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Yule - Important Notes & Reminders


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
The Yule season is coming soon, which is one of, if not the most wonderful holiday of the whole year. It's the perfect time for sanctification. It is also a good time for all things what includes SS, Gods and Satan.

A different energy is present than before, as this holiday is a celebration of our Father Satan and is totally Satanic in nature. I would start with the Astrology part, but I am not good at that and we have members who are qualified to do that.

During this time you can get closer to the Gods, Satan, or even your Guardian. It's a great time for personal vows, personal pledges, promises, or even working with your Guardian. Also, time with family is especially important.

The Enemy has eclipsed our Pagan Holidays, as he did with Yule, and promotes it as "Christmas" - the problem with this is really that he has taken a 100% turn around in the essence of the holiday and completely changed the values within it.

It's Yule time, spend time with family, celebrate, be happy, and everything else that goes with it. "Nazarane" and Christianity have as much to do with Yule as I have to do with JavaScript - nothing.

Remember, this is a holiday that is highly recommended to celebrate. We have every reason to be happy and strong. We must be independent of the parasitism and vile, destructive teachings of Christianity and exist under Satan.

I, for example, always have a plan for Yule - a ritual for Satan, my Guardian and the Gods I make connection to - where I make vows and plans for the new year. How many of those plans I implement is another matter - never mind.

I talk to my Guardian, thank Satan for this wonderful year and praise His Name.

If you have no ideas for Yule, I offer you this - just thank Satan and the Gods for this year, thank them for the place to live, the place to dwell. There is a reason for everything in this degenerate world, but we are the ones who bring the Light.

Being SS means this - change. To bring change to this world and make it a better place through Satan - not everyone understands that. Look at how many of us are currently committed Satanists - compare that to the population of the world. Well, not many.

Give us the strength to know that WE are here for a change out of billions of people. All of us, you, me, our newest member, everyone - we have a quintessential role in life and society and we are chosen.

Unfortunately, during Yule, churches celebrate the Christian holiday and parents can take their children there, who don't really care. If you're a teenager and SS and have to go to church, don't fret.

While we're at it, let's get some facts straight - Satan won't get mad at you if you go to church against your will. Things aren't nearly as simple as the average person sees them - Gods and Satan see things from multiple perspectives, which requires a fucking lot of understanding.

I've experienced this several times - I thought I was doing wrong, even though my Guardian has enlightened me that this is not entirely the case, and I'm missing other factors. To see the other factors, we need to dig deeper into ourselves and our actions to understand them more clearly.

Also, another important thing - many people think they are doing the wrong thing. Many people think that, for example, perverse [again, very perverse] fantasies and actions are sinful. No, this is far from the case - human nature is not sinful and far from wrong.

It is the enemy's agenda that spreads the idea that we are sinful. Fuck you!

Your actions matter, not your fantasies. You can think anything, I repeat anything, no one will care if you do nothing. It's completely different if something comes from inside you, from your soul, or an outside influence has changed you and it changes you.

The point of my monologue is this - know thyself. If you know who you are, and you are clear about yourself, your values and everything, they will not be able to influence you. A member wrote a post called "Who are you?" but I forget who and when, but it is a very thought provoking post, probably the only post in years that has completely captivated me.

Spend time with your parents during Yule, talk, have a peaceful dinner, make each other happy. Watch a movie, a show, have a snack together and be happy. Sadly, in today's world, happiness is slowly becoming a glory.

For the newcomers I would like to write something else - unfortunately there will be things in your life that will make you despair. I will not start to list them, because everyone experiences them. Several of them are from the enemy and they are there to confuse and depress you.

If you can overcome these, it will strengthen you - if you doubt something, ask Satan for a sign. If you don't know something, post it on the Forum. If you don't believe something, that's your business - we are human, we have different attitudes, however - never question your Path.

Whatever happens, it will be the Gods and Satan who will be "permanent".

Don't make it sound like you are a Satanist. Your safety is your number one priority above all else. No one will doubt you just because you don't start talking to more people about Satan and the Gods. Unfortunately, we live in a world where hearing such things can spell disaster for human relationships.

Spend a lot of time with your family, Gods and Satan. Progress in Spiritual Satanism and have a thirst for knowledge as great as the Universe itself - and be happy.

This is a great time to make plans, and that's what Yule is all about - positivity. Let me put here my quote that sums up a lot - "Without Knowledge, Power Is Lost, As Power Is Lost, So Is Understanding Lost And So Is True Knowledge Lost."

Happy Yule to all SS!

Hail Satan!

Sieg Heil!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
