventually it would be found out so he wanted to confuse people.

What is your take on the recent announcements since last year late-2020. That the Earth is QUITE visible to aliens across various parts of the Universe from our Solar System.

I recall one article from earlier this year that over 1,016 planets have the ability to see the Earth for upwards of 16 hours. The same article mentioning our gasses i.e. pollution and other gasses coming out and the Earth having it's own unique "whiff" of smell for a smell snooper finding us.

Obviously I assume many aliens probably laugh at how pathetic humanity is like sending the voyager probe with "peaceful" stuff to make humans seem docile and friendly. I'm guessing ever since Hitler had his broadcasts of Television and Radio sent out to outerspace. The enemy was like WTF is going on.

What's your take on humans sending stuff to space to promote "peace" despite how hostile space is? It reminds me of that laser pattern we sent in binary code to a star which takes like 17,500 years to reach them. Are humans really this stupid believing space fairing civilizations are all friendly. Kinda seems like humanity is filled with hippy idealists promoting stupidity. What happens if someone besides the greys and reptilians come knocking on our door.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, one must remember to cherish one's humanity and the gifts the Gods have bestowed, and use them in their best benefit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello, Dear HP Hooded Cobra,
maybe my question could be offtopic but ... from your perspective what is really being human?
Gear88 said:

What is your take on the recent announcements since last year late-2020. That the Earth is QUITE visible to aliens across various parts of the Universe from our Solar System.

I recall one article from earlier this year that over 1,016 planets have the ability to see the Earth for upwards of 16 hours. The same article mentioning our gasses i.e. pollution and other gasses coming out and the Earth having it's own unique "whiff" of smell for a smell snooper finding us.

Obviously I assume many aliens probably laugh at how pathetic humanity is like sending the voyager probe with "peaceful" stuff to make humans seem docile and friendly. I'm guessing ever since Hitler had his broadcasts of Television and Radio sent out to outerspace. The enemy was like WTF is going on.

What's your take on humans sending stuff to space to promote "peace" despite how hostile space is? It reminds me of that laser pattern we sent in binary code to a star which takes like 17,500 years to reach them. Are humans really this stupid believing space fairing civilizations are all friendly. Kinda seems like humanity is filled with hippy idealists promoting stupidity. What happens if someone besides the greys and reptilians come knocking on our door.

I think it's really dumb to send stuff out like that. Any aliens that pick up on it are probably really mystified at our mindset if they don't know about earth already or laughing like you said at the stupidity of this. That is if they are not hostile and looking for victims this may actually cause problems later on.

The thing is though the technology we are using is so primitive that it may not be picked up outside of places that can't do much or enemy controlled worlds so that would mean nothing would happen to us most likely.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
This story of nordics going against Satan doesn't ring right to me, it feels like one of those mainstream stories like "the Gods came here to mine gold".
In the whole universe the Nordics probably doesn't just mean Father Satan's side, and those you speak about weren't allied with him from the start.

Perhaps you're right. That would mean going back to square one in my understanding. What a shame.

Although there is probably an element of truth to that story. The jews refer to themselves as gods and to us as slaves, and apparently gold has been found on the Moon just like on Earth. And the jews are obsessed with both gold and slaves. It's like their two favorite things.

If we follow Phaeton theory as written in the JoS sermons, and this Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth to form Earth's Moon, then maybe we could assume that Phaeton had a lot of gold? And also, crashing the planet associated with the psychic chakra seems like a microchip attempt, but on a planet level. So there's the slaves element and the gold element.

What do you think?
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.
Phaeton crashing onto Earth? What I have thought is that Phaeton was destroyed which of course made a massive explosion. Mars would have been at a certain distance to shred its atmosphere off entirely (in these 10 000 years, a very thin atmosphere either remained or was reformed)

It is primarily composed of carbon dioxide (95%), molecular nitrogen (2.8%) and argon (2%).[3] It also contains trace levels of water vapor, oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and noble gases.[3][5][2] The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than Earth's.

with the enemy disposing of any Human and Animal bodies and plant life which remained. Jupiter would have been either too far away or at a distance close enough to create the Great Red Spot as Phaeton's mass went into all directions. Saturn would be too far away (and a lot of the body of Phaeton is now in controlled orbit around Saturn, as per the enemy using Saturn as a grounding force (Base Chakra, the jew damning us) and the mass of Saturn being increased so as to have a greater impact); Uranus, being a big ball of gas, was tilted easily from the resulting explosion and shock-wave; and of course Earth being heavy and rocky being tilted a bit, from a certain distance, with a wobble on its axis.

