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Will there be a day we all meet

One Wire Phenomenon

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
I don't know why but from the first day i found JoS i had this strong desire to be with HPS Maxine and my brothers and sisters in Satan physically and as time went on it just made and still to this day makes me feel sad and lonely that i am not.

What is this and how do i get that out of my head because it will probably never happen or will it?

Will there be a global gathering in the future for all Spiritual Satanists to come together in a MASSIVE ritual like the world has never seen before? This is something that i feel in my heart deep inside and i get goosebumps when i think about it.
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Fuck you
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know why but from the first day i found JoS i had this strong desire to be with HPS Maxine and my brothers and sisters in Satan physically and as time went on it just made and still to this day makes me feel sad and lonely that i am not.

What is this and how do i get that out of my head because it will probably never happen or will it?

Will there be a global gathering in the future for all Spiritual Satanists to come together in a MASSIVE ritual like the world has never seen before? This is something that i feel in my heart deep inside and i get goosebumps when i think about it.

I would really like to meet with HP Cobra and HP Maxine too. I also have a strong desire too see SS brothers and sisters as well. I feel like there is bond between all of us here. Its heartwarming.
HP Cobra isn’t even willing to share his age or any information that is a tiny bit personal so I’m sorry to disappoint you but forget about meeting…
Akay Alaz said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know why but from the first day i found JoS i had this strong desire to be with HPS Maxine and my brothers and sisters in Satan physically and as time went on it just made and still to this day makes me feel sad and lonely that i am not.

What is this and how do i get that out of my head because it will probably never happen or will it?

Will there be a global gathering in the future for all Spiritual Satanists to come together in a MASSIVE ritual like the world has never seen before? This is something that i feel in my heart deep inside and i get goosebumps when i think about it.

I would really like to meet with HP Cobra and HP Maxine too. I also have a strong desire too see SS brothers and sisters as well. I feel like there is bond between all of us here. Its heartwarming.

I know i feel like that all the time. I once met a dude that was also a SS and he had all the JoS material on his PC and everything. i actually miss him. We took an electrical course together.

I was careful with who i spoke to there because it was this private Christian place that was dedicated to help white people anyway we became friends because i found out he hated a jew just as much as me. Everytime he went to go take a piss he use to say he's going to go shake the jews hand lol i didn't understand what he meant and asked him about it and yeah thats how it started.

He came to live with me and we were very good friends but i couldn't handle my grandma anymore so i left. He continued to stay there for a while but eventually moved and i lost his number eventually.

The first time i met someone that knew about JoS was when i was working my apprenticeship on aircraft maintenance. i saw his tatoos and asked him about them and we became sort of friends. i told him about JoS and surprisingly he knew about it and told me the colours they use on the JoS is wrong and he had nothing good to say about JoS and stuff. I think he was a jew if i think about it now because he had the nose and was very lazy at work.

I can't wait to meet a SS lady fuck thats the day i will find my drive again and be like i use to i just know it!!
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Just so you know im much different in person and I don't talk much infact im quiet and well behaved when im around people. Im a different person with close friends.

I don't want to meet you either because you have perfectionist attitude and if i had to be around you i would have to prove myself worthy to be your friend the whole time. Not a bad thing but to me you sound like a difficult person to get along with.

Thanks for your honesty but i doupt everyone feels like you do towards me. And it was unnecessary to say that because there is no chance i will meet any of you anyway.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Just so you know im much different in person and I don't talk much infact im quiet and well behaved when im around people. Im a different person with close friends.

I don't want to meet you either because you have perfectionist attitude and if i had to be around you i would have to prove myself worthy to be your friend the whole time. Not a bad thing but to me you sound like a difficult person to get along with.

Thanks for your honesty but i doupt everyone feels like you do towards me. And it was unnecessary to say that because there is no chance i will meet any of you anyway.
Friends or not, we're still brothers in Satan, make that count! :)
One of the the most common and dangerous fallacies in knowledge is generalization or universal categorization.
There’s always room for relativity. “Some” is more appropriate than “all”.
If I properly recall. SS here have reported meeting each other through here!!! It’s personal!!!
If you want to meet someone here. Reach out to them. Ask them for their email or contact. If!!! they give it to you then you’re all bubbles. If!!! They don’t then respect their choice!!!
I believe we can meet great friends. Partners. Lovers. Wives. Husbands. Even open sexual partners here. You need to be patient and give people more reason to open up to you!!!
I have chatted with Ninrick and though he has completely ignored me it didn’t turn into blackmail 🤣.
Hail Satan!!!
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Just so you know im much different in person and I don't talk much infact im quiet and well behaved when im around people. Im a different person with close friends.

