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Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

It is important not to overwork or overstretch the muscles of the body. This routine is aimed at promoting relaxation, and giving the body the occasional easy day to recover. You can do this routine once a week in place of your regular Hatha program, or whenever you feel the need to rest, while still gaining the benefits of a yoga practice, especially if you hold the poses for longer than you normally would.

An additional note for your regular yoga practice, it can be safer and more beneficial to give certain parts of your body a day off. For example, if you do a lot of hamstring stretching one day in your yoga practice, then completely skip hamstring stretches the next day and instead, focus more on torso twists and/or shoulder openings. If you do a lot of shoulder opening asanas one day, then skip them the next day and focus on other areas of your body instead.

The routine below is also really good to do before going to bed, most of these poses can in fact be done in bed using your pillow as a prop for some of these poses, but make sure you are not so tired as to fall asleep during it. Turn your cell phone to silent mode to prevent disruption. You can light candles and turn off the overhead light for an added serene atmosphere. This routine will promote a better, more restful sleep, and decrease anxiety and stress.

This is Yin-style yoga, with no strain or active poses involving muscle engagement and holding yourself up that a lot of Hatha yoga has. Try to melt your body down into the floor, or into your pillow or blanket or mattress (if done in bed), focus on your body relaxing down (for all except Tree pose). These are all easy and can be done by beginners and those with limited flexibility. For a lot of yoga poses the core is generally supposed to be engaged, but for these, focus on relaxing the core especially the belly (except for Tree pose).

You can do this routine on your yoga mat if it’s for an easy/rest day, or in your bed if you are doing this as a bedtime routine.

The asanas are following, you can of course change the order to your preference, but I arranged them so there is an easy transition from one pose to the next. Skip any that you do not want to do. Try to hold each one for at least a minute if possible, some can be easily done for up to 5 minutes or more. These can all be done easily with no strain or much effort. Try to keep your breathing calm, slow, and steady.

Tree pose (both sides), I would recommend doing this first before transitioning to in-bed asanas. If you have trouble balancing, make sure to slightly tilt your tailbone down, almost like you are drawing your pubic bone up to your bellybutton a bit. Press your foot of the bent leg into your thigh of the standing leg, simultaneously pressing the thigh into the foot (press thigh and foot together equally, not just foot into thigh). This is an excellent pose for void meditation and achieving mental balance.

You can have your hands in prayer pose to balance your ida and pingala, or have arms outstretched to the sides with hands in gyan mudra, or any other variation that you can easily find online. You can also have you bent leg lower down on the balancing leg, or even with the toes of the bent leg on the ground and heel of that foot on the ankle of the balancing leg (this easy variation is called Rooted Tree pose).


The following poses can be done in bed. If you are on your yoga mat on the floor, then place one end of your mat against the wall for the following pose.

Waterfall aka Legs Up The Wall. Place your pillow (or even 2 pillows stacked) where you would normally have it for sleeping (at the wall or headboard of your bed), then wiggle your hips up onto it and rest your legs straight up against the wall. Arms can be resting above your head, out to the sides, or more near your hips. This is so good for preventing varicose veins, and preventing and treating muscle cramps in your calves and feet. Especially recommended for those who have to stand a lot in your job, and runners/joggers. Try to do this for 5 or more minutes, and feel the peaceful energy. This pose calms the nervous system.


From the above pose, you can transition into Happy Baby pose, by grabbing each foot with a hand. You can roll gently from side to side to massage out the lower back. Have your knees bent as much as you need them to be. Feel free to remove your pillow from under your hips first if you want.


Continuing on your back, Reclined Pigeon pose aka Figure Four (both sides). You might want to wiggle away from the wall a bit first to give more room for your legs, pillow under hips is optional. Bend one leg with your foot on the wall, and place the other foot on the knee of the first leg, make sure to flex the foot of the top leg to protect the knee joint. Feel the stretch in the hip of the leg that is on top.


