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Potential Obstacles to Advancement


New member
Nov 29, 2024
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in our ♥️ blessed Temple of Zeus ⚡

I am writing to share that I have recently experienced issues with meditation and hope, if anyone can relate, to share some advice that might help (keep in mind I am not a professional/experienced though!)

I have been easing into power meditation to where I feel I can reasonably tolerate the electricity in my soul and body. What I have come to notice is that I couldn't seem to tolerate the side effects at all 😵‍💫 I felt mentally great actually (especially with mindfulness and reconnecting with our Gods) but everything else was suffering (e.g., my physical: extreme headaches, restless legs, sleep problems, fidgeting, painful menstruation, everything kinda going slightly awry....) and this eventually also spread to my mental state (I began to feel a non-desire/heaviness when I would attempt to meditate or yoga, like at the thought of it and it would lead to a shortness of breath/anxiety and like a hot sensation in my shoulders).

This confused me because I never previously had problems with my health (or diet). I did a bit of research (and asked whomever my Guardian Demon ♥️ is to guide me to help) on these forums and came to realise that it may have been a deficiency in crucial nutrition. I am now currently supplementing a LOT of different things at the moment and my diet is way different. Since I've always eaten 'healthy' in the past, i.e., like limited fat/sugar/salt, fist-sized portion of muscle meat like chicken breast, and lots of vegetables in the forms of salad mostly since it was easier to assemble food this way (not really cooking but more like assembling lol).

The supplements I now take include electrolytes in my water, magnesium glycinate at night, and fish oils.
I cook food in tallow and am eating a side of organ meats (whatever I can afford). I snack on nuts, I salt my food more (with pink salt), cut out coffee. I try to cook my vegetables in ways that's still convenient for me and includes squash and root vegetables. Also, counting your calories is always going to be important when changing your diet because you might have to adjust to eating enough and noticing if you're burning more or less. Fat is also calorie dense so you should keep that in mind. Don't overcomplicate things.

I was genuinely tweaking before this diet change and I considered stepping back from advancement in meditation due to the general discomfort it would generate even at the thought of it. If your previous diet worked on a limited electricity in your body but you're now finding yourself in a situation like myself, consider what increasing electricity does in a box where you're not properly insulated to handle it (salts conducts the flow of electricity well, and fat/'insulation tape' protects your hardware; there are probably endless direct analogies for this). The difference in my body, mind, and soul is night-and-day and I feel MUCH more equipped to deal with anything that comes my way now.

I hope this helps, I would hate for anyone to feel the way I did before. Thank you to forum contributors and the High Priest/esses of this Temple for the wealth of information at our disposal! + Thank you to my Guardian Demon for guiding me 🔥🌞

"[Illnesses] do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against nature." Hippocrates 🍀

✨Blessed is the Temple of Zeus ⚡ ♥️
✨Hail Father Satan! 🔥
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in our ♥️ blessed Temple of Zeus ⚡

I am writing to share that I have recently experienced issues with meditation and hope, if anyone can relate, to share some advice that might help (keep in mind I am not a professional/experienced though!)

I have been easing into power meditation to where I feel I can reasonably tolerate the electricity in my soul and body. What I have come to notice is that I couldn't seem to tolerate the side effects at all 😵‍💫 I felt mentally great actually (especially with mindfulness and reconnecting with our Gods) but everything else was suffering (e.g., my physical: extreme headaches, restless legs, sleep problems, fidgeting, painful menstruation, everything kinda going slightly awry....) and this eventually also spread to my mental state (I began to feel a non-desire/heaviness when I would attempt to meditate or yoga, like at the thought of it and it would lead to a shortness of breath/anxiety and like a hot sensation in my shoulders).

This confused me because I never previously had problems with my health (or diet). I did a bit of research (and asked whomever my Guardian Demon ♥️ is to guide me to help) on these forums and came to realise that it may have been a deficiency in crucial nutrition. I am now currently supplementing a LOT of different things at the moment and my diet is way different. Since I've always eaten 'healthy' in the past, i.e., like limited fat/sugar/salt, fist-sized portion of muscle meat like chicken breast, and lots of vegetables in the forms of salad mostly since it was easier to assemble food this way (not really cooking but more like assembling lol).

