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Why Satanism?


New member
Feb 20, 2023
Since Shiva and Satan both are the same, why was there a need to make a new religion called Satanism, when there is a branch of Sanatana Dharma which already exists--> called Shaivism?

Also why does the Satan from the Christianity/Jews concern us? Many people only discovered that Satan and Shiva are the same only through this portal, earlier many including me used to think of both as different entities.

I was born as a Hindu by religion, I pray to all the Hindu gods including Shiva, Shiva is an equal to Vishnu, Shiva is also referred to as "Mahadev" - which actually means the God of Gods.

The satanists do not belive in the christian/jewish story of the fallen angel and consider it as made up. Also the story of Satan's name origin according to the satanists- (refer to the thread post where they talk about Sanat Kumar being former names of Shiva, i myself(being a hindu) and many other have never heard about this before, so this is the first time am hearing this. ~
If the qualities and the backstory of the Satan from christianity/judaism is different from the Satan that satanists worship then shouldnt we consider them both as different beings, and we just believe the second Satan, the one that is Shiva- the one which has no relation to christianity/judaism?
curioussoul64 said:

You are just getting confused by the terms used, but the entities behind these names are the same, so in that sense it does not matter what is used. We could also use the name "Odin".

However, many people are familiar with the name of Satan, and we also have access to his sigil and the sigils of other Gods. So it is easier to refer to them by these names for that reason.

As you see from your research, the name of Satan can be found in Hindu. Yes, he is the God of Gods. Like with Christianity, Hinduism can feature some corruption and get sidetracked from the path of spiritual advancement, such as by promotion of Veganism, a lack of meditation, etc.

Don't listen to enemy sources where ever they are found. All Gentiles, of all cultures, have the same set of Gods. The enemy has been trying to block us from them, such as through Christianity, but also Zoroastrianism or Akhenaten's Atenism. The theme is the same: turn the Gentile's attention away from the real, loving Gods, and towards a Jewish thoughtform.

Whatever Christianity has to say about Satan should therefore be literally and metaphorically dumped in the trash. So yes, you should follow Satan by his real names. Directly connect with him, meditate on his sigils, do your meditations, and so on.

If you have other questions, please do ask, because I don't see any actual cause for confusion here. The names do not matter, rather it is the actions defined by our religious beliefs which do. In this case, we seek to glorify the Gods, destroy the enemy, and advance into Godhood.
curioussoul64 said:
If the qualities and the backstory of the Satan from christianity/judaism is different from the Satan that satanists worship then shouldnt we consider them both as different beings, and we just believe the second Satan, the one that is Shiva- the one which has no relation to christianity/judaism?

No, the being is the same. They are not different beings. Even though the enemy lies about him are made up, they are made up to slander him alone, not any other being. Like Blitzkreig said, you are probably confused because you assume that both have to do with mythology and different stories only, so they are different beings. But Satan exists independently of those stories as a separate being of his own, and many people have contacted him and asked him. He's a separate being that you can communicate with. He both addresses to Shiva as well as Satan. If you "summon" Shiva and Satan, in both cases you will contact the same entity. He has also told people that many stories about him are allegorical and are not meant to be taken literally. Like for example, the serpent bringing knowledge. The fallen angel thing also is somewhat allegorical, in that the term "fallen" refers to the kundalini serpent that fell from the crown chakra back to the base when the enemy attacked us, but that's another story.

I would also like to add that the names Satan and Satanism, although they predate the jews and enemy hoaxes, they signify opposition to them. Satan is the adversary of the jews and the enemy lies, even if he's not who they say he is. We accept our title as opposers of these lies and warriors who fight against them, that's why we're Satanists and not fluffy-wuzzy neo-Pagans or esotericists or whatever.
curioussoul64 said:
Since Shiva and Satan both are the same, why was there a need to make a new religion called Satanism, when there is a branch of Sanatana Dharma which already exists--> called Shaivism?

Also why does the Satan from the Christianity/Jews concern us? Many people only discovered that Satan and Shiva are the same only through this portal, earlier many including me used to think of both as different entities.