After the above poses, gently roll up to a seated position for the following poses.

Seated Forward Fold. You can have a pillow (or bunched up blanket) under your knees for less strain on your hamstrings and increased relaxation, and you can have another pillow on your lap to rest your torso and/or arms on.


Seated Side Bend (both sides). Hold for just a few breaths. Have legs crossed or in Easy pose. Top arm can be directly overhead, or more in front of your body, whichever allows you to feel the stretch best for you. You can do some Shoulder Rolls (forward and backwards) before or after doing this, and Head Rolls (3 or so slowly in each direction) as well while seated.


Butterfly. You can place your pillow on your lap to rest your forearms on, and even put your head on your hands for added yin relaxation. If you have tight hips and are/or feeling a bit of pain in your knees, you can place another pillow under each knee, or if you don’t have more pillows, bunch up your blanket under each knee to provide support. Soles of the feet are together.


Supported Child’s Pose. Put your pillow in front of you, lengthwise under your torso. Have your knees apart by about 12-18 inches or so, you will feel what is best for you. Your head can be centered, or facing one side for half the time, then face your head to the other side to continue. Arms can be down by your sides with hands near your hips, or they can be up, with your elbows by your ears, palms down. Elbows can be bent or curved around your pillow, whichever is most comfortable for you.


Lizard pose (both sides), mainly as a warm-up for the following pose, so you don't have to hold this one as long if your arms are tired. Have your front foot pointing out about 45 degrees, not straight ahead. Relax into the hip, you can move around in this pose to ease up any stiffness in the hip. Arms can be straight, or you can bend your elbows if you have more flexibility in your hips and legs.


From Lizard, you can transition to the following one, doing both on one side, then both on the other side (Lizard then Swan with the right leg first, then switching to Lizard then Swan with the left leg).

Sleeping Swan (both sides). You can place a pillow under your pelvis if you don’t have much flexibility there, and have another pillow to rest your torso and/or head on if needed. I recommend having a pillow under the torso/chest, play around with the position of your pillow to see what works best for you. If your hips feel tight, try to make yourself comfortable, and you will find after a minute or so, you will be able to release deeper into the pose.


Supported Half-Frog pose (both sides). Have your pillow under part of your torso, to the side with the bent leg. Place your arms in a comfortable position with no strain in your shoulders, to avoid having your arms go tingly. This pose can be very soothing for those who carry stress in the stomach, adjust the pillow so the belly feels comforted. This pose also helps open the hips.


Now, roll over to lie on your back for the following.

Spinal Twist is gentle and aligns the vertebrae in your entire spine, and gently aids your digestive organs. Do for the same amount of time on each side. If the knee of the upper leg can’t reach the bed (or floor if you are doing this on your mat), then let it hang, or place a pillow (or bunched up blanket) under it.


Reclined Butterfly pose. You can have pillows (or bunched up blanket) under your knees, another under your head, and you can have a pillow under your back. Play around with pillows to see what brings you the most comfort, you might just want something under your knees only or just under the knee of your stiffest hip (usually the right hip for most people). Place one hand on your belly and one on your heart center, or both hands on your belly.


And to end…

Corpse Pose. You can have a blanket covering you, but try not to fall asleep right away. This would be a good time to do the Increasing Conscious Awareness meditation by HP HoodedCobra, and/or a daily affirmation, perhaps one to promote better sleep :)

Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol

The jews have definitely tried to make yoga into a joke, they do this with all things Satanic and beneficial for the advancement of the soul. Many people, when they think of yoga, they think of dirty unwashed passive-aggressive vegans. This is one of the reasons I've been doing posts about yoga (check the link "Yoga Posts" in my signature below), to dispel the bs about yoga.

