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Why are projects began when the Moon is in Taurus long lasting?


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2018
What's the logic behind it?

Also is it true that Taurus rules money?
Taurus rules wealth. Today money makes people rich but in the past it was land. The bull was used to work the land therefore Taurus symbolizes wealth.
Did I get this right?
The moon is traditionally known to be "exalted" in Taurus. Taurus is an earth sign and is feminine and thus receptive. And the Moon is the receiver of the light of the Sun, so Taurus is a synchronous home for everything that represents the Moon - response, instincts, feelings and sentiments.
Taurus is fixed energy, and this is the current of installation and washing of things. Once the Taurus Moon is fixed on something - or someone - that goal becomes the stabilizing center. Taurus is a slow and graceful zodiac sign that does not have to move fast, because it takes its time absorbing here and now.
I assume that these practices of this period are meant to destroy the enemy in the long run, slowly. Go with RTR !
Hail Satan !
TopoftheAbyss said:
What's the logic behind it?

Also is it true that Taurus rules money?
Taurus rules wealth. Today money makes people rich but in the past it was land. The bull was used to work the land therefore Taurus symbolizes wealth.
Did I get this right?

Following from Aries which can be characterised as the impulse, Taurus is where the impulse flows into, i.e material reality which is characterised by the feminine (what is receptive to the raw energy, and consolidated).

The first 3 signs in the chart are the life breath before it renews and replenishes itself. The 4th sign Cancer, is the next Cardinal sign over before the cycle begins again. Knowing this, you can see that the signs most characteristic of the elements are these. Aries is Cardinal, initiating, what is fire? Taurus is Fixed, brought together, grounding like the Earth we walk on, what is built; Gemini is Mutable and fluctuates all over the show like Air and wind does itself. Then you have Cancer which is the snuffing out of the flame and it's memory, Water. The only other Water signs being ruled under the 2 furthest planets from us. the weird detached Neptune and Pluto, to Cancer which rules our Moon, is poetry. It's the key to how you understand the formative mind and larger Truth of an individuals soul in my opinion, through astrology anyway.

The reason why the Moon is exalted in Taurus is because Taurus represents the life force in union with the first natural impulses and stages of the zodiac. Note Taurus as the 2nd/2, sign. Compare it with Moon in Scorpio(8) which is related to death, and the emotionally far-gone and outer forces that Pluto represents as a non-personal planet, its no wonder that then would be the fall sign. The fact both signs are opposing one another (as with other exalted-fall signs) is no coincidence.

On a straightforward level, you could suggest that being this, and that Taurus is also a feminine sign, the Moon does well here because the focus is on sensuousness, which is the positive charge+ to sensitivity's negative charge- , if you were to see the Moon and Water as sensitivity and of the negative polarity. The Moon can't touch Aries' Fire, but it can convey its Water nature to Aries, through the receptive Taurus (like rainwater soaking the firewood)

That is my reasoning and some attempt of a metaphor, of why the Moon is exalted in Taurus. Why projects begun then are long lasting relates to when a project is begun and in the subsequent days is working within the aforementioned cycle, and through cyclical thinking you can understand by meditation on it.

For your question about money, Taurus/Venus rules the material side of money in the fixed understanding, Leo/Sun in the same understanding rules the spiritual side of money or the generative energies which can also attract. Aries before Taurus rules the creative energies going into products and money in a Cardinal understanding, and Capricorn the other Earth sign which squares Aries, is to do also, with the active element in money-making hence the nature of Capricorns. Taurus with money as you will see, are more relaxed and chilled, waiting for things to come which are set in place and not actively seeking it like an Aries or Capricorn would.

So yes, but there is a wholler understanding of it, whereas Taurus represents only one part: the finished, Fixed products of which money is the value given to it. Leo also majorly rules money.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