A lot of the water, during "the great flood" in the jew books of the bibles, being "sent from heaven" by "god", would be either actual water from Phaeton and Mars and/or as per something I read which said water is generated after big-enough explosions, the result of such massive weaponry exploding an entire Planet created water vapour as a result, which froze in space, then melted as it reached Earth and raised the sea levels, around the poles it being frozen again.

Earth does not always spin on an axis running through its poles. Instead, it wobbles irregularly over time, drifting toward North America throughout most of the 20th Century (green arrow). That direction has changed drastically due to changes in water mass on Earth.

Any other amounts of water would have been collected and deposited on Earth. Of course, that would be so that Science could "prove" the biblical flood was real, thereby proving "god" exists based on a story. Again - this is all just what I thought might have happened.

I think it was said already that after Phaeton was destroyed, the Moon had to be formed artificially. The Gods and Goddesses didn't leave us without a Psychic-Chakra Planet.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sirius, Betelguese, Aldebarran [which is under Astarte's rule] are the planetary systems that have played major role in the history and upbringing of humanity.

Something cool I observed about this trio is that Sirius is one of the hunting companion dogs of Orion, and Orion the hunter hunts Taurus the Bull. Man and his best friend are hunting the bull of immortality (and immortality is also represented by Astarte with the number 8 and the bull headdress). They also hunt the rabbit which is another of her symbols.

I just think it's really interesting how our myths and stories for the Magnum Opus can be read in the stars themselves, and the MO itself is basically about becoming an immortal star. Just like the Baboon as a symbol of the God of Writing, watches and studies the stars. And we write the stars down in the runes which we then use for vibration and magick to affect reality around us. As above, so below. From celestial to terrestrial.

It's all so deep.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Anu(Father of Satan/Anu's Wife (Mother of Satan)...

I'm asking this question cause it's an interesting one. But if Anu is the Father of Satan and his mother unknown name, I'm guess the whole Mother of God xtian meme that is used is originally a Satanic meme statement.

But the question becomes IF Anu is far older than Satan. Why is Satan the leader of the Empire of Orion?

Silly question could have been a father leaving his son a gift maybe him moving to other things to do I assume Anu is also highly genetically and spiritually advanced.

But if Anu is older and generally speaking older = more of everything including Spiritual Progression. Then why is Satan considered the most powerful God? Wouldn't his father be higher still?

Is Satan some sort of special soul some sort of divine soul that astrologically or through reincarnation or through first life is so powerful that as he got older he just outmuscled everyone figuratively speaking I doubt the Gods would fight each other to death like Sitchin claims and all these jumbled up kosher stories that feeble minded so called Masters of the Universe concoct.

So what exactly makes Satan, Satan? What exactly makes Satan the leader in comparison to his Father?

FancyMancy said:
...Phaetonic debris...

I assume that before Phaeton met it's end the entire solar system was free from debris from the asteroid belt and comets/meteorites and other space junk.

I assume pre-attack the Solar System was considered a Holy Grail so to speak like HP.Cobra's sermon on life sustaining planets under kosher supervision. Earth + 9 others, + Mars, + Phaeton. I assume the Gods would have been fanatically impressed with the Sol Solar System being such a hotbed of life sustaining planets.

I'm sure having 12 planets a stone throws away from each other would have meant the Hu'sMan(SatanMan) civilization would have massive expansion and room to be radically advanced space fairing civilization. Especially considering Humans are basically mini-Gods royal-divine-Demonic blood lines.

I assume all these astrological aspects in astro charts are just space junk from Phaeton and our Phaeton chakra/planet would have simplified the astrological chart and created less verbiage on astrological matters pertaining to things like for example Chiron and all these Phaetonic by products.

UNLESS of course the Gods manufactured or introduced certain objects where by yeah Phaeton is the simplified psychic command center chakra but smaller objects have been introduced to add certain parameters to Humanity.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Anu(Father of Satan/Anu's Wife (Mother of Satan)...

UNLESS of course the Gods manufactured or introduced certain objects where by yeah Phaeton is the simplified psychic command center chakra but smaller objects have been introduced to add certain parameters to Humanity.

The moon was said to have been moved here for that reason.
Gear88 said:
I'm asking this question cause it's an interesting one. But if Anu is the Father of Satan and his mother unknown name, I'm guess the whole Mother of God xtian meme that is used is originally a Satanic meme statement.