Satan Himself created Yoga and gave it to humanity to advance and elevate ourselves.
Fantastic, thank you. Perfect for me because I use yoga to correct an issue with my knees , as well as a spinal curvature which is all covered on this routine. I will try this tonight. I still struggle trying to come up with routines for my specific conditions so I really appreciate this, as it seems to be exactly what I need.
Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: This is the funniest thing i've seen in a while here.
Lydia said:
Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol

The jews have definitely tried to make yoga into a joke, they do this with all things Satanic and beneficial for the advancement of the soul. Many people, when they think of yoga, they think of dirty unwashed passive-aggressive vegans. This is one of the reasons I've been doing posts about yoga (check the link "Yoga Posts" in my signature below), to dispel the bs about yoga.

Satan Himself created Yoga and gave it to humanity to advance and elevate ourselves.

Yoga has a good image here in Germany tho, if this makes you happy :p
Lydia said:
The jews have definitely tried to make yoga into a joke, they do this with all things Satanic and beneficial for the advancement of the soul. Many people, when they think of yoga, they think of dirty unwashed passive-aggressive vegans. This is one of the reasons I've been doing posts about yoga (check the link "Yoga Posts" in my signature below), to dispel the bs about yoga.

Satan Himself created Yoga and gave it to humanity to advance and elevate ourselves.
The user you replied is a troll.

Anyway, this came just in the right time for me since I have some overreaching symptoms related to my training. I will take this week easy and try this out couple of times. Thank you.
Jack said:
Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: This is the funniest thing i've seen in a while here.

So Jack I guess this means you are a middle age weird woman, since you do yoga? :lol:

Henu the Great said:
The user you replied is a troll.

Anyway, this came just in the right time for me since I have some overreaching symptoms related to my training. I will take this week easy and try this out couple of times. Thank you.
I've noticed some replies in other threads identifying him as a troll, but I decided to reply anyway in case there are legit members who have a bias against yoga :)
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: This is the funniest thing i've seen in a while here.

So Jack I guess this means you are a middle age weird woman, since you do yoga? :lol:

Henu the Great said:
The user you replied is a troll.

Anyway, this came just in the right time for me since I have some overreaching symptoms related to my training. I will take this week easy and try this out couple of times. Thank you.
I've noticed some replies in other threads identifying him as a troll, but I decided to reply anyway in case there are legit members who have a bias against yoga :)
I meant no offense. It was just funny in a dank sort of way.
This looks relaxing, I will try this today. Thank you, sister Lydia, for all yoga posts you making, these helped me so much. :)
Lydia said:
I've noticed some replies in other threads identifying him as a troll, but I decided to reply anyway in case there are legit members who have a bias against yoga :)
Good thinking.

I made a pdf-file of this routine: https://mega.nz/file/G84SUKhT#yMcrBx3_T5M2TW13qBwvVoQefrLiBmoFGFLQiWbsnyU
Lydia said:
Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol

The jews have definitely tried to make yoga into a joke, they do this with all things Satanic and beneficial for the advancement of the soul. Many people, when they think of yoga, they think of dirty unwashed passive-aggressive vegans. This is one of the reasons I've been doing posts about yoga (check the link "Yoga Posts" in my signature below), to dispel the bs about yoga.

Satan Himself created Yoga and gave it to humanity to advance and elevate ourselves.

Thank you for making this routine. We definitely need some rest.
Also very nice handling such users :D You give very kindle explanation to him.
Yoga is really a good medicine for our health. Better blood circulation, muscle relaxation, stress release, cardiovascular improvement through regular breathing,... I think regular yoga practice will help us live healthier lives.
Jack said:
I meant no offense. It was just funny in a dank sort of way.

Jack I wasn't offended, I was laughing with you about it. Because it's like, everyone who does yoga automatically becomes a middle age weird woman, despite their actual gender or age. Lol.
Taurus said:
how do you guys have time for all this everyday?

It's all about priorities. I don't watch much tv, and I don't have much of a social life (I would like one, but most people are time wasters). I pretty much schedule my daily life around my yoga and meditations. And RTR's. Literally, I have to be finished eating supper at a certain time in order to start rtr's, so sometimes I'm rushing making and eating dinner, lol.

