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Would my sun be in the 8th house or not


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
Now I am obviously not going to post the exact degree of my sun or 9th house as the enemy is on here all the time but it is 1 degree from the cusp of my 9th house but within one degree of the cusp by minutes. In some charts it shows as 8th others as 9th depending on site. I am not sure but neither description fully fits me but on a video describing how its ruling place affects my life it sounded like it affected the 9th more but then again that house has another intercepted ruler in the 8th so that fit really well as well. I don't know.

Just thought I'd ask.
I asked similar question on the old forum. I was told that such planets can have influence on both houses. Strictly speaking your Sun is located on the 8th house but it is so close to the 9th house that it can influence its affairs.
Thank you it's probably effecting both houses that makes more sense. Cause if I mix the traits of both it fits but neither on own.
I believe the birth time is wrong in many of these cases. We have to remember that the birth times we have available usually are in the format of hours and minutes. No one really pays attention to the seconds. You could be born at 11:59:01 and have a planet conjunct your 5th house cusp, but still within your 4th house. But say you were born at 11:59:59, the planet could have moved across the 5th house cusp.

Personally, I have more than one planet conjunct house cusps. I only feel the effects of both houses with the one planet that is in the next house, i.e. across the house cusp, but I do not feel the same with the planets that are conjunct the house cusp but not in the next house.
Nick Vabzircnila said:
I believe the birth time is wrong in many of these cases. We have to remember that the birth times we have available usually are in the format of hours and minutes. No one really pays attention to the seconds. You could be born at 11:59:01 and have a planet conjunct your 5th house cusp, but still within your 4th house. But say you were born at 11:59:59, the planet could have moved across the 5th house cusp.

Also, do hospitals really mark the exact time a baby is born, or could it be a few minutes later? And doctors and nurses are often tired from long shifts and can get the time a bit off. And hospitals used to have regular wall clocks that could be off by as much as 5-10 minutes. Based on all these facts, many people do not have their exact time of birth.
Lydia said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
I believe the birth time is wrong in many of these cases. We have to remember that the birth times we have available usually are in the format of hours and minutes. No one really pays attention to the seconds. You could be born at 11:59:01 and have a planet conjunct your 5th house cusp, but still within your 4th house. But say you were born at 11:59:59, the planet could have moved across the 5th house cusp.

Also, do hospitals really mark the exact time a baby is born, or could it be a few minutes later? And doctors and nurses are often tired from long shifts and can get the time a bit off. And hospitals used to have regular wall clocks that could be off by as much as 5-10 minutes. Based on all these facts, many people do not have their exact time of birth.

Yes, how many "known" birth times are just the hospital staff's mere glance at a clock. These can be stressful situations. This is why it is important to know one's self. When I was newly dedicated, I had my birth time, but I always felt it was wrong. This was the one I was given from my parents. But I had this corrected later, by over an hour, through a reliable source. I had my chart redone and there were major differences.

Imagine having an automated rectification software... You plot your data in, the software extracts the key points (like planets conjunct angles and cusps), and then asks you questions regarding dates of events. For example: "Did something major happen in your love life or marriage at this time?", etc. And in regards to the personality, questions about house placements. One example is there will be major differences between having the Moon in the 3rd and in the 2nd houses. With enough key points cross-referenced with the dates of major events and personality traits the user plots in, an accurate birth time can be given. This would obviously need to be extremely detailed and take tens to hundreds of factors into consideration, but with enough time and energy put into it I think this could be done.
Lydia said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
I believe the birth time is wrong in many of these cases. We have to remember that the birth times we have available usually are in the format of hours and minutes. No one really pays attention to the seconds. You could be born at 11:59:01 and have a planet conjunct your 5th house cusp, but still within your 4th house. But say you were born at 11:59:59, the planet could have moved across the 5th house cusp.

Also, do hospitals really mark the exact time a baby is born, or could it be a few minutes later? And doctors and nurses are often tired from long shifts and can get the time a bit off. And hospitals used to have regular wall clocks that could be off by as much as 5-10 minutes. Based on all these facts, many people do not have their exact time of birth.

If I ever have a wife and a child, I think I'll be paranoid with that lol. Like, I'll be at the labor room and check a reliable online clock at every second, and get everything down like: at 2:40:15, the tip of the head came out, at 2:40:37, both feet were completely out, and so on.

I've also heard that each year, we "lose" two seconds in our time registry or something along these lines.
Nick Vabzircnila said:
I believe the birth time is wrong in many of these cases. We have to remember that the birth times we have available usually are in the format of hours and minutes. No one really pays attention to the seconds. You could be born at 11:59:01 and have a planet conjunct your 5th house cusp, but still within your 4th house. But say you were born at 11:59:59, the planet could have moved across the 5th house cusp.

Personally, I have more than one planet conjunct house cusps. I only feel the effects of both houses with the one planet that is in the next house, i.e. across the house cusp, but I do not feel the same with the planets that are conjunct the house cusp but not in the next house.

If it is fully in the 9th house that wouldn't make sense cause I would have have to been born a minute or so earlier. that would also may move my venus into the 10th the other planet conjunct a cusp very closely. Hmm I should look at the description for my venus as well and ask the same question.
I thought about it though and forgot to mention. There is a Star conjunct my midheaven and the description fits and the time of transit of Pluto and Neptune to angles pretty much fits an event in my life so it cant be that much off maybe by a degree but if so how would I know this.
When you find your actual birth time, it will not be 'what you would like it to be', but it will be mirrored in your life like a literal mirror shows perfections, imperfections, and above all, events. It will be extremely obvious.

If you read your chart and you're like "Hmm, this is probably not me", but not because of what you would LIKE, but because of what the REALITY is, then probably some time can be off.

Transitions and astrology of prediction can also really show this. If you have something wrong, predictions should not come in place. If you do, then things would be predictable and everything would be and feel, and in reality be, in place.

In general unless you're hours later, you should be 'ok' and within reason. A couple minutes do not matter. But two or three hours definitely do.

Lydia helps with birth time rectification. This takes time and a high level of proficiency to pull out, and she does excellent services on this as well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
