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Managing (and Mastering) a Prominent Neptune

If there are problems, they can be resolved by doing something that directly targets the problem.
I agree, but there is this idea that the Sun has a general purpose and can be used for many things, even outside of what it directly rules to benefit the whole, like in the example above. What is your take on that?
So like if it's healthwise related or delusion related, can a Sun Square not help? I don't understand.
So if you have a health problem, you do a Sun square to improve your health. Therefore, you are targeting the problem. Target the problem with a specific working for that problem, versus doing a Sun square to nullify your problematic Neptune, and hoping it will just happen to increase your health.

Does a Sun square remove delusion? Sun is light, light clarifies, so in theory, perhaps it will. But it would need to be programmed directly, not just to "offset negative effects of Neptune". We have members who have come up with experiments before that sounded way too indirect and unrealistic, which is why I always say to go for the problem directly. (Although, many beneficial and interesting effects happen from doing a square for one thing, and getting other benefits too.)

And there is more to delusions than what Sun will help with. Saturn, for example, but I don't advise doing its square to remove delusions. Having an open third eye, to see through spells and understand they are not real, will help.

What removes delusions? Understanding reality, and understanding yourself. So perhaps it would be best to work on that, instead of a indirect route mentioned above.
That's the thing. I would love to work, but where I am now (different country), If I tried to do it I could not stay here anymore with my husband. That's why I am asking for help on what to do in such a situation...
White woman, moves to new country, waits to be legally able to legally find legal work.

Meanwhile, everyone else illegally move to new countries and find work regardless, being paid under the table, starting their own illegal small businesses, and so on.

(I'm not advising you to do anything illegal, it just struck me as rather humorous. But I think I advised you in a previous post you made, about doing workings to get the process speeded up. And when Jupiter enters Cancer in a few months you can do its square for that purpose, if your situation hasn't been resolved by then.)
I wouldn't exactly call punk entirely degenerate, because it helped the people in the 70's shake off the post-world war attitudes of the previous generation (accepting mediocrity just to survive with their heads down), and inspired the new generations to have motivation to seek freedom and throw off tyranny. And many in the punk culture rejected the drug and alcohol use that was prevalent in the rock genre. And while they did go a bit too far in their stances, that's natural, the pendulum swings before finding balance.

I don't know about punk music these days though, nor am I familiar with grindcore.
Thank you, High Priestess, for this wonderful sermon, like many others I can relate to this keenly. I am very idealistic and creative but have struggled a lot with hypersensitivity and substance abuse issues.

As an aside, I like some forms of punk music. Final War and Skrewdriver have much more positive lyrics than most mainstream punk bands. Idealistic, tribal, masculine. Discretion is important of course just like when consuming media in general:
So if you have a health problem, you do a Sun square to improve your health. Therefore, you are targeting the problem. Target the problem with a specific working for that problem, versus doing a Sun square to nullify your problematic Neptune, and hoping it will just happen to increase your health.

Does a Sun square remove delusion? Sun is light, light clarifies, so in theory, perhaps it will. But it would need to be programmed directly, not just to "offset negative effects of Neptune". We have members who have come up with experiments before that sounded way too indirect and unrealistic, which is why I always say to go for the problem directly. (Although, many beneficial and interesting effects happen from doing a square for one thing, and getting other benefits too.)

And there is more to delusions than what Sun will help with. Saturn, for example, but I don't advise doing its square to remove delusions. Having an open third eye, to see through spells and understand they are not real, will help.

What removes delusions? Understanding reality, and understanding yourself. So perhaps it would be best to work on that, instead of a indirect route mentioned above.

Thank you! That makes more sense. Sorry for not understanding at first.
I will work upon this.

White woman, moves to new country, waits to be legally able to legally find legal work.

Meanwhile, everyone else illegally move to new countries and find work regardless, being paid under the table, starting their own illegal small businesses, and so on.

(I'm not advising you to do anything illegal, it just struck me as rather humorous. But I think I advised you in a previous post you made, about doing workings to get the process speeded up. And when Jupiter enters Cancer in a few months you can do its square for that purpose, if your situation hasn't been resolved by then.)

If I knew I wouldn't get into big legal problems and risk being sent back to my abusive family that I worked so hard with my husband to escape, I would.

I just worry. This country (and probably many others) don't take kindly to illegal workers. I'm kind of stuck here until I finally get the documents I need.
Thank you High Priestess. I was crying yesterday because of this. I feel as I have went nowhere, is nowhere and have built no worth and after multiple personal problems yesterday in my life I felt crushed, and I felt completely alone, understood by no one, going no where, I just felt I wanted to die. I have no worth here.