Do what is best for you on a personal level :)

phamthuathua said:
Yoga is really a good medicine for our health. Better blood circulation, muscle relaxation, stress release, cardiovascular improvement through regular breathing,... I think regular yoga practice will help us live healthier lives.
I see this is your first post, welcome to the forums :) And very true, yoga is very healthy.

Thanks everyone else for your comments, I'm happy to be of help. And thanks Henu for making the pdf versions :)
Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol

That’s one side and one angle. Maybe try to look to the east and the past to get a more accurate depiction of it.

This is like saying Satanism is evil because the majority of people in the west state such, in fact the world at large and public opinion believes this to be true. And also since a lot of people unconsciously move to the tune of xtianity and jewsus.

Well based on that you can conclude that Satanism is is for “freaks” and “blood sacrificers” right? (Cringed as I wrote this btw)

Try looking to history, and facts and how these relate to you advancement. Not appropriation of practices and systems which are severely watered without the right guidance of how these work.

If you’re here you know the facts or should know better if you read the JoS website in full.
Superb stuff that Lydia.

Jings i actually learned some of those poses in the prison yoga class. (yes no laughing :lol: )

What's up? Who approve the commentes here?
Hello lydia!

Thank you so much for this postures and the information about giving you a free day, normally i do yoga at 6am and 6pm all days, but sometimes i skip one of those for a day becouse the inner me tells me to, also from all this positions my favourite one is the second one you post "legs up in the wall" as i am a runner and my father and grandfathers has varicose veins it will help me alot to prevent it, so ill check it out and hope to have a new all days posture

Also i would like to add since some days ago i had the idea (probably my demon wife whisper it to me becouse i call her almost everytime i do yoga) of doing the next meditation while i do yoga:

Start breathing energy on my base and crown chakra, when i feel them full of energy i pass to the next step that is breathing energy on my second and sixth chakra

do the same in throat and solar chakra ending up with hearth, so when i feel all my chakras open i breath energy again from base and crown and move that energy across all the chakras till this both energies meet in hearth and finally make them rest in my solar chakra

Finally after this, the rest of the yoga session i breath gold energy all over my body.

When i rest after the yoga with the meditation i can feel how energy move all over my body and chakras, i would love to know your opinion about it!

Thank you again for all you do for us and i hope you been having a beautiful time
Thank you!!!❤🔥🦚
Thank you for taking the time to post this Lydia. I had been debating with myself the last couple of weeks what else I should do aside from my normal yoga and meditation to focus more on relieving tensions in my own body. These poses are perfect and offer great relief.
$ignificant$un said:
Thank you for taking the time to post this Lydia. I had been debating with myself the last couple of weeks what else I should do aside from my normal yoga and meditation to focus more on relieving tensions in my own body. These poses are perfect and offer great relief.

Indeed I did it yestarday 'cuz I couldn' t sleep, then I did meditation after I finished.

btw: there is one method that can be used when I cannot sleep 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Taurus said:
how do you guys have time for all this everyday?

Either boost your energies, such as through Sun or Mars squares to give you more productivity, or do workings to gain you more free time. This can be done with Fehu, Gebo, Sowilo, perhaps Jera. Mainly Fehu and Gebo for wealth and positive obligations.

The Jupiter Squares can be done for this similar thing. Spam them to permanently give you more free time to advance. Free time "to advance" means comfortable free time with your needs met, so this interacts with wealth as well. Obviously, you cannot have free time to advance when you are in severe debt or starving, or stressed.

Mars in Scorpio has given me increased energy. I only sleep about 5 hours per night now, with no downsides. You can do a Mars Square now, although time is running out. Mars will enter Capricorn this Jan. 25th, which is another awesome sign for productivity.

The Sun Squares can be done now since the Sun is in the fire sign of Sagitarrius, or wait until next March when it enters Aries.


