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Why The Joy of Satan Is Not A Political Organization

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Spiritual Satanism transcends politics. Politics is the current leadership and organization of existence of a state based on the necessities of the time. Political organization means that one is essentially something like a political party; seeking to take over these subsets of life.

But we extend beyond. Our mission is way beyond.

Everything we mention on politics is not to talk pointlessly on politics, but to deal with issues on the present day, or to visit historical times to see what one can gain from values and instruction about life. That is to benefit the present and the future, not to become "political" in the strict sense.

We share political realities so that people deprogram and that people see that not everything is as we have been told. Modern politics involves a lot of lying, so much in fact, that history is even forbidden in certain aspects of even being reviewed.

Because of statements about the politics, sometimes people conflate these things. People stuck on politics get strongly stuck on the past, start having ideas that cannot be applied in the present time, or that if applied today would upset or ruin society. They start denying the future and the present. But meanwhile we are moving on in time, and we cannot stop this.

Ideas in the political realm can serve something today and then expire in the future as evolution or changes happen in a civilization. My job is to keep an eternity based perspective for others to have access to, to help them in that regard. Not to give a temporary political solution in the present; we can work on this, but it's from a higher perspective that this happens.

For this reason the things one must keep from all of this is not the politics, but the eternal rules that are behind all of these matters.

Some governments and few statesmen in history, way more in the past, way less today, have adopted some of these rules, the further we go in time, the more of these rules we find. The perfect governance will do it's best to blend the best eternal rules of Sanatana Dharma in life and policies, but this cannot always happen entirely in the actual material realm which is connected with a lot of division, opposition and other obstacles.

The purpose of Spiritual Satanism is not to end up in some sort of "Political System", where many falsely assume would "Save humanity". Saving humanity has never happened through political systems, they only can help or cause serious obstacles. The existence of a good rule can help, but it not the final frontier of a battle against the core enemy of humanity which is ignorance and lack of development.

Humanity can only be saved when individual human beings, en masse, have evolved past many obstacles of the present. That is soul development. It's that perfection that changes the political or other systems of a civilization, not the system that changes people.

Strong political systems have arose to try to put the higher rules in civilizations, but as they fell, so did the progress get halted or lost. That's because humanity cannot depend on a political system and hang from it in order for people to learn how to behave for example; the idea in Spiritual Satanism is to invest on the soul, the mind and the spirit. The best possible political systems for the time are always desirable, but this is most of the time a luxury for most civilizations. Culture, awareness, consciousness and eternal knowledge is actually where real progress comes from.

Everyone knows despite of the fact that I comment on political subjects to give a perspective, I don't care about politics. I am not with that or the other party, I am only with the Gods. And when I say Gods, I underline this; because many people think that a specific politician is there or in the other place. Times, aeons and faces will change, but the important messages of the Gods do remain eternal. It's on these eternal things the Spiritual Satanist must focus.

Certain facts exist eternally. An example is that protection of children is a very important thing, does not become true because a politician said it or brought it back to attention. It's an eternal rule of the eternal flow of life. Sometimes, strong politicians must bring these rules back up in times of ethical lawlessness, yet, it's the underlying eternal ethics that exist that bring back the restoration of order THROUGH the MEDIUM of politics. Politics is a medium, not the end result or even the cause of all things.

There have been many leaders who tried to change these things out of good ethics and strength in history. They should act as inspiration but they are one aspect of the whole, which has to work as clockwork for humanity to get into actual spiritual progression, which is the real solution of all the other problems. The rules of life are eternal, same as the universe. It's upon these the building of consciousness happens.

Certain people have played heroic aspects in history, others less and others more. Everyone has things to learn from them; that's part of legacy and actually seeing certain good people and getting inspired. But you parroting things from 1945 is not going to make you a better person by default, which is something I have tried to repeatedly explain to certain hard-stuck people who are into the political mindset only. Then they see around this doesn't work that much now. This after a point turns into just another game of ignorance, with no viable application.

Meditation and spiritual knowledge from the Gods will be consistent now and consistent in 1000 years from now. The civilizations of the Gods focused and even existed to create shields of protection and preservation of both human beings and this supernal knowledge, so humanity can eventually keep evolving. Dictatorships and other situations can act as temporary band-aid to stop certain catastrophic situations, but power arrogance is not solving the fundamental underlying issues of humanity, only consciousness fixes this.

Regimes which focus on ultimate power and taking all the powers on their hands, do effectively remove certain aspects of responsibility from human beings, which later on if these human beings have not truly adopted a responsible stance and they are not aware of the reasons WHY of certain things, devolve again. This circle of futility is fixed when the soul itself improves.

When you have found the rules of the Gods inside you, then you don't need the support of any government to be an ethical human being. You understand existence as it is and you can become better at it. An example here is that Communism not disappear because someone said so, it must disappear and be restrained because it ruins life and existence. It could go by another name in 30 or 100 years, and still, it would still be evil. Communism is the ultimate violation of human freedom, rights, self determination and responsibility; that is it's crime against existence. And this disallows all human progression.

On the other hand, a responsible and firm regime, no matter how it is labelled, that keeps the laws and society going, but allows people their freedoms to experience life and improve their judgement and spirit, is what sets humans free in the long-term.

Forgetting labels like Nazis, Communists, Republicans, Democrats, whatever have you, it all boils down to this: What does help the perpetuation of spiritual development for now? If nothing does, what does harm it less, and what does produce the best outcomes for now? Humanity should go with this. Then as people improve or not improve, other alternatives show up.

National Socialism arose because of penultimate danger to protect Germany and Europe and teach fundamentally forgotten values that would threaten the preservation of a species, and Communism arose because of a jewish dream to brutalize people and steal all their belongings. As the people grew weak and they were disoriented, the 20th century was actually a century of strong leadership for better or for worse, where our side and the enemy took the reins to fight over the battle of the middle ground for humanity.

The enemy won a political and military battle but they will lose the whole war in the end. Communism collapsed shortly afterwards, because it was inhumane, evil and lowly. Meanwhile, the values that supposedly disappeared with the going of the so called "National Socialists", what is eternal of these, will resurface later in another form.

One has to go beyond these labels, looking at fundamentals. Names, faces and specific policies have changed before. Political reality is always changing.

In Egypt they called it differently and so they did in Ancient Greece, but the underlying spirit of any rule, no matter how it's called, is what we should be looking at. Spiritual Satanism focuses on the fundamental values, not on relative ones that come and go.

That's why I am no longer interested in the name or the politics of it all. I know others might be and that is perfectly fine, there are many fronts to fight the large beast from. I find politics not only very alienating, but also sometimes, people get stuck on memories and labels, losing the time of the present.

The present calls to help human beings no matter how things are called today. The ignorant today are as ignorant as they were in 1900 or in 1800, even more so now. The underlying problem is there; we are trying to solve the core problems, not the details. Political progression is welcome but likely so, it will come only last in the large list of development. Everyone who watches politics understand what I mean now.

Politicians are doing their thing, if they are not Spiritual, it's even worse. That's why Plato and Aristotle or other great minds, constantly preached the ideal of philosopher kings, people who are trained and in accordance to spiritual laws, so they can do it way better than they do now. Still there can be problems. If they are poor quality human beings, no matter what is said, the outcomes will be bad always. If they are good, because they are individual beings too, then they will do way better.