But the question becomes IF Anu is far older than Satan. Why is Satan the leader of the Empire of Orion?

Silly question could have been a father leaving his son a gift maybe him moving to other things to do I assume Anu is also highly genetically and spiritually advanced.

But if Anu is older and generally speaking older = more of everything including Spiritual Progression. Then why is Satan considered the most powerful God? Wouldn't his father be higher still?

Is Satan some sort of special soul some sort of divine soul that astrologically or through reincarnation or through first life is so powerful that as he got older he just outmuscled everyone figuratively speaking I doubt the Gods would fight each other to death like Sitchin claims and all these jumbled up kosher stories that feeble minded so called Masters of the Universe concoct.

So what exactly makes Satan, Satan? What exactly makes Satan the leader in comparison to his Father?

For your first point about Anu, this actually has to do with the male trinity in religions. In Hindu they have the male trinity and the Tridevi female trinity. 3 male, 3 female.

The "mother of god" is referring to "mary" from xianity. This is stolen from the Egyptian trinity of the Mother, the Father, and the Son. Isis, Osiris, and Horus. They just wrote "mary" out of the trinity because they hate females, and made the focus the male trinity, even though the jewsus myth is directly stolen from the Egyptian Osiris myth.
Aquarius said:
Gear88 said:
ut if Anu is the Father of Satan and his mother unknown name,
This is in Hinduism, Anu isn't really his father, it's an allegory.

Okay then but then the question people are gonna ask at some point is. Whom are his parents?

I'm aware the whole Aetheric principle but I'm being literal not spiritual. If they don't want that information out okay cool, excuse me asking but I assume at SOME point someone is gonna ask it.
Gear88 said:
Aquarius said:
Gear88 said:
ut if Anu is the Father of Satan and his mother unknown name,
This is in Hinduism, Anu isn't really his father, it's an allegory.

Okay then but then the question people are gonna ask at some point is. Whom are his parents?

I'm aware the whole Aetheric principle but I'm being literal not spiritual. If they don't want that information out okay cool, excuse me asking but I assume at SOME point someone is gonna ask it.
You can ask him yourself. We don't necessarily need to know everything about a God's personal life.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Anu(Father of Satan/Anu's Wife (Mother of Satan)...

I'm asking this question cause it's an interesting one. But if Anu is the Father of Satan and his mother unknown name, I'm guess the whole Mother of God xtian meme that is used is originally a Satanic meme statement.

But the question becomes IF Anu is far older than Satan. Why is Satan the leader of the Empire of Orion?

Silly question could have been a father leaving his son a gift maybe him moving to other things to do I assume Anu is also highly genetically and spiritually advanced.

But if Anu is older and generally speaking older = more of everything including Spiritual Progression. Then why is Satan considered the most powerful God? Wouldn't his father be higher still?

Is Satan some sort of special soul some sort of divine soul that astrologically or through reincarnation or through first life is so powerful that as he got older he just outmuscled everyone figuratively speaking I doubt the Gods would fight each other to death like Sitchin claims and all these jumbled up kosher stories that feeble minded so called Masters of the Universe concoct.

So what exactly makes Satan, Satan? What exactly makes Satan the leader in comparison to his Father?
Why is jew biden the president of the United States and - by extension - the World, and not its mum or dad? Someone had to be the first to achieve massive, big, immortal things. Satan's parents, in all of this very-long amount of time, surely would have reincarnated, presuming that they died, and are now doing things, if they were capable of reincarnating. If they were not capable of reincarnating, then... well, they're gone. Perhaps Satan and His parents didn't get on; or His parents thought that what Satan was achieving was mumbo-jumbo or whatever; or they were capable of achieving the Magnum Opus and actually did achieve it, and decided that they didn't want to be the top God and Goddess, respectively; maybe in learning the Who's Who and the What's What about things, it was more suited that Satan be the Top God...

Maybe wonder why [insert X professional person in whatever field here] is 'stronger' than their parents, and their parents are not bigger, etc. It had, and has, to be someone.

FancyMancy said:
...Phaetonic debris...

I assume that before Phaeton met it's end the entire solar system was free from debris from the asteroid belt and comets/meteorites and other space junk.

I assume pre-attack the Solar System was considered a Holy Grail so to speak like HP.Cobra's sermon on life sustaining planets under kosher supervision. Earth + 9 others, + Mars, + Phaeton. I assume the Gods would have been fanatically impressed with the Sol Solar System being such a hotbed of life sustaining planets.