You won't have time to do everything every day, but you should do a little of everything. Some yoga, plus some meditation is better than one or the other. In a similar manner, some empowering and some cleaning is better than just one or the other, except in extreme cases.

If free time is your limit, then you should be spamming workings to change this, as well as planning your life around your advancement. Any time spent advancing will pay off a million fold more than earning Goybucks at your job, which may soon become inflated to shit.

Lydia, years ago, I ordered a career reading from you, and in that career reading you emphasised heavily that my chart was suited extremely well for teaching yoga. In the emails after receiving the career reading I asked you for resources to learn yoga.

However, I never attempted to pursue learning it, I could certainly make a plethora of excuses but in the end the responsibility falls down to me. I have seen a lot of posts lately of yours regarding yoga and I can't help but feel, deep down, that I threw away a responsibility that would have been mine, something that, if I hadn't willingly wasted years of time, I would be doing on this very day.

Honestly, when I saw your series of posts the first thing I felt was regret, because, I know that, this is a result of my own choices, I am at fault for not using the advantages of my astrology, and I am at fault for willingly, and at times, purposely, shirking my responsibilities.

I know that right now I won't be able to help the community with knowledge I gain, but, I still want to learn, even if I'm unable to use it to benefit people now, even if it's too late now, in the future, I know that there will be opportunities.

I know that I can't change the past, the most it is useful for is for learning lessons, as such, I don't regret it anymore, however, while I cannot make up for lost time, or, change the past, I can act in the present to right the wrongs of my past and pave the way to a future I desire.

Also, I know that me not fulfilling my responsibilities didn't force you to do something, I know that you care deeply about the community, and, are doing this out of your own desire, using knowledge you have gathered over time. I just can't help but feel that, if I had taken your advice and the knowledge you so graciously imparted upon me, I would have been doing this and you could have focused on other things. I feel as if I stole that opportunity from you. And if I did, then, I can only do my best in the future in order to make it up to you, apologies are useless after all, action is what matters.

So, here I come, to you, asking you once more, would you give me resources in order to facilitate my learning of yoga once more? I remember you recommended a specific yogi master and also a website, but considering that it's been years, you may have more information.

Thank you ahead of time my Sister, and I will do my best to live up to Satan and his Gods expectations of me and even exceed them in the future.
Blitzkreig said:
Taurus said:
how do you guys have time for all this everyday?

Either boost your energies, such as through Sun or Mars squares to give you more productivity, or do workings to gain you more free time. This can be done with Fehu, Gebo, Sowilo, perhaps Jera. Mainly Fehu and Gebo for wealth and positive obligations.

The Jupiter Squares can be done for this similar thing. Spam them to permanently give you more free time to advance. Free time "to advance" means comfortable free time with your needs met, so this interacts with wealth as well. Obviously, you cannot have free time to advance when you are in severe debt or starving, or stressed.

Mars in Scorpio has given me increased energy. I only sleep about 5 hours per night now, with no downsides. You can do a Mars Square now, although time is running out. Mars will enter Capricorn this Jan. 25th, which is another awesome sign for productivity.

The Sun Squares can be done now since the Sun is in the fire sign of Sagitarrius, or wait until next March when it enters Aries.


You won't have time to do everything every day, but you should do a little of everything. Some yoga, plus some meditation is better than one or the other. In a similar manner, some empowering and some cleaning is better than just one or the other, except in extreme cases.

If free time is your limit, then you should be spamming workings to change this, as well as planning your life around your advancement. Any time spent advancing will pay off a million fold more than earning Goybucks at your job, which may soon become inflated to shit.

Lydia and you are knowledgeable on health issues, judging by your posts. Off-topic, but I couldn't find a topic about it, so I'm asking Lydia and you here: can you recommend something for endometriosis? She is a 39 year old woman, has had surgery twice, and has a long history of endometriosis (possible that her intestines are also affected by endometriosis). She has been on a hormonal drug called Visanne for a long time, which has reduced the symptoms, but she needs to take it long term.