The supplements I now take include electrolytes in my water, magnesium glycinate at night, and fish oils.
I cook food in tallow and am eating a side of organ meats (whatever I can afford). I snack on nuts, I salt my food more (with pink salt), cut out coffee. I try to cook my vegetables in ways that's still convenient for me and includes squash and root vegetables. Also, counting your calories is always going to be important when changing your diet because you might have to adjust to eating enough and noticing if you're burning more or less. Fat is also calorie dense so you should keep that in mind. Don't overcomplicate things.

I was genuinely tweaking before this diet change and I considered stepping back from advancement in meditation due to the general discomfort it would generate even at the thought of it. If your previous diet worked on a limited electricity in your body but you're now finding yourself in a situation like myself, consider what increasing electricity does in a box where you're not properly insulated to handle it (salts conducts the flow of electricity well, and fat/'insulation tape' protects your hardware; there are probably endless direct analogies for this). The difference in my body, mind, and soul is night-and-day and I feel MUCH more equipped to deal with anything that comes my way now.

I hope this helps, I would hate for anyone to feel the way I did before. Thank you to forum contributors and the High Priest/esses of this Temple for the wealth of information at our disposal! + Thank you to my Guardian Demon for guiding me 🔥🌞

"[Illnesses] do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against nature." Hippocrates 🍀

✨Blessed is the Temple of Zeus ⚡ ♥️
✨Hail Father Satan! 🔥

I have some questions because I am just very curious. After/while you meditate, or while you are meditating on the energy buzz after a good yoga session - are your muscles all over your body twitching?

Because of the legs, try to open them up fully and pull energy up. This is the proper way it has to flow, and if it does not do that, you could experience some issues as well as issues falling asleep.

You might also want to consider doing some more cleaning before you are doing yoga for example.

Regarding the issues with the headaches and the menstruation pain - Do you know anything about your blood?

Maybe you have too little Iron in the blood, or Iron that is quite functional.
You mentioned that you are eating organ meats which is great.
Beef liver for example has lots and lots of iron that is Bio available for the body, as well as loads of copper - that is important for the iron regulation/ metabolism of the body.

I advise people To supply those nutrients:
1) Magnesium: it is very important for All cellular processes in the body and we all consume too little of it - especially those of us who work out
2) Vitamin K2: also, we all eat too little of it

3) Vitamin D3 10.000 IU: also it is impossible to eat proper amounts of Vitamin D - and this is super important for most processes in the body. You can only get this from liver - and not enough. It is so important, that we synthesize this Vitamin in our Skin when we are exposed to the sun light.

And everybody who thinks that 10.000 IUs are too much - it’s not. It equals to you sitting out in the sun for around 1-2hrs without a shirt in the sun, in autumn/spring. (30 Minutes in Summer)

That’s not enough to cause any issues like a Vitamin Toxicity.

My top Foods:
-Eggs (have a very good nutrient profile) pure life force
-Kefir ( Loads of Probiotics, Calcium, good amount of Vitamin Bs, K and A) Milk is nourishing life)
-Beef Liver (LOADS OF VITAMIN A!! The only proper way of getting your weekly dose of Vitamin A as the direct form of retinol actually. Has loads of iron, copper, zinc, B vitamins, Selen - and all the amion accids for Healthy and Beautful skin/hair.)
-Almonds (Loads of Vitamin E. This vitamin is hard to get, 30g-40g Almonds should supply your with enough Vitamin E and Copper for the day.)
-Veggies/Salad: red Bellpeppers, Lettuce, Lemons and so on have loads of plant fibers that are important for digestion, and the gut micro biome, as well as B Vitamins and C, and potassium.
-Cod Liver: HIGH amounts of Vitamin A and Omega 3 fatty acids!! Drink the oil in the can as well (disgusting but it’s worth it!)

With those supplements and those foods as a pillar - you get ALL nutrients that you need.

From all the macro nutrients, to all Vitamins, minerals, and all trace elements, and even a healthy gut micro biome!

Also Stress management is super important. 80% of all diseases in the US have chronic unmanaged stress as a root cause. (According to Dr Rangen Chatterjee)

I can just advise people to check their diet, and try to improve it.