The importance is to focus on the human beings and wake them up. When they are awake, they will eventually understand more and more aspects of the Truth, which is singular and it's the rule of life itself. When that is comprehended, everything else that comes from external regulations is then understood to be only a part in a very large game.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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The intention, coupled with a desire to realize certain ideals, proves perilous for the victims of the morally corrupt. Actions borne out of strong will should only be undertaken if that will is purged of negativity; the gravity of this task is akin to lifting a finger for those in relative power and as burdensome as lifting a car for others. According to this criteria, we can determine that mental inheritances can materialize in the physical realm if the required conditions are met, resulting in either equilibrium or imbalance equal to the user's state of mind and level of control.

While the thunder striking a building may seem inconsequential, its impact on an individual is markedly different. If one seeks to construct existential virtues analogous to a building, the malevolent need only eliminate the problem. Following this analogy, it becomes apparent that if leaders target the founder of the impending construction, they emerge victorious by eradicating the root cause, thereby thwarting the undesirable elements of their warped minds and inducing chaos if left unchecked. The enemy is dangerous.

Spiritual leaders are imperative for civilizations to thrive, establishing a necessary balance.

Regarding politics, they remain of minimal concern for the average person until they become intolerable. Daunting policies succeed to varying degrees due to people allowing them, revealing minds lacking clarity. This clarity is achieved through spiritual enlightenment, leading to new states of being via introspection and natural thought. Many contemporary issues could be resolved if the correct implementations were a reality; consider criminals – their rough nature cannot be rectified by nature's laws, making it unlawful to address their behavior or effect improvements.

The correct policy and action allow for genuine enhancement of humanity in all facets, underscoring the significance of mindset.

While I could engage continuously in constant meditation for the entirety of my mortal existence, those unable to push themselves away from immorality and wrongdoing face a daunting challenge in elevating their existence to a higher, brighter plane. Awakening individuals is one aspect; propelling them forward is another. The unyielding fail to recognize the necessary steps for true prosperity.

Personally, my intellect enables me to navigate changes in the wild world of today, even as a nonviolent being by nature. However, this reality unfolds when directly confronted by the universe, rendering violence a necessity if provoked in a particular manner. People often fail to discern the need for action because they lack sufficient motivation for change, worsened by mind programming.

Hence, spiritual efforts to liberate the human mind occur either directly or indirectly, with physical manifestations stemming from these endeavors. RTRs have proven to be very useful in this endeavour.

Because of spiritual, social degradation, many treat others lower than themselves, not showing any sign of humanity and reason. Take for example older people, who do not listen to younger ones because these individuals think that they are undeserving of any attention, and thus their opinionand view doesn't matter, and nothing is to be taken in consideration.

I certainly hope for a more enlightened world sooner, one that is full of compassion for us. I want to feel loved truly in every way, not treated any lower as I am currently.

Sometimes I wander towards what I don't have such as a lover. It is low to think that I am undeserving of a soul bounded full of passion relationship like Roman Emperor Hadrian and Antinous, Napoleon and Josephine etc. The fact that I am much different from anyone else, like presiding over another realm is a cause of this.

These things seem out of reach a time, and in grasp another. Sometimes I am emotional, yet other times determined. Perspectives can temporarily be swayed due to emotion, and this has been a case for me multiple times. I enjoy to observe these events whether they are mental or not.
Talking about corrupt and deceiving. Let`s not ignore the powers behind today`s so called "political leaders" which consist of mainly the same enemy.

Corruption and deception and enemy work are literally the core in many governments and "how it goes" at this moment in time. Regardless of influencing these things it's not the route to follow right now. One cannot say the truth nowadays politically without possibly dying or finding insurmountable obstacles. That's why I also don't want much to do with these things in our journey here. Energy is better invested elsewhere, the results of this being more longterm.
I feel the same and I agree, that`s why I do not take them seriously.

The fact that today`s mainstream politicians keep pushing the enemy religions along with their lies being constantly propagated by the jewish owned media reinforces the fact that they are typically not on humanity`s side.

As intellectual as they may appear, they know damn well how to deceive and they are probably fully aware of it as are their respective owners who positioned them in the first place.
Politicians are doing their thing, if they are not Spiritual, it's even worse. That's why Plato and Aristotle or other great minds, constantly preached the ideal of philosopher kings, people who are trained and in accordance to spiritual laws, so they can do it way better than they do now. Still there can be problems. If they are poor quality human beings, no matter what is said, the outcomes will be bad always. If they are good, because they are individual beings too, then they will do way better.

As impossible as it may seem from the perspective of todays world order, I believe that the stage is set for a resurgence of what was the norm in times referred to as golden ages. That is the Priest-King who is a manifestation of the principals and will of the Gods. We do have a way to go until this can be realized but the current age is leading up to reestablishing of a society where true values and pure ethics are the underlying reality that makes it all possible.

I became disillusioned with politics some time ago after having become aware of what this sermon talks about but it only strengthened my resolve to contribute to the great change in a more profound and fundamental way.

Most of us alive now will probably have reincarnated again before this has come to pass but one of our own will take the reigns to bring this world back to a good course.

Looking forward to it.

Lord Anubis be praised, it is great to have an opportunity to give our respect and learn from Him.
Spiritual Satanism transcends politics. Politics is the current leadership and organization of existence of a state based on the necessities of the time. Political organization means that one is essentially something like a political party; seeking to take over these subsets of life.

But we extend beyond. Our mission is way beyond.

Everything we mention on politics is not to talk pointlessly on politics, but to deal with issues on the present day, or to visit historical times to see what one can gain from values and instruction about life. That is to benefit the present and the future, not to become "political" in the strict sense.

We share political realities so that people deprogram and that people see that not everything is as we have been told. Modern politics involves a lot of lying, so much in fact, that history is even forbidden in certain aspects of even being reviewed.

Because of statements about the politics, sometimes people conflate these things. People stuck on politics get strongly stuck on the past, start having ideas that cannot be applied in the present time, or that if applied today would upset or ruin society. They start denying the future and the present. But meanwhile we are moving on in time, and we cannot stop this.

Ideas in the political realm can serve something today and then expire in the future as evolution or changes happen in a civilization. My job is to keep an eternity based perspective for others to have access to, to help them in that regard. Not to give a temporary political solution in the present; we can work on this, but it's from a higher perspective that this happens.

For this reason the things one must keep from all of this is not the politics, but the eternal rules that are behind all of these matters.

Some governments and few statesmen in history, way more in the past, way less today, have adopted some of these rules, the further we go in time, the more of these rules we find. The perfect governance will do it's best to blend the best eternal rules of Sanatana Dharma in life and policies, but this cannot always happen entirely in the actual material realm which is connected with a lot of division, opposition and other obstacles.

The purpose of Spiritual Satanism is not to end up in some sort of "Political System", where many falsely assume would "Save humanity". Saving humanity has never happened through political systems, they only can help or cause serious obstacles. The existence of a good rule can help, but it not the final frontier of a battle against the core enemy of humanity which is ignorance and lack of development.

Humanity can only be saved when individual human beings, en masse, have evolved past many obstacles of the present. That is soul development. It's that perfection that changes the political or other systems of a civilization, not the system that changes people.