She is not SS and I cannot do any healing work because we rarely see each other and I only started the meditation program a few weeks ago. (I bought her an Algiz rune on a black tourmaline stone.)

What would be the basics of a holistic healing path? If you have time to answer, your reply is appreciated in advance. (I'd like to ask another health question in the thread about cats.)
Artisan said:

I remember you :)

It's not too late! Also, you can look into online teacher training, there are some really good accredited courses, look online as I don't know them all and there are probably more now with covid lockdowns. Perhaps ask your GD to guide you to the best one for you.

And no, I still would have made these posts even if you had made similar ones, I love yoga. It has transformed me in very positive ways and I would still want to help others learn more about yoga. The more SS posts about yoga the better!
Dark Lawyer said:
Lydia and you are knowledgeable on health issues, judging by your posts. Off-topic, but I couldn't find a topic about it, so I'm asking Lydia and you here: can you recommend something for endometriosis? She is a 39 year old woman, has had surgery twice, and has a long history of endometriosis (possible that her intestines are also affected by endometriosis). She has been on a hormonal drug called Visanne for a long time, which has reduced the symptoms, but she needs to take it long term.

She is not SS and I cannot do any healing work because we rarely see each other and I only started the meditation program a few weeks ago. (I bought her an Algiz rune on a black tourmaline stone.)

What would be the basics of a holistic healing path? If you have time to answer, your reply is appreciated in advance. (I'd like to ask another health question in the thread about cats.)

I don't know enough about health to answer this (hopefully someone else will, if not Blitz), and if she's not SS then her doing health workings isn't really an option. Bjarkan rune in her sacral and programmed to heal her uterus as well as regular health workings, if she were an SS though. That's really all I can advise, sorry.
Lydia said:
Artisan said:

I remember you :)

It's not too late! Also, you can look into online teacher training, there are some really good accredited courses, look online as I don't know them all and there are probably more now with covid lockdowns. Perhaps ask your GD to guide you to the best one for you.

And no, I still would have made these posts even if you had made similar ones, I love yoga. It has transformed me in very positive ways and I would still want to help others learn more about yoga. The more SS posts about yoga the better!
Before getting into a teacher training, at least be a yoga practicioner. I wouldn't want a teacher that has not put many hours into yoga before becoming a teacher.

Is the yoga in your post ( https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57115&p=253879&hilit=Yoga+solar#p253879 ) enough to continously improve the solar plexus or will the meditation stagnate at some point? ( should I ignore the stagnation and push through. Or do the yoga from the money spells)
My chart says I'll receive financial security at a later age so I'm trying to improve myself now by boosting money spells with solar plexus yoga, now with 1 day yoga break.

I'm trying to 'aim for the stars' :(
What do you advice? Thanks.
Lydia said:
Artisan said:

I remember you :)

It's not too late! Also, you can look into online teacher training, there are some really good accredited courses, look online as I don't know them all and there are probably more now with covid lockdowns. Perhaps ask your GD to guide you to the best one for you.

And no, I still would have made these posts even if you had made similar ones, I love yoga. It has transformed me in very positive ways and I would still want to help others learn more about yoga. The more SS posts about yoga the better!

Haha, thank you Lydia :) I was planning on doing a form ritual sometime this week, and, I'll be sure to include asking for guidance. I'm glad that I didn't "take away your opportunity" or whatever.

Hopefully in a year or two you'll see some pretty badass yoga posts by me. Or, however long it takes for me to learn where I am sufficient to teach :D

I appreciate you so much. I still look back on your career reading from time to time! And, guess who's writing a book which happens to be one of the options in my reading? I am, and this book is gonna help a LOT of people, I can already tell. I hope to finish it by the end of this year :D

Thank so much for your time and response lydia, and I hope you have a wonderful day <3
Lydia said:
Obyzouth said:
yoga is for middleage weird women. i dont like yoga only simple yoga maybe but thats about it lol

The jews have definitely tried to make yoga into a joke, they do this with all things Satanic and beneficial for the advancement of the soul. Many people, when they think of yoga, they think of dirty unwashed passive-aggressive vegans. This is one of the reasons I've been doing posts about yoga (check the link "Yoga Posts" in my signature below), to dispel the bs about yoga.

