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The Yogic Path to Enlightenment

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
There are different paths for spiritual advancement, not everyone is drawn to yoga. If what you are doing works for you, then keep with it. But if you feel the need for something more then I highly recommend yoga. It helps with not just spiritual advancement but also physical health, mental health, and overall feeling better.

I know that many of you only have 20 minutes a day for yoga. This is where you are in life. But if circumstances change, this post is here waiting for you :)

Being incarnated here on Earth, time and time again, we all have walls in our minds. These come from spiritual degeneration, enemy curses, overall low bioelectricity levels, and so on. Yoga breaks down these walls when done long enough and in alignment of mind, body, and soul.

For clarification, walls in the mind are not the same as boundaries. It’s very important to have boundaries, it’s what keeps us alive, healthy, mentally sane, emotionally strong, psychologically healthy. Walls in the mind are blockages against spirituality and being closed off to our Gods and wisdom and the Truth.

As you advance in yoga, there may come a time when the Gods encourage you to delve into it more. My practice went from 20 minutes every evening, to 90 minutes twice a day, to nearly 2 hours once daily. After achieving a level, I was able to do less on most days, but I still benefit massively from doing my full routine approximately once a week.

I keep my copy of BKS Iyengar’s “Light on Yoga” next to my mat and go through it (I keep a weight on one side to keep the pages open), skipping certain pages, doing a few asanas in a different order, and including a few that are not in that book. I will later post the list of my routine in order, also for my own benefit as I recently realized I had forgotten to do a few asanas for the past year or so.

At some phases, it is very beneficial to do different routines, you can find a lot of videos online. I used to vary my program every day, this was best for me at that time, I did this for a few years. But at other phases, sticking with a steady routine will benefit the mind and soul more. When your consciousness is locked into a set routine holding each asana for its own for as long as needed, this heals the mind, harmonizes body and soul, and breaks down the walls leading to enlightenment. But then you might need to vary it again to achieve another breakthrough.

Some years ago I was holding one pose (wide leg stretch with fingers and thumbs holding each big toe) and I got a sudden sense of not knowing which way was up or down. Complete confusion and chaos and dizziness lasting for a few moments, then I felt a wall come down in my mind, followed by clarity and serenity. Other times you will heave a sigh and feel it from within your soul.

In each asana upon mastery you will feel a sense of lightness and brightness. You will at times feel like you can stay in the pose forever. I highly recommend trying to master each asana on its own, perhaps going back to it later in your day, reading about it, and fully concentrating on it while in the pose. The books I’ve mentioned here are great for studying each asana.

When you are in each asana, treat it for its own. Don’t think “ok I just did that one then I’ll do this next one after and I’m dreading attempting a challenging one after that”. Focus solely on the one you are in, and scan your body to make adjustments. Perhaps you’ll need to slightly move your right shoulder and tighten your left obliques to hold the balance, or adjust your breathing. After standing asanas I go into Mountain Pose, place my hands in Prayer Mudra, and vibrate “AUM” a few times. This allows me to feel my energy raising and feel the balance in my body. After seated asanas I sit in regular cross-legged pose and do the same. I don’t do this after each asana, sometimes it’s after a group of asanas.

A quote from BKS Iyengar, from "Yoga Rahasya-Edizione Italiana-Raccolta del periodico-anno 2002", published by Light on Yoga Italia association. Credit to @Fiery Pluto for sending me this:

"Lengthening means creating space
Space leads to freedom
Freedom leads to precision
Precision leads to perfection
Perfection is truth
Truth is God"

I recommend reading a post I made a few years ago, Expanding Consciousness: Physical Meditation, to understand this further. When you fully focus and expand your consciousness through your body, your consciousness will strengthen and expand more.

When doing yoga, you do not need to do void meditation throughout. You can for some asanas, and in others you can meditate upon a concept, perhaps something you’ve learned but haven’t quite grasped. This will help give you understanding on a higher level. Or if you are working on something but feel stuck, meditating upon it while doing various yoga asanas will give you the breakthrough you need.

If the time comes when you no longer feel that “yoga high”, then you will need to add more asanas, spend more time in some of your asanas, or master the asanas you are doing instead of modifying them for an easier level, bringing each one to the next level.

