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Why the Koran is a more powerful tool than the Bible

Kareem Zedan

New member
Mar 2, 2011
It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.  First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I believe the LIE-ble and quran are both equally bad.  Both deserve to be defaced, preferably with swastikas drawn on random pages, and thrown out.  Both cast a negative aura, both prepare the soul for damnation, and both are preludes for communism.
I know PISSlam has plenty of bad rituals.  From its core platform "Doing good works in the name of allah", they fucked it up grandly.  Their dominant attitude is that, if just one person has to suffer, they should suffer.  They should not enjoy their prosperity simply because there is someone else that doesn't have it.  Well, that does nothing to help those who don't have anything, yet it imposes suffering on those who do not need it.  Two problems for the price of one.  Ramadan fasting is a prime example of this, and you will be hearing more about it when it gets closer (and it is getting close to the summer solstice, so their suffering will be buffed for a few years).
I also know Sharia Law is horrible.  They bash homosexuality with the death penalty.  Women are veiled, so men cannot enjoy them (and they miss out on beneficial sunlight).  But, they do not have the monopoly on such shame of their sexuality.  Anyone that thinks PISSlam has a monopoly on these bad practices can look up the Law of St Benedict.  That is the law that cat lick monks are required to abide by, and they hold it as the ideal for all xians to follow.  In the middle ages, they imposed such shit on everyone.  It was as bad as Sharia Law is today, similar to communism.  And we are talking Christi-SCAM-ity, not PISSlam here.
PISSlam also doesn't have a monopoly on austerity.  Lent is basically deprivation of something enjoyable for a 40 day period, and that originates from the cat lick church.  When the cat lick church had more power, it was mandatory to deprive oneself of all pleasure during lent.  The Law of St Benedict mandates it for all monks that they deprive themselves during this time.  It is effectively a 40 day poverty and damnation working that all xians, particularly cat licks, are supposed to do.
Yes, the quran has its witchcraft.  But so does the LIE-ble.  That is how the verses got there.  That is why there are so many words that could be omitted without changing the meaning (and it would clear it up so people could understand it better).  There are acts of violence within the LIE-ble.  Tyrant David is a perfect example of one that loved all kikes but hated all Gentiles.  The whole new testament is full of rules that are virtually identical to communism.  "Seek first the kingdom, and all these other things will be added to you."  That comes right from jewsus' sermon on the mount, and is nothing more than a poverty working.  Loving your enemies--right in that fucking sermon.  That sexophobe Paul adds more rules through most of the book, and Revelation adds fear of a major destruction to it.  Fiction, yes--but presented as reality.
It is both books that have to go.  If you have a LIE-ble, it needs to be defaced (preferably by printing or drawing swastikas on the text in random places), just in case some idiot thinks they found a treasure and think god blessed them in helping them find "the Lord".  If they take that book and find the swastikas, they are going to realize that "the Lord" had nothing to do with their finding this damnation book.  If you have a quran, the exact same treatment is in order.  Take a permanent marker, black preferred, and draw swastikas on random pages right on the text.  Then place the book(s) in the rubbish.
This is great Brother, excellently put together, Well Done!!! I could sense this filth ever since I was a child growing up, and I can say that pisslam has twice to three times the power xianity has. The very fact that pisslims usually circumcise their boys shows the connection to the jew program. This filth is unbelievable. Its grip is very, very strong, and leeches the living daylights out of the poor unsuspecting Gentile Soul. No wonder why some parts of the M. East are so underdeveloped in everything, especially the way in which people interact with each other. This filth stripped the humanity and the Gentile Spirit from millions. 
As for the kikes in Egypt, I disagree. My maternal heritage is all Coptic. The Copts are the living descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people. They have nothing to do with the kike race. I believe that after the Romans invaded Egypt and made it a part of it's territory (several civilisations have done this before them), xianity grew and grew. Many Coptic Egyptian have Ancient names, and also, the word "Coptic", is derived from the name the Greeks called those from Ancient Egypt. The Greeks seemed to have been fascinated in Egypt. It comes from Ka-Ptah, which translated to "The Soul of Ptah", which came from Egypt's original name, "Hwt-Ka-Ptah" which translates to: "The Mansion of The Soul of Ptah"