Strong political systems have arose to try to put the higher rules in civilizations, but as they fell, so did the progress get halted or lost. That's because humanity cannot depend on a political system and hang from it in order for people to learn how to behave for example; the idea in Spiritual Satanism is to invest on the soul, the mind and the spirit. The best possible political systems for the time are always desirable, but this is most of the time a luxury for most civilizations. Culture, awareness, consciousness and eternal knowledge is actually where real progress comes from.

Everyone knows despite of the fact that I comment on political subjects to give a perspective, I don't care about politics. I am not with that or the other party, I am only with the Gods. And when I say Gods, I underline this; because many people think that a specific politician is there or in the other place. Times, aeons and faces will change, but the important messages of the Gods do remain eternal. It's on these eternal things the Spiritual Satanist must focus.

Certain facts exist eternally. An example is that protection of children is a very important thing, does not become true because a politician said it or brought it back to attention. It's an eternal rule of the eternal flow of life. Sometimes, strong politicians must bring these rules back up in times of ethical lawlessness, yet, it's the underlying eternal ethics that exist that bring back the restoration of order THROUGH the MEDIUM of politics. Politics is a medium, not the end result or even the cause of all things.

There have been many leaders who tried to change these things out of good ethics and strength in history. They should act as inspiration but they are one aspect of the whole, which has to work as clockwork for humanity to get into actual spiritual progression, which is the real solution of all the other problems. The rules of life are eternal, same as the universe. It's upon these the building of consciousness happens.

Certain people have played heroic aspects in history, others less and others more. Everyone has things to learn from them; that's part of legacy and actually seeing certain good people and getting inspired. But you parroting things from 1945 is not going to make you a better person by default, which is something I have tried to repeatedly explain to certain hard-stuck people who are into the political mindset only. Then they see around this doesn't work that much now. This after a point turns into just another game of ignorance, with no viable application.

Meditation and spiritual knowledge from the Gods will be consistent now and consistent in 1000 years from now. The civilizations of the Gods focused and even existed to create shields of protection and preservation of both human beings and this supernal knowledge, so humanity can eventually keep evolving. Dictatorships and other situations can act as temporary band-aid to stop certain catastrophic situations, but power arrogance is not solving the fundamental underlying issues of humanity, only consciousness fixes this.

Regimes which focus on ultimate power and taking all the powers on their hands, do effectively remove certain aspects of responsibility from human beings, which later on if these human beings have not truly adopted a responsible stance and they are not aware of the reasons WHY of certain things, devolve again. This circle of futility is fixed when the soul itself improves.

When you have found the rules of the Gods inside you, then you don't need the support of any government to be an ethical human being. You understand existence as it is and you can become better at it. An example here is that Communism not disappear because someone said so, it must disappear and be restrained because it ruins life and existence. It could go by another name in 30 or 100 years, and still, it would still be evil. Communism is the ultimate violation of human freedom, rights, self determination and responsibility; that is it's crime against existence. And this disallows all human progression.

On the other hand, a responsible and firm regime, no matter how it is labelled, that keeps the laws and society going, but allows people their freedoms to experience life and improve their judgement and spirit, is what sets humans free in the long-term.

Forgetting labels like Nazis, Communists, Republicans, Democrats, whatever have you, it all boils down to this: What does help the perpetuation of spiritual development for now? If nothing does, what does harm it less, and what does produce the best outcomes for now? Humanity should go with this. Then as people improve or not improve, other alternatives show up.

National Socialism arose because of penultimate danger to protect Germany and Europe and teach fundamentally forgotten values that would threaten the preservation of a species, and Communism arose because of a jewish dream to brutalize people and steal all their belongings. As the people grew weak and they were disoriented, the 20th century was actually a century of strong leadership for better or for worse, where our side and the enemy took the reins to fight over the battle of the middle ground for humanity.

The enemy won a political and military battle but they will lose the whole war in the end. Communism collapsed shortly afterwards, because it was inhumane, evil and lowly. Meanwhile, the values that supposedly disappeared with the going of the so called "National Socialists", what is eternal of these, will resurface later in another form.

One has to go beyond these labels, looking at fundamentals. Names, faces and specific policies have changed before. Political reality is always changing.

In Egypt they called it differently and so they did in Ancient Greece, but the underlying spirit of any rule, no matter how it's called, is what we should be looking at. Spiritual Satanism focuses on the fundamental values, not on relative ones that come and go.

That's why I am no longer interested in the name or the politics of it all. I know others might be and that is perfectly fine, there are many fronts to fight the large beast from. I find politics not only very alienating, but also sometimes, people get stuck on memories and labels, losing the time of the present.

The present calls to help human beings no matter how things are called today. The ignorant today are as ignorant as they were in 1900 or in 1800, even more so now. The underlying problem is there; we are trying to solve the core problems, not the details. Political progression is welcome but likely so, it will come only last in the large list of development. Everyone who watches politics understand what I mean now.

Politicians are doing their thing, if they are not Spiritual, it's even worse. That's why Plato and Aristotle or other great minds, constantly preached the ideal of philosopher kings, people who are trained and in accordance to spiritual laws, so they can do it way better than they do now. Still there can be problems. If they are poor quality human beings, no matter what is said, the outcomes will be bad always. If they are good, because they are individual beings too, then they will do way better.

The importance is to focus on the human beings and wake them up. When they are awake, they will eventually understand more and more aspects of the Truth, which is singular and it's the rule of life itself. When that is comprehended, everything else that comes from external regulations is then understood to be only a part in a very large game.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Wonderful post❣️ :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

Of course, Spiritual Satanism goes beyond politics.

In my opinion, politics and the state are nothing if they are not based on the ideals of pagans, which are promoted by Spiritual Satanism.

I am concerned about the political aspect only because if the issue with the enemy is not resolved at the state level (what is in the power of politicians), then the enemy will in every possible way slow down the development of mankind, or again take control (at the state/political and military level) and terrorize people - to introduce anti-life laws against pagans, to persecute pagans with the help of the police and to wage wars with armies against pagans/pagan states, which will be based on the ideals of true spirituality (Spiritual Satanism), as it was during the existence of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

As I see it, political systems and states should be based on the ideals of Spiritual Satanism and reflect the interests of pagans, these can be various forms of government adapted from the past (Nazi Germany, Ancient Greece (Greek democracy), Roman Republic/Empire (mixed/alternating form of government - democracy flowing into dictatorship (when required) and on the contrary) in modern times / in the modern era.

Of course, it is also necessary to ensure that the so-called countries and political systems do not go against the Gods and against real spirituality, appropriate mechanisms should be developed for this (as I see it).

Countries and political systems should also not interfere in the affairs of JoS, but should be interested in the spiritual education of their citizens.

In short, I see that the attitude towards real spirituality (Spiritual Satanism) should be revived, as it was in Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, where there was a priesthood that performed spiritual work for the Gods, a priesthood that was officially outside the political system, but at the same time it actually and sometimes actively influenced on political system.

Also, do not forget that the priests in Ancient Egypt were supported by the state (the state paid them for their spiritual work) and were actually a privileged class (the Elite of the Elites), to whom politicians and citizens of all classes of those times listened.
As impossible as it may seem from the perspective of todays world order, I believe that the stage is set for a resurgence of what was the norm in times referred to as golden ages. That is the Priest-King who is a manifestation of the principals and will of the Gods. We do have a way to go until this can be realized but the current age is leading up to reestablishing of a society where true values and pure ethics are the underlying reality that makes it all possible.

