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Managing (and Mastering) a Prominent Neptune

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Thank you High Priestess. I was crying yesterday because of this. I feel as I have went nowhere, is nowhere and have built no worth and after multiple personal problems yesterday in my life I felt crushed, and I felt completely alone, understood by no one, going no where, I just felt I wanted to die. I have no worth here.

Why is it that I’m always alone, never understood, never getting what I want, going where I want?

I feel lost, and I don’t know what to do anymore. Why is it that when I keep trying to fix my life everything comes tumbling down. I have been trying for years, I swear I try my best I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Sometimes, I feel that something’s seriously wrong with me and I will never be understood by any one, and it’s true, no one understands me and it hurts. No one really knows me for who I am and loves me for who I really am, everyone has an idea of me.

This is why I’m always alone, even in a relationship, besides friends, with family.

Sometimes I wonder if the Gods understand me, since everyone has trouble with this. I know at least I can only depend on father Satan to understand me.

I will try again still, will start learning to draw so I can apply on your thread and stick with Yoga and meditation, I just hope I don’t fail again.. like I always do..
An excellent Sermon HPS Lydia :)

I would like to add that having a Pisces emphasis, such as multiple planets in Pisces or a Pisces stellium, could create similar Neptunian influences as the six indicators listed. This is because Neptune rules Pisces, and a Pisces emphasis in a chart can manifest as heightened sensitivity, artistic inspiration, spirituality, idealism, escapism, masochism, or susceptibility to illusions - just as a prominent Neptune would. One should be aware of this. There can be offsetting placements as well, balancing these tendencies out. However, one should still strive to master Neptune, as it can bring destructive tendencies if left unchecked/unattended. Grounding, logical thinking, and healthy creative outlets as Lydia mentioned really helps.
About an hour and a half before this was posted, I was asking one of my SS friends how I can manage my Neptune. Neptune ****, so this will be very helpful. Thank you so much HPS Lydia!!! Your sermons always have perfect timing
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There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Thank you so much HPS Lydia, you have touched on a very important point for me, I almost feel called upon to appeal...

Not knowing the nature of these things and how to manage a prominent Neptune has led me to suffer a lot in life, and above all to think that I have some mental problem so as to rely on bastard doctors who have prescribed me useless and harmful drugs.

Obviously I'm talking about the period before I was here, with the understanding of myself and the meditation it's all very clear now. Now I understand why I always want to learn something, and stagnation makes me suffer a lot... I always want to keep myself "up to date"
What happens when your Neptune is prominent because is retrograde but at the same time is debilitated because is in a detrimental sign?

What has helped me greatly to improve my emotional stability and counteract the negative effects of Neptune has been working with the mantra Ereskigal, the earth element to increase my grounding and strengthen my base chakra as much as possible.
Thank you very much HPS Lydia for this wonderful sermon, it has clarified many aspects of my life, which I believe are unattainable due to certain illusions that make me unstable.

Many times I can't finish things as much as I can never start them.

I'm distracted by certain fantasies I don't focus and I've been struggling with this thing for many years.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to put it back in place and learn how to manage certain problems
What happens when your Neptune is prominent because is retrograde but at the same time is debilitated because is in a detrimental sign?
This is a good question, thank you for asking this as it will be of interest to other members too.

These people still express escapist tendencies, but are less likely to be interested in refined art or music as outlets (unless they have other indicators in their charts for this). They are instead often more interested in marijuana and video games, or lower forms of art and music.

So the debilitation manifests as a decrease in the art/music expressions of Neptune, while still expressing escapism. Capricorn is a pragmatic sign, more about the reality of the world and society, not about trying to romanticize it which Neptune otherwise tries to do.

This is of course only of this aspect, excluding the rest of the natal chart which must be taken into consideration. Everything adds together.
This is a good question, thank you for asking this as it will be of interest to other members too.

These people still express escapist tendencies, but are less likely to be interested in refined art or music as outlets (unless they have other indicators in their charts for this). They are instead often more interested in marijuana and video games, or lower forms of art and music.

So the debilitation manifests as a decrease in the art/music expressions of Neptune, while still expressing escapism. Capricorn is a pragmatic sign, more about the reality of the world and society, not about trying to romanticize it which Neptune otherwise tries to do.

This is of course only of this aspect, excluding the rest of the natal chart which must be taken into consideration. Everything adds together.
It describes my case 100%, I have always had a very underdeveloped artistic sense from a weakened Neptune and the tendency to isolate myself from retro Neptune.