I don't want to meet you either because you have perfectionist attitude and if i had to be around you i would have to prove myself worthy to be your friend the whole time. Not a bad thing but to me you sound like a difficult person to get along with.

Thanks for your honesty but i doupt everyone feels like you do towards me. And it was unnecessary to say that because there is no chance i will meet any of you anyway.
Friends or not, we're still brothers in Satan, make that count! :)

Ofcourse :twisted:
By then, we'll probably be a lot of SS. Living in different parts of the world. But I do hope that some of us will get to meet each other, when the time comes.

It's definitely something that feels quite wholesome - being able to finally see the people you've considered family for a very long time.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know why but from the first day i found JoS i had this strong desire to be with HPS Maxine and my brothers and sisters in Satan physically and as time went on it just made and still to this day makes me feel sad and lonely that i am not.

What is this and how do i get that out of my head because it will probably never happen or will it?

Will there be a global gathering in the future for all Spiritual Satanists to come together in a MASSIVE ritual like the world has never seen before? This is something that i feel in my heart deep inside and i get goosebumps when i think about it.

I wanna meet somebody with who I can talk about these topics it gets Soo lonely fr :(
Veritá_666 said:
Ci sono alcune persone che vorrei conoscere, anche l'dea di congrega mi piace, ma la vorrei fare con le persone giuste.

L' idea della congrega che controlla gli affari di una zona o un paese è un idea affascinante.
There are some people I would like to meet, I also like the idea of a coven, but I would like to do it with the right people.

The idea of the coven controlling the affairs of an area or a country is a fascinating idea.

Sorry :lol:
yoanna666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know why but from the first day i found JoS i had this strong desire to be with HPS Maxine and my brothers and sisters in Satan physically and as time went on it just made and still to this day makes me feel sad and lonely that i am not.

What is this and how do i get that out of my head because it will probably never happen or will it?

Will there be a global gathering in the future for all Spiritual Satanists to come together in a MASSIVE ritual like the world has never seen before? This is something that i feel in my heart deep inside and i get goosebumps when i think about it.

I wanna meet somebody with who I can talk about these topics it gets Soo lonely fr :(

Why? You got this place to talk about those things.

I personally don’t even want to talk about those topics, I just want to experience them. Because I have noticed that I can not express my feelings, understanding and experience properly in words, and when I talk about those things, it feels like I am undervaluing it. So I prefer to just shut up.

Meditate, experience, advance.

This path is of personal evolution, and in all honesty pretty lonely. You‘re a lone wolf, and not part of a sheep herd.

Have normal friends, meet them, have fun.

But I find it best to keep the rest for yourself.
That would be nice, but knowing me, I like my solitude. I'm very socially awkward so talking to people wouldn't go very well. Sure, we can talk about knowledge and history and archeology and architecture and design, but on a personal level, I'm pretty boring. So, being around a lot of Satanists sounds nice on paper but in reality, I would rather just be by myself, even though talking here and there would be nice.
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Hope you do t mind meeting me Aquarius.
If you don’t I will challenge you to a fencing match. Just kidding. It would be nice to meet some SS that you connect with easier.
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Hope you don’t t mind meeting me Aquarius.
If you do I will challenge you to a fencing match. Just kidding. It would be nice to meet some SS that you connect with easier.
NinRick said:
yoanna666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know why but from the first day i found JoS i had this strong desire to be with HPS Maxine and my brothers and sisters in Satan physically and as time went on it just made and still to this day makes me feel sad and lonely that i am not.

What is this and how do i get that out of my head because it will probably never happen or will it?

Will there be a global gathering in the future for all Spiritual Satanists to come together in a MASSIVE ritual like the world has never seen before? This is something that i feel in my heart deep inside and i get goosebumps when i think about it.

I wanna meet somebody with who I can talk about these topics it gets Soo lonely fr :(

Why? You got this place to talk about those things.

I personally don’t even want to talk about those topics, I just want to experience them. Because I have noticed that I can not express my feelings, understanding and experience properly in words, and when I talk about those things, it feels like I am undervaluing it. So I prefer to just shut up.

Meditate, experience, advance.

This path is of personal evolution, and in all honesty pretty lonely. You‘re a lone wolf, and not part of a sheep herd.

