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Wisdom Teeth


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
So I read on here before that having your wisdom teeth pulled would be really bad because they aren't supposed to be removed from the body.

Lately I've been having a feel that I should ask about this here-- What causes wisdom teeth to become problematic in the first place? Like, they usually get pulled from people because they cause a lot of pain and stuff, and messing up your mouth, right? What is the proper Satanic course of action with these little guys if they are not supposed to be removed?

So far I have 0 problems with mine, but I've had horrible karma on my teeth in the past so I would very much prefer taking preventive measures asap if there are any.
Some populations are developing having a smaller mouth. So their mouth does not have enough room for all those teeth. So when the wisdom teeth come up, they can push on the other teeth and move them all around, and ruin the alignment of the whole mouth.

But this is not as common as dentists pretend that it is. It happens to some people, but most people would never have this problem. Dentists recommend getting them taken out "just in case" there might be some alignment problem, but it is usually unnecessary. They want to do it because they would get paid to do the operation, so they want to convince you to agree to it.
Shael said:
So I read on here before that having your wisdom teeth pulled would be really bad because they aren't supposed to be removed from the body.

Lately I've been having a feel that I should ask about this here-- What causes wisdom teeth to become problematic in the first place? Like, they usually get pulled from people because they cause a lot of pain and stuff, and messing up your mouth, right? What is the proper Satanic course of action with these little guys if they are not supposed to be removed?

So far I have 0 problems with mine, but I've had horrible karma on my teeth in the past so I would very much prefer taking preventive measures asap if there are any.

I had all of my 4 wisdom teeth taken out by a maxillo-facial surgeon who was jewish and I'm sure she left bone fragments in or chishelled away some of the bone....which causes disease states. Avoid it if possible or get it done only 1 at a time. It was the most pain I've ever had in my life. Also avoid root canals
Be careful with medical procedures. The system profits off of sicknesses, real or not. I wouldn't go for any operation just on the basis of the opinion of the one who is making money off of it.

Hearing people's experiences with the system, I'm getting more and more the sense that they will convince you that you need operations done that you don't need and will cause more problems later on, just so they can keep you in a revolving door of insurance imbursements. They're like drug dealers, getting people dependent on them for the things that they hope will make their suffering go away. And when it doesn't, they get pushed to buying harder and harder stuff until they finally go over the edge and suffer damage that they can't come back from.

I have had fucked up teeth since before my wisdom teeth, and they are doing just fine for me.
curio said:
Be careful with medical procedures. The system profits off of sicknesses, real or not. I wouldn't go for any operation just on the basis of the opinion of the one who is making money off of it.

Hearing people's experiences with the system, I'm getting more and more the sense that they will convince you that you need operations done that you don't need and will cause more problems later on, just so they can keep you in a revolving door of insurance imbursements. They're like drug dealers, getting people dependent on them for the things that they hope will make their suffering go away. And when it doesn't, they get pushed to buying harder and harder stuff until they finally go over the edge and suffer damage that they can't come back from.

I have had fucked up teeth since before my wisdom teeth, and they are doing just fine for me.

Hey curio, dont have them removed if it is unnecessary.
Also do some research in ways to keep your teeth healthy and how to avoid getting holes in them.
I still have to do more research myself on that though.
When I have more time Ill do so. Probably will not be next week or any time soon.
if you need them pulled because they don't fit in your mouth due to whatever reason, be it bad genetics or artificial chemicals, then get them pulled. I had to get mine pulled because it was destroying my mouth as they were coming in. I have pretty good teeth besides this one time, I hadn't noticed anything different from having them pulled. We used to not have to, have them pulled back when our bloodline wasnt tainted, and we had healthy genetics, and the food we ate wasn't processed in any way
SATchives said:
if you need them pulled because they don't fit in your mouth due to whatever reason, be it bad genetics or artificial chemicals, then get them pulled. I had to get mine pulled because it was destroying my mouth as they were coming in. I have pretty good teeth besides this one time, I hadn't noticed anything different from having them pulled. We used to not have to, have them pulled back when our bloodline wasnt tainted, and we had healthy genetics, and the food we ate wasn't processed in any way
Thanks for sharing your experience. I will not have them pulled in the future if at all avoidable, but knowing that it doesnt like completely destroy your energy channels or anything, is reassuring.
Genetically I don't have wisdom teeth at all, they are not part of my biology. Information online keeps pointing this out to be a mutation of sorts, but if anybody has anything further to add, it would be appreciated to know why and if this indicates anything wrong.

In regards to surgery, treatment, etc, it is true that the entire lower orders of health systems have quite a bit of manipulation. Chiropractors, dentists, therapists, dermatologists - professions that are not very 'out in the open' to the mass public like hospital doctors are, are prone to con their clients it seems in order to keep making money. This is because they are on the spectrum in which they rely on quantity and regularity of clients to make money, so they want to keep you coming to them. My current experience with this is very blatantly this exact scenario in regards to a chiropractor I'm seeing for the injury I got at my job. It was told to me in a dream that this chiropractor is a jew, which I had strong suspicions of but seemed to be in subconscious denial of up until that point since I was forced to deal with her.

These kinds of professions especially love it when you have insurance or some form of third-party financial assistance as this means they can keep you there longer... this is the case on my end unfortunately with the saucer-sized fore head chiropractor I'm seeing (of which was well hidden in her photo when I looked her up and even when I first saw her in person). I'm already in the works of switching over to a much less popular guy whom I was guided to when I asked for some guidance from Satan. I mentioned his involvement with the uses of energy in healing and surprisingly found that this guy knows almost everything about the state of our world, the jews, reptiloids, spiritual human potential, everything... He meditates and even states that he has been psychically attacked by "grey drone-like beings that look like the stereotypical alien" and he told me all of this without me sharing anything of what I know, we were both surprised with one-another's knowledge but I'm keeping shut-in about my role and allegiance to Satan. He actually made me feel better after one session in a day than that jewess chiro has ever done for me in 3 months.

From this information, my advice to OP and anyone who may read this is just do a lot of research on who you're going to see and look for any bad signs, whether this is a dentist, a family doctor, a therapist or counselor, etc. Use this page to check for any jewish last names and if someone has a jewish last name, don't risk it. Also be aware that not all jews have jewish last names as this is not the case with the chiropractor I got stuck with. If they are the first person you see in a search or are very popular with plenty of regulars... then don't go to them as this is a sign they are not actually helping their patients as these very patients keep having to come back to them. These are the signs I wish I knew about before I got involved with that filthy jewess, but I guess I had to go through it myself to learn it. I just hope this will help anyone else so they don't make the same mistake I did.

There are a lot of good gentiles in these professions, it just takes a bit to find them sometimes because the enemy, as disgusting as it is to admit, is manipulative and cunning and usually finds ways to rise above these people to where (((they))) are noticed first with the gentiles being buried underneath. Be aware and smart, and do some research.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
