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What would be considered a White Mexican?


Dec 16, 2017
I have been curious after reading this topic about White Mexicans and how the OP mentions none White Mexicans as darker skin. Would any other facial features play a role? Such as an Asian looking nose and brown eyes.

I mean people like this:




So people that have a few Asian looking features but still have light/white skin, would they also be considered White Mexican?
The images aren't loading for me, but I will answer to the best of my knowledge.

A true White Mexican would be someone descended strictly from the Spanish settlers with no race mixing. I've never been to Mexico and South America, but I imagine that's rare. The Spanish culture and language is, AFAIK, directly inherited from the Whites of Spain. Spanish is a Romance language, meaning it evolved from Latin which was the official language of the Pagan Roman Empire. Spain and Rome had a close relationship as well.

I am somewhat reluctant to comment further with this, but I personally believe it would be best to meditate on which of the 3 main racial souls you belong to, first and foremost. Since this is a question that has routinely weighed on you and holds immediate significance to you, you could consider a Runic spell using the Othal rune for racial clarity. In fact, I think one is posted here on the forums. Let me check...

Racial Clarity Working

START: Waxing moon in Taurus or Cancer. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. Always try to do this in the hour of the Moon. Never start this during the Void of Course Moon.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune OTHAL or it’s variations 24 times or 40 times. 24 is the number of OTHAL, 40 is Lord Satan’s number.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I’m consciously and completely aware of which race my soul truly belongs to and of what my true race is in all ways forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce OTHAL:
https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8 ... VMXFwUQwws

It is curious the previous year I had an attack of racial identity, I moved to another area of my country for university studies and in that area what caused me uncertainty was that all my new social circle considered me "white", however I understood that there is a large threshold in which no matter how much white blood you have in your genes, the genes that win the most are those of the other race in the racial mix; For example, my ancestry has been white with Mexican Indians and my skin has been too lightened, my hair the same but to a lesser extent, however my soul is still Mexican Indian.

The Mexican Indians are of Asian soul, that is why many light skinned people have Asian features, adding to the situation that there were and there are Asians in Mexico the miscegenation has been more diverse, but even so almost never see sub-races that are considered white.

The first mestizos looked as follows (white-indigenous):



That miscegenation no longer looks so similar to the current situation in Mexico, but from those same souls the great majority descend and have them dominant in their genes despite looking lighter or darker, here would enter the people you shared in your first and last photo, the second photo looks more like a sub-race of African descent, miscegenation that also exists in Mexico, zambos, mulattos and each other.

As I mentioned there are also Mexicans that would be considered as white subraces, these can become powerful if they practice eugenics, but as the current situation goes they could get lost, these people are quite infiltrated by Jews in mexico ruining them completely, here are some that I consider white souls subrace of white and low percentage of indigenous Mexican:


I met this tik tok celebrity at an electronics exhibition, in a talk she said she has indigenous ancestry and her eyes still show some features, I am still in doubt if she is a white soul, she could be an extreme of white blood in an indigenous soul:

The same applies to this person of recent crossbreeding between a Mexican with non-white genes and a 100% white Russian:

I wish I could put every existing subrace but the reality is that there are many subraces in mexico, for my part I have only investigated the subrace of indigenous mexican and white because it is the one I belong to, my dna test gave me 48% white (spain-portugal) and the rest indigenous mexican, I consider myself an indigenous mexican soul because of my interests in the culture since I was a child and my dominant traits.

The key is to find someone like you and have acceptance of yourself, I leave you some images of how the original indigenous people of Mexico looked like without mestizaje so you can analyze, and I also advise you to use the AI to your advantage by analyzing the face and looking for similar images.

Codices even in analysis mentioned a new sun metaphorically referred to a new era where the snake changed its skin, I never imagined that this change of skin would be literally the color of the skin, because even with the clear skin I feel my Mexican indigenous soul:



None of those pictures seem to be working for me. Is anyone else experiencing the same?