You can also consider doing more physical exercise in your day. I do better in yoga when I also exercise, either earlier that day or the previous day. If I go a week without exercise, my yoga practice suffers. Exercise increases your bioelectricity and improves the condition of your body, and you are amplifying your prana when you do yoga.

A lot of you don’t feel good in your life, or feel frustrated that things aren’t going your way. This is normal for humans, because you are not yet a God. This feeling is intended to push you to do more to advance. We are meant to advance, it’s why we have the type of soul we do. You can channel your frustration by doing a long yoga practice, and then focus on a goal you have after your session while your bioelectricity is buzzing.

It’s very important not to waste the energy you raised. After your practice, lie in corpse pose for a few moments until you feel your energy buzzing. You can then state an affirmation, perhaps having to do with a goal you are currently working towards. If nothing else, then you can state “This hatha yoga practice is healthy and beneficial for me in every way” a few times, then continue feeling the buzz and letting the energy work for you. You could instead do a small AoP, breathing in white-gold energy and stating something like “I am always safe, secure, protected, and healthy in every way”.

Going back to breaking down walls in the mind: You will never achieve enlightenment if you have all those walls up. You will have problems raising your kundalini if you have blockages in your mind. Your mind needs to be free and in tune with Satan. Do you want to advance? Do you want to become closer to our Gods? Do you want spiritual knowledge given to you directly from our Gods? Do you want increased inner wisdom and spiritual power? If so, you will need to spend a portion of your life doing extra advancement. Yoga is a great place to start. Perhaps consider making some changes in your daily schedule to allow for more time for yoga and meditation.

For those who think that’s too much time to spend doing yoga, I ask you:

What is time, when you have eternity?
Thank you so much for this sermon, HPS Lydia!! You have inspired me to do another evening Yoga session 😃

Yoga is another wonderful gift from Satan. I sometimes find the energy of an Asana so blissful that I just don't want to stop, I have to force myself, like you mentioned. After reading this, it has given so much clarity and answered a lot of questions, especially regarding when it is time to add new Asanas.

I wanted to ask, I sometimes do Kundalini Yoga and then Hatha Yoga straight after eachother in one session. Is this ok, or is it better to split them up into 2 sessions at different times of the day?

Hail Satan!!
when I get a yoga mat again, slick floor too dangerous to do yoga on without one tried already, I already have a big yoga book full of poses ready for me to reference to. This is a nice revitilizing post to help remind people about things. sometimes you get really focused on things and end up with cobwebs on the really important things.
thank you HP Lydia.

Hail Father Satan
Ah, yoga... I can tell that my body needs yoga. I remember HP HC had also mentioned it in my astro analysis.

However, I'm always finding excuses not to do it. Even though I know I'll feel great afterwards.

Most of the times (in Fall/Winter), the room is very cold (and it will be expensive to turn the heater on everyday). So, I end up wearing many clothes and not feeling comfortable.

Most often, I leave it for the end of the day, and then I'm just sleepy...

At other times, I remember this HORRIBLE feeling like my body is going to break (especially the hands) while doing the Straddle Stretch (from HP Maxine's pdf for Hatha Yoga). I've figured that I just need to work out, but this requires time.
One may say "you can just do 15 minutes workout a day", but 15 minutes this, 15 minutes that, I get stressed out in the end because my whole day ends up being a list of things I must do (meditate, work out, cook, etc).

Sorry, I'm venting. I know my body needs yoga. I just don't want it. I feel like it's inconvenient. But I understand is a necessity, and it would personally help me a lot.
I remember some time ago, you wrote a post with Asanas that helped clean the base and sacral chakras. I had added some of them into my routine. I don't remember if there were other Asanas for the other chakras. But the ones for the base and sacral really helped me. Thank you!
Such a beautiful sermon HPS. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and teaching us. Once again, I am very glad you became our dear HPS!

Reading this got me into a trance naturally. I got so immersed, because the intention and will you put into the words is very powerful.
Let us all try our best to advance in Yoga dear Family! The Yogic Path is infinitely deep.
Ah, yoga... I can tell that my body needs yoga. I remember HP HC had also mentioned it in my astro analysis.