Although I have never used drugs, I was addicted to RPG video games like Final Fantasy in my 20s and I liked degenerate music like Punk and Grindcore, that changed when I started meditating and the addiction to video games disappeared and my musical tastes began to change.
I liked degenerate music like Punk and Grindcore, that changed when I started meditating and the addiction to video games disappeared and my musical tastes began to change.
I wouldn't exactly call punk entirely degenerate, because it helped the people in the 70's shake off the post-world war attitudes of the previous generation (accepting mediocrity just to survive with their heads down), and inspired the new generations to have motivation to seek freedom and throw off tyranny. And many in the punk culture rejected the drug and alcohol use that was prevalent in the rock genre. And while they did go a bit too far in their stances, that's natural, the pendulum swings before finding balance.

I don't know about punk music these days though, nor am I familiar with grindcore.
I have a * prominent Neptune in my chart (***)
It is both a blessing and a curse in a way, it has gifted me creative talent and spiritual talents (I love singing and writing and I have good albeit unmastered natural ESP)
But it makes me feel so confused, so impressionable, like I've spent most of my life just drifting aimlessly...
I'm almost glad I have *** as a *** otherwise I'd probably be on hard drugs by now
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I wouldn't exactly call punk entirely degenerate, because it helped the people in the 70's shake off the post-world war attitudes of the previous generation (accepting mediocrity just to survive with their heads down), and inspired the new generations to have motivation to seek freedom and throw off tyranny. And many in the punk culture rejected the drug and alcohol use that was prevalent in the rock genre. And while they did go a bit too far in their stances, that's natural, the pendulum swings before finding balance.

I don't know about punk music these days though, nor am I familiar with grindcore.
It's true, straight edge was a major movement in punk. Straight edge meaning no smoking, no drinking, no drugs and (subjective) no promiscuity. Where some of these artists came up, being straight edge was an act of rebellion, and it still is today.

I absolutely love the genre of hardcore punk, and the free and fiery spirit that it has. One of my favorite bands influenced an interest in eastern spirituality. They dabbled in, albeit a corrupted form, of hinduism, and spoke highly of the Bhagavad Gita, and are more aware of how fake and rigged the system is.

It's not all degenerate, no genre of music is. Not all pop is about getting high and drunk and sleeping around. Not all rap is about selling drugs and killing people. Not all metal is about sacrificing goats. There's degeneracy in every corner of the globe, if you want something more, something real, then you have to look for it.
This is a good question, thank you for asking this as it will be of interest to other members too.

These people still express escapist tendencies, but are less likely to be interested in refined art or music as outlets (unless they have other indicators in their charts for this). They are instead often more interested in marijuana and video games, or lower forms of art and music.

So the debilitation manifests as a decrease in the art/music expressions of Neptune, while still expressing escapism. Capricorn is a pragmatic sign, more about the reality of the world and society, not about trying to romanticize it which Neptune otherwise tries to do.

This is of course only of this aspect, excluding the rest of the natal chart which must be taken into consideration. Everything adds together.
Interesting... ***
And yet, I've never seen the appeal of weed and I only play video games that have good stories and characters and music and engaging gameplay
And despite my Neptune ***, I still love writing and world building and daydreaming
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It's true, straight edge was a major movement in punk. Straight edge meaning no smoking, no drinking, no drugs and (subjective) no promiscuity. Where some of these artists came up, being straight edge was an act of rebellion, and it still is today.

I absolutely love the genre of hardcore punk, and the free and fiery spirit that it has. One of my favorite bands influenced an interest in eastern spirituality. They dabbled in, albeit a corrupted form, of hinduism, and spoke highly of the Bhagavad Gita, and are more aware of how fake and rigged the system is.

It's not all degenerate, no genre of music is. Not all pop is about getting high and drunk and sleeping around. Not all rap is about selling drugs and killing people. Not all metal is about sacrificing goats. There's degeneracy in every corner of the globe, if you want something more, something real, then you have to look for it.
Some elements of early Punk Culture embrace the NatSoc aesthetic, because what better way to say Fuck The System than embracing Hitler, the man the system hates the most
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Thanks for the wonderful sermon
It gave me some ideas I enjoyed
Hail Satanas And the Gods!
I wouldn't exactly call punk entirely degenerate, because it helped the people in the 70's shake off the post-world war attitudes of the previous generation (accepting mediocrity just to survive with their heads down), and inspired the new generations to have motivation to seek freedom and throw off tyranny. And many in the punk culture rejected the drug and alcohol use that was prevalent in the rock genre. And while they did go a bit too far in their stances, that's natural, the pendulum swings before finding balance.