Also try to avoid all vegetable seed oils like Sunflower oils - they are not made for human consumption. But Jews lied and said they are super brain and heart healthy - which is a blatant lie to poison the Gentiles and make money out of it. From Corn you get - Cornflakes, Starches, and Oil. Without wasting anything.

Veg. seed oils cause mitochondrial dysfunction - this is damaging the metabolism of the Human body and leads to obesity.

I have some questions because I am just very curious. After/while you meditate, or while you are meditating on the energy buzz after a good yoga session - are your muscles all over your body twitching?

Because of the legs, try to open them up fully and pull energy up. This is the proper way it has to flow, and if it does not do that, you could experience some issues as well as issues falling asleep.

You might also want to consider doing some more cleaning before you are doing yoga for example.

Regarding the issues with the headaches and the menstruation pain - Do you know anything about your blood?

Maybe you have too little Iron in the blood, or Iron that is quite functional.
You mentioned that you are eating organ meats which is great.
Beef liver for example has lots and lots of iron that is Bio available for the body, as well as loads of copper - that is important for the iron regulation/ metabolism of the body.

I advise people To supply those nutrients:
1) Magnesium: it is very important for All cellular processes in the body and we all consume too little of it - especially those of us who work out
2) Vitamin K2: also, we all eat too little of it

3) Vitamin D3 10.000 IU: also it is impossible to eat proper amounts of Vitamin D - and this is super important for most processes in the body. You can only get this from liver - and not enough. It is so important, that we synthesize this Vitamin in our Skin when we are exposed to the sun light.

And everybody who thinks that 10.000 IUs are too much - it’s not. It equals to you sitting out in the sun for around 1-2hrs without a shirt in the sun, in autumn/spring. (30 Minutes in Summer)

That’s not enough to cause any issues like a Vitamin Toxicity.

My top Foods:
-Eggs (have a very good nutrient profile) pure life force
-Kefir ( Loads of Probiotics, Calcium, good amount of Vitamin Bs, K and A) Milk is nourishing life)
-Beef Liver (LOADS OF VITAMIN A!! The only proper way of getting your weekly dose of Vitamin A as the direct form of retinol actually. Has loads of iron, copper, zinc, B vitamins, Selen - and all the amion accids for Healthy and Beautful skin/hair.)
-Almonds (Loads of Vitamin E. This vitamin is hard to get, 30g-40g Almonds should supply your with enough Vitamin E and Copper for the day.)
-Veggies/Salad: red Bellpeppers, Lettuce, Lemons and so on have loads of plant fibers that are important for digestion, and the gut micro biome, as well as B Vitamins and C, and potassium.
-Cod Liver: HIGH amounts of Vitamin A and Omega 3 fatty acids!! Drink the oil in the can as well (disgusting but it’s worth it!)

With those supplements and those foods as a pillar - you get ALL nutrients that you need.

From all the macro nutrients, to all Vitamins, minerals, and all trace elements, and even a healthy gut micro biome!

Also Stress management is super important. 80% of all diseases in the US have chronic unmanaged stress as a root cause. (According to Dr Rangen Chatterjee)

I can just advise people to check their diet, and try to improve it.

Also try to avoid all vegetable seed oils like Sunflower oils - they are not made for human consumption. But Jews lied and said they are super brain and heart healthy - which is a blatant lie to poison the Gentiles and make money out of it. From Corn you get - Cornflakes, Starches, and Oil. Without wasting anything.

Veg. seed oils cause mitochondrial dysfunction - this is damaging the metabolism of the Human body and leads to obesity.
Thank you so much for this, it was so needed! I really feel like you've fully completed my understanding of what changes I needed to make and it is just generally amazing advice to anyone who comes across it.

Yes to the muscles twitching thing, especially after my full workout (I typically include yoga at the end of my workouts, let me know if this is good?)
Should I stop doing yoga and focus on cleaning or just try to clean before the yoga session?

