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Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

Firstly I look forward to joining you all,

Secondly though this may not be the place to ask, but I have wondered for a while with the Rituals what should be our daily warfare Ritual? I assumed at this point we were pretty much just doing the God's Rituals and so I assumed the standard daily warfare Ritual would be Lord Balaam's or Lord Marbas ect, or should we still be doing the FRTR daily? Which is more powerful and which should be prioritized when there isn't a stated schedule?

Might be a weird question but I really don't know, I assumed we could do Gods Rituals all the time but I have seen some messages from clergy suggesting one should be mindful with them so does that mean outside of schedules we should not do them or that we should do the FRTR instead? Or have I misunderstood?
The God rituals should be done only when needed, not without reason. There is no "daily standard warfare" God ritual. Did HP HoodedCobra write an announcement telling us to keep doing the rituals of Lords Balaam and Marbas every day for daily warfare? And reminding us to keep doing them? No.

If you have a personal reason to do a God ritual, such as needing healing from Lord Valefor, then do His ritual. Otherwise, we do them as a group on schedules.

Theurgy is not to be taken lightly.
Starting on January 21, Moon will be waning in Scorpio, then through to waning in Capricorn and Aquarius. We are going to go hard with the F-RTR until the New Moon on the 29th (including the 29th, for a total of 9 days).

For those who usually only do the F-RTR for themselves to remove curses on yourself, for these 9 days we are going to do it for the world. All the messed up stuff going on is from torah curses. We need to remove this. Think of the world, and making it a better place. Think of all the corruption that needs to be removed. We will go hard with this schedule, and then we will focus more on God rituals again, with a very energetically clear atmosphere.

If you are short on time or new to the F-RTR, you can do only 1 or 3 reps for each vibration. It will still be effective, and it will join with the rest of our efforts. Make sure to clean your aura after, as curses will be removed from your soul and cleaning this off is important.

Timing: We will begin when Moon enters Scorpio. For those in North and South Americas, this will be around noon on Tuesday. For those in Europe and Africa, it will be in the evening. For those in Australia/NZ/Asia, it will be Wednesday morning. Check your copy of the SS Calendar for the exact time, but don't worry too much about this, just begin during the approximated time and try to do it daily for the 9 days.

Myself and the JGs (and maybe High Priest HoodedCobra if he has time) will lead in the Element Virtual Temple, and will post the notices in the live rituals chat in these forums too for those who are not in Element. You can join in with us, or do them at whatever time is convenient for you. Don't worry if you aren't able to sync up with others, just do it when you can and it will still be effective.

Because I know members will ask about Mars being retrograde: it will not affect us. Mars Rx is bad for cursing, we are undoing curses. In fact this is a good time for us to go hard with this schedule because the enemy won't be able to curse us as much, and their curses will backfire onto them.

F-RTR 3 part:

For those with less time, the first part only:
Amazing! Thanks
I'm looking forward to it, Thank You for the announcement dear High Priestess! 🌟

The positive effects of the dedication of everyone who participated through the years and stayed strong can be really seen by now - more and more people are able to see through the veil! ⚡
Gladly. Save those 20 minutes for the ritual and make sure you can do them without disturbance. Let Ha Shoah commence!
I do this ritual all days, maybe i can do it twice then :D

thanks for telling us with few days in advance, sometimes i miss one days of schedule due to that

(i usually do the ritual with the idea of attacking the enemy lol)

By the way, i dont do much Gods rituals, should i change that to maximise growth?

Last thing, may any HP mention about Byleth ritual coming soon? ive been waiting so much for it

Let's go army, 9 days, we show them what we got.

Its an honor to be participating in this war with you HPHC, you know i admire you a lot and im not the only one, its an honor to do this with all our SS, we are making history

Thank you for all the support during the years and the ones coming, WE SS will manifest the will of the GODS here on Earth!!
This year has started with many negatives for the world, but the Joy of Satanas will always be there to uplift humanity. Hail Satanas!

They know its their end... the rats is screaming in agony, while i see the caos i only see the enemy giving his lasts breaths
Isn't that a daily duty? I do it daily)
It used to be, until the God rituals started being posted by HP HoodedCobra. We can still do the FRTR when not on a schedule for God rituals, but when we are on schedule for God rituals, don't do the FRTR, put more effort and time into the God rituals instead.