I don't know about punk music these days though, nor am I familiar with grindcore.
When I talk about degenerate Punk I mean the kind that promotes anarchist ideology like antifa and Grindcore is like Death Metal but more extreme and bizarre and the themes of its songs talk about totally unpleasant things.
I want to warn - make sure to not include your natal placements here. It's fine to say you have a prominent Neptune, but not the specifics. I will edit some replies before approving (I'll mark asterisks in place).

I don't mean to censor anyone, I just want to protect you, and prevent you from regretting sharing anything specific.
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
The great practical guide to managing Neptune (y)
Thank you HPS Lydia :)
I have a very strong Neptune and I always outclassed my classmates in drawing, on the other hand I was also a legendary alcoholic before starting meditation. I agree about trance, it is very important for my wellbeing, I evidently need an altered state of mind.
I know what creative outlet that attracts me: Creative Writing.

I have fallen into the trap of comparison, and often abandon a project after I contrast my writing to an actual author, like King.

Obviously, that is silly, I know.

Anyhow, HPS, I have a question, what if you have a placement for great artistic talent but it has never manifested at anytime in your life—is this because of a lack of exposure and then, afterwards, practice?

Thanks 🙂
This sermon was incredibly helpful to me. Neptune's influence sometimes make one drift away from their purposes, higher ideals in life. I am really deeply touched, ı didn't know how to handle it! Thank you so much.

I was just thinking about what to do with my crystals and ı hid them away in my drawer. I think they just find their purposes :)

Yoga is really helps you ground yourself and my boyfriend prepared a work out routine for me so ı also look forward to do it!!

By the way as ı read the sermon ı recall Sound Meditation on Jof of Satan. Maybe doing it and trying to see the visions of the sound also can help.
Thank you for this, HPS. When first learning anything about the planets, I found Neptune and Uranus to be some of the trickier things to understand, so I know this can only help a lot of people.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

Personally, I can really only encourage people to become invested with creative writing, regardless of what form it takes. Depending on what you're doing, even if it's a social hobby like a pen & paper tabletop roleplaying game or such, you may find yourself picking up a general set of skills you may not have had otherwise. Designing a world? You may learn something about how geography functions. In order to make something believable and immersive you might have to learn about real world history and culture. Same thing in designing believable characters, as you need to have a developed sense of psychology to understand why people (including people vastly different to yourself and your own default thinking mind) do the things they do.

Consider Tolkien, and his writing of Lord of the Rings. Within those stories, there are entire functioning fictional languages, and that's barely scraping the tip of the iceberg. The amount of work you can put into making something compelling is essentially bottomless, and anything you create can only benefit from having a staunch general knowledge of most things. If you're designing problems or puzzles to make a narrative function, you're also designing solutions to them too. You're engaging far more sectors of your brain than you might realize, and that's before learning the "skill" of actually writing something that flows and is aesthetic to the audience.

Although I have never used drugs, I was addicted to RPG video games like Final Fantasy in my 20s and I liked degenerate music like Punk and Grindcore, that changed when I started meditating and the addiction to video games disappeared and my musical tastes began to change.

Obviously addiction is its own problem but, as far as video games go (especially now, as the concurrent games with the highest playerbases are literally designed to waste your time), Final Fantasy is pretty innocuous. There's honestly even some elements in a few of them that are pretty telling. I remember 7 had a lot of strange gnostic elements, with its villain being an evil, deceptive alien entity basically outright called Jehova, which was pretty amusing. Point is, I don't think video games on the whole are a "bad" hobby necessarily, although they are one that a lot of people spiral down into. If people engage with them socially with friends or seek out ones with interesting narratives, they're not a total waste of time, if managed responsibly. At least you're engaging your reflexes or critical thinking (for games that have puzzles, for instance), which is at least a step above experiencing the brain rot that is most reality TV, for instance.
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
may the gods bless you high priestess i could relate to alot of stuff here especially the engagement in making art and how it alivates my mood even if it wasn't good enough

and i relate to the escapism part as the world just seems empty and meaningless and i used to stop my neptunian nature of fantasizing the world which did more more bad than good and im glad you mentioned the idealism part as it will help me make jos my higher purpose to struggle for and make help the world truly more colorful as it used to in the golden age of Satya
Hail Satya and Zeus may they bless us all
Why didn't you say anything directly about a magical action?
(And it's not even enough for this force to become divine, I was recently surprised by this conclusion)

Will this vector stop or improve just with the supposed calibration with the individual doing material things?