I became disillusioned with politics some time ago after having become aware of what this sermon talks about but it only strengthened my resolve to contribute to the great change in a more profound and fundamental way.

Most of us alive now will probably have reincarnated again before this has come to pass but one of our own will take the reigns to bring this world back to a good course.

Looking forward to it.

Lord Anubis be praised, it is great to have an opportunity to give our respect and learn from Him.
In my opinion, it would be ideal for spiritual Satanists to actually be Kings in their countries in the future, or to be in the control branches of government to make key political and social decisions regarding internal and external development, internal and external politics + it would be cool if all these states were united into an Empire with a new The Antichrist at the head.

In my opinion, the term Antichrist can also be a title that would reflect the fullness of power in the pagan world.

Of course, the Antichrist could be one of the Gods incarnated in a human body (to restore and/or maintain order and development), or a Spiritual Satanist who has completely completed Magnum Opus, or other acceptable options.

In my opinion, it is possible to create a system in which humanity will constantly develop and be in the Golden Age!
In my opinion, the term Antichrist can also be a title that would reflect the fullness of power in the pagan world.
It wouldn't. That term means "against christ", and "christ" (a jewish thoughtform) is dead so why focus on being against it? We should be pro-Satanism, not anti dead jew thoughtform. It's irrelevant now.
It wouldn't. That term means "against christ", and "christ" (a jewish thoughtform) is dead so why focus on being against it? We should be pro-Satanism, not anti dead jew thoughtform. It's irrelevant now.
Lydia, in your opinion, what term should be used?
Maybe "The Dragon", "The Beast", "The Son/Daughter of the Satan"?
The dutch democracy consists of 20+ (maybe even 30) different parties now for the second chamber of the parliament. It is absolutely insane and way too much to keep track of and it is incredibly confusing. A lot of people vote what they're used to voting to too. Can't blame em.
We've got a pro islam party, a pro lgbtq+ party that is pro gender transitions, and more left wings, semi right wings, that don't 100% agree with most of the bigger parties that get voted into power each time.
... To be fair I am done with this nonsense too.
It wouldn't. That term means "against christ", and "christ" (a jewish thoughtform) is dead so why focus on being against it? We should be pro-Satanism, not anti dead jew thoughtform. It's irrelevant now.
The Antichrist is a mystical figure, comparable to a "messiah", he is the same as a Pharaoh.

So in theory we already have a title for it.
Голландская демократия состоит из 20+ (может быть, даже 30) разных партий теперь для второй палаты парламента. Это абсолютно безумие и слишком много, чтобы отслеживать, и это невероятно сбивает с толку. Многие люди голосуют за то, за что они привыкли голосовать. Не могу винить эм.
У нас есть про-исламская партия, про-lgbtq+ партия, которая выступает за гендерные переходы, и больше левых крыльев, полуправых крыльев, которые не на 100% соглашайтесь с большинством крупных партий, которые каждый раз голосуют за власть.
... Справедливости ради, я тоже покончил с этой ерундой.
Spiritual Satanism transcends politics. Politics is the current leadership and organization of existence of a state based on the necessities of the time. Political organization means that one is essentially something like a political party; seeking to take over these subsets of life.

It got me thinking of the saying, 'When you meditate, you improve yourself and the Universe as a whole.'

Spirituality elevates our existence to higher planes, which fosters personal growth and improvement. Spirituality cultivates a compassionate, empathetic, and proactive approach to engaging with the World at large, and the Universe. Therefore, advancing spiritually will initiate positive change and inspire others, not only the self, thus creating a ripple effect that uplifts humanity's existence, which extends further and beyond.

One can only look at how in tune the ancient civilizations were with the principles of nature, the universe, and the cosmos, and how integral their creations were to the intricate forces and energies that shape existence and civilization. Their cultural, societal, and technological achievements were products of a high level of symbiosis between humanity and the cosmos, i.e. Spiritual integrity at its purest, resulting in creations that resonate with timeless significance and enduring beauty.

Hail Satan!
The Antichrist is a mystical figure, comparable to a "messiah", he is the same as a Pharaoh.

So in theory we already have a title for it.
After HPS Lydia's response, I thought about this topic again today, and came to an not final conclusion (I'm still thinking about this question, because it's an interesting topic):

1. Yes, indeed, when the last Christian sect disappears, it is logical to completely erase the memory that there was some kind of crazy Jew who was worshipped by other madmen, besides it will be harmful for society to know that there was such a crazy Jewish religion.

2. On the other hand, it occurs to me that as long as the last Christian sect is alive, it poses a threat to humanity, states, society and spirituality, including any other Jewish religion, such as Buddhism.
Therefore, until these false religions disappear, I think that as a deterrent for the followers of these religions, you can use the title "Antichrist", as well as other titles that would strike terror into the followers of enemy religions, so that they would rather abandon them, or meet their end as they wish!
Это заставило меня задуматься о поговорке: "Когда ты медитируешь, ты улучшаешь себя и Вселенную в целом.'

Духовность поднимает наше существование на более высокие планы, что способствует личностному росту и совершенствованию. Духовность культивирует сострадательный, чуткий и инициативный подход к взаимодействию с Миром в целом и Вселенной. Поэтому духовное продвижение инициирует позитивные изменения и вдохновляет других, а не только себя, создавая тем самым эффект пульсации, который поднимает существование человечества, которое распространяется дальше и дальше.

One can only look at how in tune the ancient civilizations were with the principles of nature, the universe, and the cosmos, and how integral their creations were to the intricate forces and energies that shape existence and civilization. Their cultural, societal, and technological achievements were products of a high level of symbiosis between humanity and the cosmos, i.e. Spiritual integrity at its purest, resulting in creations that resonate with timeless significance and enduring beauty.

Hail Satan!
Brother, these are very beautiful words :love:
After HPS Lydia's response, I thought about this topic again today, and came to an not final conclusion (I'm still thinking about this question, because it's an interesting topic):

1. Yes, indeed, when the last Christian sect disappears, it is logical to completely erase the memory that there was some kind of crazy Jew who was worshipped by other madmen, besides it will be harmful for society to know that there was such a crazy Jewish religion.

2. On the other hand, it occurs to me that as long as the last Christian sect is alive, it poses a threat to humanity, states, society and spirituality, including any other Jewish religion, such as Buddhism.
Therefore, until these false religions disappear, I think that as a deterrent for the followers of these religions, you can use the title "Antichrist", as well as other titles that would strike terror into the followers of enemy religions, so that they would rather abandon them, or meet their end as they wish!
The name is irrelevant, the concept and actions are important.
The Antichrist is a mystical figure, comparable to a "messiah", he is the same as a Pharaoh.

So in theory we already have a title for it.

Father Satan has went by many names, according to each era. In the era where the enemy exists, the enemy branded anyone against them the "Anti-Christ".

When these people show up, they call them "Anti-Christs". Maybe I am also an Anti-Christ in their book, one of the worst of them in fact. Emperors of Rome were also Anti-Christs. How the enemy defines things is not something of consequence. What matters is what we are according to our beliefs.

In the cultures past, these people were called Avatara's or Avatars of the Gods. They were never seen as bad people, but actually as a blessing to societies. They were here to help and uplift humanity. Messiah is from an Ancient Greek word meaning "Intermediary between Gods and Men". Pharaoh means the same thing in essence.

