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Why the Solar Arc method doesn't exist.


New member
Sep 20, 2017
In “Prediction II”, on page 60, Alexander Marr states:

“The SA (solar arc) in RA should not be confused with the Solar Arc in the ecliptic. The latter has been found to be purely fictitious both in theory, (with unacceptable orbs, too many factors and no astronomical base) and practice. Tests made on rectified radicies with many events,
consolidate these claims.”

In “Astrologers, Kings, Politicians and Others Part II”, on page 5, Alexander Marr and Issac Starkman State:

“The Solar-Arc method (in eclipto) is pure fiction; unfortunately it is still very much in use, as is the Uranian System based on non-existent hypothetic Trans-Neptunian planets.
As all planets discovered so far obviously have variable latitudes and hypothetic planets have not, followers of this system, undergoing qualified criticism, had to change their name to that of the so-called “hypothetic snesitive points”.
They mix these points and real planets to create five thousand Arabic points on the Zodiac. The result is interpretation with a clearly wrong symbolism and other defects which violate statistical laws of coincidence and defy logic (See: Prediction III, p. 92,Fictions in Aastrology)”
It's a sad fact that 96 percent of the media has been controlled by Jews. I wouldn't doubt 96 percent of astrology books are also written by Jews. Most are just in it for the money and many write theory, not from experience. The Jewish owned and run publishers pay their Jewish authors a fee and many sign contracts to write a certain number of books for them.

The American Federation of Astrologers is also loaded with Jews.

Now, whoever claims the Solar Arc method of prediction "doesn't exist" is a total crock of shit.

I've been an astrologer for well over 40 years, I have read tens of thousands of charts and I am a professional. I always include the SA in giving predictions.

Here is an example. (I always use the Gemini rising chart for the USA, as it is the accurate one).

On the day of the 9/11 attacks, Solar Arc US chart ruler Mercury was conjunct 9 degrees of Pisces, a fatal degree, also squaring US natal ascendant.

US Solar Arc Venus was at 15 of Aquarius, another fatal degree.

US Solar Arc Saturn was conjunct 29 degrees of Taurus, the fixed star Pleiades, another unfortunate degree (something to cry about).

US Solar Arc North Node aligned with Mars of violence (20 degrees of Pisces). US Mars is at 20 degrees of Gemini and is also the US chart co-ruler.

US Solar Arc Jupiter at 19 of Aquarius amplified the violence of Mars with a trine, but also added protection from total disaster.

US Solar Arc Mars at 4 degrees of Aquarius made an inconjunct to US natal Jupiter. With Jupiter ruling the US 7th house, this indicates violence coming from others. In mundane astrology, the 7th house of a nation rules other countries.

This isn't to say there aren't a lot of astrology books that contain worthwhile information. But just know Jews have dominated this like everything else and a lot are inaccurate crap.

You can usually tell by how they write as well. Most Jews are from wealthy backgrounds and have never hurt a day in their life. They apply worthless, silly analogies and such when describing tragedies, such as karma this and karma that. The New Age shit.

Yes, karma does exist, but they twist it. Most people here I'm sure know what I mean.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
