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Happy Spring Equinox!

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Happy Spring Equinox to all members here :)

This day is in honor of Lady Astarte, but as we have a God Ritual schedule, we will continue with the schedule.

Today the Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of the Pagan New Year. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, taking action, and increased motivation and drive. With Spring comes planting and growth; not just of nature, but also of our goals and ambitions.

I want all of you to make a goal for yourself, for these next 6 months or year. Not only a spiritual goal, but also in your real life. The Gods want us to live life, I have personally been told this by Zeus Himself and other Gods.

Work towards your spiritual advancement; work towards helping the Temple of Zeus (Outreach program, translating, donating, projects, helping our community); but also something in your real life, that will help you on a personal level. We must all try to level up in some way: either by getting ahead in career, finding a better place to live, building a new skill, or even buying a few nice things for your home that improves your life in any way. On a grander scale we must accomplish what our individual soul path expresses, and this often requires smaller goals to be accomplished along the way, leading to our ultimate Destiny.

Take some time to find a goal, ask your GD for guidance or a sign, and then put your mind towards accomplishing it. If there are obstacles in your way, there are dates listed in our Calendar for freeing the soul. You can also find dates listed for beginning magickal workings for whatever your goal is. And you must work towards accomplishing it in reality.

Grow and accomplish your goals, and bask in the sense of accomplishment when you have achieved them ✨

-High Priestess Lydia
Happy Ostara, family! 💙🐰
And great advice, I definitely agree that we need to set concrete goals, especially if they surround our spiritual development.
Hope to see some of you create forum accounts and others join ToZ projects like outreach and the like.
Remember, we are all a big family, so try to reciprocate the kindness the Clergy and Guardians are giving all of us.
Happy Ostara High Priestess Lydia!

Today is a significant day for me, it marks the beginning of my spiritual journey, one of our Gods, I still don't know who but since it is her day I have a feeling it was Lady Astarte, who came to me on this day last year to tell me to prepare and that something bad was going to happen, my entire head and body were vibrating it felt like I was in a microwave, then I heard the most beautiful celestial music out of thin air. Fast forward a year, and now I am here at the Temple of Zeus, advancing thanks to all of the members here and the God who led me here.

This is a very spectacular day and I hope you all have a blessed Spring Equinox.

Hail Astarte!
Happy Spring Equinox to all members here :)

This day is in honor of Lady Astarte, but as we have a God Ritual schedule, we will continue with the schedule.

Today the Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of the Pagan New Year. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, taking action, and increased motivation and drive. With Spring comes planting and growth; not just of nature, but also of our goals and ambitions.

I want all of you to make a goal for yourself, for these next 6 months or year. Not only a spiritual goal, but also in your real life. The Gods want us to live life, I have personally been told this by Zeus Himself and other Gods.

Work towards your spiritual advancement; work towards helping the Temple of Zeus (Outreach program, translating, donating, projects, helping our community); but also something in your real life, that will help you on a personal level. We must all try to level up in some way: either by getting ahead in career, finding a better place to live, building a new skill, or even buying a few nice things for your home that improves your life in any way. On a grander scale we must accomplish what our individual soul path expresses, and this often requires smaller goals to be accomplished along the way, leading to our ultimate Destiny.

Take some time to find a goal, ask your GD for guidance or a sign, and then put your mind towards accomplishing it. If there are obstacles in your way, there are dates listed in our Calendar for freeing the soul. You can also find dates listed for beginning magickal workings for whatever your goal is. And you must work towards accomplishing it in reality.

Grow and accomplish your goals, and bask in the sense of accomplishment when you have achieved them ✨

-High Priestess Lydia
Thank you High Priestess.
Happy Ostara and Spring Equinox.♥️✨
Happy Spring Equinox to all members here :)

This day is in honor of Lady Astarte, but as we have a God Ritual schedule, we will continue with the schedule.

Today the Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of the Pagan New Year. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, taking action, and increased motivation and drive. With Spring comes planting and growth; not just of nature, but also of our goals and ambitions.

I want all of you to make a goal for yourself, for these next 6 months or year. Not only a spiritual goal, but also in your real life. The Gods want us to live life, I have personally been told this by Zeus Himself and other Gods.

Work towards your spiritual advancement; work towards helping the Temple of Zeus (Outreach program, translating, donating, projects, helping our community); but also something in your real life, that will help you on a personal level. We must all try to level up in some way: either by getting ahead in career, finding a better place to live, building a new skill, or even buying a few nice things for your home that improves your life in any way. On a grander scale we must accomplish what our individual soul path expresses, and this often requires smaller goals to be accomplished along the way, leading to our ultimate Destiny.