Why is it that I’m always alone, never understood, never getting what I want, going where I want?

I feel lost, and I don’t know what to do anymore. Why is it that when I keep trying to fix my life everything comes tumbling down. I have been trying for years, I swear I try my best I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Sometimes, I feel that something’s seriously wrong with me and I will never be understood by any one, and it’s true, no one understands me and it hurts. No one really knows me for who I am and loves me for who I really am, everyone has an idea of me.

This is why I’m always alone, even in a relationship, besides friends, with family.

Sometimes I wonder if the Gods understand me, since everyone has trouble with this. I know at least I can only depend on father Satan to understand me.

I will try again still, will start learning to draw so I can apply on your thread and stick with Yoga and meditation, I just hope I don’t fail again.. like I always do..
First time someone puts what I feel! You are not alone.
Hello High Priestess :)

I've long wanted to ask you about the runes which could help balance the negative influence of Neptune in one's natal chart (blurred goals, confusion, fears, procrastination), runes that enhance clarity, discipline and logic.

Is the following information that I've gathered correct ?


Teyvaz (ᛏ) – willpower, clarity, ability to make decisions.

Sovilo (ᛊ) – awareness, clarification of thoughts, removes fog.

Ansuz (ᚨ) – wisdom, understanding, correct information.

Nautiz (ᚾ) – self-discipline, protection from illusions, structuring of life.

Isa (ᛁ) – freezes chaos, helps to focus on specific goals.

Affirmations to the runes:

Teyvaz – “I firmly choose my path and follow it with determination.”

Sovilo - "I clearly see my goals and confidently move towards them."

Ansuz - "I receive important information and understand where to go."

Nautiz - "I control my life and make clear plans."

Isa - "I freeze chaos and concentrate on the main thing."

And also the best crystals :

Amethyst - removes chaos in thoughts, helps to connect intuition with logic, protects from illusions.

Labradorite - strengthens intuition, but at the same time does not allow "flying away" into fantasies, helps to realize true desires.

Rock crystal - enhances concentration, clarity of thoughts and helps to make the right decisions.

Hematite - powerful grounding, removes confusion of thoughts, makes thinking structured.

Obsidian - disperses illusions, helps to see the truth and get rid of self-deception.

Tiger's eye - strengthens self-confidence, protects from the influence of other people's opinions and chaos.
First time someone puts what I feel! You are not alone.
It’s not the end! I feel better now. I think it passes I’m just glad when I felt rock bottom I didn’t skip my meditations or yoga. I did much easier ones and took it very slow but didn’t quit. I was able to figure out a bit of my life problems and made up with my GF.

I felt my feelings and let them go in a way. Watched some comfort shows and music.

But I’m still taking everyhting very slow and easy I won’t stress myself so much that I give it all up and I don’t mind relaxing on myself a bit. I don’t have to be perfect. I should treat myself more like how I do my loved ones.
I wouldn't exactly call punk entirely degenerate, because it helped the people in the 70's shake off the post-world war attitudes of the previous generation (accepting mediocrity just to survive with their heads down), and inspired the new generations to have motivation to seek freedom and throw off tyranny. And many in the punk culture rejected the drug and alcohol use that was prevalent in the rock genre. And while they did go a bit too far in their stances, that's natural, the pendulum swings before finding balance.

I don't know about punk music these days though, nor am I familiar with grindcore.
R.O.C. (rock against communism) though personally I haven't listened to it in some years, Ian Stuart for example was based from what I recall is punk like noise ja. Again within the contexts of the time we express in certain ways, such as preferences of NSBM ;) and black metal though also enjoy the classical music of Wagner of course and pianist composers ..and other cultural Indian and varias Paganas sounds yes.
Had known someone in my past and was friends with a classical musician and composer (will not name names) & he also helped create or/& help continue the BDS Movement. So through also friendships he has with other talented musicians he was able to help boycott Israel .. pretty awesome 🙋🏼‍♀️🎺🎻🎼🥁🎵🎶🎼
-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

I particularly agree with this. I truly believe that with any form of creativity, be it illustration, music, dance, writing, etc., human beings require a form of creative outlet for the feminine side of the brain and its accompanied functions to be realized. It is the reason why we often discover a whole new side of ourselves, literally, when we partake in a creative activity and learn that it resonates with our personal nature in which we experience the freedom to express ourselves without bounds.

Though, I must remind everyone that with some really strong Neptunian prominence, we can risk becoming totally lost and engrossed in art to the point of negligence toward our grounding in reality, or even health. Like when I used to wake up, do my daily SS routine and then immediately draw for 10 hours straight and forget about lunch and dinner. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Balance is everything.