Have normal friends, meet them, have fun.

But I find it best to keep the rest for yourself.

You are correct to a degree NinRick. However from individual cases it will differ. Some may prefer solitude, others not so much. Yes this path is personal, however we do talk on the forums about our problems and ways to advance so it is still a collective and a community. So there are various factors, but being to see the ones who fought alongside you can be respectfully invigorating.
yoanna666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't know why but from the first day i found JoS i had this strong desire to be with HPS Maxine and my brothers and sisters in Satan physically and as time went on it just made and still to this day makes me feel sad and lonely that i am not.

What is this and how do i get that out of my head because it will probably never happen or will it?

Will there be a global gathering in the future for all Spiritual Satanists to come together in a MASSIVE ritual like the world has never seen before? This is something that i feel in my heart deep inside and i get goosebumps when i think about it.

I wanna meet somebody with who I can talk about these topics it gets Soo lonely fr :(

It's best to keep to yourself if you're new to this path. It can get lonely, of course, but in time you might actually develop connections with some SS on these forums. You just have to be patient and careful with hiding your real identity.

A good thing is to turn your loneliness into solitude. We walk on this path individually and we need to be prepared for long periods of solitude. Very few people will understand and connect to you.

If you feel lonely, talk to the Gods. Talk to Father Satan. I always feel better when I do that.
Ramier108666 said:
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Hope you don’t t mind meeting me Aquarius.
If you do I will challenge you to a fencing match. Just kidding. It would be nice to meet some SS that you connect with easier.
Of course not. You and the other black SS are the only black people I would have the joy of meeting.
I actually fenced when I was in middle school, we might aswell! But given that you're training martial arts under a God I will most likely lose. Can't even boxe around here without a vaccination, shame because I enjoyed sparring.
No thanks on meeting up, way too dangerous and risky for blackmail and is really a high risk with a small chance of success. Even if it works then it will depend if people get along even as SS, I find it just difficult to occur and a non-starter here.

Make friends in your life and keep your SS hidden to those that can and want expose you, watch yourself, and talk to people here that can offer guidance.
I don't know. I think some of us will meet in the future when it's more safe to do so I mean they used to have temples and meeting places dedicated to the Gods social events holidays etc why not in the future. I don't think everyone will ever meet up in one place though.
We can meet each other in the metaverse
I am sure many of us already met before reincarnating in this life, to build and use the JoS as it's not in my opinion safe to meet in flesh at now, with some minor exceptions.
Just imagine all of us meet in the same place and the enemy nukes that place at the same moment.
So I guess it's too early for this, also in view of where the world is going now.
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

If I met you I would break the spaghetti in half in front of you.
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

If I met you I would break the spaghetti in half in front of you.
That would break my soul.
Yeah it was a dumb question to ask but think of the future guys when all the jews are gone and its us and the Gods here on earth then maybe they will come collect us one for one with their advanced spaceships and take us to Egypt. When we get there we will see HPS Maxine ans HP Hooded Cobra already there standing next to Satan, then we can meet them personally.

Thats the kind of happiness that can make me jump dimensions at will! i get so happy i feel like a god and feel like i can do anything!!

I feel so sad and far away from everybody :cry:
We will meet in another life, once the earth has been cleansed of the filth it currently sustains.
And once the monument has been reduced to roubles.

It will be another age, another life and another world in the future.
Aquarius said:
Ramier108666 said:
Aquarius said:
I would not like to meet you if you're the type of guy who never stops talking.

Hope you don’t t mind meeting me Aquarius.
If you do I will challenge you to a fencing match. Just kidding. It would be nice to meet some SS that you connect with easier.
Of course not. You and the other black SS are the only black people I would have the joy of meeting.
I actually fenced when I was in middle school, we might aswell! But given that you're training martial arts under a God I will most likely lose. Can't even boxe around here without a vaccination, shame because I enjoyed sparring.

True, but still a good spar is always enjoyable. Lets me work on my form and perfect it.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Yeah it was a dumb question to ask but think of the future guys when all the jews are gone and its us and the Gods here on earth then maybe they will come collect us one for one with their advanced spaceships and take us to Egypt. When we get there we will see HPS Maxine ans HP Hooded Cobra already there standing next to Satan, then we can meet them personally.

Thats the kind of happiness that can make me jump dimensions at will! i get so happy i feel like a god and feel like i can do anything!!