However, I'm always finding excuses not to do it. Even though I know I'll feel great afterwards.

Most of the times (in Fall/Winter), the room is very cold (and it will be expensive to turn the heater on everyday). So, I end up wearing many clothes and not feeling comfortable.

Most often, I leave it for the end of the day, and then I'm just sleepy...

At other times, I remember this HORRIBLE feeling like my body is going to break (especially the hands) while doing the Straddle Stretch (from HP Maxine's pdf for Hatha Yoga). I've figured that I just need to work out, but this requires time.
One may say "you can just do 15 minutes workout a day", but 15 minutes this, 15 minutes that, I get stressed out in the end because my whole day ends up being a list of things I must do (meditate, work out, cook, etc).

Sorry, I'm venting. I know my body needs yoga. I just don't want it. I feel like it's inconvenient. But I understand is a necessity, and it would personally help me a lot.
Set yourself some easy goals like 20 pushups a say and a couple of pullups. Gonna be easy peasy and soon you'll want to workout more.
I wanted to ask, I sometimes do Kundalini Yoga and then Hatha Yoga straight after eachother in one session. Is this ok, or is it better to split them up into 2 sessions at different times of the day?
This is fine. It's better to split them up so your energy stays high through the day more consistently, but it depends on your own daily schedule.

As a note, on days when I do them sequentially, I prefer to do hatha first then KY. Hatha, corpse pose, KY, then sit on bed/couch to meditate, because corpse pose doesn't need to be done after KY. This is just y preference though, do what works best for you :)

I don't remember if there were other Asanas for the other chakras.
In my signature, I've made a post for each chakra.
Set yourself some easy goals like 20 pushups a say and a couple of pullups. Gonna be easy peasy and soon you'll want to workout more.
Squats too. Many physical problems are from weak glutes and legs.
Squats too. Many physical problems are from weak glutes and legs.
Oh yes, bodyweight squats are great for all of the lower body, they will fix knee pain and will make your glutes strong as hell.
Personally I like doing 500 at a time (a more easily achievable goal is 100 for beginners, but don't stop just because they're burning) getting to do 500 is achievably relatively fast, the legs hold a lot of power, you just have to push through the burn.

A good way to work up to it is doing more sets to reach a higher number. Like 50 reps for 3-4 times. Personally I like doing one whole set, builds a lot of discipline and mental fortitude, after a certain point it becomes like a meditation. I'm writing this in general, not only to HPS Lydia :)
Personally I like doing 500 at a time (a more easily achievable goal is 100 for beginners, but don't stop just because they're burning) getting to do 500 is achievably relatively fast, the legs hold a lot of power, you just have to push through the burn.
Thanks for the motivation :) I like to do suitcase and sumo squats too. Sumo is great for the inner thighs, whereas suitcase targets the middle of the glutes, and then regular squats for the entire lower body.
Thank you HPS Lydia
This is a wonderful post so much important knowledge, I do Yoga classes at the gym that I go to, Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates combined, my question is is this the same Yoga exercises that HPS Maxine teaches? Should we do the ones here on Jos or the ones that the gyms offer, I find it easier to follow an instructor then to follow from a book
Thank you 💕
This is fine. It's better to split them up so your energy stays high through the day more consistently, but it depends on your own daily schedule.

As a note, on days when I do them sequentially, I prefer to do hatha first then KY. Hatha, corpse pose, KY, then sit on bed/couch to meditate, because corpse pose doesn't need to be done after KY. This is just y preference though, do what works best for you :)
Thank you!
Thank you HPS Lydia
This is a wonderful post so much important knowledge, I do Yoga classes at the gym that I go to, Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates combined, my question is is this the same Yoga exercises that HPS Maxine teaches? Should we do the ones here on Jos or the ones that the gyms offer, I find it easier to follow an instructor then to follow from a book
Thank you 💕
Combining all those is just for novelty and so gyms make as much money as possible. Trends come and go.

HPS Maxine only put a few asanas on the JoS as a basic entry to yoga, I followed that program until I expanded more in my personal practice based on what the Gods (mainly Set and Osiris) led me to.