On 18 Mar 2014, at 15:46, Kareem Zedan <kareem335@... wrote:
  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.  First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Awesome post.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 8:46 AM PDT Kareem Zedan wrote:

It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.
First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.
Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.
The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.
Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.
The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.
The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.
The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.
The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.
After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.
'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.
- more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.
The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.
Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.
The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.
Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.
So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.
Hi Karrem zedan, i was wondering about a few things and i couldn't find answers.
why the crescent moon is on top of every mosques and minarets and displayed on hats, flags, rugs, amulets and even jewelry?
why Ramadan start with the appearance of a crescent moon in the sky?<font>
why most Arab/Muslim countries today still use the crescent moon in their flags?<em>

</em>is islam related to moon worship?
my only guess is they did worship the moon god from the paganism

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Kareem Zedan <kareem335@... wrote:
  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.   First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The crescent moon is an ancient pagan symbol. If I could read arabic (I can only speak it) I could pint out hundreds of stolen pagan texts. The quaran is a mixture of STOLEN ancient Egyptian/Sumerian/Hittite texts and Jewish corruption.
BTW, something pointed out to me by my brother: The swords in the Arabian coat of Arms looks like it represents the serpent being stopped. HAIL WOTAN!!!/HAIL AMON RA!!!/ HAIL HORUS!!! HIEL HITLER!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!14/88!!!
From: Houssem Guesmi <maeyhim@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Why the Koran is a more powerful tool than the Bible

  Hi Karrem zedan, i was wondering about a few things and i couldn't find answers.
why the crescent moon is on top of every mosques and minarets and displayed on hats, flags, rugs, amulets and even jewelry?
why Ramadan start with the appearance of a crescent moon in the sky?<font>
why most Arab/Muslim countries today still use the crescent moon in their flags?

is islam related to moon worship?
my only guess is they did worship the moon god from the paganism

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Kareem Zedan <kareem335@... wrote:
  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.   First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I agree with everything...but the Copts are pure Aryan gentiles. HAIL WOTAN!!!/HAIL AMON RA!!!/ HAIL HORUS!!! HIEL HITLER!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!14/88!!!
From: Kareem Zedan <kareem335@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:46 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Why the Koran is a more powerful tool than the Bible

  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.  First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thing is that Hubal is the moon god and he was replaced with Allah the false deity when Islam came to power, the crescent moon has its importance in pagan religions as it is a sign of beginning of important occasions and that has been carried over to Islam. 

Sent from Samsung Mobile
"The first Christians in Egypt were mainly Alexandrian Jews" - Wikipedia Also believing that all copts have nothing to do with the kike race is nothing but believing a lie. I am not stating however, that every single living copt is a jew. Their jewishness is undeniable though. "The Copts are the living descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people" This is like saying the Protestants in England are the living descendants of the Vikings. Obviously some people have their souls and genetics dating back to the days of the pharaohs, but you cannot categorize such a thing into the coptic religion. The copts are simply those who embrace coptic christianity, which originated in Egypt by the jews. Most of the copts I have met in my life had jewish facial features and characteristics. Hail Satan!!!! 666

On Thursday, 20 March 2014, 23:56, Samy <samiabbas66@... wrote:
  This is great Brother, excellently put together, Well Done!!! I could sense this filth ever since I was a child growing up, and I can say that pisslam has twice to three times the power xianity has. The very fact that pisslims usually circumcise their boys shows the connection to the jew program. This filth is unbelievable. Its grip is very, very strong, and leeches the living daylights out of the poor unsuspecting Gentile Soul. No wonder why some parts of the M. East are so underdeveloped in everything, especially the way in which people interact with each other. This filth stripped the humanity and the Gentile Spirit from millions. 
As for the kikes in Egypt, I disagree. My maternal heritage is all Coptic. The Copts are the living descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people. They have nothing to do with the kike race. I believe that after the Romans invaded Egypt and made it a part of it's territory (several civilisations have done this before them), xianity grew and grew. Many Coptic Egyptian have Ancient names, and also, the word "Coptic", is derived from the name the Greeks called those from Ancient Egypt. The Greeks seemed to have been fascinated in Egypt. It comes from Ka-Ptah, which translated to "The Soul of Ptah", which came from Egypt's original name, "Hwt-Ka-Ptah" which translates to: "The Mansion of The Soul of Ptah"