Take some time to find a goal, ask your GD for guidance or a sign, and then put your mind towards accomplishing it. If there are obstacles in your way, there are dates listed in our Calendar for freeing the soul. You can also find dates listed for beginning magickal workings for whatever your goal is. And you must work towards accomplishing it in reality.

Grow and accomplish your goals, and bask in the sense of accomplishment when you have achieved them ✨

-High Priestess Lydia
Happy Spring equinox to all my brothers and sisters and to the High priests ☀️
Thank you High Priestess Lydia and Glorious Happy Ostara for everyone!


Is it a bad time to set an educational goal, with Mercury retrograde?
It's fine to set that as a goal, and then begin a working for it when Mercury is direct :)
Happy Spring Equinox to all members here :)

This day is in honor of Lady Astarte, but as we have a God Ritual schedule, we will continue with the schedule.

Today the Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of the Pagan New Year. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, taking action, and increased motivation and drive. With Spring comes planting and growth; not just of nature, but also of our goals and ambitions.

I want all of you to make a goal for yourself, for these next 6 months or year. Not only a spiritual goal, but also in your real life. The Gods want us to live life, I have personally been told this by Zeus Himself and other Gods.

Work towards your spiritual advancement; work towards helping the Temple of Zeus (Outreach program, translating, donating, projects, helping our community); but also something in your real life, that will help you on a personal level. We must all try to level up in some way: either by getting ahead in career, finding a better place to live, building a new skill, or even buying a few nice things for your home that improves your life in any way. On a grander scale we must accomplish what our individual soul path expresses, and this often requires smaller goals to be accomplished along the way, leading to our ultimate Destiny.

Take some time to find a goal, ask your GD for guidance or a sign, and then put your mind towards accomplishing it. If there are obstacles in your way, there are dates listed in our Calendar for freeing the soul. You can also find dates listed for beginning magickal workings for whatever your goal is. And you must work towards accomplishing it in reality.

Grow and accomplish your goals, and bask in the sense of accomplishment when you have achieved them ✨

-High Priestess Lydia
Happy Ostara everyone (Spring
Equinox and I hope everyone
Receive blessings on this enchanted day of Astarte
Hail Zeus and the God's!!!
Happy Spring Equinox everyone! I wish you all the best.

No matter your current circumstances or where you came from, you are children of the Gods, and you are in this holy place for a reason. With the knowledge of ToZ and the Gods, you can grow, thrive, and live a good, happy, and loving life.

Hail Lady Astarte!
Happy Spring Equinox to all members here :)

This day is in honor of Lady Astarte, but as we have a God Ritual schedule, we will continue with the schedule.

Today the Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of the Pagan New Year. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, taking action, and increased motivation and drive. With Spring comes planting and growth; not just of nature, but also of our goals and ambitions.

I want all of you to make a goal for yourself, for these next 6 months or year. Not only a spiritual goal, but also in your real life. The Gods want us to live life, I have personally been told this by Zeus Himself and other Gods.

Work towards your spiritual advancement; work towards helping the Temple of Zeus (Outreach program, translating, donating, projects, helping our community); but also something in your real life, that will help you on a personal level. We must all try to level up in some way: either by getting ahead in career, finding a better place to live, building a new skill, or even buying a few nice things for your home that improves your life in any way. On a grander scale we must accomplish what our individual soul path expresses, and this often requires smaller goals to be accomplished along the way, leading to our ultimate Destiny.

Take some time to find a goal, ask your GD for guidance or a sign, and then put your mind towards accomplishing it. If there are obstacles in your way, there are dates listed in our Calendar for freeing the soul. You can also find dates listed for beginning magickal workings for whatever your goal is. And you must work towards accomplishing it in reality.

Grow and accomplish your goals, and bask in the sense of accomplishment when you have achieved them ✨

-High Priestess Lydia
This is a Very Inspiring Sermon for me :love:
Thank you very much High Priestess Lydia! (y)

A few days ago, I previously published a profile post in honor of this wonderful Holiday and our Goddess Astarte: https://ancient-forums.com/profile-posts/2389/ 🎬 🎧

From that day on, I set myself ambitious new goals and I will achieve them.

I made a wish this Pagan New Year, I believe in miracles and that my wish will come true.