If you prefer to follow an instructor then keep doing it that way :) I've only ever done yoga from home myself, reading and following along to videos, and feeling out the asanas for myself, fully tuning in to them.

My plan is to get many more asanas into the JoS, with the illustrations by our artists.
Combining all those is just for novelty and so gyms make as much money as possible. Trends come and go.

HPS Maxine only put a few asanas on the JoS as a basic entry to yoga, I followed that program until I expanded more in my personal practice based on what the Gods (mainly Set and Osiris) led me to.

If you prefer to follow an instructor then keep doing it that way :) I've only ever done yoga from home myself, reading and following along to videos, and feeling out the asanas for myself, fully tuning in to them.

My plan is to get many more asanas into the JoS, with the illustrations by our artists.
Thank you HPS Lydia, I will continue doing them from the instructors at the gym because I also go because I prefer to do them there and because I take other cardio classes and at times use the weights there, and I prefer to get out of the house it feels better and I get more motivated there then if I was to do them at home. But in time I will eventually do them at home and follow from videos and books.
I also look forward to your asanas teachings that you will share here and learn from you as well, I always enjoy reading your posts, and sermons so yeah I’ll be looking forward to your asanas lessons ☺️ thanks again
Thanks for the motivation :) I like to do suitcase and sumo squats too. Sumo is great for the inner thighs, whereas suitcase targets the middle of the glutes, and then regular squats for the entire lower body.
I heard Mike Tyson in his prime would do 1000 at a time, and Tyson fury(ironic you guess why) does 1000 pushups a day. I want to imitate the champions, so that's my goal.
There are different paths for spiritual advancement, not everyone is drawn to yoga. If what you are doing works for you, then keep with it. But if you feel the need for something more then I highly recommend yoga. It helps with not just spiritual advancement but also physical health, mental health, and overall feeling better.

I know that many of you only have 20 minutes a day for yoga. This is where you are in life. But if circumstances change, this post is here waiting for you :)

Being incarnated here on Earth, time and time again, we all have walls in our minds. These come from spiritual degeneration, enemy curses, overall low bioelectricity levels, and so on. Yoga breaks down these walls when done long enough and in alignment of mind, body, and soul.

For clarification, walls in the mind are not the same as boundaries. It’s very important to have boundaries, it’s what keeps us alive, healthy, mentally sane, emotionally strong, psychologically healthy. Walls in the mind are blockages against spirituality and being closed off to our Gods and wisdom and the Truth.

As you advance in yoga, there may come a time when the Gods encourage you to delve into it more. My practice went from 20 minutes every evening, to 90 minutes twice a day, to nearly 2 hours once daily. After achieving a level, I was able to do less on most days, but I still benefit massively from doing my full routine approximately once a week.

I keep my copy of BKS Iyengar’s “Light on Yoga” next to my mat and go through it (I keep a weight on one side to keep the pages open), skipping certain pages, doing a few asanas in a different order, and including a few that are not in that book. I will later post the list of my routine in order, also for my own benefit as I recently realized I had forgotten to do a few asanas for the past year or so.

At some phases, it is very beneficial to do different routines, you can find a lot of videos online. I used to vary my program every day, this was best for me at that time, I did this for a few years. But at other phases, sticking with a steady routine will benefit the mind and soul more. When your consciousness is locked into a set routine holding each asana for its own for as long as needed, this heals the mind, harmonizes body and soul, and breaks down the walls leading to enlightenment. But then you might need to vary it again to achieve another breakthrough.

Some years ago I was holding one pose (wide leg stretch with fingers and thumbs holding each big toe) and I got a sudden sense of not knowing which way was up or down. Complete confusion and chaos and dizziness lasting for a few moments, then I felt a wall come down in my mind, followed by clarity and serenity. Other times you will heave a sigh and feel it from within your soul.

In each asana upon mastery you will feel a sense of lightness and brightness. You will at times feel like you can stay in the pose forever. I highly recommend trying to master each asana on its own, perhaps going back to it later in your day, reading about it, and fully concentrating on it while in the pose. The books I’ve mentioned here are great for studying each asana.