I'm not the best at sensing energy but if I really focus I do feel as though my legs are heavier and not circulating energy well (I have compression socks because varicose veins run in my family, but I'm forgetful at wearing them)

I think I do have low iron! I experience a lot of the symptoms and sometimes it's worse than other times (i.e., dizziness, pale, brain fog). I used to think I might have endometriosis (heavy bleeding when I menstruate, cramps) but it was hit or miss since some months were better than others. I stopped using birth control pills (for limiting the amount of heavy bleeding) due to the depression/suicidal thoughts it gave me a few months ago.

Unfortunately, I have been stressed due to my current life situation (unemployment, amongst other things) but void meditation has helped immensely with controlling my thoughts and I'm only getting better at it as I practice 😊 I try to remain mindful, optimistic and practice gratitude to stop stressing so much + I will definitely be taking all of your diet and nutritional advice!
Yes to the muscles twitching thing, especially after my full workout (I typically include yoga at the end of my workouts, let me know if this is good?)
Should I stop doing yoga and focus on cleaning or just try to clean before the yoga session?

It sounds as if you should do the opposite. The side effects you list sound like side effects of overstimulation. If you are very new you need to take things slow at first.

Take a step back from any empowerment/chakra opening you may be doing for a few days and focus more on yoga and cleansing. Do your yoga poses for a few breaths longer than normal and allow all the energy you’ve accumulated to properly flow through you
It sounds as if you should do the opposite. The side effects you list sound like side effects of overstimulation. If you are very new you need to take things slow at first.

Take a step back from any empowerment/chakra opening you may be doing for a few days and focus more on yoga and cleansing. Do your yoga poses for a few breaths longer than normal and allow all the energy you’ve accumulated to properly flow through you
Oof this makes sense, I didn't think I've been doing that much but I guess I have been 🫠 though I haven't attempted any chakra openings yet (which I thought opening/unblocking would help me handle the flow of energy?)

Thank you for your response!!
(which I thought opening/unblocking would help me handle the flow of energy?)

Over time yes. But when you first do the opening chakras meditations it causes a surge of bio electricity into that chakra that your body isnt used to

that’s why it’s recommended in the meditations to take a small break in between. If you do them too fast your body won’t have time to adjust to this and you can burn yourself out or worse

Taking things slow and steady is the best way to advance yourself. Always take some time to reflect on how a new meditation makes you feel and if its too intense then don’t push it.

Also it’s best to do yoga before you work out rather than after to prepare your muscles & ’loosen them up’ to help avoid any potential injury
Thank you so much for this, it was so needed! I really feel like you've fully completed my understanding of what changes I needed to make and it is just generally amazing advice to anyone who comes across it.
I am glad that I am of assistance!

Yes to the muscles twitching thing, especially after my full workout (I typically include yoga at the end of my workouts, let me know if this is good?)
Should I stop doing yoga and focus on cleaning or just try to clean before the yoga session?
Haha I knew it!!
I knew that because you explained it in a way, how I feel it haha

Well this is a rare phenomenon, a couple years back I thought that everybody experiences this - but it’s rather rare as I found out, as nobody I asked on the forums had a clear idea of what it is (except of NakedPluto - Alexandros Iowno is his name in the forums now)

This is happening because your bioelectricity is increasing, and is building up - so this is a good sign. Your Nervous system seems to be very reactive and is reacting to the increased bioelectricity - and releasing some of it.

I have been experiencing this for years now, this is nothing to worry about, but rather good.
Your bioelectricity is building up over time, each day you are doing meditations and yoga to increase your energy. As time goes on, this twitching/ release of energy will increase in intensity and frequency. This is nothing to worry about but a good sign that you are building up your power - it is an indicator.

In all this years I have never have had any bad experiences with this - and for parts I meditated and did yoga for like 4-6hrs a day.

When you feel the energy buzz, just do not focus too much on the twitching itself, but on the energy. This is what you want to build up.

Well you most likely have a very sensitive Nervoussystem, which means that your body and soul have an easier time feeling the increased bioelectricity, opening up the different aspects of the soul/chakras/nadhis - which is good.

However, never meditate while you are driving, as you can open up certain parts of the soul unexpectedly/suddenly and your nervous system is very reactive - this could potentially lead to a situation where you are overwhelmed (which is of course not optimal while you are driving)

When this happens - let the energy flow naturally how it is supposed to.