Satan Himself created Yoga and gave it to humanity to advance and elevate ourselves.

This obyzouth is super stupid.
When I was a child, I had to go to physiotherapy for a long time because of scoliosis. But it does not understand anything. Since I have been doing yoga I have noticed a huge improvement. My posture is completely different. And I greatly increases my chi energy. Fantastic.
Like charging a battery.
Lydia said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Lydia and you are knowledgeable on health issues, judging by your posts. Off-topic, but I couldn't find a topic about it, so I'm asking Lydia and you here: can you recommend something for endometriosis? She is a 39 year old woman, has had surgery twice, and has a long history of endometriosis (possible that her intestines are also affected by endometriosis). She has been on a hormonal drug called Visanne for a long time, which has reduced the symptoms, but she needs to take it long term.

She is not SS and I cannot do any healing work because we rarely see each other and I only started the meditation program a few weeks ago. (I bought her an Algiz rune on a black tourmaline stone.)

What would be the basics of a holistic healing path? If you have time to answer, your reply is appreciated in advance. (I'd like to ask another health question in the thread about cats.)

I don't know enough about health to answer this (hopefully someone else will, if not Blitz), and if she's not SS then her doing health workings isn't really an option. Bjarkan rune in her sacral and programmed to heal her uterus as well as regular health workings, if she were an SS though. That's really all I can advise, sorry.

Thank you for your reply! Can the 40-day meditation program (47 days with the addition of opening the sixth chakra) be done by someone who is not SS? Or would it not be safe?
I would like to ask something. In an older post of you Lydia, (another one about yoga! :D ) you had mentioned how it's best to focus on each chakra that corresponds to the asanas we perform.

So, for Hatha Yoga.. Let's say the basic one that's in the "Hatha Yoga for Satanists" pdf.. (this one: https://mega.nz/file/mO5WxTII#3D0myiIFW2l48iyfM4rpaIChU-g9hlHIM5WrK75DJfg )
How can we know which pose corresponds to which chakra? :p
Do we have to search for each pose separately?

In our forums I had found this one: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=97721#p97721
Is this valid?

So basically:
1st asanas: Solar [Seated Forward Bend ]
2nd asanas: Sacral [Butterfly, Diamond]
3rd: Base [Straddle Stretch]
4th: Sacral [Cobra Stretch ]
5th: ? [The Locust]
6th: Solar [The Bow]
7th: Heart [Twist]
8th: ? [Shoulder/Triceps Stretch]
9th: ? [Chest Stretch]
10th: ? [The Side Stretch]
11th: Crown [Tripod, Headstand, OR Handstand]
12th: 6th [Child's Pose]
13th: Throat [The Shoulderstand]
14th: ? [The Plough]
15th: Throat [The Fish - which always kills my back by the way :( ]

Is that valid?
Dark Lawyer said:
Lydia said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Lydia and you are knowledgeable on health issues, judging by your posts. Off-topic, but I couldn't find a topic about it, so I'm asking Lydia and you here: can you recommend something for endometriosis? She is a 39 year old woman, has had surgery twice, and has a long history of endometriosis (possible that her intestines are also affected by endometriosis). She has been on a hormonal drug called Visanne for a long time, which has reduced the symptoms, but she needs to take it long term.

She is not SS and I cannot do any healing work because we rarely see each other and I only started the meditation program a few weeks ago. (I bought her an Algiz rune on a black tourmaline stone.)

What would be the basics of a holistic healing path? If you have time to answer, your reply is appreciated in advance. (I'd like to ask another health question in the thread about cats.)