You can call this however, based on time necessities. However as we are moving forward from the existence of the enemy, we must understand that the above are just titles; what happens is what matters, as you succinctly put in your other response.

The word Messiah was stolen from Ancient Greeks and jews stole this term verbatim to refer to their aspiration of a great leader that will subjugate the Gentiles and usher their full enslavement. When one is sufficiently educated, in opposition of, or disallows the plan for this domination and extermination of people, the death cults call them "Anti-Christs".

After HPS Lydia's response, I thought about this topic again today, and came to an not final conclusion (I'm still thinking about this question, because it's an interesting topic):

1. Yes, indeed, when the last Christian sect disappears, it is logical to completely erase the memory that there was some kind of crazy Jew who was worshipped by other madmen, besides it will be harmful for society to know that there was such a crazy Jewish religion.

2. On the other hand, it occurs to me that as long as the last Christian sect is alive, it poses a threat to humanity, states, society and spirituality, including any other Jewish religion, such as Buddhism.
Therefore, until these false religions disappear, I think that as a deterrent for the followers of these religions, you can use the title "Antichrist", as well as other titles that would strike terror into the followers of enemy religions, so that they would rather abandon them, or meet their end as they wish!

There is no point to remove history or anything. One just has to keep it around as an example. People 200 or 300 years from now will look at this and say "Wow, humanity has done some very serious mistakes. We must not do these again". That will be the history of these death cults. That will be the blotting out of these things. Similar to cannibalism which got outlawed, cannibalism of the soul of humans will also progressively disappear out of societies.

Buddhism is not jewish, it just got affected by the nihilistic stances of the practitioners of it, later getting poisoned. People will pick up from these mentalities as time goes and society progresses.

All this nonsense about destruction all the time past a point is tiring. Because what destruction does is that it requires too much energy and it just serves oftentimes selfish needs. These programs will die out and the Truth will make them perish by default. The perishing will come when human beings outgrow these systems, not when they are fought against. The real fighting is where you outgrow the virus, and the immune system is built. The memory strands of these events will remain there so humans don't do the same mistakes.

Also, they will be good to exist for a while so those who want to destroy themselves don't bring themselves into development based movements, which seek to uplift humanity. Fine by this, whomever wants they can go into the death cult and lose themselves. But we must not join them in this process. We must flee from it.

This kamikazi mentality against the enemy cults will also make their believers think that they are right. They want humanity constantly on a lower level to fight them in order for them to say that this is the Devil's work and evil. They thrive on misery. After total wars and destruction happen, the enemy is the one benefiting. We are being delayed in our work when these things happen, because humans have to start over and over again from the ruins.

Our side gets nothing in benefit from destroyed souls or fried people. We gain from developing them, we are on that side. The victory will arrive when humans are expanded past these death cults and wake up. Meanwhile the enemy who is of the vulture nature just waits for the corpses to feed upon. We wait for people to live and grow. Every not necessary battle feeds the vultures, and we are not here to feed on the dead souls. The enemy specializes in creating pointless strife, terrorism and pain for no reason, like Muslims and Christians are doing for a long time.

Then, people who are developed are always forced to fight them in order to save themselves and to just keep developing, and they tend to lose these wars because the dumb members of these death cults are always more in number than the better people. They follow this tactic for this reason. Christianity and all the enemy programs were only made to create a war against the previous conditions of the Gods, feeding on top of misery and death, to empower themselves.

They benefit from the destroyed, hopeless, war suffering, and damaged people. And the less corpses and destroyed people there are, the less food for them.

Creating misery to say that one wants to finish off enemy systems thriving on misery is like loading up the tank of these death cults with their fuel, which is misery. Then they will always have fuel. But when misery stops, they will be die out naturally. Fuel runs out, these programs will die out.

The real final destruction of the enemy is when the world will surpass them. Then they will be left without hosts and die like all parasites do.

It got me thinking of the saying, 'When you meditate, you improve yourself and the Universe as a whole.'

Spirituality elevates our existence to higher planes, which fosters personal growth and improvement. Spirituality cultivates a compassionate, empathetic, and proactive approach to engaging with the World at large, and the Universe. Therefore, advancing spiritually will initiate positive change and inspire others, not only the self, thus creating a ripple effect that uplifts humanity's existence, which extends further and beyond.

One can only look at how in tune the ancient civilizations were with the principles of nature, the universe, and the cosmos, and how integral their creations were to the intricate forces and energies that shape existence and civilization. Their cultural, societal, and technological achievements were products of a high level of symbiosis between humanity and the cosmos, i.e. Spiritual integrity at its purest, resulting in creations that resonate with timeless significance and enduring beauty.

Hail Satan!

Exactly. There is no way a Spiritually advanced person would look at the enemy programs and say they agree.

The enemy dies out by the natural default of spiritual evolution.

Knowledge and understanding shatter the enemy completely. That's why they are always trying to stop humanity from doing this.
1. Yes, indeed, when the last Christian sect disappears, it is logical to completely erase the memory that there was some kind of crazy Jew who was worshipped by other madmen, besides it will be harmful for society to know that there was such a crazy Jewish religion.
Humanity shall never forget. The jews have been polluting our planet for 5-6 thousand years and we must let all future generations know of our struggle.
There is no point to remove history or anything. One just has to keep it around as an example. People 200 or 300 years from now will look at this and say "Wow, humanity has done some very serious mistakes. We must not do these again". That will be the history of these death cults. That will be the blotting out of these things. Similar to cannibalism which got outlawed, cannibalism of the soul of humans will also progressively disappear out of societies.

Buddhism is not jewish, it just got affected by the nihilistic stances of the practitioners of it, later getting poisoned. People will pick up from these mentalities as time goes and society progresses.

All this nonsense about destruction all the time past a point is tiring. Because what destruction does is that it requires too much energy and it just serves oftentimes selfish needs. These programs will die out and the Truth will make them perish by default. The perishing will come when human beings outgrow these systems, not when they are fought against. The real fighting is where you outgrow the virus, and the immune system is built. The memory strands of these events will remain there so humans don't do the same mistakes.

Also, they will be good to exist for a while so those who want to destroy themselves don't bring themselves into development based movements, which seek to uplift humanity. Fine by this, whomever wants they can go into the death cult and lose themselves. But we must not join them in this process. We must flee from it.

This kamikazi mentality against the enemy cults will also make their believers think that they are right. They want humanity constantly on a lower level to fight them in order for them to say that this is the Devil's work and evil. They thrive on misery. After total wars and destruction happen, the enemy is the one benefiting. We are being delayed in our work when these things happen, because humans have to start over and over again from the ruins.

Our side gets nothing in benefit from destroyed souls or fried people. We gain from developing them, we are on that side. The victory will arrive when humans are expanded past these death cults and wake up. Meanwhile the enemy who is of the vulture nature just waits for the corpses to feed upon. We wait for people to live and grow. Every not necessary battle feeds the vultures, and we are not here to feed on the dead souls. The enemy specializes in creating pointless strife, terrorism and pain for no reason, like Muslims and Christians are doing for a long time.

Then, people who are developed are always forced to fight them in order to save themselves and to just keep developing, and they tend to lose these wars because the dumb members of these death cults are always more in number than the better people. They follow this tactic for this reason. Christianity and all the enemy programs were only made to create a war against the previous conditions of the Gods, feeding on top of misery and death, to empower themselves.