I wish to all SS that everyone's wishes come true and everyone achieves their goals in this Pagan New Year ;)

I wish Happy Pagan New Year for all SS ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Happy Ostara and Beneficial New Pagan Year to Mistress Lydia and the whole Zevist Family! May all of you be Eternally Blessed by Zeus and the Gods for new accomplishments and the Might that allows you to move unwaveringly towards the Highest Goals and to turn the Will of the Gods into Reality!

I love you, Miss Lydia, I love you, my precious Zevist Family! I love each of the Devoted Zevists who are not indifferent to the future of their Race and the whole Humanity! Every year is a new Victory, every day is a new Victory!

Love with Passion! Work with Passion! Create with Passion! Destroy with Passion! Love and be Loved Forever!

I sincerely wish you all and everyone to spend the period of the Spring Equinox productively, cheerfully, happily, receiving only positive emotions, as well as resolutely setting new Goals! Good luck to everyone in any endeavor! Together we are an unbreakable Family!

Thank you, High Priestess, and Happy Ostara to all!

For me, I pray humbly and sincerely to the Gods that I may find love this year. I believe They have been giving me very good signs, telling me that it is just a matter of time; somehow, I feel like something will happen soon, perhaps after the Venus retrograde is over. I feel like this is the main thing I am missing in my life.

And on the topic of contributing to the Temple: I still mean to donate, and I'm sorry that I haven't. I have been putting it off due to my concerns regarding cryptocurrency regulations (the thought of possibly having to provide very personal documents for KYC, mainly), but I need to stop making excuses and just get round to it. Even if it's not a privacy-oriented currency like XMR, something will have to do...
Is a onetime working stil favorable on a Sabbat like today? Say, for health?
Yes, bearing in mind that it won't be major. I'm clarifying for newer members mostly as I'm sure you know this. But it may still help lead you to something you need, or bring your awareness to something that can help you.
Yes, bearing in mind that it won't be major. I'm clarifying for newer members mostly as I'm sure you know this. But it may still help lead you to something you need, or bring your awareness to something that can help you.
Perfect. I was actually thinking of using the Necronomicon as a one time working for health and vitality, more so as a an experiment.

Thanks HPS!
Happy Ostara to everyone

I was actually a dedicated a few years ago, but for personal reasons I was absent from the forums. The past years have been disastrous for me, but I feel that 2025 will be a very good year. I was having a lot of trouble with discipline. There are aspects in my natal chart that support this. I'm trying to fight as much as I can. I've been changing internally since Jos became Toz. Sometimes it can be challenging. Fortunately, thanks to the help of the Gods, I am alive and healthy.

The sun has entered the ram and when I read your sermon I felt it was time to come to the forums. Today was the right time. I see my life and the planet becoming more peaceful and calm as the power of the Gods increases. I will improve myself to participate in God rituals.(I will definitely do it this year.) I will definitely participate in FRTRs. I will do the basic meditations (AOP, Cleaning) every day without fail. This is very important. Now I want to spend my time to the fullest both spiritually and materially. My biggest goal will be to go forward slowly but without any laziness. I believe I will succeed with the help of Father Zeus and our Gods.

Again, happy Ostara to everyone. Thank you HPS Lydia for this sermon and for all you do for us. May our Goddess Astarte bless you🙏🙏🙏
Happy Ostara to everyone

I was actually a dedicated a few years ago, but for personal reasons I was absent from the forums. The past years have been disastrous for me, but I feel that 2025 will be a very good year. I was having a lot of trouble with discipline. There are aspects in my natal chart that support this. I'm trying to fight as much as I can. I've been changing internally since Jos became Toz. Sometimes it can be challenging. Fortunately, thanks to the help of the Gods, I am alive and healthy.

The sun has entered the ram and when I read your sermon I felt it was time to come to the forums. Today was the right time. I see my life and the planet becoming more peaceful and calm as the power of the Gods increases. I will improve myself to participate in God rituals.(I will definitely do it this year.) I will definitely participate in FRTRs. I will do the basic meditations (AOP, Cleaning) every day without fail. This is very important. Now I want to spend my time to the fullest both spiritually and materially. My biggest goal will be to go forward slowly but without any laziness. I believe I will succeed with the help of Father Zeus and our Gods.

Again, happy Ostara to everyone. Thank you HPS Lydia for this sermon and for all you do for us. May our Goddess Astarte bless you🙏🙏🙏
Edit: Translated to Deepl (If my english is not perfect , I am sorry, I improve myself)
Happy Ostara everyone!! May you all be eternally blessed. Hail Astarte!!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
