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Will the International Court of Justice finally give a Verdict against Israel’s Illegal Squatting in Palestine?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Al-Quds [Jerusalem] reports the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution entitled “Israeli Practices that affect the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.” It depended on Chapter XIV, Article 96 of the U.N. Charter, which specifies that “The General Assembly or the Security Council may request the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal question.”

Al-Quds says that the wording of the UNGA resolution demonstrates a sea change in that body’s discourse about the Palestinians and a new, severe anxiety about the long-term deprivation of their basic human rights under international law.

According to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, the UNGA asked the court

“to render its opinion on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s ongoing violation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, its prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and from its adoption of discriminatory legislation and measures.”

The body also requested the ICJ to pronounce on how Israeli practices in the Occupied territories affect the legal status of the occupation, and the further legal consequences that flow from any such verdict for the international community.

Israel occupied Gaza and the West Bank in 1967 after having angled to do so for a decade. The Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute forbid occupying powers to alter the ways of life of the occupied population, or to annex that territory, or to settle their own citizens in the occupied territory. The laws of occupation also envisage it as being brief, lasting during war time, not stretching to decades. These strictures were reactions against war crimes during WW II, such as when Germany occupied Poland and attempted to replace the Poles with ethnic Germans and to annex Polish territory to Germany. Some 6 million Poles were killed during the war and occupation.

The OHCHR had asked the General Assembly in October to take up the question of whether Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza had lasted so long and been characterized by such brazen disregard for the laws of occupation as to now be unlawful.

In the lead-up to the vote at the UNGA, South Africa’s ambassador to the UN said that:

“the facts on the ground lead to only one conclusion, and that is that Israel is perpetrating an apartheid system against the Palestinian people. “It is a strong comparison to make, and it is not one South Africa makes lightly for we understand the term beyond any doubt,” he said, emphasizing that calling out Israel for documented atrocities against Palestinians is not antisemitic.”

The United States condemned the step, even though it has asked international courts to take up the illegality of the Russian occupation of eastern Ukraine and has cited the same corpus of international law against Russian practices as UN members cited against Israel’s. US spokesman Richard M. Mills said that a two-state solution was the best resolution. You wonder in which universe Mr. Mills lives, that he thinks a Palestinian state is still viable, when Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has pledged to annex the entirety of the West Bank. He pointed to the Abraham Accords as a reason for which no International Court of Justice verdict is needed. Again, which universe does he live in? The issue isn’t whether Dubai can make money off Israeli business deals but whether the 5 million Palestinians under permanent Israeli military occupation will ever have their basic human rights recognized.

The United States’s mantra about a “peace process” and a phantom “two-state solution” is just dust thrown in the world’s eyes to obscure Washington’s complicity in the brutalization of the Palestinian people.

Israel’s politicians maintain that it is being unfairly demonized by the UNGA resolution. However, there are no other states in the world that are occupying a number of stateless people that is nearly equal to their own population. Occupations result from the capture of territory in war time. But democratic countries have given back the territory they occupied after 1945 when the UN Charter came into effect. The United States ceased occupying Afghanistan and Iraq. Washington did not send millions of Americans to settle in those countries while the US military patrolled them, and the U.S. did not permanently annex Basra or Jalalabad. But the Israelis are still occupying the Palestinian territories, and won’t let the Palestinians have the rights of citizenship in a state. The Israelis annexed some of the occupied territories to themselves. The Palestinians are the largest group of stateless people in the world, and are kept that way by Israel. If Israel is being treated distinctively it is because what it is doing is distinctive.

US State Representative Calls Israel 'Apartheid-Run Thuggery Terrorist Regime'

"isreal" soldier threw stun grenade at Palestinian Man

Unfortunately, it won't matter. The U.N. and the International Court of Justice or whatever xyz "global good cop" organization is run by Jews. The Palestinian National Authority too, is controlled opposition and run by Jews, just like all these "Islamist" groups that claim to hate Israel, even without the Jews, they're still terrorist groups that wish to establish another form of the hebrew terrorist religion (pisslam). The Arab armies too during the "Arab-Israeli wars" were being run and led by Mossad operatives, they even teach Arabic to members of the Pissrael Offense Forces, which why Israel constantly "won" those wars to give idiot Xians that narrative that they are "god's people". The Soviet Union, Jewish empire, supported the Arabs on the surface, but were cahooting with their bros and sissies in Pissrael the entire time, the Arabs never had a chance at that point.

Nothing about pissrael or its story and "god ordained" genocide of gentiles made sense to me, and i had to make efforts to keep a straight face everytime my xian dad would RAVE about "god's chosen people". The thing that sucks and angers me the most, is that Dixie and the conservative Americans weren't always pro-zionist cucks, the entire "cuckservative American love for pissrael" only came about in the 60s and 70s. If anything, they hated the kikes. Goes to show how easily-brainwashed people can be.