They benefit from the destroyed, hopeless, war suffering, and damaged people. And the less corpses and destroyed people there are, the less food for them.

Creating misery to say that one wants to finish off enemy systems thriving on misery is like loading up the tank of these death cults with their fuel, which is misery. Then they will always have fuel. But when misery stops, they will be die out naturally. Fuel runs out, these programs will die out.

The real final destruction of the enemy is when the world will surpass them. Then they will be left without hosts and die like all parasites do.
Thank you so much for your comment 😃

I will seriously reflect on all that you have written :)

I see that especially among Christians who live well, for example, have their own business, they try to drag other people into their religion who also live well, but over time, when these people adopt death programs (Christianity), their lives deteriorate noticeably.

When ordinary people are doing well, Christians also come to them, besides, ordinary people do not see death programs in Christianity, but they understand this when it becomes too late.

How will Christianity be finished off in the future if Jews carefully disguise this religion of death as a religion of life?
Buddhism is not jewish, it just got affected by the nihilistic stances of the practitioners of it, later getting poisoned.

If I'm not mistaken, this is from the HPS Maxine Sermons that I've read.

I think in order to purify Buddhism, it will be necessary for experts to dig through tons of Buddhist literature and remove death programs from them, in other words, rewrite them, and frankly Jewish texts are banned.

There are a lot of Buddhist preachers in the world who teach the uneducated population in villages, who as a rule do not develop critical thinking to distinguish between death programs and life programs.

It seemed to me that it was easier to eliminate Buddhism than to try to purify it.

Am I thinking destructively?
How will Christianity be finished off in the future if Jews carefully disguise this religion of death as a religion of life?

By people figuring out what is a disguise. Christians who believe their system is about life are living in a state of ignorance of what it is. When this ignorance goes, this state will be left behind.

If I'm not mistaken, this is from the HPS Maxine Sermons that I've read.

I think in order to purify Buddhism, it will be necessary for experts to dig through tons of Buddhist literature and remove death programs from them, in other words, rewrite them, and frankly Jewish texts are banned.

There are a lot of Buddhist preachers in the world who teach the uneducated population in villages, who as a rule do not develop critical thinking to distinguish between death programs and life programs.

It seemed to me that it was easier to eliminate Buddhism than to try to purify it.

Am I thinking destructively?

Buddhism is not jewish in that it was not created by the actual jews. It was created by Asians.

In regards to Buddhism, you asked if it is from the jews. It is not from the jews. But it's influenced by them, it has adopted a stance that is essentially that of the enemy. The fact it did not arise from the bosom of the jew, does not mean that it was not influenced and eventually became another nihilistic program of control.

It has a long history. Currently is Christianity 2.0, that cannot be denied. Therefore one must know this and recognize it as such. The central core of Buddhist thought right now is nihilism, which is the anti-thesis to the stance of life of the original of the warrior religion it started as. It started as a proper system in the core.

Currently, it's too nihilistic and therefore for now, walks the path of the enemy, preaching the same things as Christianity such as that you must never respond to any enemy, allow abuse, that you should seek to delete your existence and so on.

Eventually it can be restored to "factory default settings" as time goes. That's where it will be reversed into Bon. The same thing has happened to many pagans and others are in similar territory. It was about warrior spirit, life and determination. It was a warrior religion, warrior meaning it focused on self conquering and empowerment.

As the enemy grew and the nihilists grew, they essentially took it over and reversed most things in it.

The wise people in it will restore it, if they can. That's their task not ours directly. They might fail or succeed like many other faiths, even Hinduism, which fight similar battles. Neither of them have a "Jewish" source, but they have been poisoned by the messages of the Nihilistic enemy virus.

But they have to see better examples first in order to do this. Instead of declaring them as a permanent failure, or seeking to fight them, we must help them see a better example and remove the disguise.

If they don't it will go down from it's own nihilistic stances. Nihilism = enemy illness.

Generally everything that will try to sustain the enemy teachings in the upcoming Aeon will almost certainly perish as a system from this process, by itself.

Humanity shall never forget. The jews have been polluting our planet for 5-6 thousand years and we must let all future generations know of our struggle.

The upcoming people must know these nihilistic, death cults of surrendering dead towards existence, responsibility and all your being to be erased, have existed. If that is removed from memory, humanity might repeat it. They must know of these to flee from these.

When the fundamental pattern of the enemy is understood then people won't fall into the same trap again.
Quando você encontrar as regras dos Deuses dentro de você, não precisará do apoio de nenhum governo para ser um ser humano ético. Você entende a existência como ela é e pode se tornar melhor nisso.
How long does it take?
It is interesting that everyone is allowed by ZOG to have a religious creed, as long as it is against racism, antisemitism, hate, intolerance, islamophobia, immigrantrefugeephobia, etc. That is, as long as it is nothing different that any mambo-jumbo New Age crap. They swear that "real Odinists" (for example) would never "hate" anyone. So a real Buddhist would be someone who want mass Moslem migration so their country become less Buddhist. I hate this f***ing gatekeepers.
It is interesting that everyone is allowed by ZOG to have a religious creed, as long as it is against racism, antisemitism, hate, intolerance, islamophobia, immigrantrefugeephobia, etc. That is, as long as it is nothing different that any mambo-jumbo New Age crap. They swear that "real Odinists" (for example) would never "hate" anyone. So a real Buddhist would be someone who want mass Moslem migration so their country become less Buddhist. I hate this f***ing gatekeepers.

Nowadays every form of suicidal advice ranging from Communism, to bringing foreigners that only want to kill you in your land, or never questioning anything (becoming a Borg) are desirable values by those "in power".

As they are dirty they want no potential opposition. But they want evil and hateful subjecs to serve them, yet at the same time they must be so weak they cannot even mentally react against the jews for example.

If you pay close attention all these things they "ban" for others, they do all the time. Islam and Christianity were based on war by blood and conquest, and death. Yet they pretend to preach "peace". This "peace" doesn't exist it's a code word for disabling humans of any form of defense they have against these cults of death.

Then, they pretend the message is of love, when in fact, there is no love in mindlessly and without filters allowing illegal immigration of people who want to attack each other in the same region. That's indirect murder and replacement of a people's of a Nation. But the message of Christianity is to "always accept everyone" ("except of the Devil worshipers who threaten the jews, these you must kill, goyim!").

Those in charge have no real power what the religion of the cattle is provided it's disabling enough. A large portion of kikes and traitors in the European Jewnion does not have a problem with Islamifying Europe, if everyone is subjugated and enslaved, they are fine with the cultural change, or population replacement.

That's because all these programs are based on being purely illogical and they fight logic. There is no advanced logic in them just mass hypnosis for the slaves.

The removal of logic and judgement, is where the resistance of the mind and person dies. Then one welcomes the invader that will rape, loot and kill, indiscriminately. Indiscriminate means that 9 out of 10 people can be criminals and they are "welcome", while logic would have it that only 1 in 10 who is a good and decent respectful person should put foot on your soil, not those they empty from the prisons in Pakistan.

Christianity of course approves that as Christianity, Islam and all these programs, do prey upon the lack of mental and logical mechanism in the first place; no problem if people kill themselves that is ok. Also, as they bring Muslims and Christians in lands to fight, they also profit from social unrest. That's extra net gain for Klaus Scwhab and other traitors of humanity who support his notions.