I was born as a Hindu by religion, I pray to all the Hindu gods including Shiva, Shiva is an equal to Vishnu, Shiva is also referred to as "Mahadev" - which actually means the God of Gods.

The satanists do not belive in the christian/jewish story of the fallen angel and consider it as made up. Also the story of Satan's name origin according to the satanists- (refer to the thread post where they talk about Sanat Kumar being former names of Shiva, i myself(being a hindu) and many other have never heard about this before, so this is the first time am hearing this. ~
If the qualities and the backstory of the Satan from christianity/judaism is different from the Satan that satanists worship then shouldnt we consider them both as different beings, and we just believe the second Satan, the one that is Shiva- the one which has no relation to christianity/judaism?
[Bare in mind, there is some off topic stuff, but it was better to mention all that, because they go along with the reasoning]

The entity/being "Satan" does not originate from Christianity or Judaism. It is Judaism, Christianity, and Islam(Shaitan) that are created around the ancient being "Satan" and against him, in the bid to enslave his children, Humans, and be used against the Empire of Orion.

They couldn't remove Hinduism completely, but they surely corrupted a lot of Hindu knowledge. You yourself mentioned Sindhu being the original word for the people of the Indian subcontinent, and it 'faded' away because of 'invaders'. Such terms, do not fade away on their own, they are systematically erased. Take an example of the national identities of India and Paksitan: 'Indian' 'Pakistani', these identities are new, most Indians still identify themselves with their cultural identities. There is heavy propaganda to push this on the people. The Indian and Pakistani identities were created to remove the cultural, ethnic, and linguistic identities of the people of the Indian subcontinent to further mix and abolish the diversity of the population under the new national identities. Be it congress or bjp, they all are given one common goal by jewish elites, to push miscegenation on the indian population. It is the same in Pakistan but its easier because of Islam.

Why do you think Islam destroyed temples and Hindu libraries and universities?
Islamists were unable to remove Hinduism, what do you think they did? Leave peacefully? Or let the Hindus live and practice Hindu teachings? No, they remained, destroyed, killed, infiltrated and corrupted Hinduism. They did the same to Sikhism, where now the holy book of Sikhism literally and openly contains teachings of some sufi muslims. But the funny thing is, they couldn't remove or completely corrupt the highest name in Sikhism "Satnam", which the Sikhs still vibrate every other minute and day.

Satan is not just Shiva, Satan is Odin in the Norse mythology, Satan is Zeus in Greek mythology, and etc

Satan is his first of all the names and avatars, it is his original self. For different cultures he has set different avatars, why? I am not hundred percent sure, it was and it is still up to Father Satan to do what he wishes, he is the highest and I am sure he has his reasons.

But I do have a partial answer to your questions, one of the reasons is to do with lower spiritual consciousness/level. When people with lower spiritual level from different races and cultures begin to worship an entity under one name they may ignore their differences and begin to mix themselves and everything under the name of the said entity or religion. It doesn't happen easily because of the natural barriers of the mind like every other species, but it can happen with certain circumstances, and it has been happening since and because of the reptilian menace in our planetary System[otherwise we wouldn't be discussing this and be on our way to Godhood. The whole racial issue has been turned big than it really is, by and because of jews.]

Take a look at Islam and Chrsitianity:
Many christians, and muslims identify themselves with their religious terms more often than their racial or cultural and even national identity. For example, as long as someone is muslim or converts to islam, a muslim would happily marry them no matter the race. This is detrimental. Miscegenation is harmful of course on the physical level, but also on the soul level, that is why interracial marriages break up or turn violent at some point. Then if the mixed offspring and the following generations of the mixed continue to mix with a complete opposite races, they will have several genetic issues, disorders, and eventually fade away when they lose the ability to naturally reproduce, a complete infertility. But that doesn't happen much because the mixed offsprings also naturally strive to either be with someone mixed like them or the race that is dominant in them(prior to porn and other brainwashing). Nature is more brutal with other species in the crossbreeding field, usually many first generational mongrel offsprings are infertile if the gap is big between the parents, the line ends there for most mammals, such as Lion-Tiger crossbreeds, Liger and Tigon. As Lord Hitler has said"Nature strives to create the strongest being, unnatural things like miscegenation kills all her efforts". This is absolutely true and observable in nature, but because we now live in concrete jungles in the name of advancement, people have very much disconnected from nature and do many unnatural things, from which harm befalls on them and they are left wondering with 'why does all this happen?'