When you are in each asana, treat it for its own. Don’t think “ok I just did that one then I’ll do this next one after and I’m dreading attempting a challenging one after that”. Focus solely on the one you are in, and scan your body to make adjustments. Perhaps you’ll need to slightly move your right shoulder and tighten your left obliques to hold the balance, or adjust your breathing. After standing asanas I go into Mountain Pose, place my hands in Prayer Mudra, and vibrate “AUM” a few times. This allows me to feel my energy raising and feel the balance in my body. After seated asanas I sit in regular cross-legged pose and do the same. I don’t do this after each asana, sometimes it’s after a group of asanas.

A quote from BKS Iyengar, from "Yoga Rahasya-Edizione Italiana-Raccolta del periodico-anno 2002", published by Light on Yoga Italia association. Credit to @Fiery Pluto for sending me this:

"Lengthening means creating space
Space leads to freedom
Freedom leads to precision
Precision leads to perfection
Perfection is truth
Truth is God"

I recommend reading a post I made a few years ago, Expanding Consciousness: Physical Meditation, to understand this further. When you fully focus and expand your consciousness through your body, your consciousness will strengthen and expand more.

When doing yoga, you do not need to do void meditation throughout. You can for some asanas, and in others you can meditate upon a concept, perhaps something you’ve learned but haven’t quite grasped. This will help give you understanding on a higher level. Or if you are working on something but feel stuck, meditating upon it while doing various yoga asanas will give you the breakthrough you need.

If the time comes when you no longer feel that “yoga high”, then you will need to add more asanas, spend more time in some of your asanas, or master the asanas you are doing instead of modifying them for an easier level, bringing each one to the next level.

You can also consider doing more physical exercise in your day. I do better in yoga when I also exercise, either earlier that day or the previous day. If I go a week without exercise, my yoga practice suffers. Exercise increases your bioelectricity and improves the condition of your body, and you are amplifying your prana when you do yoga.

A lot of you don’t feel good in your life, or feel frustrated that things aren’t going your way. This is normal for humans, because you are not yet a God. This feeling is intended to push you to do more to advance. We are meant to advance, it’s why we have the type of soul we do. You can channel your frustration by doing a long yoga practice, and then focus on a goal you have after your session while your bioelectricity is buzzing.

It’s very important not to waste the energy you raised. After your practice, lie in corpse pose for a few moments until you feel your energy buzzing. You can then state an affirmation, perhaps having to do with a goal you are currently working towards. If nothing else, then you can state “This hatha yoga practice is healthy and beneficial for me in every way” a few times, then continue feeling the buzz and letting the energy work for you. You could instead do a small AoP, breathing in white-gold energy and stating something like “I am always safe, secure, protected, and healthy in every way”.

Going back to breaking down walls in the mind: You will never achieve enlightenment if you have all those walls up. You will have problems raising your kundalini if you have blockages in your mind. Your mind needs to be free and in tune with Satan. Do you want to advance? Do you want to become closer to our Gods? Do you want spiritual knowledge given to you directly from our Gods? Do you want increased inner wisdom and spiritual power? If so, you will need to spend a portion of your life doing extra advancement. Yoga is a great place to start. Perhaps consider making some changes in your daily schedule to allow for more time for yoga and meditation.

For those who think that’s too much time to spend doing yoga, I ask you:

What is time, when you have eternity?
That was a good sermon and a good
Message to learn about I've heard of
Yoga before never paid much attention
To it,I'll look into it sounds. Interesting
Thank you for the wonderful post, HPS Lydia!
I have a question though, for anyone who can help me out with this:
I feel like I've always struggled with flexibility. I feel like part of the reason why is because I'm always so fucking tense from anxiety/stress. Anybody have any tips for helping relax the muscles and achieving better flexibility? Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies to this 💛
(I see people who go to the gym often use bands to deepen stretches, but I know in yoga it's not about forcing it; it's about gradually deepening and advancing the poses/asanas comfortably.)
Thank you for the wonderful post, HPS Lydia!
I have a question though, for anyone who can help me out with this:
I feel like I've always struggled with flexibility. I feel like part of the reason why is because I'm always so fucking tense from anxiety/stress. Anybody have any tips for helping relax the muscles and achieving better flexibility? Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies to this 💛
(I see people who go to the gym often use bands to deepen stretches, but I know in yoga it's not about forcing it; it's about gradually deepening and advancing the poses/asanas comfortably.)
By relaxing your mind first, the body follows. You can make the environment more suitable to this end--lighting, scents, items, you get the idea.
Thank you for this post HP Lydia!! I sent you an email on proton if you have time please check it out!! Have a good yule and thank you for all that you do!!
Thank you for promoting yoga along with exercise High Priestess Lydia. I want to share some info on how I combined these two branches of the 8 fold bath in order to get my saliva sweet, but for some odd reason the last time I posted a reply on the subject the message didn't get through.
By relaxing your mind first, the body follows. You can make the environment more suitable to this end--lighting, scents, items, you get the idea.
Thank you, my friend. I'll have to try that. I need to start practicing breath work more often as well.
There are different paths for spiritual advancement, not everyone is drawn to yoga. If what you are doing works for you, then keep with it. But if you feel the need for something more then I highly recommend yoga. It helps with not just spiritual advancement but also physical health, mental health, and overall feeling better.

I know that many of you only have 20 minutes a day for yoga. This is where you are in life. But if circumstances change, this post is here waiting for you :)

Being incarnated here on Earth, time and time again, we all have walls in our minds. These come from spiritual degeneration, enemy curses, overall low bioelectricity levels, and so on. Yoga breaks down these walls when done long enough and in alignment of mind, body, and soul.

For clarification, walls in the mind are not the same as boundaries. It’s very important to have boundaries, it’s what keeps us alive, healthy, mentally sane, emotionally strong, psychologically healthy. Walls in the mind are blockages against spirituality and being closed off to our Gods and wisdom and the Truth.

As you advance in yoga, there may come a time when the Gods encourage you to delve into it more. My practice went from 20 minutes every evening, to 90 minutes twice a day, to nearly 2 hours once daily. After achieving a level, I was able to do less on most days, but I still benefit massively from doing my full routine approximately once a week.

I keep my copy of BKS Iyengar’s “Light on Yoga” next to my mat and go through it (I keep a weight on one side to keep the pages open), skipping certain pages, doing a few asanas in a different order, and including a few that are not in that book. I will later post the list of my routine in order, also for my own benefit as I recently realized I had forgotten to do a few asanas for the past year or so.

At some phases, it is very beneficial to do different routines, you can find a lot of videos online. I used to vary my program every day, this was best for me at that time, I did this for a few years. But at other phases, sticking with a steady routine will benefit the mind and soul more. When your consciousness is locked into a set routine holding each asana for its own for as long as needed, this heals the mind, harmonizes body and soul, and breaks down the walls leading to enlightenment. But then you might need to vary it again to achieve another breakthrough.

Some years ago I was holding one pose (wide leg stretch with fingers and thumbs holding each big toe) and I got a sudden sense of not knowing which way was up or down. Complete confusion and chaos and dizziness lasting for a few moments, then I felt a wall come down in my mind, followed by clarity and serenity. Other times you will heave a sigh and feel it from within your soul.

In each asana upon mastery you will feel a sense of lightness and brightness. You will at times feel like you can stay in the pose forever. I highly recommend trying to master each asana on its own, perhaps going back to it later in your day, reading about it, and fully concentrating on it while in the pose. The books I’ve mentioned here are great for studying each asana.

When you are in each asana, treat it for its own. Don’t think “ok I just did that one then I’ll do this next one after and I’m dreading attempting a challenging one after that”. Focus solely on the one you are in, and scan your body to make adjustments. Perhaps you’ll need to slightly move your right shoulder and tighten your left obliques to hold the balance, or adjust your breathing. After standing asanas I go into Mountain Pose, place my hands in Prayer Mudra, and vibrate “AUM” a few times. This allows me to feel my energy raising and feel the balance in my body. After seated asanas I sit in regular cross-legged pose and do the same. I don’t do this after each asana, sometimes it’s after a group of asanas.