By the way, i dont do much Gods rituals, should i change that to maximise growth?

Last thing, may any HP mention about Byleth ritual coming soon? ive been waiting so much for it

The God rituals can be done when needed. It isn't advised to do them daily, especially when you put a lot of energy into them. Once or twice a week is perfect for advancing growth, and we do them daily for a schedule when we get a new God ritual.
بدءًا من 21 يناير، سيبدأ القمر في التضاؤل في برج العقرب، ثم في برج الجدي وبرج الدلو. سنستمر في استخدام F-RTR حتى القمر الجديد في 29 يناير (بما في ذلك 29 يناير، لمدة 9 أيام إجمالاً).

بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يقومون عادةً بـ F-RTR لأنفسهم فقط لإزالة اللعنات عن أنفسهم، في هذه الأيام التسعة سنفعل ذلك من أجل العالم. كل الأشياء الفوضوية التي تحدث هي من لعنات التوراة. نحتاج إلى إزالة هذا. فكر في العالم، وجعله مكانًا أفضل. فكر في كل الفساد الذي يحتاج إلى إزالته. سنعمل بجد مع هذا الجدول، ثم سنركز أكثر على طقوس الله مرة أخرى، في جو صافٍ للغاية من حيث الطاقة.

إذا كان وقتك قصيرًا أو كنت جديدًا على F-RTR، يمكنك القيام بتكرار واحد أو ثلاثة فقط لكل اهتزاز. سيظل هذا فعالًا، وسينضم إلى بقية جهودنا. تأكد من تنظيف هالتك بعد ذلك، حيث ستتم إزالة اللعنات من روحك وتنظيفها أمر مهم.

التوقيت : سنبدأ عندما يدخل القمر برج العقرب. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يعيشون في أمريكا الشمالية والجنوبية، سيكون ذلك حوالي ظهر يوم الثلاثاء. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يعيشون في أوروبا وأفريقيا، سيكون ذلك في المساء. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يعيشون في أستراليا / نيوزيلندا / آسيا، سيكون ذلك في صباح الأربعاء. تحقق من نسختك من تقويم SS لمعرفة الوقت الدقيق، ولكن لا تقلق كثيرًا بشأن هذا، فقط ابدأ خلال الوقت التقريبي وحاول القيام بذلك يوميًا لمدة 9 أيام.

سأقود أنا وJGs (وربما High Priest HoodedCobra إذا كان لديه وقت) في معبد Element Virtual Temple ، وسننشر الإشعارات في دردشة الطقوس الحية في هذه المنتديات أيضًا لأولئك الذين ليسوا في Element. يمكنك الانضمام إلينا، أو القيام بها في أي وقت مناسب لك. لا تقلق إذا لم تتمكن من المزامنة مع الآخرين، فقط قم بذلك عندما تستطيع وسيظل فعالاً.

لأنني أعلم أن الأعضاء سيسألون عن تراجع المريخ: لن يؤثر علينا. إن علاج المريخ سيء فيما يتعلق باللعنات، فنحن نبطل اللعنات. في الواقع، هذا هو الوقت المناسب لنا لنعمل بجدية مع هذا الجدول الزمني لأن العدو لن يكون قادرًا على لعننا كثيرًا، وسوف ترتد لعناته علينا.

F-RTR 3 أجزاء:

بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لديهم وقت أقل، الجزء الأول فقط:
من فضلك سيدتي ليديا تحدثي معي وساعديني أنا مسلمة وأعيش في دولة عربية دينهم هو الإبراهيمية
وBut I want to be free, will you guide me, and can I, please talk to me?
Thank you for bringing this up.

For new members, it would be better to stabilize yourselves first. But if you're past 3 to 6 months in, you can try this, with only 1 repetition each. After, clean your aura, and do your AoP every day, even twice daily. Make sure your mind is steady.

If you're prone to mental illness, it might be best to sit this schedule out.