On 18 Mar 2014, at 15:46, Kareem Zedan <kareem335@... wrote:

  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.  First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I agree to all the statements here i hate qur'an too. 
Its annoying for me that qur'anAnd that fucker mohammad. 
Hail Father Satan!!!!

On Saturday, March 22, 2014, Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@... wrote:
  I agree with everything...but the Copts are pure Aryan gentiles.  HAIL WOTAN!!!/HAIL AMON RA!!!/ HAIL HORUS!!! HIEL HITLER!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!14/88!!!
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:46 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Why the Koran is a more powerful tool than the Bible

  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.   First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the fil
Yes, it is a known fact that the first xians in pretty much everywhere, where jews, and now this filth is followed by almost one and a half billion Gentiles around the globe. 
I don't understand what you are saying. How are Copts jewish?? That means all Gentiles that fell for jew lies are "undeniably jewish" as well. Perhaps you meAn they are tied to the jew energy vortex, not by blood. 
Well, this is your opinion about the looks of Copts, but my grandparents, and great grandparents were all blue/green eyed Egyptian oAryan Gentile peoples that followed Coptic xianity. Their connection to the past is the reason why I am a Satanist as well, and have been in previous lives too.


On 21 Mar 2014, at 03:40, Kareem Zedan <kareem335@... wrote:
  "The first Christians in Egypt were mainly Alexandrian Jews" - Wikipedia Also believing that all copts have nothing to do with the kike race is nothing but believing a lie. I am not stating however, that every single living copt is a jew. Their jewishness is undeniable though. "The Copts are the living descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people" This is like saying the Protestants in England are the living descendants of the Vikings. Obviously some people have their souls and genetics dating back to the days of the pharaohs, but you cannot categorize such a thing into the coptic religion. The copts are simply those who embrace coptic christianity, which originated in Egypt by the jews. Most of the copts I have met in my life had jewish facial features and characteristics. Hail Satan!!!! 666

On Thursday, 20 March 2014, 23:56, Samy <samiabbas66@... wrote:
  This is great Brother, excellently put together, Well Done!!! I could sense this filth ever since I was a child growing up, and I can say that pisslam has twice to three times the power xianity has. The very fact that pisslims usually circumcise their boys shows the connection to the jew program. This filth is unbelievable. Its grip is very, very strong, and leeches the living daylights out of the poor unsuspecting Gentile Soul. No wonder why some parts of the M. East are so underdeveloped in everything, especially the way in which people interact with each other. This filth stripped the humanity and the Gentile Spirit from millions. 
As for the kikes in Egypt, I disagree. My maternal heritage is all Coptic. The Copts are the living descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people. They have nothing to do with the kike race. I believe that after the Romans invaded Egypt and made it a part of it's territory (several civilisations have done this before them), xianity grew and grew. Many Coptic Egyptian have Ancient names, and also, the word "Coptic", is derived from the name the Greeks called those from Ancient Egypt. The Greeks seemed to have been fascinated in Egypt. It comes from Ka-Ptah, which translated to "The Soul of Ptah", which came from Egypt's original name, "Hwt-Ka-Ptah" which translates to: "The Mansion of The Soul of Ptah"


On 18 Mar 2014, at 15:46, Kareem Zedan <[url=mailto:kareem335@...]kareem335@...[/url] wrote:

  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.  First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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No I did not mean to say that every single copt is a jew. I am stating that some jews live in between the muslims in Egypt by pretending to be copts. Hail Satan!!!! 666