I feel so sad and far away from everybody :cry:

It’s an understandable feeling OWP, however as you notice there will be some who are keen to try the approach and others who aren’t. Aquarius can come off as harsh, but he means no ill will. He reminds me of Khepu sometimes when he talks. Khepu himself is direct and will tell you the truth of things, but he will point you in the right direction. In this sense you do talk a lot more on here about some silly stuff, yet those willing to help including Aquarius will help even if it comes off harsh, so don’t take it as a personal jab.
I think it would be great to meet someone spiritually advanced, so it would make my spiritual abilities grow faster since such person could teach you more. Learning spirituality by practice makes more sense and it seems easier that learning it completely by yourself from books and such.
It would make learning way more engaging and fun I think.
The hard part is, how do you even go about meeting such person; where should I search. Should I make some ritual? I don't know.
Ramier108666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Yeah it was a dumb question to ask but think of the future guys when all the jews are gone and its us and the Gods here on earth then maybe they will come collect us one for one with their advanced spaceships and take us to Egypt. When we get there we will see HPS Maxine ans HP Hooded Cobra already there standing next to Satan, then we can meet them personally.

Thats the kind of happiness that can make me jump dimensions at will! i get so happy i feel like a god and feel like i can do anything!!

I feel so sad and far away from everybody :cry:

It’s an understandable feeling OWP, however as you notice there will be some who are keen to try the approach and others who aren’t. Aquarius can come off as harsh, but he means no ill will. He reminds me of Khepu sometimes when he talks. Khepu himself is direct and will tell you the truth of things, but he will point you in the right direction. In this sense you do talk a lot more on here about some silly stuff, yet those willing to help including Aquarius will help even if it comes off harsh, so don’t take it as a personal jab.

hello Ramier how are you brother?

I like Aquarius when he is straight forward to others but not always when he is to me. I will try to stop talking silly stuff anymore. It was actually a question because i do get lonely and feel sad because of the reasons i said.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ramier108666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Yeah it was a dumb question to ask but think of the future guys when all the jews are gone and its us and the Gods here on earth then maybe they will come collect us one for one with their advanced spaceships and take us to Egypt. When we get there we will see HPS Maxine ans HP Hooded Cobra already there standing next to Satan, then we can meet them personally.

Thats the kind of happiness that can make me jump dimensions at will! i get so happy i feel like a god and feel like i can do anything!!

I feel so sad and far away from everybody :cry:

It’s an understandable feeling OWP, however as you notice there will be some who are keen to try the approach and others who aren’t. Aquarius can come off as harsh, but he means no ill will. He reminds me of Khepu sometimes when he talks. Khepu himself is direct and will tell you the truth of things, but he will point you in the right direction. In this sense you do talk a lot more on here about some silly stuff, yet those willing to help including Aquarius will help even if it comes off harsh, so don’t take it as a personal jab.

hello Ramier how are you brother?

I like Aquarius when he is straight forward to others but not always when he is to me. I will try to stop talking silly stuff anymore. It was actually a question because i do get lonely and feel sad because of the reasons i said.

From personal experience, human interaction is great but you get a point where it feels like there's only so much you can talk about with a human. With Satan or the gods, you can go deep deep deep into your psyche and the unconscious and able to talk about observations you made, what's going on in your mind, at least that's what I do. It's like talking with a psychologist and getting therapy of sorts. But at the same time, it's like the more you hear yourself, the more one realizes they need a lot of work to do. Maybe that's just me idk. But, it's like deep down our souls crave more that this world just can't offer or just can't give to us, but at the same time, know things will get better it's just a matter of how to make it into fruition.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ramier108666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Yeah it was a dumb question to ask but think of the future guys when all the jews are gone and its us and the Gods here on earth then maybe they will come collect us one for one with their advanced spaceships and take us to Egypt. When we get there we will see HPS Maxine ans HP Hooded Cobra already there standing next to Satan, then we can meet them personally.

Thats the kind of happiness that can make me jump dimensions at will! i get so happy i feel like a god and feel like i can do anything!!

I feel so sad and far away from everybody :cry:

It’s an understandable feeling OWP, however as you notice there will be some who are keen to try the approach and others who aren’t. Aquarius can come off as harsh, but he means no ill will. He reminds me of Khepu sometimes when he talks. Khepu himself is direct and will tell you the truth of things, but he will point you in the right direction. In this sense you do talk a lot more on here about some silly stuff, yet those willing to help including Aquarius will help even if it comes off harsh, so don’t take it as a personal jab.

hello Ramier how are you brother?