However, the worst case scenario won't be as bad as it used to be. Enemy attacks are way down, compared to how they used to be. For about 5 years now they are drastically reduced, all thanks to our efforts with RTRs over the years. HPS Maxine even emailed a few of us about 5-7 years ago, telling us that the enemy attacks will be reduced, and we noticed it. Massively reduced. Nobody will go through what we went through 10-15 years ago.

Keep your mind steady, find something fun to do after doing the RTR. Keep meditating daily, physical exercise helps the mind so much too.

Doing the RTR will remove curses, so you might feel tired from this schedule. Rest as you need it, sleep more if you need to.

And as always, if things seem too difficult, call on your GD! If you don't know who your GD is, then call on Satan, focus on His sigil, and ask for your GD to help you.
I'm not surprised to hear this as I remember other older members saying how bad enemy attacks used to be and how it's decreased over the years. I did my very first full RTR right after I dedicated. And I went hard after that for a good while I did receive a number of enemy attacks and despite this I kept going. However I'm not going to advertise that as the best policy for any new or currently newly dedicated SS. Although if they do decide to jump in, I don't imagine things will be as hefty as they used to be.
It used to be, until the God rituals started being posted by HP HoodedCobra. We can still do the FRTR when not on a schedule for God rituals, but when we are on schedule for God rituals, don't do the FRTR, put more effort and time into the God rituals instead.

The God rituals can be done when needed. It isn't advised to do them daily, especially when you put a lot of energy into them. Once or twice a week is perfect for advancing growth, and we do them daily for a schedule when we get a new God ritual.
Thank you.

I finally got a perfect answer to an old question. The other answers are also a great help.

I used to do 3-4 God rituals a day. But always 2 a day. When my daily schedule was tight or I was tired, I missed it. Then I felt guilty.
Thank you.

I finally got a perfect answer to an old question. The other answers are also a great help.

I used to do 3-4 God rituals a day. But always 2 a day. When my daily schedule was tight or I was tired, I missed it. Then I felt guilty.
I also used to feel guilty for not doing what I thought was enough on some days. But then I reminded myself that the Ancients only did rituals on correct timings, such as Full Moons or other power dates, or when needed. Not multiple times a day every single day. This is very taxing on the soul, especially when you put a lot of effort into the ritual. And souls need time, years and lifetimes, to develop and strengthen.

We had to go hard every day with the RTRs when those came out, because of the state of the world, over a millennia of torah curses. But now everything is shifting our way. As HPS Maxine was told, "we have won". We still need to do more of course, but there are other things we need to do with our time, such as personal development. We need to make ourselves stronger, in order to bring in Satan's Era.

Everyone needs to get in touch with their GDs and learn what they need to do.
Hello HPS Lydia can you please check your messages 🙏 it is kinda urgent
I really need your help
You are asking common questions which have been answered many times in the forums. Questions such as these should be asked to the forums where literally anyone can answer, and have already answered.

It is not the correct use of my time to personally answer the same question over and over again, especially as they have already been answered hundreds of times. I need to put my mind to expanding and advancing the JoS, not answering the same questions hundreds of times.

If you asked to the forums, you would get an answer much quicker, due to the odds of other members seeing it.
I also used to feel guilty for not doing what I thought was enough on some days. But then I reminded myself that the Ancients only did rituals on correct timings, such as Full Moons or other power dates, or when needed. Not multiple times a day every single day. This is very taxing on the soul, especially when you put a lot of effort into the ritual. And souls need time, years and lifetimes, to develop and strengthen.

We had to go hard every day with the RTRs when those came out, because of the state of the world, over a millennia of torah curses. But now everything is shifting our way. As HPS Maxine was told, "we have won". We still need to do more of course, but there are other things we need to do with our time, such as personal development. We need to make ourselves stronger, in order to bring in Satan's Era.

Everyone needs to get in touch with their GDs and learn what they need to do.
In my case, doing a large amount of FRTR daily has been imperative because there were a huge amount of curses in my soul, but when I manage to free my soul completely I plan to reduce the rhythm with the RTRs and focus more on my spiritual advancement and personal growth.
I also used to feel guilty for not doing what I thought was enough on some days. But then I reminded myself that the Ancients only did rituals on correct timings, such as Full Moons or other power dates, or when needed. Not multiple times a day every single day. This is very taxing on the soul, especially when you put a lot of effort into the ritual. And souls need time, years and lifetimes, to develop and strengthen.

