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when masturbating is not Healthy


Active member
May 13, 2019
What is the effect on body ,brain,skin,spirituality etc.....

i hope this image will help in order to understand


sonnenkraft said:
What is the effect on body ,brain,skin,spirituality etc.....

i hope this image will help in order to understand



I believe you're trying to make a statement that holding off for a bit is good for increasing life force which I also believe but I cannot go longer than 5 days before I've reached my capacity. Everyone has their own respective flow of sexual energy and sometimes I can even partake 3 times a day and then some. It's not healthy to do that every day as it will take a toll on your life force I feel, but sexual abstinence is not at all necessary in Spiritual Satanism especially considering our above average energetic flow. Hinduism would agree with the abstinence but those who know Father Satan know sexual release is necessary for staying healthy.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Too much of anything is not good.

But being a castrated christian grey alien with no genitals and no soul, that is also not good. The way to fix being too extremely far in one direction, is not to go extremely far in the opposite direction. Both of those are very dangerous.

i understand , but do you think it effects person appearance in general
Ananda said:
I believe you're trying to make a statement that holding off for a bit is good for increasing life force which I also believe but I cannot go longer than 5 days before I've reached my capacity..

yup exactly , i would like to hold for a month to check if its going to effect by behavior and many other things
sonnenkraft said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Too much of anything is not good.

But being a castrated christian grey alien with no genitals and no soul, that is also not good. The way to fix being too extremely far in one direction, is not to go extremely far in the opposite direction. Both of those are very dangerous.

i understand , but do you think it effects person appearance in general
It might affect your energy. But I don't think it would have any effect on your appearance.
Prolonged abstinence is totally insane, apart from that retaining your semen for long time is harmful, suppressing your sexual desire for years will cause you to end up having blockages in your sacral chakra.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
sonnenkraft said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Too much of anything is not good.

But being a castrated christian grey alien with no genitals and no soul, that is also not good. The way to fix being too extremely far in one direction, is not to go extremely far in the opposite direction. Both of those are very dangerous.

i understand , but do you think it effects person appearance in general
It might affect your energy. But I don't think it would have any effect on your appearance.

Use that sexual energy for advancement.
Dont beat your meat around that many timea but just move that vril throughout, our mind being the controller can direct the energy like through the nadis etc. I was doing this for a couple of years and tbh it helped me in many ways.
This stuff comes from r/nofap. Avoid that jewish crap at all costs. r/pornfree is has more healthy individuals.
Aquarius said:
This stuff comes from r/nofap. Avoid that jewish crap at all costs. r/pornfree is has more healthy individuals.

I will not dwell into reddit, but I can assure that porn induced dopamine release is not good for anyones mind. Staying away from it will increase health so very much.

That being said sexual release should be practiced regardless in any healthy and fitting way for overall maintaining and increasing of health. Be it solo or group "effort". :p

For me, today is day 40/40 of ansuz working to remove connections to porn, btw. :D
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
This stuff comes from r/nofap. Avoid that jewish crap at all costs. r/pornfree is has more healthy individuals.

I will not dwell into reddit, but I can assure that porn induced dopamine release is not good for anyones mind. Staying away from it will increase health so very much.

That being said sexual release should be practiced regardless in any healthy and fitting way for overall maintaining and increasing of health. Be it solo or group "effort". :p

For me, today is day 40/40 of ansuz working to remove connections to porn, btw. :D
That's why I suggested r/pornfree :p
I personally totally stopped watching it and did an uruz working to free myself from the 10 years of watching that degenerate stuff. It's great being pornfree.
sonnenkraft said:
i understand , but do you think it effects person appearance in general

Let me clear this up for you once and for all. I personally studied and was involved in nofap prior to entering JOS, and am now finally able to make sense of it. It can be confusing because too little orgasm or mental hangups create blockages at the sacral area, however too much seems to produce other undesireable effects, hence the nofap community and their experiences. What is the truth, then?

It is a simple case of the Jew creating the problem and selling a broken solution. Firstly, the health effects you and others may notice relate to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) concept of kidney health. When you ejaculate, your body has to replenish the semen. Semen is created out of a substance called Jing, made by the kidneys. Jing is analogous perhaps to DNA or nucleic acid, and is said to be a very fine, treasured substance of the body. When you ejaculate too much, you lose too much Jing too quickly, and this stresses the kidneys, basically resulting in kidney yin and yang deficiency as it struggles to keep up with this Jing loss. The symptoms of this are what the nofap communities observe being fixed by abstinence. Every single one.

So why do lots of young men have this problem? Porn. Porn makes ejaculation addictive, such that you engage in it way more than you normally would. In the same way that processed, sugary junk food makes one overindulge, so does porn make someone become horny when they normally wouldn't want to. Take their phone and they won't be able to masturbate, proving that they really want the porn, not just a healthy sexual release.