On Sunday, 23 March 2014, 20:00, Samy <samiabbas66@... wrote:
  Yes, it is a known fact that the first xians in pretty much everywhere, where jews, and now this filth is followed by almost one and a half billion Gentiles around the globe. 
I don't understand what you are saying. How are Copts jewish?? That means all Gentiles that fell for jew lies are "undeniably jewish" as well. Perhaps you meAn they are tied to the jew energy vortex, not by blood. 
Well, this is your opinion about the looks of Copts, but my grandparents, and great grandparents were all blue/green eyed Egyptian oAryan Gentile peoples that followed Coptic xianity. Their connection to the past is the reason why I am a Satanist as well, and have been in previous lives too.


On 21 Mar 2014, at 03:40, Kareem Zedan <kareem335@... wrote:

  "The first Christians in Egypt were mainly Alexandrian Jews" - Wikipedia Also believing that all copts have nothing to do with the kike race is nothing but believing a lie. I am not stating however, that every single living copt is a jew. Their jewishness is undeniable though. "The Copts are the living descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people" This is like saying the Protestants in England are the living descendants of the Vikings. Obviously some people have their souls and genetics dating back to the days of the pharaohs, but you cannot categorize such a thing into the coptic religion. The copts are simply those who embrace coptic christianity, which originated in Egypt by the jews. Most of the copts I have met in my life had jewish facial features and characteristics. Hail Satan!!!! 666

On Thursday, 20 March 2014, 23:56, Samy <samiabbas66@... wrote:
  This is great Brother, excellently put together, Well Done!!! I could sense this filth ever since I was a child growing up, and I can say that pisslam has twice to three times the power xianity has. The very fact that pisslims usually circumcise their boys shows the connection to the jew program. This filth is unbelievable. Its grip is very, very strong, and leeches the living daylights out of the poor unsuspecting Gentile Soul. No wonder why some parts of the M. East are so underdeveloped in everything, especially the way in which people interact with each other. This filth stripped the humanity and the Gentile Spirit from millions. 
As for the kikes in Egypt, I disagree. My maternal heritage is all Coptic. The Copts are the living descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people. They have nothing to do with the kike race. I believe that after the Romans invaded Egypt and made it a part of it's territory (several civilisations have done this before them), xianity grew and grew. Many Coptic Egyptian have Ancient names, and also, the word "Coptic", is derived from the name the Greeks called those from Ancient Egypt. The Greeks seemed to have been fascinated in Egypt. It comes from Ka-Ptah, which translated to "The Soul of Ptah", which came from Egypt's original name, "Hwt-Ka-Ptah" which translates to: "The Mansion of The Soul of Ptah"


On 18 Mar 2014, at 15:46, Kareem Zedan <kareem335@... wrote:

  It is not required of a person to live in the places where Islam has a tight grip on the people in order to understand how much of a filthy weapon their slimy book they call the Koran is. It is, in my opinion a power that is highly lethal and stages more stronger than what the bible is.  First it should be understood that the Arabic language, which is the language that the koran came in the format of, is of high spiritual power if known how to use it correctly, it is evident that the most original form of Arabic (not the one spoken by millions today) is of powerful significance as it strongly engraves energy into the soul. Arabic, as well as Hebrew, is derived from Sanskrit. The current day's Arabic is very similar in some words to that of the Hebrew language.  Now once you open that filthy book, on the first chapter you are met with three Arabic letters, which are Aleph, Lam and Meem (equivelant in English is A, L and M). The delude muslims call this the 'mystery' letters since they do not understand. Aleph is the first letter of the Arabic Alphabet, Lam is the twelveth letter and meem is the thirteenth (this from the orignal arabic semetic alphabet which has been modernized now). 1 + 12 + 13 = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8. 8 incites intolerence and voilence. There you go, the first 3 letters in the 'holy book'.  The way youg children are taugh to read the koran from when they are kids is reading via a way called 'tagweed', tagweed is the so called 'correct' way to pronounce the letters and the words in the koran. The letters of the Arabic language are like the runes and when vibrated through 'tagweed' it imprints it massively into the soul and injects the subliminal messages straight into the core of the soul like a venomous poison.  Of course the 'correct' way to read words off of the koran makes one sound slave like. It is similarized in my head as a cartoon I once watched when I was young of an ugly troll who sang to himself 'I'm a bad Troll, a very bad Troll', this enhances the slave mentality that is unprecedented in the Christian Bible.  The main islamic prayer is performed 5 times a day, morning prayer consists of 2 'rak'aas', a rak'aa is the act of lying down on your knees, the afternoon prayer consists of 4 rak'aas, the late afternoon one of 4, the evening one of 3 and the late night one of 4. This adds up to 17, 7 +1 = 8. Again this number further causes and inflicts mayhem and insanity upon the psyche, it also incites voilence.  The opening 'soora' which is chapter is to be recited in the beginning of each 'rak'aa' per prayer, this opening soora consists of 8 'aya's, which corresponds to total number of obligatory rakaa's done per day (corresponding numbers greatly enhance magickal workings). This further curses the soul and enforces a slave mentality upon it.  The most obvious phrase you will hear from the islamic prayer is 'allah akbar', this means 'god is great', the number of times this is recited per rak'aa and before the majority of body movements in the prayer is 6, of course reciting that phrase and forcingly attaching in sublimanly to the psyche with the number 6, causes the soul to be truley a 'slave to god', since 6 is the number of hard labour and slavery.  The number of body positions in each rak'aa is 3, 3 x 17 = 51, 5 + 1 = 6 = total damnation upon the soul and total enslavement.  After every 2 rak'aa there is a movement by which the muslim recites a memorized phraze after every 2 rak'aas by lifting his finger up and saying 'ashhad an la elah ella allah we an mohammed rasool allah' which means 'I witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his prophet', the number of words in this phrase is 11 (A very negative number), and we all know that a lifted finger is the act of invokation, this shows that the unknowing muslim is actually invoking filthy angelic energy and is exposing himself to an unprecedented degree.  'allah' has 99 names, 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9. Also 9 + 9 = 18 and again 8 + 1 = 9, the number 9 represents the last stage of the corner stone (the total enslavement of the gentiles) and they say that allah actually has 100 names but the last one cannot be known, this makes gentiles unknowling focus their energy into the completion of the jewish cornerstone.  - more on this soon, the book of islam (koran) is the filthiest creation on this Earth.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The jews have infiltrated every middle eastern country, the reason why these areas have been injected with islam is because these places were of high spiritual significance. The reason why islam was created as a tool for these areas is because islam is an extremely disgusting and lethal weapon ensuing the death of the pagan magickal culture that existed before the infestation of jewish parasites.  Some of you know that, for example, the jews were led out of Egypt by 'mohammed', what people do not know is that the jewish people actively live in present day Egypt and they are such a sneaky force that the gentiles do not understand. Notice that the arabs have always hated the jews so they had to be very clever in their sneaky and filthy camoflauge tactics to be able to live in the arabic pagan society without being condemned.  The present day jews, that I know of and that are highly centered in Egypt (which is right next to pissrael) are called copts. copts are actually jews that so called 'converted' to christianity during prosecution. the copts have their own pope and their own different form of christianity (which looks more jewish than ever for those who have a good enough sense of smell to tell what dung smells like). The copts are actually jews since they all look distinctively jewish, and I know this because I live the first half of my life in Egypt.  Like the Equality act that exists here in Britain, which diminishes all the pagan races down to equality and allows the jews to have a higher place in society, the copts in Egypt are also governed by equality laws. Anyone who dares insult them or their religion is prosecuted immediatley by the country's intelligence service, note that this isn't even handled by the police. This is very disgusting.  So to those of you that believe the arabs hate the jews and so think that that means that the arabs are fine, you are greatly mistaken. The jews are closer to the arabs than you know it and they live in the same society as them under the protection of their fake christianity.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