I'm sure having 12 planets a stone throws away from each other would have meant the Hu'sMan(SatanMan) civilization would have massive expansion and room to be radically advanced space fairing civilization. Especially considering Humans are basically mini-Gods royal-divine-Demonic blood lines.

I assume all these astrological aspects in astro charts are just space junk from Phaeton and our Phaeton chakra/planet would have simplified the astrological chart and created less verbiage on astrological matters pertaining to things like for example Chiron and all these Phaetonic by products.

UNLESS of course the Gods manufactured or introduced certain objects where by yeah Phaeton is the simplified psychic command center chakra but smaller objects have been introduced to add certain parameters to Humanity.
If I understand what you are saying, then the bits and pieces of broken Phaeton might be still having an influence on people?

What I am thinking is...

that according to what I learnt regarding astronomical bodies - technically, we never escape Earth's gravity as we move away from it in space; it just keeps decreasing but the gravity is still there. Every object and thing produces an amount of gravity - your seat, your bed, your computer, your phone... The stars, although distant, have gravitational, and of course Astrological, impacts upon us. Similarly to what I said here, small things do have impacts. Planets do vibrate, which, sort of like a stone dropped into a pond, has 'ripples' of effects outward from them. All that being said, since "greater than the sum of their parts" rings true, with Phaeton being smashed, its individual pieces' impacts would be so much smaller, and with the many pieces strewn about, the impacts, Astrologically, would be scattered and fragmented, rather than being direct and focussed; without a proper channel or current (think water currents) to get here in any meaningful way. Maybe think that a car battery is much better to use than 10 thousand tiny watch cell batteries. Presumably, these asteroids and pieces have an impact, but the impacts and influences would be too small - plus the other Planets' influences would far out-saturate smashed Phaeton's pieces' impacts - hence why, from what I have read, the Moon was created as a replacement.

Again - this is just my thoughts about this.
The astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, this is Phรฆton. This is what is left of it. Some other pieces of it have crashed into Earth and Mars several times before. I bet Jupiter was also hit by a lot of this, but very hard to see what rock is in Jupiter since it's a gas planet. Including ice that was water from Phรฆton, a lot of this hit earth.

The Great Flood 14,000 years ago was an example of earth being hit by enormous amounts of rock and water that came from Phรฆton. The pressure of this event, and added water, pushed the continent of Lemuria underneath the Pacific ocean and pushed the Himalayan and Andes mountains up to their current enormous heights.

Phรฆton was destroyed much longer than 14,000 years ago. I would say approximately when, but I do not remember. This event was caused by pieces that were floating around in space, like how all the pieces are still floating around right now in the Astroid Belt.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This event was caused by pieces that were floating around in space, like how all the pieces are still floating around right now in the Astroid Belt.
I doubt it. There was a war, and nuclear alien weapons were used. Look at Mars for example, everything points to a post apocalyptic scenario.
The Gods are really smart and none would ever do this to their leader Satan. They don't work that way. Another BS was that "Enki was at war with Anu". Anu and Enki, ie, Satan's Father, were never at "war". These were spiritual allegories that were mistranslated.

However, yes, there are cases where some people have fallen to the enemy and/or made alliances that have went south, as in have become borg'd out. Pleidians and Andromedans are in this suspicious category, when people have "met" with these under drugs or questionable experiences, they always tell them the same horrid communist shit Greys try to force unto humans. Andromedans only "appear" humanlike, and humanoid, even Nordic [as we humans define] but they appear to be one and the same as the enemy. Nothing makes them appear allied or once allied to Satan.

They are definitely somewhat advanced, but they haven't played a serious role in developing let alone helping humanity. Nothing was built on Earth for Andromeda.

Also, some thoughforms of the enemy, do appear as "Nordic", even the foul shits of the enemy, such as Gabrishit, Michashit and the rest of this.

We needed to update for a while, because a lot of these things are from circa 2004. HPS Maxine has evolved tremendously since, and so have others. Also, a lot of new information has come out that is from the UFO investigation and research, and many other things.

Sirius, Betelguese, Aldebarran [which is under Astarte's rule] are the planetary systems that have played major role in the history and upbringing of humanity.
Thanks for all that info. I just want to point out that in the Greek, Vedic and Egyptian stories- gods are alway fighting with one another arenโ€™t they? Brothers and brothers, fathers and sons.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