We had to go hard every day with the RTRs when those came out, because of the state of the world, over a millennia of torah curses. But now everything is shifting our way. As HPS Maxine was told, "we have won". We still need to do more of course, but there are other things we need to do with our time, such as personal development. We need to make ourselves stronger, in order to bring in Satan's Era.

Everyone needs to get in touch with their GDs and learn what they need to do.
Thank you.

I understand. After the rituals I had to sleep a little.
I also usually slept more during the day.
Then this tiredness is the result of excessive ritual performance.
With this in mind, I try to create order in my everyday life.
Greetings Great HPS

Let's go hard!

Was the schedule announced so early so that the enemy panics? ( just kidding lol )
Starting on January 21, Moon will be waning in Scorpio, then through to waning in Capricorn and Aquarius. We are going to go hard with the F-RTR until the New Moon on the 29th (including the 29th, for a total of 9 days).

For those who usually only do the F-RTR for themselves to remove curses on yourself, for these 9 days we are going to do it for the world. All the messed up stuff going on is from torah curses. We need to remove this. Think of the world, and making it a better place. Think of all the corruption that needs to be removed. We will go hard with this schedule, and then we will focus more on God rituals again, with a very energetically clear atmosphere.

If you are short on time or new to the F-RTR, you can do only 1 or 3 reps for each vibration. It will still be effective, and it will join with the rest of our efforts. Make sure to clean your aura after, as curses will be removed from your soul and cleaning this off is important.

Timing: We will begin when Moon enters Scorpio. For those in North and South Americas, this will be around noon on Tuesday. For those in Europe and Africa, it will be in the evening. For those in Australia/NZ/Asia, it will be Wednesday morning. Check your copy of the SS Calendar for the exact time, but don't worry too much about this, just begin during the approximated time and try to do it daily for the 9 days.

Myself and the JGs (and maybe High Priest HoodedCobra if he has time) will lead in the Element Virtual Temple, and will post the notices in the live rituals chat in these forums too for those who are not in Element. You can join in with us, or do them at whatever time is convenient for you. Don't worry if you aren't able to sync up with others, just do it when you can and it will still be effective.

Because I know members will ask about Mars being retrograde: it will not affect us. Mars Rx is bad for cursing, we are undoing curses. In fact this is a good time for us to go hard with this schedule because the enemy won't be able to curse us as much, and their curses will backfire onto them.

F-RTR 3 part:

For those with less time, the first part only:
🙋🏼‍♀️S|EG HE|L!
Making the world better and more Satanic every day is one of the main goals of my life. Thanks to the Gods and our collective effort, those who could not find the truth before dying in this life, will awaken again in a beautiful Satanic world.

Thanks a lot High Priestess Lydia.
It's an unspoken common understanding yes! Feel sometimes from others, even in mass of old propaganda in which they may have previously been more fixed in...are opening up and seeming to awaken more..hail ⸸he Satanic Light! Hail JoS! Ave Satanas!
The God rituals should be done only when needed, not without reason. There is no "daily standard warfare" God ritual. Did HP HoodedCobra write an announcement telling us to keep doing the rituals of Lords Balaam and Marbas every day for daily warfare? And reminding us to keep doing them? No.

If you have a personal reason to do a God ritual, such as needing healing from Lord Valefor, then do His ritual. Otherwise, we do them as a group on schedules.

Theurgy is not to be taken lightly.
When doing the RTRs as an entire group,,, are we tapping into the group's Egregore,, collective whole, adding many times more power ??? Instead of a person doing the ritual alone, and getting snuffed out ( killed ), by the Jewish Egregore,, collective Jewish hive mind consciousness?
Greetings Great HPS

Let's go hard!

Was the schedule announced so early so that the enemy panics? ( just kidding lol )
Lol :) In the past, we couldn't announce early because the enemy would have time to retaliate somehow, but Mars Rx and the amount of RTRs we have already done made it possible to post this early enough so all members would see it in time. We always get members saying they didn't see the first few days of a schedule, but this time, everyone will. It's also had enough time to be translated into all the other languages too.