Do your power meditations - you will advance quickly. But pace yourself - do not overdo it, build a solid foundation and increase the intensity and frequency of meditations in increments.

Your Nervoussystem is most likely also prone to Stimulation due to stress. Try to develop a healthy stress management routine, avoid too much coffee/other stimulants, and try to sleep well and not to stress out so much.

If you have any questions regarding the above you can always approach me!

Oof this makes sense, I didn't think I've been doing that much but I guess I have been 🫠 though I haven't attempted any chakra openings yet (which I thought opening/unblocking would help me handle the flow of energy?)
As I said, your just very sensitive to the increased bioelectricity :)
Even yoga and breathing exercises - or even summoning Energy by your will - will increase the energy/vril/bioelectricity. You are just reacting to it - this is a good sign that what you are doing is working!
Your Nervoussystem is an instrument for measurement so to speak haha

Follow the safety rules on the JoS/ToZ and you are good to go! Do not overdo it, as it’s possible to fry the chakras (I have never experienced something like that - but apparently some teens have)

I'm not the best at sensing energy but if I really focus I do feel as though my legs are heavier and not circulating energy well (I have compression socks because varicose veins run in my family, but I'm forgetful at wearing them)
Well, when the time has come do not forget to work on your Feet and legs to improve the energy flow and be able To consciously absorb energy through the feet!

And Welcome to another Episode of „NinRick‘s ToZ Forums talk - where you get a whole lecture, even if you didn’t ask for it“:

There are some mechanisms I can think of when thinking about varicose veins. Mostly it might be that in your family you have issues with the angiogensis - which is the Mechanisms of creating, maintaining and to regress Blood vessels.

It is very important for the body to create/expand some vessels - but also to retract them. This is a very dynamic process, like breathing. Yin and Yang.

(Example Cancer: Hijacks the mechanism of Angiogenesis to create new blood vessles around itself, to increase the nutrient absorption for growth.)

1) Role of Vitamin K and D in the Cardio vascular system:
Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D are very potent when trying to maintain a good health of your cardiovascular system. Vitamin D and K2 work together to keep the calcium in the bones, and absorbing it. When we have too little K2/D3 in our system, the calcium can actually leak out of the bones and go into the blood stream - where it encourages the growth of Plaque which ultimately stiffens the Veins and arteries - which can lead to varicose veins, because the vein lids and walls become stiff and fragile.

So you should make sure to take enough K2 and also Vitamin D3 - take „high“ doses of Vitamin D3 like me 10.000 IUs. It looks like much but it’s not.
The body needs much D3 as it is very important for MANY functions in the whole body. When we take too little, we leave no Vitamin D3 for other functions and the body will natrually not to spend too mich Vitamin D3 as not to get depleted of it. (vitamin A is a good example: when people have too little of it, they do not die, but for example they see very poorly at night. Night blindness is a result)

The only way of getting enough Vitamin D is by being exposed to the sun - or supplementing it.
-This avoids a pathway of stiffening the arteries by Plaque.

2) Role of Insulin in the stiffening of arteries:
In order for your blood vessels to relax and expand, they need to be exposed by Nitric Oxide (NO) - this is expanding them.
So in order to have healthy blood vessels, they need to be able to relax and expand well, this makes they flexible.

When we have chronically increased fasting Inulin Levels, we inhibit/block the NO pathway - which means our blood vessels lose the ability to expand and be flexible to the same degree. As a result, our blood vessels stiffen up - even without any plaque in the artery walls, simply because Insulin is inhibiting NO.

The other thing is, that Insuin also encourages the build up of Plaque in the arteries. You do not have to be a diabetic to have this issue, this boils down to genetics and lifestyle.

So keeping fasting Insulin low, and making the body more insulin sensitive is a very good idea.
Hormones always cause issues when they are active for a prolonged period - Hormones need to peak for a short period, and come down to a low base level, so other functions of the body do not get inhibited.
And in our current time, most people in the west are hormonally modified - due to too high Insulin Levels.

Elevated Insulin Levels also cause chronic elevated inflammation markers - which leads us to the next point.