I have fallen into the trap of comparison, and often abandon a project after I contrast my writing to an actual author, like King.

Obviously, that is silly, I know.

The tendency for an artist to compare oneself to superiors originates from the human desire to seek evolution through their awareness of hierarchy, though when misplaced can create feelings of jealousy or even self-deprecation, rather than become a driving force for one to be inspired and incorporate their superior's influential elements into their own work.

You have to learn to draw inspiration from those within or slightly higher than your own level bracket, not a renowned and established master with years or decades behind them. A novice cannot compare oneself to a professional who possesses not only years more of experience, but years more of failures, too. We never see the failures of those who inspire us, and often tend to fixate on the works they publish which often are the absolute, perfected outcome of many scrapped prototypes and adjustments prior. When we acknowledge this, we realize the humanity behind the authors/artists we idealize, and that we too can achieve our own greatest potential as eternally evolving entities in pursuit of higher ability.

Understanding this is vital to your growth and also to prevent mental downfall, because even very advanced practitioners, still compare themselves to those even higher than them, as high up there as they themselves are already, and send themselves into even worse spirals. There will always be someone more powerful; there is no end to the hierarchy, and therefore none to such perilous thought traps. Therefore, as early as possible, you must learn to recognize your own individual qualities and creations, while mostly taking inspiration from only those slightly above or below you.

Anyhow, HPS, I have a question, what if you have a placement for great artistic talent but it has never manifested at anytime in your life—is this because of a lack of exposure and then, afterwards, practice?

Thanks 🙂

Talent, aptitude, is an inherent ability that can grant an advantage in learning, development, and execution of a particular activity. It is not the actual physical effort that must be conducted and certainly not a free ticket out of the failures and difficulties one inevitably must toil through as part of their evolution. You must make the decision to commit to the actual practice, indeed, and cultivate your ability precisely so that your inherent talent/potential/aptitude can come forth, as it follows only after true action is taken. One could possess great potential, but if no action is taken to bring such to physical effort, nothing ever comes to fruition, and any gargantuan levels of talent will essentially be for naught.

Only when you conduct the active principle of creation, can your dormant talent have a path to flow through.
I particularly agree with this. I truly believe that with any form of creativity, be it illustration, music, dance, writing, etc., human beings require a form of creative outlet for the feminine side of the brain and its accompanied functions to be realized. It is the reason why we often discover a whole new side of ourselves, literally, when we partake in a creative activity and learn that it resonates with our personal nature in which we experience the freedom to express ourselves without bounds.

Though, I must remind everyone that with some really strong Neptunian prominence, we can risk becoming totally lost and engrossed in art to the point of negligence toward our grounding in reality, or even health. Like when I used to wake up, do my daily SS routine and then immediately draw for 10 hours straight and forget about lunch and dinner. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Balance is everything.

The tendency for an artist to compare oneself to superiors originates from the human desire to seek evolution through their awareness of hierarchy, though when misplaced can create feelings of jealousy or even self-deprecation, rather than become a driving force for one to be inspired and incorporate their superior's influential elements into their own work.

You have to learn to draw inspiration from those within or slightly higher than your own level bracket, not a renowned and established master with years or decades behind them. A novice cannot compare oneself to a professional who possesses not only years more of experience, but years more of failures, too. We never see the failures of those who inspire us, and often tend to fixate on the works they publish which often are the absolute, perfected outcome of many scrapped prototypes and adjustments prior. When we acknowledge this, we realize the humanity behind the authors/artists we idealize, and that we too can achieve our own greatest potential as eternally evolving entities in pursuit of higher ability.

Understanding this is vital to your growth and also to prevent mental downfall, because even very advanced practitioners, still compare themselves to those even higher than them, as high up there as they themselves are already, and send themselves into even worse spirals. There will always be someone more powerful; there is no end to the hierarchy, and therefore none to such perilous thought traps. Therefore, as early as possible, you must learn to recognize your own individual qualities and creations, while mostly taking inspiration from only those slightly above or below you.

Talent, aptitude, is an inherent ability that can grant an advantage in learning, development, and execution of a particular activity. It is not the actual physical effort that must be conducted and certainly not a free ticket out of the failures and difficulties one inevitably must toil through as part of their evolution. You must make the decision to commit to the actual practice, indeed, and cultivate your ability precisely so that your inherent talent/potential/aptitude can come forth, as it follows only after true action is taken. One could possess great potential, but if no action is taken to bring such to physical effort, nothing ever comes to fruition, and any gargantuan levels of talent will essentially be for naught.