A quote from BKS Iyengar, from "Yoga Rahasya-Edizione Italiana-Raccolta del periodico-anno 2002", published by Light on Yoga Italia association. Credit to @Fiery Pluto for sending me this:

"Lengthening means creating space
Space leads to freedom
Freedom leads to precision
Precision leads to perfection
Perfection is truth
Truth is God"

I recommend reading a post I made a few years ago, Expanding Consciousness: Physical Meditation, to understand this further. When you fully focus and expand your consciousness through your body, your consciousness will strengthen and expand more.

When doing yoga, you do not need to do void meditation throughout. You can for some asanas, and in others you can meditate upon a concept, perhaps something you’ve learned but haven’t quite grasped. This will help give you understanding on a higher level. Or if you are working on something but feel stuck, meditating upon it while doing various yoga asanas will give you the breakthrough you need.

If the time comes when you no longer feel that “yoga high”, then you will need to add more asanas, spend more time in some of your asanas, or master the asanas you are doing instead of modifying them for an easier level, bringing each one to the next level.

You can also consider doing more physical exercise in your day. I do better in yoga when I also exercise, either earlier that day or the previous day. If I go a week without exercise, my yoga practice suffers. Exercise increases your bioelectricity and improves the condition of your body, and you are amplifying your prana when you do yoga.

A lot of you don’t feel good in your life, or feel frustrated that things aren’t going your way. This is normal for humans, because you are not yet a God. This feeling is intended to push you to do more to advance. We are meant to advance, it’s why we have the type of soul we do. You can channel your frustration by doing a long yoga practice, and then focus on a goal you have after your session while your bioelectricity is buzzing.

It’s very important not to waste the energy you raised. After your practice, lie in corpse pose for a few moments until you feel your energy buzzing. You can then state an affirmation, perhaps having to do with a goal you are currently working towards. If nothing else, then you can state “This hatha yoga practice is healthy and beneficial for me in every way” a few times, then continue feeling the buzz and letting the energy work for you. You could instead do a small AoP, breathing in white-gold energy and stating something like “I am always safe, secure, protected, and healthy in every way”.

Going back to breaking down walls in the mind: You will never achieve enlightenment if you have all those walls up. You will have problems raising your kundalini if you have blockages in your mind. Your mind needs to be free and in tune with Satan. Do you want to advance? Do you want to become closer to our Gods? Do you want spiritual knowledge given to you directly from our Gods? Do you want increased inner wisdom and spiritual power? If so, you will need to spend a portion of your life doing extra advancement. Yoga is a great place to start. Perhaps consider making some changes in your daily schedule to allow for more time for yoga and meditation.

For those who think that’s too much time to spend doing yoga, I ask you:

What is time, when you have eternity?
Thank you very much High priestess Lydia. Always on point. I feel the presence of High priestess Maxine speaking to me as I read this post. Not only this one but this has confirmed my feelings anytime I read your posts and I'm very grateful and thankful to you all our leaders of this wonderful family of our Gods and Goddesses of Hell. May we advance unto Godhead as you guide us always.

Hail Father Santan.
Hail Mama Astarte.
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever.
Thank you for the wonderful post, HPS Lydia!
I have a question though, for anyone who can help me out with this:
I feel like I've always struggled with flexibility. I feel like part of the reason why is because I'm always so fucking tense from anxiety/stress. Anybody have any tips for helping relax the muscles and achieving better flexibility? Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies to this 💛
(I see people who go to the gym often use bands to deepen stretches, but I know in yoga it's not about forcing it; it's about gradually deepening and advancing the poses/asanas comfortably.)
Do you take Magnesium? Most people are deficient in it. I noticed a noticeable relief in my physical body after I began taking it.

As for flexibility, it can take years for the body to become more flexible. Yogis say it can take 10 years before a full forward bend can be achieved.

Thank you for this post HP Lydia!! I sent you an email on proton if you have time please check it out!! Have a good yule and thank you for all that you do!!
I will reply soon :)
Do you take Magnesium? Most people are deficient in it. I noticed a noticeable relief in my physical body after I began taking it.

As for flexibility, it can take years for the body to become more flexible. Yogis say it can take 10 years before a full forward bend can be achieved.