The greatest negativity comes from what is barely bearable while endowed with the energetic impulse in the soul for the world.

Didn't go to the center.
I thought I would learn something more.
Thank you so much for this post. I always feel guilty about spending time on drawing or playing the harp and this is a good reason to pursue my hobbies. This helped me realize they are necessary and not just a waste of time like I've been led to believe. This also provides a much better outlet when I feel like relapsing etc.

Hail Satan
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Thank you for this wonderful sermon. I have ***** I currently feel like I don't know what to put my hands in. I want to create all the time and I often fall into hyperfocus, I could not sleep...
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Great sermon!

What about using the Sun Square to mitigate the negative aspects of Neptune in one's chart/life?

Also, what about people who have difficulties due to debt or other issues that cause them a great deal of stress and mental health deterioration? What if they are in a position of being unable to work until legal issues are done being approved so they can live a better life?

I've had Neptune rule over my entire life since I was born and it caused a lot of negativity and terrible family and so on, it should finally start to loosen it's grip on me when it enters Aries, would that be a better time to focus on art, music, etc., more?

I've focused on art my whole life, but there were times of me drifting away from it due to other issues in my life. Will focusing on such things more when Neptune is in Aries be beneficial?
"Prominent neptune? sounds like me" thats what i thought when i saw the title LOL, thank you for all the advises, im glad to think that i manifest most of the good things of neptune (except for the marihuana issue that stayed with me for years, but dont worry i overcame that time ago :D), i see the world through a filter that makes me get information from the astral from almost anything, like if i see someone and i can imagine how their soul looks, that helps me a lot to choose who to trust or things like that, anyways, thank you soooo much i lof u HP Lydia :D
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Wow this is very enlightening. I clearly now know I have an IMMENSELY Prominent Neptune. I have terrific skill at creative writing and story telling and am working with the Gods to improve it. I also have tremendous natural acting talent and can do voices for male and female roles. Would developing my acting as well as my writing be a beneficial approach to my Neptune and mastering thereof, lady HPS?
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
I think we been having a strong Neptune for a while then with all this woke delusion how good are some of these trump policies its about time someone came in and cut the bullshit out of the USA wish we had a leader like this in my country although the Gaza policy sounds costly for american's looks like Iraq, Afghanistan all over again.
Thank you, HPS Lydia! I love this post.

I imagine that this can be applied to sublimate any potentially problematic prominent planet? To let them all have their reigns and to develop the positive sides of them, and doing some things related to them first thing in the morning perhaps? Like for Mars, learning a martial art? I would be interested in any tips from anyone here on doing this related to any planets. What about Uranus, Pluto, Saturn ... ?(Not giving away my personal placements! 😉)

One more thing, for those who want to get started with music theory, I have found this website very straightforward and excellent for starting: https://www.musictheory.net/lessons
The exercises section felt like games, fun and enjoyable, and helped me quickly memorise the staffs and to train my ears.
Obviously addiction is its own problem but, as far as video games go (especially now, as the concurrent games with the highest playerbases are literally designed to waste your time), Final Fantasy is pretty innocuous. There's honestly even some elements in a few of them that are pretty telling. I remember 7 had a lot of strange gnostic elements, with its villain being an evil, deceptive alien entity basically outright called Jehova, which was pretty amusing. Point is, I don't think video games on the whole are a "bad" hobby necessarily, although they are one that a lot of people spiral down into. If people engage with them socially with friends or seek out ones with interesting narratives, they're not a total waste of time, if managed responsibly. At least you're engaging your reflexes or critical thinking (for games that have puzzles, for instance), which is at least a step above experiencing the brain rot that is most reality TV, for instance.

I agree about video games. I used to avoid them, seeing how so many people waste their entire lives on them. I started playing with a friend, though, just as something fun to do together, and it gave me some unexpected benefits. I used to have awful insomnia and nightmares, but then I was able to think of the game, and being immersed in it and the scenery. It helped a lot more than reading or watching something. I don't have that problem anymore. I only ever play with other people, though, and never on my own devices. That's how I avoid the addictive draw! There are studies too, that video games increase intelligence.
There are 6 indicators of a Prominent Neptune in a natal chart, some charts may have a combination of a few of these:

-Pisces Ascendant (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune in the 1st house (Neptune is a chart ruler)
-Neptune conjunct an angle (such as in the 12th house but conjunct AC, or conjunct DC, MC, IC)
-Neptune is retrograde (Rx)
-Neptune on a critical degree
-Neptune conjunct a chart ruler

In the beneficial way, some people have a prominent Neptune from past life spiritual and/or artistic/musical development. In the destructive way, some people have it from a past life of drug abuse (laudanum addiction, opium in the form of snuff boxes, alcohol, etc, were very prevalent in the past few centuries); or other causes.