Only when you conduct the active principle of creation, can your dormant talent have a path to flow through.
I really enjoyed reading your wise words and have taken them to heart—thank-you, brother/sister.
Thank you High priestess Lydia!!
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Hello High Priestess :)

I've long wanted to ask you about the runes which could help balance the negative influence of Neptune in one's natal chart (blurred goals, confusion, fears, procrastination), runes that enhance clarity, discipline and logic.

Is the following information that I've gathered correct ?


Teyvaz (ᛏ) – willpower, clarity, ability to make decisions.

Sovilo (ᛊ) – awareness, clarification of thoughts, removes fog.

Ansuz (ᚨ) – wisdom, understanding, correct information.

Nautiz (ᚾ) – self-discipline, protection from illusions, structuring of life.

Isa (ᛁ) – freezes chaos, helps to focus on specific goals.

Affirmations to the runes:

Teyvaz – “I firmly choose my path and follow it with determination.”

Sovilo - "I clearly see my goals and confidently move towards them."

Ansuz - "I receive important information and understand where to go."

Nautiz - "I control my life and make clear plans."

Isa - "I freeze chaos and concentrate on the main thing."

And also the best crystals :

Amethyst - removes chaos in thoughts, helps to connect intuition with logic, protects from illusions.

Labradorite - strengthens intuition, but at the same time does not allow "flying away" into fantasies, helps to realize true desires.

Rock crystal - enhances concentration, clarity of thoughts and helps to make the right decisions.

Hematite - powerful grounding, removes confusion of thoughts, makes thinking structured.

Obsidian - disperses illusions, helps to see the truth and get rid of self-deception.

Tiger's eye - strengthens self-confidence, protects from the influence of other people's opinions and chaos.
Hello :)

Some of those runes and crystals can make someone with prominent Neptune feel ill, because the energy isn't compatible. Things that are too bass/base (Nauthiz) can be physically agitating. It depends on the person, so you will have to try it for yourself.

For Obsidian, go with snowflake, mahogany, or Apache tear instead of plain black.

Try Ansuz and Sowilo together to dispel confusion.

The affirmations you chose, are things that happen naturally after the soul is cleaned and all chakras open, and the individual is in accordance with their GD. This comes naturally with enlightenment, so work on advancement in general :)
What is past life i never understood this topic.What does that mean.If someone was on a past life.
Thank you High Priestess. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that aspects like opposition, and even square to one's Ruler, also make Neptune prominent. This goes for other planets as well in my opinion, especially if the square or opposition are tight. For example, I saw several geniuses having Uranus opposed to their Chart Ruler and not much else indicating genius level intellect in their Charts.

I also noticed these negative tendencies that are being talked about here happening with the Mars/Neptune aspect, even if it doesn't involve rulers. Escapism and easily giving up. I also want to highlight that HPS Maxine defined the Pisces Sign as one of weakness. I bring this up because I want to give a bit of advice to people who have these positions and are struggling with weakness of character.

My advice to you is to stop identifying yourself as a 'weak person', no matter what your Chart says. Sure, be very aware of your flaws and bad tendencies, but the way you perceive yourself is extremely powerful, and if you constantly tell yourself that you are 'weak', you will never grow out of it. Address these weakness, strive to improve all around and do your best to conquer life's challenges, with confidence. Confidence is the first step. Have pride in yourself.

One thing that I'd like to point out about my own studies, is that the absolutely mentally strongest people I know of, have a very strong Mars/Neptune aspect. But this aspect is supposed to make one weak and a quitter, no? One could ask. Well, my theory is that this aspect, and these other Neptune placements more broadly, force you to either fight and confront this weakness, or to keep escaping it. These people in my opinion had to face this quitting tendency more than the average, but this allowed them to learn A LOT about themselves and how to react to life's difficulties, and once they toughened up, they were much much stronger than the average person. Many fighting champions admired for their determination and 'never give up' attitude, have this aspect. It's very inspiring in my opinion. You can very strong if you manage to prevail despite the added challenges.
Thank you High Priestess. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that aspects like opposition, and even square to one's Ruler, also make Neptune prominent. This goes for other planets as well in my opinion, especially if the square or opposition are tight. For example, I saw several geniuses having Uranus opposed to their Chart Ruler and not much else indicating genius level intellect in their Charts.

I also noticed these negative tendencies that are being talked about here happening with the Mars/Neptune aspect, even if it doesn't involve rulers. Escapism and easily giving up. I also want to highlight that HPS Maxine defined the Pisces Sign as one of weakness. I bring this up because I want to give a bit of advice to people who have these positions and are struggling with weakness of character.