Spiritual Satanism is the only system that approves destruction when necessary and based on logic and judgement. That's because one has to use this brain in this path not just waste it.
I have been studying Pluto in Scorpio as of the posting of this sermon. I'm very intrigued how well the answers and responses are in fact I agree with a lot of my darker side that was mentioned studying Pluto in Scorpio.

Sheer fact is I think the reason why we have these strong political attachments besides obvious heritage is the factor of Pluto in Scorpio. A nominal to moderate majority amount of our members are Pluto in Scorpio, 50ish-60ish percent. For the members who such as myself after reading this sermon I have changed my view.

I believe this Pluto in Scorpio drive intensified political stuff. They state it even continues to affect us long past it's 11-12 year cycle. Beside Boomers and whatnot who hold deep power and financial manner.

Frankly I'm sick and tired of politics it's all a bunch of non-sense. I study a bit to keep up but it's so tedious and annoying. It's true in the truest sense too many people don't give a shit about anything but the money and financial security. They'd rather here in the states burn and control demolish America for communistic grab.

BTW HellGate, holy shit. What a reply it reminds me of my friend's email when he is in the mood to type using verbose speech. Keep typing up with your intellect it's intoxicating it makes me want to be your typing style. I'll show this sermon to my friend and tell him to read it all, very impressive HellGate.
I wish this is a conclusion I had come to sooner myself. One of my major regrets is not being able to hold my small and budding coven together and the main conflict had to do with the JOS being associated with NS. I felt that there was a real possibility that it could have grown into something much larger. People who are newer are unaware that the only reason this knowledge came out is because of a certain traitor. Chances are that this knowledge would still have come out at some point, but much later and in a way in which we didn't lose so many members.

The irony was that just prior to this secret being divulged the member I was closest to did a ritual with me, the one with the Othal rune inside the Black Sun and a Sumerian prayer said afterwards. The only part I remember was yoo-moo-too-too since it rhymed and we said quite a few times. A few months later we got into a heated debate about Nazism and how it is not related to Satanism, at least according to him. Little did he now that he had already taken part in a ritual that was NS in nature. I find it funny that he will worship what the general poplulace belives to be the prince of darkness, but yet he draws the line at Hitler? As if he is somehow worse? He was my connect to the other male members of the coven as he introduced me to them and I did'nt have their numbers or address. I was also introduced to female member through him, who he had met online and since I had a car and they did not as we were all teenagers, this is the only time I had very brief romance with another SS. I found out later that she had a christian bf and would not tolerate it so I never spoke to her again.

Things were different in those days as the paranoid jew was not yet really on the forums and so it was possible to exchange e-mail addresses. I guess I just got real lucky that a few SS lived pretty close by.

One of the major advantages that the enemy has over us is that they are able to congregate in the real world and are in close contact with each other. In this day and age almost anything can be hacked and that is a security risk as well. In the ritual that I mention above that took place in a forest close to where we live only occured because I was in contact with another SS. I would have never gone into that forest by myself, and there Is no way I would have done it at home with my parents around. The other 2 SS couldn't make it as they had already started having personal issues amongst themselves, and while I tried to reconcile them for the sake of Satanic Unity, I had also failed. We lost half of the energy we would have had because they could not get along, and while that might not be much at that time, that same energy many years, over 17 years later, would have had a trememdous impact.
I find it funny that he will worship what the general poplulace belives to be the prince of darkness, but yet he draws the line at Hitler? As if he is somehow worse?


Right here that is the thumped mentality of Hitlar Wuz ebil N debil N sheit.

I fully agree I see it all the time in Reddit and these redditor idiots hating on JoS, NS, and even in Black Metal. I want to avoid NSBM and other racist Black Metal band can someone please tell some good BM bands for this?

As if racialism is evil, as if Hitler is evil.

I believe strongly the Gods are gonna punish these people not out of hurting them or their soul. But out of the rage the Gods express going, "What the fuck has the Xesus Xhrist and the Xews done to ye?"

I think there is a mass campaign of losers who evoke this parroting of words.

I have never in my life ever felt hatred for National Socialism. In fact I want them to speak and make the World understand.

This it the same mentality that states "Tucker Carlson is a useful idiot, Russian journalist".

WTF so we aren't allowed to talk about improving the World. What's next Hawaii like they said "Fuck the Constitution" no more guns.

This outright retarded mentality has caused so much havok on the World. That it continues to be "Freedom of Speech and Expression UNLESS it's Hitlaw 'n' Naizism".

I'm sick a fucking tired of hearing bad shit and shit smearing and shit storm of hatred and vitriol on people.

Hell I'm glad the enemy Jews are so uppity and prominent with their mass campaign of global domination. They deserve to express themselves so the populace knows what is up. And then the funny part the populace is so raped with stupidity they are like Xesus this is fucking awesome I love Jews they are such good spiritual people who mean the best holy shit World domination by God and kosher supervision, sign me up." - Says the stupid masses.

Even communism I don't mind if they express themselves online. I consider myself an Absolutionist in Free Speech. Even the Gods probably have dived into subjects and forces of nature and realities and civilizations and gone HOLY shit WTF is up with this civilization.

I don't know it seems these people are not Pluto in Scorpio and seem almost like a bunch of pussies who don't admire the Plutonic properties of mankind.

As Chairman Netero in Hunter x Hunter states, "Meruem you have no idea how evil the heart of mankind can become when we need to inflict this on the plane of reality". [Paraphrasing]

Mankind really needs a serious kick in the ass this is why this team vs team football mentality is fucking stupid. Even Nicaulau Chouchescu the Romanian Dictator has redeeming qualities in positive and neutral out weighs negativity.

Even communism as much as I hate to admit has properties that improve as much as I hate admitting why communism captures and why on paper it seems perfect it captivated millions and billions into damnation.

But even in damnation society still needs to function.

I give full attention to everything and fear no Nazism or Hitler. If anything I've grown to admire these people even as a 7 year old when I got involved with NS and my friend and people around me.

Fuck Humanities stupidity these people are worthless and have absolutely no grit for the darkside of mankind. Definitely not proper Pluto in Scorpio people since you stated this happened years ago so my guess is these people were born in the 80s-90s.

Excuse my long post Astralnaut88 but your statement is a Golden Verse Hitler > Satan but if expressing Satanism cool if Nazism = Devil 'N' sheit.

WTF is up with people. I hope Pluto in Aquarius, Artificialized intelligent technologies, and the arrival of the Gods sorts things out.

People are so afraid of eating from the tree of knowledge. Embarrassing human specimens.

Hitler and Nazism is elevated to be this divine evil. Funny we wouldn't be dealing with communism and leftoids and all this shit Humanity just loves suffering after the kike on the cross and the reptarded cohorts the Xews.

Anti-Nazism = Anti-Freedom

Let them express themselves and give them a square to stand on and explain them. Why are they not allowed to express their reality.

Humanities compounding and profound stupidity at it's finest. I think genuinely these people want to get used and abused, killed off like sheep at a slaughterhouse.

Pathetic scum of Humanity, pathetic feeble inferior male and female specimens.

I wonder if these people even like freedom. Maybe they are better off moving to North Korea that would enlightened them a bit.
I wish this is a conclusion I had come to sooner myself. One of my major regrets is not being able to hold my small and budding coven together and the main conflict had to do with the JOS being associated with NS. I felt that there was a real possibility that it could have grown into something much larger. People who are newer are unaware that the only reason this knowledge came out is because of a certain traitor. Chances are that this knowledge would still have come out at some point, but much later and in a way in which we didn't lose so many members.