I don't know enough about health to answer this (hopefully someone else will, if not Blitz), and if she's not SS then her doing health workings isn't really an option. Bjarkan rune in her sacral and programmed to heal her uterus as well as regular health workings, if she were an SS though. That's really all I can advise, sorry.

Thank you for your reply! Can the 40-day meditation program (47 days with the addition of opening the sixth chakra) be done by someone who is not SS? Or would it not be safe?
It can be unsafe, yes, sicne non-SS have no protection from enemy beings
Yagami Light said:
I would like to ask something. In an older post of you Lydia, (another one about yoga! :D ) you had mentioned how it's best to focus on each chakra that corresponds to the asanas we perform.

So, for Hatha Yoga.. Let's say the basic one that's in the "Hatha Yoga for Satanists" pdf.. (this one: https://mega.nz/file/mO5WxTII#3D0myiIFW2l48iyfM4rpaIChU-g9hlHIM5WrK75DJfg )
How can we know which pose corresponds to which chakra? :p
Do we have to search for each pose separately?

In our forums I had found this one: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=97721#p97721
Is this valid?

So basically:
1st asanas: Solar [Seated Forward Bend ]
2nd asanas: Sacral [Butterfly, Diamond]
3rd: Base [Straddle Stretch]
4th: Sacral [Cobra Stretch ]
5th: ? [The Locust]
6th: Solar [The Bow]
7th: Heart [Twist]
8th: ? [Shoulder/Triceps Stretch]
9th: ? [Chest Stretch]
10th: ? [The Side Stretch]
11th: Crown [Tripod, Headstand, OR Handstand]
12th: 6th [Child's Pose]
13th: Throat [The Shoulderstand]
14th: ? [The Plough]
15th: Throat [The Fish - which always kills my back by the way :( ]

Is that valid?

The seated forward bend aka seated pike is hip-opening exercises. It relates to the root chakra (mainly) and to the sacral chakra (secondarily). No connection to the solar plexus, which deals more with core exercises specifically related to the lumbar area.

The same goes for any exercise that opens the hip.

If you see Lydia's previous posts, she put the cobra/seal pose for the solar plexus chakra routine. A chest stretch will obviously be for your chest/middle chakra. The fish doesn't deal with the throat either. It is a core exercise. One of the most basic position to master as a beginner. The locust is another such position.

Without going through too many things on your list, you can understand what this positions work on by focusing on the the exercise and seeing which chakra is stimulated the most. This, however, can lead to imprecision if you are not used to feel the flow of energy, as sometimes you would feel more stimulation in another chakra since because you unblocked the pathway more. Another, more precise method is to think of what part of the body is the stretch working on, and what chakra rules that body part.

Arms, hands and shoulders are obviously the middle chakra, together with the thoracic spine and your chest. The thoracic/dorsal spine is obviously part of the core contrary to what most people think, but that specific area is ruled by the middle chakra just like the cervical vertebrae are ruled by the throat, the lumbar by the solar plexus like most of the core, the sacrum by the sacral, the coccyx by the root. The legs, feet and hips are obviously ruled the root chakra. The only exceptions, when it comes to limbs, is when this are used as a support, rather than being the focus of the stretch. Intersections like hips, shoulders and temples are obviously special as they are primarily ruled by the related main chakra, and secondarily by the chakra above it.

I am sure you can understand the rulerships on the list on your own now ;) and be a more aware participant of this middle-aged women club :lol:
I did this full routine for the first time last night before bed, Lydia, and it really made a huge difference. Thank you for sharing some of your wisdom. I often gain alot from reading your posts.

Stormblood said:
I am sure you can understand the rulerships on the list on your own now ;) and be a more aware participant of this middle-aged women club :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, yes I will!

Thank you a lot for your explanation, it really cleared things up for me! :)
For starters I will try to see where I feel the most energy as well, and then accordingly focus on the chakras I need to.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