I like Aquarius when he is straight forward to others but not always when he is to me. I will try to stop talking silly stuff anymore. It was actually a question because i do get lonely and feel sad because of the reasons i said.

Doing well, been taking a breather from the forums in a sense. I know what’s been going on, but I don’t get involved unless the schedules for the rituals show up. Had to advance a bit to understand some things in perspective. It’s understandable to talk here and there about silly things, but don’t make it a habit as people won’t take you seriously. Find a balance to it. Besides we are about balance are we not? As I said, Aquarius actually cares. Take from this perspective, one who is slight more direct cares more for that person’s well being and advancement. If he didn’t care, would he actually engage you? Not everyone will be nice, but there will always be those who will help by giving the most effective and direct approach even if you don’t see it.

Take the Gods for example, we learn from them and follow their instructions although sometimes it may seem like an inconvenience they already know the path and have transversed it. So they help us avoid pitfalls all in all. To learn the right way the first time is better than practicing constant errors and trials to finally end on the path you were traveling.

Patience is key my friend, and we all will learn it.
Kavya Shukra said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ramier108666 said:
It’s an understandable feeling OWP, however as you notice there will be some who are keen to try the approach and others who aren’t. Aquarius can come off as harsh, but he means no ill will. He reminds me of Khepu sometimes when he talks. Khepu himself is direct and will tell you the truth of things, but he will point you in the right direction. In this sense you do talk a lot more on here about some silly stuff, yet those willing to help including Aquarius will help even if it comes off harsh, so don’t take it as a personal jab.

hello Ramier how are you brother?

I like Aquarius when he is straight forward to others but not always when he is to me. I will try to stop talking silly stuff anymore. It was actually a question because i do get lonely and feel sad because of the reasons i said.

From personal experience, human interaction is great but you get a point where it feels like there's only so much you can talk about with a human. With Satan or the gods, you can go deep deep deep into your psyche and the unconscious and able to talk about observations you made, what's going on in your mind, at least that's what I do. It's like talking with a psychologist and getting therapy of sorts. But at the same time, it's like the more you hear yourself, the more one realizes they need a lot of work to do. Maybe that's just me idk. But, it's like deep down our souls crave more that this world just can't offer or just can't give to us, but at the same time, know things will get better it's just a matter of how to make it into fruition.

You make a relevant point, and that is to be considered as we are practitioners in this path and it can be a bit difficult in some areas and easier in others when it comes to the Gods. However we are social beings and that is to be considered as well. However that is upon individual evaluation. So what may work for one, make not necessarily work for the other. You both draw points that I agree with. But balance as I said to him is key, so it does it apply in your viewpoint as well.
Jack said:
We will meet in another life, once the earth has been cleansed of the filth it currently sustains.
And once the monument has been reduced to roubles.

It will be another age, another life and another world in the future.

I look forward to this.

Ramier108666 said:
Kavya Shukra said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
hello Ramier how are you brother?

I like Aquarius when he is straight forward to others but not always when he is to me. I will try to stop talking silly stuff anymore. It was actually a question because i do get lonely and feel sad because of the reasons i said.

From personal experience, human interaction is great but you get a point where it feels like there's only so much you can talk about with a human. With Satan or the gods, you can go deep deep deep into your psyche and the unconscious and able to talk about observations you made, what's going on in your mind, at least that's what I do. It's like talking with a psychologist and getting therapy of sorts. But at the same time, it's like the more you hear yourself, the more one realizes they need a lot of work to do. Maybe that's just me idk. But, it's like deep down our souls crave more that this world just can't offer or just can't give to us, but at the same time, know things will get better it's just a matter of how to make it into fruition.

You make a relevant point, and that is to be considered as we are practitioners in this path and it can be a bit difficult in some areas and easier in others when it comes to the Gods. However we are social beings and that is to be considered as well. However that is upon individual evaluation. So what may work for one, make not necessarily work for the other. You both draw points that I agree with. But balance as I said to him is key, so it does it apply in your viewpoint as well.

Yeah, humans are social beings. It's unfortunate that because of enemy religions and degeneration as a result, the quality interactions with other humans has really lowered. And if you want to have certain conversations about say alchemy or the gods or science or conversations in general, some are open and some are not, when it wasn't this way before the Jewish/Grey invasion. I definitely believe humans can evolve beyond this, and national socialism becoming the norm.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