What this means is that nofap only yields health benefits as it pertains to the health of your kidneys. Beyond that, you don't gain anything. You do not gain superpowers of any sort by prolonged abstinence. Once the kidneys are healed, there is no more benefit. So what do you do if you fall into this boat. Focus on ceasing your porn consumption. You can use Uruz, Eiwhaz, Aum Yamaya Svaha, or you can google for and use anti-porn hypnosis. If your kidneys are weak, you only need to extend your masturbation frequency by perhaps a few days. There is no need to go for longer than 4-5 days, for example. Follow this up by seeing a TCM doctor for other treatment options.

The Jew sells your abstinence because he knows that you will develop all sorts of issues related to sex. Before JOS, I used to think that lust in its entirety was bad, akin to drug use, for example. No way can you have a good energy flow, let alone, kundalini flow, when you have a gnarly blockage such as that.

What is the good news? The more bioenergy you gain from yoga and meditation, the more health you have in your kidneys, thereby nullifying the downsides of masturbation. Same goes every other health issue that normies have to deal with (with their historically low bioenergy).
Thanks all .
sonnenkraft said:
What is the effect on body ,brain,skin,spirituality etc.....

i hope this image will help in order to understand


What de fuc is this trash
Everyone should follow their own natural sexual needs.

Ummm...does this apply to only men?

I am a woman. No partner. Strong drive. I masturbate every morning upon waking up, and then again at night.

I don't feel that my libido controls me though. Since I am single, i masturbate, makes sense to me. I don't feel drained afterwards either. Maybe it's different between men and women, of course, but i can easily masturbate and orgasm just as strongly right after the first orgasm. If I end up squirting, then I tend to feel a bliss afterwards where i need time to process the entire feeling as the orgasm is like all over my body. I feel a buzz all over. Its crazy and wonderful sexual energy.

So being new SS and learning, I can masturbate and orgasm w visualizing energy leaving up, did i understand that correctly? Or i can say satanama during the orgasm?
Kinnaree said:
Yes, this is much different for women because the type of orgasm is fundamentally very different. Women can have a lot more without feelings of being "drained".

And as for the energy, I would think vibrating a mantra upon orgasm would divert focus from what's important, which is the orgasm itself. So stick to visualizing and programming the energy upon orgasm, without any kind of mantras during it.
Shael said:
Kinnaree said:
Yes, this is much different for women because the type of orgasm is fundamentally very different. Women can have a lot more without feelings of being "drained".

And as for the energy, I would think vibrating a mantra upon orgasm would divert focus from what's important, which is the orgasm itself. So stick to visualizing and programming the energy upon orgasm, without any kind of mantras during it.

Right, of course that would be distracting lol. Thanks for the clarification.
Kinnaree said:
Ummm...does this apply to only men?

I am a woman. No partner. Strong drive. I masturbate every morning upon waking up, and then again at night.

I don't feel that my libido controls me though. Since I am single, i masturbate, makes sense to me. I don't feel drained afterwards either. Maybe it's different between men and women, of course, but i can easily masturbate and orgasm just as strongly right after the first orgasm. If I end up squirting, then I tend to feel a bliss afterwards where i need time to process the entire feeling as the orgasm is like all over my body. I feel a buzz all over. Its crazy and wonderful sexual energy.

Men lose jing essence when they ejaculate, women lose it during periods and childbirth. This is why women are stereotyped as being unhappy or stress-prone when on their period, as jing loss stresses the kidneys (adrenals), leading to poor stress response.

The orgasm itself does spin the chakras, so it is still a healthy process. For men however, it is usually porn that incites one to go more than healthy, just like fast food incites one to eat more than they should.
Blitzkreig said:
Men lose jing essence when they ejaculate, women lose it during periods and childbirth. This is why women are stereotyped as being unhappy or stress-prone when on their period, as jing loss stresses the kidneys (adrenals), leading to poor stress response.

The orgasm itself does spin the chakras, so it is still a healthy process. For men however, it is usually porn that incites one to go more than healthy, just like fast food incites one to eat more than they should.

That's interesting. I'm going to have to read up on that, jing and chi and such. Thanks.
Kinnaree said:
That's interesting. I'm going to have to read up on that, jing and chi and such. Thanks.

Here is a good article on the matter. There is only one paragraph which is a little New Agey, where it mentions not being guided by the physical sense of sex. I would just disregard that and anything that implies long abstinence periods.

Always remember that someone who does not do JOS exercises will be in a poorer state of health, therefore they would have to pay closer attention to this type of stuff. However, you will always want to make sure you avoid large errors, such as using porn and ejaculation multiple times a day when you cannot truly handle that.

The solution for getting the benefits of orgasm without the downsides of jing loss seems to be in training yourself to separate the two. The quickest way to do so MAY be in this hypnosis series, as the creator claims can happen (by way of subconscious anchors to differentiate orgasm from ejaculation). I have not done this series yet, although I plan to, but I have done other hypnosis programs from this lady and they seem to work well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