3) The impact of Inflammation on the body:
Due to our lifestyle and diet we western people have to deal with a high level of inflammation in the body - Inflammation in the Gut, in the Fat deposits, in Heart/Brain and also in our cellular membranes.

When the body has to deal with inflammation, we are wasting a great amount of life force to deal with it. The body basically gets chronically inflamed whenever it becomes desperate and has no other option to deal with the underlying issue at hand.

for example with the blood vessles and the venous vents - they will lose their structure and stability when they get inflamed, they get weak. This will lead to venous insufficiency give enough time - the Vessles will deform and bend, pooling the blood and the venous vents will lose the ability to seal the blood flow. Which could lead to issues.

There are also some foods that can increase the degree of Angiogenesis in the body. Following is from the book „Eat to beat disease“ from Dr William Li - Page 179-180:
Apples (especially the skin), Blueberries (deyed), Cranberries (fresh and dryed), Chia seeds, Chillis (the hot ones), Cherrys (dryed), Mint, Pumpkin seeds, Onions, Rosemary, Red lettuce, red beets, dark Schokolade (>70%).

I believe, focusing on the correct nutrition, controlling Insulin and Inflammations in the body will benefit you very much!
Let me know if you wish some further input!

I think I do have low iron!
Ohh, in that case you can also consider taking Lactoferrin for a batch.
when the body has too little copper available, we can not metabolize the iron very well and make it available for its function. When this happens we have a bunch of unbound Iron, that is not doing much and oxidizing - it’s basically just rusting in our bodies.

So it’s possible to have a sufficient amount of Iron in the system - that is basically just rusting away.

This is also a marker of aging, unfortunately.

Lactoferrin helps you to get rid of that rusted iron - I am also taking it right now because if that reason.

If you are still very young you don’t need it though. But at 25 you can consider taking it =P

I stopped using birth control pills (for limiting the amount of heavy bleeding) due to the depression/suicidal thoughts it gave me a few months ago.
I‘m sorry to hear that. Apparently this is a common theme with these pills. :/

If you have any issues or questions you can always approach me! :)
Today I
Over time yes. But when you first do the opening chakras meditations it causes a surge of bio electricity into that chakra that your body isnt used to

that’s why it’s recommended in the meditations to take a small break in between. If you do them too fast your body won’t have time to adjust to this and you can burn yourself out or worse

Taking things slow and steady is the best way to advance yourself. Always take some time to reflect on how a new meditation makes you feel and if its too intense then don’t push it.

Also it’s best to do yoga before you work out rather than after to prepare your muscles & ’loosen them up’ to help avoid any potential injury
Today I actually did switch the order of my workouts and I felt mentally clear and more positive. I am also focusing more on feeling the energy I already have than increasing it/building it up.

I will have to focus more on how I feel while meditating, as you suggested (e.g., if 100 repetitions of the RAUM mantra is building up too much energy (I do this to clean my aura)).

Thank you for getting back to me and for all your assistance 😊
I am glad that I am of assistance!

Haha I knew it!!
I knew that because you explained it in a way, how I feel it haha

Well this is a rare phenomenon, a couple years back I thought that everybody experiences this - but it’s rather rare as I found out, as nobody I asked on the forums had a clear idea of what it is (except of NakedPluto - Alexandros Iowno is his name in the forums now)

This is happening because your bioelectricity is increasing, and is building up - so this is a good sign. Your Nervous system seems to be very reactive and is reacting to the increased bioelectricity - and releasing some of it.

I have been experiencing this for years now, this is nothing to worry about, but rather good.
Your bioelectricity is building up over time, each day you are doing meditations and yoga to increase your energy. As time goes on, this twitching/ release of energy will increase in intensity and frequency. This is nothing to worry about but a good sign that you are building up your power - it is an indicator.

In all this years I have never have had any bad experiences with this - and for parts I meditated and did yoga for like 4-6hrs a day.

When you feel the energy buzz, just do not focus too much on the twitching itself, but on the energy. This is what you want to build up.

Well you most likely have a very sensitive Nervoussystem, which means that your body and soul have an easier time feeling the increased bioelectricity, opening up the different aspects of the soul/chakras/nadhis - which is good.