"Fuck the libtards! We need to stop giving money to terroristic Middle Eastern governments!" also........"WE NEED TO SUPPORT PISSRAEL! [a terroristic Middle Eastern gov't]! <---cuckservative mantra, schizophrenia

Yes, I've seen the countless "U.N. statements condemning Israel", and all the maps showing how many countries support Palestine's independence or Serbia's stance on Kosovo, but what I've noticed is that these are just the Jews putting on a show by talking shit about their own, just like Jew-sef Jew-gashvili Stalin showing off about "how much he hates Jews". That's the literal reason why no matter how many "condemnations" the U.N. throws at Israel, the Knesset will never budge, they will continue to do what they do. That's the reason why it's all "talk talk talk" without no action. If the entire U.N. was run by SS, Pissrael literally stands no chance.

I'm not sure if there are Palestinian SS, but I suppose if there are, they must be ultra-secretive, or may be Overseas Palestinians living in the U.S., 'cuz I highly JoS would be legal in Pissrael, they're a police state no better than China.

Once again, the Overseas Arabs and Overseas Palestinians living in the free Western nations have no excuse not to be getting involved, since their pisslam just feeds the kikes the energies, their protests are practically useless at this point.

Alhamduli'Shaytan! (Hail Satan!)
patrioticgentile_666 said:

Unfortunately, it won't matter. The U.N. and the International Court of Justice or whatever xyz "global good cop" organization is run by Jews. The Palestinian National Authority too, is controlled opposition and run by Jews, just like all these "Islamist" groups that claim to hate Israel, even without the Jews, they're still terrorist groups that wish to establish another form of the hebrew terrorist religion (pisslam). The Arab armies too during the "Arab-Israeli wars" were being run and led by Mossad operatives, they even teach Arabic to members of the Pissrael Offense Forces, which why Israel constantly "won" those wars to give idiot Xians that narrative that they are "god's people". The Soviet Union, Jewish empire, supported the Arabs on the surface, but were cahooting with their bros and sissies in Pissrael the entire time, the Arabs never had a chance at that point.

Nothing about pissrael or its story and "god ordained" genocide of gentiles made sense to me, and i had to make efforts to keep a straight face everytime my xian dad would RAVE about "god's chosen people". The thing that sucks and angers me the most, is that Dixie and the conservative Americans weren't always pro-zionist cucks, the entire "cuckservative American love for pissrael" only came about in the 60s and 70s. If anything, they hated the kikes. Goes to show how easily-brainwashed people can be.

"Fuck the libtards! We need to stop giving money to terroristic Middle Eastern governments!" also........"WE NEED TO SUPPORT PISSRAEL! [a terroristic Middle Eastern gov't]! <---cuckservative mantra, schizophrenia

Yes, I've seen the countless "U.N. statements condemning Israel", and all the maps showing how many countries support Palestine's independence or Serbia's stance on Kosovo, but what I've noticed is that these are just the Jews putting on a show by talking shit about their own, just like Jew-sef Jew-gashvili Stalin showing off about "how much he hates Jews". That's the literal reason why no matter how many "condemnations" the U.N. throws at Israel, the Knesset will never budge, they will continue to do what they do. That's the reason why it's all "talk talk talk" without no action. If the entire U.N. was run by SS, Pissrael literally stands no chance.

I'm not sure if there are Palestinian SS, but I suppose if there are, they must be ultra-secretive, or may be Overseas Palestinians living in the U.S., 'cuz I highly JoS would be legal in Pissrael, they're a police state no better than China.

Once again, the Overseas Arabs and Overseas Palestinians living in the free Western nations have no excuse not to be getting involved, since their pisslam just feeds the kikes the energies, their protests are practically useless at this point.

Alhamduli'Shaytan! (Hail Satan!)

Lip service at its finest.... In cases like this, talk really is cheap. I suspect confirmatiom bias (or whatever it was originally called) has this tendency to poison trust, thus leaving gentiles to blindly accept whatever story Jews have, based on stories, be it from videos and/or pictures in presentations. I'm being reminded of this quote here:

"To a cop the explanation is never that complicated. It's always simple. There's no mystery to the street, no arch criminal behind it all. If you got a dead body and you think his brother did it, you're gonna find out you're right." - Verbal Kint, Usual Suspects, 1995

Many Gentiles expect communication to be simple and equal between them and the Jews, or rather, the Jews exploit this aforementioned fact. Gentiles don't think beyond their messages, their parties, or whatever social endeavors they undertake, all in a bid to strengthen their beliefs in social affairs. Similarly, Gentiles think leaders of the Abrahamic religions don't control every aspect of their lives, failing to realize that the Rabbis, Pastors, and Imams can do this through the followers they've planted themselves; the religious leaders don't have to conquer the government directly, thus leading to theocracy. Doing all the above, they run into the problems and deceptions the Jews have set up for centuries.

I might be rambling on about nothing, but at least, that's my opinion. Interpret this however you want.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