You can also take an example of modern Hindus as well, where if a new ager white woman immigrates to India to practice Hinduism along with her work or study, single and divorced Hindus and Muslims will line up to impress that white woman. This is the case due to pornographic brainwashing as well, which is high in India, where some young men and women are literally immigrating for the sole purpose of finding a white partner, they regret such moves when they come to the senses and realize that sane white individuals[which are the majority] are not so whorish and crazy for foreigners like they saw in porn and on social media. They are then usual force themselves to live in those foreign lands to repay the debt they took to move, and then also to avoid humiliation in their hometown, they lie on their social media while actually living a depressed life. Though this is the case with many, not all.

Miscegenation is bad, and can be used as a weapon. The separation of races on multiracial planets like Earth becomes a necessity to create barriers for "forces from the outside" or "alien forces", such as the reptilians and other hostile entities, to keep the harm away. Ancient cultures have always given emphasis on the racial and warrior spirit. It was the jews and their programs that spread ideas that turn a collective people into defenseless docile beings yet some turn savages from the inside. Say allah in the streets of london, and every hardcore muslim will wet their pants. 'Allah' is the trigger here, a cheat code to make muslims do anything.

Universe has intelligent beings, they can be anywhere from being: open to helping others, or neutral, or straight up evil. Many of these evil beings take joy in destroying and enslaving others for nefarious purposes. To them Universe is like a sandbox, they think they can do whatever they want. They are the unbalancing powers of of the universe, what they do to us, is unbalance. Why are there so many emotionally unbalanced human beings now? For example, our food has and is being poisoned by jews to chemically unbalance us, that is why mental retardation is rising, where men are cutting off their penises to become women. While women are trying to become men by cutting off their breasts. Welcome to the clown world.
Destruction of Phaeton probably had a big impact on our souls, we now hardly live for 100 years, but as the time has passed, our souls have adapted and much stable, we would have come very far without the enemy's presence even after the destruction of Phaeton.

Higher intelligence does not mean an entity will be good, I've seen people on youtube and other platforms comment "Aliens do not visit us because we are evil and destroyers" and other bullshit. That is not even the case, hostile entities are literally trying enslave us in a big PSYOP because of our mind and it's powers. What makes an entity good or bad, are the energies around them and within them[there is more to this, such as higher and lower vibrations of the soul, I am not the right person to explain all that]. From what I've read, there are stars that emit destructive, violent or other malevolent kind of energies, such stars are not neutral or positive like our Sun. So if there is a planet with life in the planetary system of a Star with malevolent energies, then many species on that planet will be aggressive, they would lack innocence, especially if it harbors intelligent beings. The reptilian soul is also born from unbalanced malevolent energies of some star in a different galaxy which the rabbis used to openly boast about, it is possible that their entire galaxy could be resonance of such energies, and thus you see jews and gyspsies act and feel different on Earth, and have no remorse for raping or sacrificing the most innocent souls, such as children. They are unbalanced creatures. Some gentiles who connect with their energies also become vile like them. See how christian church rapes young boys? How islam is okay with pedophiles walking the streets? The more hardcore a christian or muslim is, the more they are connected to the jewish energies and easy to program for the jews and their agendas. Christians and Muslims are just converted gentiles, we don't hate them, and there is still good left in Christians and Muslims who are not heavily connected to their programs or just born in those families and don't practice it much[-I suppose it is alright to not call such individuals christians or muslims]. *If any JD is reading this, please correct me if the above paragraph is wrong.*

Though, good and bad will continue to exist because that is one of the ways the Universe balances itself. Satan emerged from the balancing forces and works with and for the balancing energies, which is the good side. At least that is how I see it. "Delight in what you create, Delight in what you Destroy" ~Satan

Newer souls are like toddlers, it is the duty of the parents to keep their toddlers from harming themselves. Father Satan advanced our evolution by thousands of years by giving us his blood, he is a Master in Genetics and so is Lord Azazel. So when the Gods genetically engineered and gave birth to the newer Human species, they had to provide different human groups with different cultures to keep them separated[not segregated, but separated]. This was necessary, especially if they gave birth to us all, on Earth.