My advice to you is to stop identifying yourself as a 'weak person', no matter what your Chart says. Sure, be very aware of your flaws and bad tendencies, but the way you perceive yourself is extremely powerful, and if you constantly tell yourself that you are 'weak', you will never grow out of it. Address these weakness, strive to improve all around and do your best to conquer life's challenges, with confidence. Confidence is the first step. Have pride in yourself.

One thing that I'd like to point out about my own studies, is that the absolutely mentally strongest people I know of, have a very strong Mars/Neptune aspect. But this aspect is supposed to make one weak and a quitter, no? One could ask. Well, my theory is that this aspect, and these other Neptune placements more broadly, force you to either fight and confront this weakness, or to keep escaping it. These people in my opinion had to face this quitting tendency more than the average, but this allowed them to learn A LOT about themselves and how to react to life's difficulties, and once they toughened up, they were much much stronger than the average person. Many fighting champions admired for their determination and 'never give up' attitude, have this aspect. It's very inspiring in my opinion. You can very strong if you manage to prevail despite the added challenges.
It is as you say, both you and HPS Lydia speak the Truth in this matter. I say so because I am a living example.
Thank you High Priestess. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that aspects like opposition, and even square to one's Ruler, also make Neptune prominent. This goes for other planets as well in my opinion, especially if the square or opposition are tight. For example, I saw several geniuses having Uranus opposed to their Chart Ruler and not much else indicating genius level intellect in their Charts.
Additionally, trines and sextiles to the chart ruler(s) and the ascendant have to be accounted for as these have quite an effect. When there are strong aspects to Neptune (say, something conjuncts it) which then aspects another in a strong manner (say, trine ascendant, for example), the effect becomes even more potent.

There's some more info in here: https://templeofzeus.org/Neptune_Prominent

And lastly, I want to share an anecdote about my relationship with Neptune. Saturn has had a bad reputation due to lack of knowledge, but for me, Saturn has been the biggest blessing because, without a strong Saturn offsetting Neptune, I would be the most scum of the earth person, for sure.
What is past life i never understood this topic.What does that mean.If someone was on a past life.
This is based on the principle of reincarnation. A person's “soul” is “born” on a new body after physical death.
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Thidls is kinda of off topic but I just had to share because I believe Neptune may have been behind a dumb decision I've just made last. NIght I left a group home to go the streets because all of Christians who most did not like me there(because i never hid my beliefs)one of them I was really going back and forth with and they were all extremely sick and it felt like the bubonic plague showed up there everyone was throwing up and coughing everywhere I almost got sick severely times thanks to the amount of immune booster supplements I had kept taking everytime i felt a sore throat coming on didn't get sick I kept getting this feeling to get the hell out of there so i did but andras for some reason I've felt really drawn to for awhile i have learned how dangerous his energy can be everytime at the end its always a better out come and ivebeen so drawn to him to the point that I have his different severel of his names and sigil on my body i believe he's trying to teach me a lesson in a scary way right now cause my situation that I put myself in I'm having to rely on christian friends (who are basically violent street thugs) with severe trust issues just to get by and one of the craziest ones (all he talks about is Jesus one minute then the next talks about shooting people) keeps shoving Jesus in my face and I know for a fact they dont like my beliefs they definitely do not feel combfertable around me I can tell but back to my point is I believe lord andras is trying to teach me a lesson about being around those who are without like having them as friends for example I have this weird feeling of intense paranoia and fear around them it's a scary lesson from andras I believe hes letting me know in blatant way he's not ok with me being around these people I don't know what I've gotten myself into but once I'm back into a home should hopefully only have to do this till the 28th but I'm never forgetting this lesson I usually only learn the hard way I keep feeling like I'm in danger around these people and I know it's only going to get worse I know father Satan has shown me several signs that I'm not alone, I even think (not to sure though) heard his voice say my name and then tell me I'm going to be OK while I was thinking of him I believe andras or father Satan I is putting me through a scary lesson that will change me at the end of it i could be wrong but that's what it feels like even tho I put myself in this situation like a fool wether there putting through a scary lesson or not this is all still a lesson to me I'm never going to forget I do believe andras is giving me the courage to get through all of this
I would truly advise everyone , especially with a Prominent Neptune , to get into dreams, this is a great way to deal with Neptune, beside spirituality/meditating in itself and the other things.

I will personally do a topic about this , on how to remember , control and have lucid dreams at will , and not only but also to understand oneself more ,trough diving deeper within oneself , using this , dreams.

There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Hi HPS Lydia. So I guess with Libra rising and Venus conjunct Neptune and Uranus in the 3rd house on the same degree it fits your example. Would you say that quitting caffeine is a wise choice? I feel like I have too many thoughts on my mind.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