Neptune rules spirituality, creativity, art, music, inspiration, meditation, psychic phenomena, the ethereal, idealism. But also deceit, deception, insanity, illusions, delusion, confusion, being lost in fantasies.

Neptune has no form, is vague, misty, and drifts away. Which is also why it’s enticing, because human nature enjoys mystery. Most of us are drawn to things unknown. We like exploring what might be out there, and this is what leads to spiritual development.

But having a prominent Neptune can be dangerous. People have drifted aimlessly through life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol and escapism, never making anything of themselves, never growing. Neptune, by its very nature of confusion and delusion, is difficult to manage. It’s difficult to realize what is happening or how lost you are or might get.

But if you master your Neptune, you can have spiritual abilities and artistic skills, as well as being more functional in other areas of your life.

The way to do this is to allow Neptune to have its reign, while sublimating the harmful tendencies of it into a beneficial form through expression relating to Neptune and Venus. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus gives form, and expresses in a refined, beautiful, and harmonious way. Neptune cannot be allowed to be ugly, as that will be destructive, and disconnects it from Venus.

Development and refinement of talent is supposed to happen, this is the natural course. Otherwise you will stagnate your growth, and growth must continue. This is how we evolve as individuals and as a civilization.

Methods to manage your Prominent Neptune:

-Meditation. Not always the structured power meditation of vibrating mantras, but trance, which should be done daily. Take care of your soul and develop it, connect to your Guardian Demon for advice tailored to your individual practice.

You can get crystals and meditate with the crystal. Feel the energy. This can be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to drug use, wanting to feel altered states. You can get altered states with meditation, and crystals all have their own energy, which can be very enjoyable to feel. You can get into a state where you feel like your physical body is the crystal, with your mind completely in tune with the crystal. No mantras required, just trance with the crystal.

-Learning art. If you think you don’t have any artistic talent, this is fine! People with artistic ability developed their talent from learning it in their past life, or inherited it from their parent or grandparent who learned and developed it, and then they further developed it. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone can learn to draw or paint or sculpt. I mean that- anyone can learn. It just requires consistent practice. Consider it a form of meditation, which is it, because it helps make the left-brain dormant and allows the right-brain to activate.

But the key is to actually learn. Don’t just take a pencil and start randomly drawing then give up because it looks worse than a 5 year old’s attempts. Look for tutorials online (countless videos are free), books, or a class in your location. Learn, and keep learning and practicing.

-Learning music. You listen to music and enjoy it, but when you learn some basic music theory, a whole new world opens up. It can be enjoyable to learn to read music, seeing the notes on sheet music and finding the patterns and pulses. Get an instrument, or learn to sing (your voice is an instrument), something you feel drawn to, and learn the basics. Just don’t go all out and spend a lot of money on what you think is the best instrument, only to realize you don’t enjoy it and want to try something else. Get a cheap option, then reward yourself with a better one after 6 months or so of continuous practice. The point is to learn music, not trying to sound professional right away, which you won’t anyway.

Even if you have no aim to play professionally, just learning some basics will expand your mind, and start putting your Neptune into form. This is why I recommend learning to read music, the basics of which can be learned in a week. It gives form to the music, and will give you the ability to understand melody and rhythm in a further conscious as well as subconscious way. And there is a childlike sense of fun when you learn a new song, as well as the intellectual enjoyment of learning how it is performed.

Spend some time learning music, and some time freely making your own music. You can go into a meditative state and just play the random notes that feel right to you in the moment. This might take some months of attempts, but consistently trying this will help to unlock your creativity, while allowing your prominent Neptune to express itself in a way that allows for talent to develop.

-Dancing. Learn actual dances, the steps, and learn to time your steps to the music. You can also do free-form intuitive dancing to music that helps you get lost in the moment, maybe even get some ambient lighting to add to the atmosphere of it, but learn some real dances as well. If you can’t attend a class, you can find tutorials online and practice by yourself at home, for that creative outlet, while also improving your physical fitness at the same time.