However, never meditate while you are driving, as you can open up certain parts of the soul unexpectedly/suddenly and your nervous system is very reactive - this could potentially lead to a situation where you are overwhelmed (which is of course not optimal while you are driving)

When this happens - let the energy flow naturally how it is supposed to.

Do your power meditations - you will advance quickly. But pace yourself - do not overdo it, build a solid foundation and increase the intensity and frequency of meditations in increments.

Your Nervoussystem is most likely also prone to Stimulation due to stress. Try to develop a healthy stress management routine, avoid too much coffee/other stimulants, and try to sleep well and not to stress out so much.

If you have any questions regarding the above you can always approach me!

As I said, your just very sensitive to the increased bioelectricity :)
Even yoga and breathing exercises - or even summoning Energy by your will - will increase the energy/vril/bioelectricity. You are just reacting to it - this is a good sign that what you are doing is working!
Your Nervoussystem is an instrument for measurement so to speak haha

Follow the safety rules on the JoS/ToZ and you are good to go! Do not overdo it, as it’s possible to fry the chakras (I have never experienced something like that - but apparently some teens have)

Well, when the time has come do not forget to work on your Feet and legs to improve the energy flow and be able To consciously absorb energy through the feet!

And Welcome to another Episode of „NinRick‘s ToZ Forums talk - where you get a whole lecture, even if you didn’t ask for it“:

There are some mechanisms I can think of when thinking about varicose veins. Mostly it might be that in your family you have issues with the angiogensis - which is the Mechanisms of creating, maintaining and to regress Blood vessels.

It is very important for the body to create/expand some vessels - but also to retract them. This is a very dynamic process, like breathing. Yin and Yang.

(Example Cancer: Hijacks the mechanism of Angiogenesis to create new blood vessles around itself, to increase the nutrient absorption for growth.)

1) Role of Vitamin K and D in the Cardio vascular system:
Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D are very potent when trying to maintain a good health of your cardiovascular system. Vitamin D and K2 work together to keep the calcium in the bones, and absorbing it. When we have too little K2/D3 in our system, the calcium can actually leak out of the bones and go into the blood stream - where it encourages the growth of Plaque which ultimately stiffens the Veins and arteries - which can lead to varicose veins, because the vein lids and walls become stiff and fragile.

So you should make sure to take enough K2 and also Vitamin D3 - take „high“ doses of Vitamin D3 like me 10.000 IUs. It looks like much but it’s not.
The body needs much D3 as it is very important for MANY functions in the whole body. When we take too little, we leave no Vitamin D3 for other functions and the body will natrually not to spend too mich Vitamin D3 as not to get depleted of it. (vitamin A is a good example: when people have too little of it, they do not die, but for example they see very poorly at night. Night blindness is a result)

The only way of getting enough Vitamin D is by being exposed to the sun - or supplementing it.
-This avoids a pathway of stiffening the arteries by Plaque.

2) Role of Insulin in the stiffening of arteries:
In order for your blood vessels to relax and expand, they need to be exposed by Nitric Oxide (NO) - this is expanding them.
So in order to have healthy blood vessels, they need to be able to relax and expand well, this makes they flexible.

When we have chronically increased fasting Inulin Levels, we inhibit/block the NO pathway - which means our blood vessels lose the ability to expand and be flexible to the same degree. As a result, our blood vessels stiffen up - even without any plaque in the artery walls, simply because Insulin is inhibiting NO.

The other thing is, that Insuin also encourages the build up of Plaque in the arteries. You do not have to be a diabetic to have this issue, this boils down to genetics and lifestyle.

So keeping fasting Insulin low, and making the body more insulin sensitive is a very good idea.
Hormones always cause issues when they are active for a prolonged period - Hormones need to peak for a short period, and come down to a low base level, so other functions of the body do not get inhibited.
And in our current time, most people in the west are hormonally modified - due to too high Insulin Levels.

Elevated Insulin Levels also cause chronic elevated inflammation markers - which leads us to the next point.

3) The impact of Inflammation on the body:
Due to our lifestyle and diet we western people have to deal with a high level of inflammation in the body - Inflammation in the Gut, in the Fat deposits, in Heart/Brain and also in our cellular membranes.