What do I mean with that last line?
***I believe they gave a different planet to each race before the war. There are three parent races of humanity: Whites, Blacks, and Asians[Oriental Asians, e.g. Japanese, Koreans and Chinese]. Though, I do not know which planet was allotted to what race. Since there were only three habitable planets in our planetary system before the war: Earth, Mars, and Phaeton; it makes sense to only create three races. Phaeton was obliterated, while the surface of Mars was destroyed with brutal warfare[there are pyramids on Mars with solid impacts that cannot form naturally but with advanced weaponry]. It makes sense from an SS point of view why Earth is cramped up with the three different races even though we know racial purity is of pretty big important[now with new mixed races], also shows why there is a heavy emphasis on Racial Preservation in all ancient cultures on Earth because the Gods knew about the foreign influence of the enemy entities.***

The above and below that I wrote inside the asterisks is my hypothesis, so it is not an official or real statement from the Joy of Satan. But until then we at least know, Mars and Phaeton once had civilizations and beings like us who were of Satan, ***so it is very much possible some two races had to migrate to Earth after the destructive battles***.
It has been said here, there are still survivors on Mars living under it's surface.
A lot of big events have happened in the past 12,000 years and the war still continues to this date.

It is also the racial and cultural diversity of Humanity that has kept the enemy from achieving their nefarious agendas. That is why they are desperate to push Humanity into one big melting pot of "one brown race, one human race". Stripping away the teachings of the importance of racial purity, is what they did to India and many other regions around the world.

***The way I see it Satanism was like an Elite Religion or an Elite Branch for the ancient pagan religions, or think of it as a headquarter. Only some and the best pagan spiritualists in the ancient times used to get an entry into Satanism[guided by the Gods themselves]. Majority of the people never knew who Satan and his Daemons were[they only knew them by their cultural avatars, which the early abrahamists stole to slowly convert people], only the highest spiritualists knew who Satan was. And that is exactly how and why the Jews were able to blaspheme the original names so openly and no one batted an eye other than Satanists, Higher Pagan Priests and their Students who knew Satan and the Gods by their original names. Those who defended "Satan", "Devil" and "Demons" were tortured and killed. Witch hunts?? That does ring a bell.***

"True Satanism is Spiritual Alchemy and Ancient Paganism." -High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

We are going to rebuild the Pagan world, and no it is not necessary to introduce the name Satan in every Pagan religion and culture. What is need is the reintroduction of the Pagan cultures, which cannot happen without Satan and his servants. Satan is not fighting to put his name in his cultures where he already has his other avatars. He is fighting for humanity, his people, his children, his empire, and his name to of course clear all the negativity the reptilians have spread on the occupied planets. If you are concerned that the name 'Satan' will replace Shiva's name or other Hindu Gods and their names, then you are wrong, you have misunderstood us.

Nothing wrong with you being a Hindu, it is actually good that you are trying to defend Hinduism. But I can see you don't understand who we are. And Hinduism as we know now, is corrupted, and will need repairing, which will be done by Spiritual Satanists from India who are currently practicing Spiritual Satanism. It is a long road, it won't happen anytime soon, or even in this century.

I believe in the distant future, only the highest individuals of the highest branch of a pagan religion will know who Satan is, and only the most dedicated spiritualists will be allowed to get into the Satanic Branch. The rest will practice their respective pagan religions and cultures. Paganism's aim would be to create what Satanism requires, finest and the most dedicated spiritualists. I could be wrong though, because it is all up to Satan.

But this path was not for everyone and still isn't for everyone, many come and go defeated because of their inner slob, or some remain stuck and never advance because they take the path lightly, this is a serious path to Godhood. For now, I believe the path will remain open to everyone for quite a while due to the war, even the most laziest human being can try to get into Satanism if they can fight their inner enemy. That is why this is a 'once in a lifetimeS opportunity'.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