The irony was that just prior to this secret being divulged the member I was closest to did a ritual with me, the one with the Othal rune inside the Black Sun and a Sumerian prayer said afterwards. The only part I remember was yoo-moo-too-too since it rhymed and we said quite a few times. A few months later we got into a heated debate about Nazism and how it is not related to Satanism, at least according to him. Little did he now that he had already taken part in a ritual that was NS in nature. I find it funny that he will worship what the general poplulace belives to be the prince of darkness, but yet he draws the line at Hitler? As if he is somehow worse? He was my connect to the other male members of the coven as he introduced me to them and I did'nt have their numbers or address. I was also introduced to female member through him, who he had met online and since I had a car and they did not as we were all teenagers, this is the only time I had very brief romance with another SS. I found out later that she had a christian bf and would not tolerate it so I never spoke to her again.

Things were different in those days as the paranoid jew was not yet really on the forums and so it was possible to exchange e-mail addresses. I guess I just got real lucky that a few SS lived pretty close by.

One of the major advantages that the enemy has over us is that they are able to congregate in the real world and are in close contact with each other. In this day and age almost anything can be hacked and that is a security risk as well. In the ritual that I mention above that took place in a forest close to where we live only occured because I was in contact with another SS. I would have never gone into that forest by myself, and there Is no way I would have done it at home with my parents around. The other 2 SS couldn't make it as they had already started having personal issues amongst themselves, and while I tried to reconcile them for the sake of Satanic Unity, I had also failed. We lost half of the energy we would have had because they could not get along, and while that might not be much at that time, that same energy many years, over 17 years later, would have had a trememdous impact.

I would say the fact that JoS is closely and openly aligned to NS has some very complicated drawbacks. I would recommend not to focus on that. And I say that despite being a NS myself; because it seems strange for a religion to openly advocate for a specific (and modern) political view, and restrict a lot of potential members.
What I would (humbly) recommend is to have a less aggressive view of politics (explicitly), but focus on hardcore anti-Semitism. I think it is much better being called an "anti-Semitic" religious group than a "neo-Nazi" religious group, because it is much more generic. And being anti-Semitic is much more justifiable (and it presumes implicitly ideologies like NS), because Jews are a religion and kike-related religions have done a *really* bad opposition of Satan and the Aryan Gods of any Indo-European pantheon. This scum destroyed our religions and our culture.
The videos and links about 'Invasion of Europe' by migrants and related stuff are very high in the scrolling screen in the Satan's Library. I would recommend to, in some way, include always some religion terms to fixate in the viewers' mind the religions connotations of that. You will always say rabbis attacking Amalek, Edom/Rome, "HaSatan" and "Paganism" etc. There is also their creepy ideas of Tikkun Olam, Sitra Achra, stealing our shells, etc.
But I don't want to criticise much JoS. This must be done in due time, and takes a lot of time and effort. The JoS organization have progressed A LOT. The new layout is incredible. I have, also, a great debt of gratitude because of the knowledge JoS have shared with me.
Hail Wotan! Hail Hitler!
Sieg Heil!

Right here that is the thumped mentality of Hitlar Wuz ebil N debil N sheit.

I fully agree I see it all the time in Reddit and these redditor idiots hating on JoS, NS, and even in Black Metal. I want to avoid NSBM and other racist Black Metal band can someone please tell some good BM bands for this?

As if racialism is evil, as if Hitler is evil.

I believe strongly the Gods are gonna punish these people not out of hurting them or their soul. But out of the rage the Gods express going, "What the fuck has the Xesus Xhrist and the Xews done to ye?"

I think there is a mass campaign of losers who evoke this parroting of words.

I have never in my life ever felt hatred for National Socialism. In fact I want them to speak and make the World understand.

This it the same mentality that states "Tucker Carlson is a useful idiot, Russian journalist".

WTF so we aren't allowed to talk about improving the World. What's next Hawaii like they said "Fuck the Constitution" no more guns.

This outright retarded mentality has caused so much havok on the World. That it continues to be "Freedom of Speech and Expression UNLESS it's Hitlaw 'n' Naizism".

I'm sick a fucking tired of hearing bad shit and shit smearing and shit storm of hatred and vitriol on people.

Hell I'm glad the enemy Jews are so uppity and prominent with their mass campaign of global domination. They deserve to express themselves so the populace knows what is up. And then the funny part the populace is so raped with stupidity they are like Xesus this is fucking awesome I love Jews they are such good spiritual people who mean the best holy shit World domination by God and kosher supervision, sign me up." - Says the stupid masses.

Even communism I don't mind if they express themselves online. I consider myself an Absolutionist in Free Speech. Even the Gods probably have dived into subjects and forces of nature and realities and civilizations and gone HOLY shit WTF is up with this civilization.

I don't know it seems these people are not Pluto in Scorpio and seem almost like a bunch of pussies who don't admire the Plutonic properties of mankind.

As Chairman Netero in Hunter x Hunter states, "Meruem you have no idea how evil the heart of mankind can become when we need to inflict this on the plane of reality". [Paraphrasing]

Mankind really needs a serious kick in the ass this is why this team vs team football mentality is fucking stupid. Even Nicaulau Chouchescu the Romanian Dictator has redeeming qualities in positive and neutral out weighs negativity.

Even communism as much as I hate to admit has properties that improve as much as I hate admitting why communism captures and why on paper it seems perfect it captivated millions and billions into damnation.

But even in damnation society still needs to function.

I give full attention to everything and fear no Nazism or Hitler. If anything I've grown to admire these people even as a 7 year old when I got involved with NS and my friend and people around me.

Fuck Humanities stupidity these people are worthless and have absolutely no grit for the darkside of mankind. Definitely not proper Pluto in Scorpio people since you stated this happened years ago so my guess is these people were born in the 80s-90s.

Excuse my long post Astralnaut88 but your statement is a Golden Verse Hitler > Satan but if expressing Satanism cool if Nazism = Devil 'N' sheit.

WTF is up with people. I hope Pluto in Aquarius, Artificialized intelligent technologies, and the arrival of the Gods sorts things out.

People are so afraid of eating from the tree of knowledge. Embarrassing human specimens.

Hitler and Nazism is elevated to be this divine evil. Funny we wouldn't be dealing with communism and leftoids and all this shit Humanity just loves suffering after the kike on the cross and the reptarded cohorts the Xews.

Anti-Nazism = Anti-Freedom

Let them express themselves and give them a square to stand on and explain them. Why are they not allowed to express their reality.

Humanities compounding and profound stupidity at it's finest. I think genuinely these people want to get used and abused, killed off like sheep at a slaughterhouse.

Pathetic scum of Humanity, pathetic feeble inferior male and female specimens.

I wonder if these people even like freedom. Maybe they are better off moving to North Korea that would enlightened them a bit.
For someone who is politically minded, and abstains from the religious/spiritual, he has in fact been slandered worse than father Satan. That's all this proves. I was force to learn about the holoco$t while in school, but never did we have to learn about how evil Satan is, or what he has done, which even in the jewish written buybull is hardly anything immoral. No mass murder at his direction, or death, just temptation to the desert bum susej.
Thank you.

I used to not fully understand this topic. But this article has now helped clarify things I didn't understand.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