When the body has to deal with inflammation, we are wasting a great amount of life force to deal with it. The body basically gets chronically inflamed whenever it becomes desperate and has no other option to deal with the underlying issue at hand.

for example with the blood vessles and the venous vents - they will lose their structure and stability when they get inflamed, they get weak. This will lead to venous insufficiency give enough time - the Vessles will deform and bend, pooling the blood and the venous vents will lose the ability to seal the blood flow. Which could lead to issues.

There are also some foods that can increase the degree of Angiogenesis in the body. Following is from the book „Eat to beat disease“ from Dr William Li - Page 179-180:
Apples (especially the skin), Blueberries (deyed), Cranberries (fresh and dryed), Chia seeds, Chillis (the hot ones), Cherrys (dryed), Mint, Pumpkin seeds, Onions, Rosemary, Red lettuce, red beets, dark Schokolade (>70%).

I believe, focusing on the correct nutrition, controlling Insulin and Inflammations in the body will benefit you very much!
Let me know if you wish some further input!

Ohh, in that case you can also consider taking Lactoferrin for a batch.
when the body has too little copper available, we can not metabolize the iron very well and make it available for its function. When this happens we have a bunch of unbound Iron, that is not doing much and oxidizing - it’s basically just rusting in our bodies.

So it’s possible to have a sufficient amount of Iron in the system - that is basically just rusting away.

This is also a marker of aging, unfortunately.

Lactoferrin helps you to get rid of that rusted iron - I am also taking it right now because if that reason.

If you are still very young you don’t need it though. But at 25 you can consider taking it =P

I‘m sorry to hear that. Apparently this is a common theme with these pills. :/

If you have any issues or questions you can always approach me! :)
Wow, thank you for taking the time out of your day to respond + your posts are very helpful and clear (and not at all a lecture! Don't worry 😊) I really do appreciate it, I'm learning a lot.

I still have to purchase the Vitamin D3, but I am seeing good results with the supplements and foods that you mentioned which I already have (excepting the cod liver oil which I still haven't opened yet, and almonds/lactoferrin I still need to buy). The rosacea on the sides of my face went away practically overnight with this! So I know I will continue + make extra notes about the other foods you suggested for the insulin/inflammation, I think I will also try intermittent fasting. I am actually worried about my blood sugar levels because I tend towards low blood sugar throughout the day, which I usually attribute to anxious energy. I will try to avoid processed/simple carbs more. Your health advice has been invaluable! ✨

What you're saying about the energies makes a lot of sense and is something to think about 💭 I'll stop worrying about it then, and focus on getting good at the basics and going slow with increasing and getting used to the added electricity in my soul (maybe do positive affirmations to go along with it). I probably have a lot of cleaning or purifying to do which must be what I'm missing and I'll be less impatient.

Thank you so much! 🙏 🔥
Today I

Today I actually did switch the order of my workouts and I felt mentally clear and more positive. I am also focusing more on feeling the energy I already have than increasing it/building it up.

I will have to focus more on how I feel while meditating, as you suggested (e.g., if 100 repetitions of the RAUM mantra is building up too much energy (I do this to clean my aura)).

Thank you for getting back to me and for all your assistance 😊

that is definitely too much. here is a post from HP Cone’s addressing exactly what youre going through

“A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.”

that is definitely too much. here is a post from HP Cone’s addressing exactly what youre going through

“A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.”

HP Cobra*
that is definitely too much. here is a post from HP Cone’s addressing exactly what youre going through

“A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.”

Yes I agree, in hindsight 🫠 the sleeping patterns and everything is spot on but never put two-and-two together 💀 plus I actually studied that post before 😵‍💫

I thought it would be fine since I did follow the webpage on how to clean your aura (100 repetitions still being less than a full Rosary) and that cleaning is different from empowerment? I'm really paranoid about having thoughtforms and stuff attached to me and I want to thoroughly clean my soul before I advanced....

I will try and slowly decrease/wean off the amount and see what happens, I'm scared to drop off too quickly either 😞 (but I never felt like actual severe pain like in the description, mostly discomfort) thanks for looking out 🙏
blessings 🌞

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