-Creative writing. Turn your daydreams, fantasies, and idealism into written art. Instead of just sitting there aimlessly daydreaming, sit in front of your computer and write them down. And then, go over what you’ve written and edit to improve it. Learn how to write, learn how to be engaging in your storytelling. It might take some years, but you will develop a viable skill, and improve your communication ability along the way. You might even get it published, but at the very least, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

The key is to actually learn something for yourself, and keep working on it. Don’t just observe it. Don’t just keep listening to music or appreciating art passively. Learn something relating to Neptune, and consistently work on it. This will activate the creative ability of your soul, and sublimate the negative tendencies of the planet into beneficial personal growth in the form of development of talent, which also leads to expansion of your mind.

Consider it a life-long practice. Don’t think you need to perfect your skill in one month only to give up because you didn’t meet your unrealistic goal. Adopt your new artistic interest as part of your identity, make it a part of who you are, and keep practicing and developing and refining it for the rest of your life.

I would also advise people with a prominent Neptune to do something Neptunian first thing upon waking. If you immediately go on your phone or take in the news of the day, subjecting your mind to negativity or anything that affects you in a bad way, this can bring you down for the entire day. Neptune is easily inspired, but also easily distraught. Focus on something inspiring such as listening to enjoyable music or practicing art or reading an engaging book instead. If you live with people who bring you down, consider getting in the habit of waking up earlier than them to have quiet time to yourself and meditate or listen to music, then practice art, for example.

A problem with prominent Neptune is being highly sensitive. This sensitivity can be used for good (spirituality, empathy, compassion, etc), but it can also be harmful to you. You will need to develop the strength to overcome or ignore a lot in life. The world we live in is very corrupt and degenerate, don’t let it affect you or drag you down. This inner strength is built in small part from life experience, but mainly from spiritual advancement and getting closer to our Gods. Let anything that may harm you, brush past you like it’s in the wind. Put your mind to what is important to you.

One final point to touch on: Idealism. Prominent Neptune likes the thought of sacrificing for the good of something. The Gods want you to live your life, it’s why we are here. They do not want you to shut off from the entire world just to work on art or meditation. Find other areas of your life that you need, and work towards your goals. Any area you struggle with, you have all the tools you need to overcome it.

Two additional methods which greatly help manage prominent Neptune, albeit not for creative expression:

-Yoga, which helps to connect the soul to the physical body, allowing for development of the soul through the physical body.

-Physical exercise is also very beneficial, as it connects you to the physical realm and improves mental health. Work on improving your physique and feel mentally better. Make sure you are eating well enough to fuel your body for exercise, otherwise you might feel depleted, which people with prominent Neptune are more susceptible to.

May all of you with a prominent Neptune develop your creative and spiritual talents in the most fulfilling way for you, under the guidance and will of our Gods.

[The above methods can of course be practiced by anyone, and these practices will help to develop the abilities of the right brain hemisphere.]
Wow thank you for this sermon this explains everything that I've been experiencing lately like almost directly on point it's amazing how much the planets have influence over ones life and decisions truly mind boggling
Anyhow, HPS, I have a question, what if you have a placement for great artistic talent but it has never manifested at anytime in your life—is this because of a lack of exposure and then, afterwards, practice?
Some things in the soul develop later in life. There are artists who never got into art until they were past age 60, for example.

Why didn't you say anything directly about a magical action?
Because Neptune needs to create. The soul needs to create. You don't blast a mantra to get rid of Neptune effects, if that's what you meant. Why do you think so many of our Gods rule art and music? The soul needs to express its creativity.

What about using the Sun Square to mitigate the negative aspects of Neptune in one's chart/life?
If there are problems, they can be resolved by doing something that directly targets the problem.

Also, what about people who have difficulties due to debt or other issues that cause them a great deal of stress and mental health deterioration? What if they are in a position of being unable to work until legal issues are done being approved so they can live a better life?
Anyone can work regardless. Childminding, housecleaning, etc. Where there's a will, there's a way. Even if it's not an ideal job to start, it's an income.
If there are problems, they can be resolved by doing something that directly targets the problem.

So like if it's healthwise related or delusion related, can a Sun Square not help? I don't understand.

Anyone can work regardless. Childminding, housecleaning, etc. Where there's a will, there's a way. Even if it's not an ideal job to start, it's an income.

That's the thing. I would love to work, but where I am now (different country), If I tried to do it I could not stay here anymore with my husband. That's why I am asking for help on what to do in such a situation...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
