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Sep 10, 2024
I'm experiencing emotional abuse from my mom. I don't know what god to reach out to help. Could someone please help me with this??
What do mean "emotional abuse?" Is it something you've done? Or is it unnecessary abuse for no particular reason?

You've been here 5 months and posted a lot of unusual messages ie: claiming abuse, you're not human but in the form of an animal and threatening to do self harm.

You don't seem to know much about the gods or JoS, so I would first suggest you go on and read:

A4 - black background.png
Nothing is going to change in your life until you become aware of your true spiritual nature and then improve your standing with Satan.
Start your spiritual journey with the 40 day empowerment program by HP Hoodedcobra666:

If you have no knowledge of the Gods then pray to Father Satan whilst looking at his picture or sigil. Just pray in your own words from your heart. He will listen.
Can you get away from her? You could also use the rune Munka to unbind your soul from her I know that having an energetic bound with a bad parent feels unbearable..
I'm experiencing emotional abuse


from my mom

Often we can use things like this:

In general, I do not suggest that you take what an abusive person tells you to create an emotional judgment about dite. Always follow this guide to know when someone deserves to be heard and when not:

I don't know what god

Try this:

to reach out to help

This is another guide to how to figure out people to avoid. Now, avoidance is not literally in the physical sense. Avoidance can also mean avoiding placing your attentions within their judgments or putting yourself under their parameters of judgment. Which are not really functioning parameters.

However, there are services for these kinds of things (from the perspective of the legislature, etc.) that are secure and made available to citizens precisely because of their reliability and efficiency.
There is a simple meditation for this to send her negativity to herself. It's also important to cleanse your aura daily so that this negative energy doesn't build up.

Here are the steps you could take: Fighting Back

I have experience with the above meditation, but the next one I'm not too familiar with: Binding Spell

The first one was enough for me, another thing you can do is to let off steam with yourself, there are others who even cry afterwards, and this is also enough for the person abusing you to suffer the consequences, the worse the abuse, the worse it will be for the person. I remember when I just let off steam and a few weeks later my father almost died, but in this case it was years and years of abuse, so I speak from experience that letting off steam can help you. Do it when you're alone.
There is a simple meditation for this to send her negativity to herself. It's also important to cleanse your aura daily so that this negative energy doesn't build up.

Here are the steps you could take: Fighting Back

I have experience with the above meditation, but the next one I'm not too familiar with: Binding Spell

The first one was enough for me, another thing you can do is to let off steam with yourself, there are others who even cry afterwards, and this is also enough for the person abusing you to suffer the consequences, the worse the abuse, the worse it will be for the person. I remember when I just let off steam and a few weeks later my father almost died, but in this case it was years and years of abuse, so I speak from experience that letting off steam can help you. Do it when you're alone.
That's so great...just not so hijacking 🙁
send her negativity to herself.
I wouldn't advise for that to be honest. Maybe OP is mistaken her opinion of what's going on, regardless , there's better and more harmonic ways to deal with this.

You wouldn't want something bad to happen to your family , wouldn't you? Sometimes our family might say stuff or do stuff but the cases where they truly are psychopath and want to harm their own children are very small , I wouldn't send back bad energy towards my family , regardless of how stupid they can be sometimes.
I wouldn't advise for that to be honest. Maybe OP is mistaken her opinion of what's going on, regardless , there's better and more harmonic ways to deal with this.

You wouldn't want something bad to happen to your family , wouldn't you? Sometimes our family might say stuff or do stuff but the cases where they truly are psychopath and want to harm their own children are very small , I wouldn't send back bad energy towards my family , regardless of how stupid they can be sometimes.

Well it could be, a more harmonious attempt could end up happening, that could be the best thing

But in that case she wouldn't be generating any negative energy here just by sending it to the person who sent it to her, OP could clean her aura, do meditations to improve her relationship with her mother, that could be the right option.

But in my case my opinion is much more different, in case she ends up needing her mother financially or something else important, yes I think you're right and that could be the best option

But in my case although this is the most lucid option I find it at the same time an abomination, everyone who commits an action like this or similar should suffer for what they themselves are creating, because if the most harminic option happens it would be by the result of the OP but what if she had no way to defend herself? Do you really think her mother would do the same for the OP? I don't think so

Following my thoughts and opinions, and going two ways we have

1. If you meet a negative or even nefarious person and they do repulsive things to you, try to kill you and make you feel worse, in that case, if you have the means to defend yourself and succeed, and you decide to help them spiritually because it could be more harmonious for whatever reason, everyone would have a happy ending, the person would apologize and grow up.

That seems really sensible, since you have the knowledge of how the soul works, the mistakes that this person could have made and so on, and you would be going for the best option.

But that would be you, with the knowledge that Satan gave you.

But what if it's the second case?

2. Everything happens as above but you didn't have this knowledge and you didn't even meet Satan, this nefarious person does whatever he wants to you, kills you and you could have suffered a terrible fate and your soul is now gone because it's too weak to be reincarnated because of this person, then another comes along and the same thing happens but he's much stronger and so he takes the sensible option and they both have a happy ending.

Of course this can't apply to the OP's mother and everything has its level, in this case I may be going to an extreme level.

In this case, the OP could really try something more harmonious, especially if she's going to have to live with her mother, that could be the best option, in which case I think you're right, but at the same time I disagree, because the OP wouldn't be creating negative energy, just making those who created her suffer instead of her.

In the end, in any case, the best option would be for the OP itself to decide how it's going to be.

If I'm going to give my final opinion on all this, then yes, I think that trying something more harmonious might actually be the case and also something that would benefit her.
I'm experiencing emotional abuse from my mom. I don't know what god to reach out to help. Could someone please help me with this??
Don't forget to cleanse your aura too, so as not to let any negativity build up and you end up suffering for it
I ended up reading your other posts to try to understand better, and hmm, I think this is a bit serious and I think you should take it a bit easier

I think the right term would be vent

What I posted would be more of a cathartic thing and to protect yourself from negative energy coming from others.

I don't know what you consider as abuse, I read another post from the OP saying that abuse was his father triggering him because he called him a word he didn't like.

I don't really know what it's like in the country you live in, but I have heard and know of cases of serious abuse that make what the OP said in his post seem like a joke.

From what you're going through, I imagine it would be a real emotional breakdown on your part.

So I think you should try to calm down instead of despairing, are you trying meditation? They've been good for me, they've helped me see a lot of things clearly, I think they'll be good for you too
So I think you should try to calm down instead of despairing, are you trying meditation? They've been good for me, they've helped me see a lot of things clearly, I think they'll be good for you too
I will try that out.

to all that responded, thank you.
I'm experiencing emotional abuse from my mom. I don't know what god to reach out to help. Could someone please help me with this??
Of what kind of abuse are we talking about? Can you provide an explicit example?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