When doing the RTRs as an entire group,,, are we tapping into the group's Egregore,, collective whole, adding many times more power ??? Instead of a person doing the ritual alone, and getting snuffed out ( killed ), by the Jewish Egregore,, collective Jewish hive mind consciousness?
Individual rituals don't get snuffed out, but there is much more power to do these as a group. Instead of drops into an ocean, we are opening the floodgate :)
Starting on January 21, Moon will be waning in Scorpio, then through to waning in Capricorn and Aquarius. We are going to go hard with the F-RTR until the New Moon on the 29th (including the 29th, for a total of 9 days).

For those who usually only do the F-RTR for themselves to remove curses on yourself, for these 9 days we are going to do it for the world. All the messed up stuff going on is from torah curses. We need to remove this. Think of the world, and making it a better place. Think of all the corruption that needs to be removed. We will go hard with this schedule, and then we will focus more on God rituals again, with a very energetically clear atmosphere.

If you are short on time or new to the F-RTR, you can do only 1 or 3 reps for each vibration. It will still be effective, and it will join with the rest of our efforts. Make sure to clean your aura after, as curses will be removed from your soul and cleaning this off is important.

Timing: We will begin when Moon enters Scorpio. For those in North and South Americas, this will be around noon on Tuesday. For those in Europe and Africa, it will be in the evening. For those in Australia/NZ/Asia, it will be Wednesday morning. Check your copy of the SS Calendar for the exact time, but don't worry too much about this, just begin during the approximated time and try to do it daily for the 9 days.

Myself and the JGs (and maybe High Priest HoodedCobra if he has time) will lead in the Element Virtual Temple, and will post the notices in the live rituals chat in these forums too for those who are not in Element. You can join in with us, or do them at whatever time is convenient for you. Don't worry if you aren't able to sync up with others, just do it when you can and it will still be effective.

Because I know members will ask about Mars being retrograde: it will not affect us. Mars Rx is bad for cursing, we are undoing curses. In fact this is a good time for us to go hard with this schedule because the enemy won't be able to curse us as much, and their curses will backfire onto them.

F-RTR 3 part:

For those with less time, the first part only:
I remember almost 4 or 5 years ago or something.. going for the first time doing this Ritual :O I did find a Treehouse hidden in a backtrail, so I climbed up in it and did this Final RTR for the first time :) I'll definitely participate with this ive grown very accustomed to this FRTR.
High Priestess, thank you for clarifying things regarding Rituals.

I have to confess that I had been doing the FRTR every day for months, but I now know that this was not necessary of recent, at least on a daily basis.

I have to also confess that I had been doing the God Rituals outside of schedules, "just because"; I would alternate between them and doing the FRTR. I think this stemmed from a lack of understanding on my part as to what exactly these Rituals are about.

I apologized to the Gods in my mind after reading your post, feeling like I had been bothering them needlessly. It would also explain why often I wouldn't feel anything from "just doing" them, and yet, when I actually have done a Ritual to one of them for a specific and legitimate reason regarding something in life, I have felt positive responses and acknowledgement. I even did a Ritual to Mother Lilith for no reason, which I feel very ashamed and bad about. I apologized to Her, too.

I really do learn something new every day, so thank you. I will always remember your quote regarding theurgy.
High Priestess, thank you for clarifying things regarding Rituals.

I have to confess that I had been doing the FRTR every day for months, but I now know that this was not necessary of recent, at least on a daily basis.

I have to also confess that I had been doing the God Rituals outside of schedules, "just because"; I would alternate between them and doing the FRTR. I think this stemmed from a lack of understanding on my part as to what exactly these Rituals are about.

I apologized to the Gods in my mind after reading your post, feeling like I had been bothering them needlessly. It would also explain why often I wouldn't feel anything from "just doing" them, and yet, when I actually have done a Ritual to one of them for a specific and legitimate reason regarding something in life, I have felt positive responses and acknowledgement. I even did a Ritual to Mother Lilith for no reason, which I feel very ashamed and bad about. I apologized to Her, too.