I will reply soon :)
You are probably the 20th person to tell me I need to take a magnesium supplement, lolol. I'll buy some, thank you HPS Lydia 💛
I've seen people say spraying magnesium spray on the bottoms of your feet, and pulse points helps absorb it quicker and has amazing effects, but they also take magnesium supplements with the spray. I did some research a while back into natural medicine and specifically the different types of magnesium, because there's like 6 different kinds of mag. But I've heard magnesium glycinate is the best type to take, because it absorbs easiest, is gentle on the stomach, and also promotes better, more sound sleep.
And, WOW. 10 years :oops: As we know in this path though, all good things come to those who put in the work and stay consistent.
You are probably the 20th person to tell me I need to take a magnesium supplement, lolol. I'll buy some, thank you HPS Lydia 💛
I've seen people say spraying magnesium spray on the bottoms of your feet, and pulse points helps absorb it quicker and has amazing effects, but they also take magnesium supplements with the spray. I did some research a while back into natural medicine and specifically the different types of magnesium, because there's like 6 different kinds of mag. But I've heard magnesium glycinate is the best type to take, because it absorbs easiest, is gentle on the stomach, and also promotes better, more sound sleep.
And, WOW. 10 years :oops: As we know in this path though, all good things come to those who put in the work and stay consistent.
Hello. When I was talking magnesium supplement, I was talking l-threonate which is said to be good for the brain and memory. I remember every day I was feeling very- very good after taking it.
After working with Asclepius, he has been urging me to do more Yoga.

I am only doing with the basic 20 minute routine a day, but I'd like to do it twice a day, or even hold the poses for double the time.

He also led me to the emotional body working you posted, which I'm almost at 30 days. I believe he is suggesting that emotional problems = health problems, which is common in TCM i know.
Ah, yoga... I can tell that my body needs yoga. I remember HP HC had also mentioned it in my astro analysis.

However, I'm always finding excuses not to do it. Even though I know I'll feel great afterwards.

Most of the times (in Fall/Winter), the room is very cold (and it will be expensive to turn the heater on everyday). So, I end up wearing many clothes and not feeling comfortable.

Most often, I leave it for the end of the day, and then I'm just sleepy...

At other times, I remember this HORRIBLE feeling like my body is going to break (especially the hands) while doing the Straddle Stretch (from HP Maxine's pdf for Hatha Yoga). I've figured that I just need to work out, but this requires time.
One may say "you can just do 15 minutes workout a day", but 15 minutes this, 15 minutes that, I get stressed out in the end because my whole day ends up being a list of things I must do (meditate, work out, cook, etc).

Sorry, I'm venting. I know my body needs yoga. I just don't want it. I feel like it's inconvenient. But I understand is a necessity, and it would personally help me a lot.
Yoga should be mandatory and if you lack the discipline you can maybe find it in a group session instead of doing it on your own. We are often stronger in a group and for me it eliminates the need for a timer on my phone as the instructor just calls out when to switch poses so it is smoother in a sense. Also a great place to hookup with like minded souls who are on their way up.
I have always noticed that a 20-minute yoga session is very little and is totally insufficient. To feel that I am doing a complete Hatha Yoga session I need at least 50 or 60 minutes.
20 minutes a day

Greetings, High Priestess! May I ask you please: a person who knows many Asanas (I literally have an Encyclopedia that illustrates 2100 different asanas) how would one understand which ones should be included in one's routine? How does one understand which Asanas to include and which ones to wait to do and which ones to leave out for the moment, in order to have the best yogic effects? Thank you! :)
Greetings, High Priestess! May I ask you please: a person who knows many Asanas (I literally have an Encyclopedia that illustrates 2100 different asanas) how would one understand which ones should be included in one's routine? How does one understand which Asanas to include and which ones to wait to do and which ones to leave out for the moment, in order to have the best yogic effects? Thank you! :)
You can consult a yoga teacher and have them go over all your physical alignments and needs, such as if you need more flexibility in some areas to work towards other asanas.

For myself, I just find asanas and try them, if they feel great I'll add them to my practice. Or I'll dream of an asana and start to crave doing it, so I'll learn it.
Thank you for this sermon. Makes me want to do Yoga more and more now. I always struggle with the amount of time I have for it.
Would you say even 10 minutes a day is still good for yoga as there sometimes feels there isn't enough time in the day?
Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