I really do learn something new every day, so thank you. I will always remember your quote regarding theurgy.
That's fine, there is no need to feel ashamed or bad! Perhaps my wording was too harsh.

I was also trying to do the God rituals daily, because I love doing them. But then I learned they do not need to be done daily, unless on schedule of course. Only do them when needed, such as working with one of our Gods, working on something specific regarding advancement (and even then you are working with the God), and so on.
Hello. I am new to SS, I have been practicing power meditations for only 20 days. Can I participate in the rituals or should I not do it yet? I am sad to see what is happening in the world and would like to contribute as much as I can to improve the situation. Thank you.
Hello. I am new to SS, I have been practicing power meditations for only 20 days. Can I participate in the rituals or should I not do it yet? I am sad to see what is happening in the world and would like to contribute as much as I can to improve the situation. Thank you.
Welcome! Everyone can participate and it's very much encouraged, even for new members! If you're new please use less repetitions for the ritual i.e. instead of 9 do 1. 💙
You'll do great, don't worry 💙
Hello. I am new to SS, I have been practicing power meditations for only 20 days. Can I participate in the rituals or should I not do it yet? I am sad to see what is happening in the world and would like to contribute as much as I can to improve the situation. Thank you.
Hello and welcome to the JoS :)

You can try it. Before you begin, focus on the sigil of Satan and ask for protection during the RTR. Begin with only 1 repetition of each, perhaps after a few times you can increase to 3. Make sure to clean and do your AoP afterwards.
مرحبًا! يمكن للجميع المشاركة، ونشجع بشدة على ذلك، حتى بالنسبة للأعضاء الجدد! إذا كنت جديدًا، يرجى استخدام عدد أقل من التكرارات للطقوس، أي بدلًا من 9، قم بتكرار واحد. 💙
سوف تنجح بشكل كبير، لا تقلق💙
أنا جديد ولم أمارس التأمل بشكل جيد و ديني الإبراهيمي وأعيش في دولة عربية اريد الاله ترشدني وتساعدني تحميني من الالهه الي يساعدني
أنا جديد ولم أمارس التأمل بشكل جيد و ديني الإبراهيمي وأعيش في دولة عربية أريد الاله ترشدني لمساعدةني وحملني من الاله الي يساعدني
واخاف هنا من الإبراهيميين ومساجدهم صلاتهم وبعض الأوقات زملائي ياخذوني للصلاه معهم
مرحباً بكم في JoS:)

يمكنك تجربته. قبل أن تبدأ، ركز على رمز الشيطان واطلب الحماية أثناء RTR. ابدأ بتكرار واحد فقط لكل منهما، ربما بعد عدة مرات يمكنك زيادته إلى 3. تأكد من التنظيف والقيام بـ AoP بعد ذلك
لا بأس، لا داعي للشعور بالخجل أو السوء! ربما كانت صياغتي قاسية للغاية.

كنت أحاول أيضًا أداء طقوس الإله يوميًا، لأنني أحب القيام بها. ولكن بعد ذلك علمت أنه ليس من الضروري القيام بها يوميًا، إلا في مواعيدها المحددة بالطبع. لا ينبغي القيام بها إلا عند الحاجة، مثل العمل مع أحد آلهتنا، أو العمل على شيء محدد يتعلق بالتقدم (وحتى في هذه الحالة، فأنت تعمل مع الإله)، وما إلى ذلك.
هل اعبر بريدي [email protected]
Moon is in Scorpio, the schedule has officially begun!
a real war, but despite everything, in all our construction, impact and astral conquests, it will be very cool to follow the news that will follow from today. that is fun.
Hello. I am new to SS, I have been practicing power meditations for only 20 days. Can I participate in the rituals or should I not do it yet? I am sad to see what is happening in the world and would like to contribute as much as I can to improve the situation. Thank you.
When I dedicated 7 years ago, I asked Father Satan to give me a chance to help the situation. A couple of days later, the Final RTR got published. I started learning it right away and the rest is history :cool:
Just don't try to do too much too soon. One ritual per day is enough for starters. Cleaning and protecting your Aura afterwards is of paramount importance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