Whiteness isn't just skin color even if we are only talking about the physical aspects of a person.

Asians can have paler (?) skin than Mediterranean Whites.

It gets pretty easy to spot after a while if a mixed Asian/White is either or. Pale skin but with more Asian physical features than not will always be Asians while far eastern Europeans might have slightly slanted eyes but have mostly white facial features.

If you're referring to Mexicans who are pretty much in the middle of a white and a standard Mexican than in my opinion they aren't white still. Maybe becoming their own subrace but then again even Asians can have men who have a more sculpted face than a round one so they can still intregate easily with the non White Mexicans.

I can go into the latter some more of psychology behind most of these people that has been distorted and to pretty much hate themselves or at the least disconnect from the more obvious non White Mexicans and why there's seems to be so much confusion. This has even affected the non White Mexicans on how they look at themselves. enemy propaganda and all.

I won't go deeper into that though but only bringing it up as that seems to be a necessary subject to add at least sometimes when it comes to my people.
Want to add I went with what people generally ask about and note that my reply was done without being able to see your examples.

Also to clear it up in case it wasn't understood, I brought up Asians in the beginning to lay the foundation of what I wrote after that.

hailourtruegod said:
None of those pictures seem to be working for me. Is anyone else experiencing the same?

Whiteness isn't just skin color even if we are only talking about the physical aspects of a person.

Asians can have paler (?) skin than Mediterranean Whites.

It gets pretty easy to spot after a while if a mixed Asian/White is either or. Pale skin but with more Asian physical features than not will always be Asians while far eastern Europeans might have slightly slanted eyes but have mostly white facial features.

If you're referring to Mexicans who are pretty much in the middle of a white and a standard Mexican than in my opinion they aren't white still. Maybe becoming their own subrace but then again even Asians can have men who have a more sculpted face than a round one so they can still intregate easily with the non White Mexicans.

I can go into the latter some more of psychology behind most of these people that has been distorted and to pretty much hate themselves or at the least disconnect from the more obvious non White Mexicans and why there's seems to be so much confusion. This has even affected the non White Mexicans on how they look at themselves. enemy propaganda and all.

I won't go deeper into that though but only bringing it up as that seems to be a necessary subject to add at least sometimes when it comes to my people.
Lastly, I should of mentioned that Odhal is a great rune to make a working out of if you yourself are having trouble figuring out where you stand. I did it myself as years or race mixing with different races and being raised around non Mexicans and even non Latin Americans did a toll on myself but thankfully all that is past me now 100% because of those workings along with the benefits of meditating and yoga everyday to become one with my true self. :)
hailourtruegod said:
Lastly, I should of mentioned that Odhal is a great rune to make a working out of if you yourself are having trouble figuring out where you stand. I did it myself as years or race mixing with different races and being raised around non Mexicans and even non Latin Americans did a toll on myself but thankfully all that is past me now 100% because of those workings along with the benefits of meditating and yoga everyday to become one with my true self. :)

True, that may also help me to feel the energies of each one and know which race they're of from that, like I've been seeing some people mention. From what I've seen from VoiceOfEnki, I would be White myself.

Also, I meant this topic, I noticed after I posted this that I didn't include the link.


That's the topic, also; maybe these pictures will show. I went back and got two of them from where I saved them and tried to upload using imgur.




So basically, someone who has the Asian like nose, wide face, and black hair and brown eyes, but is also very light skinned.

I know that there are the three general races of White, Black, and Asian being there with the common sub race, I guess what I'm saying would still be more towards the Asian side of it than White?

Thank you for the rune advice as well, I'll see if that works for me too just in case, I still somewhat wonder for which sub race I am, but I think I have an idea.
The only one who is closer to White Mediterranean although not completely is the man in the first picture, the first woman is the typical Native American person mixed with white 50/50 and the second woman is the typical mulatto person with a lot of African features.
Wotanwarrior said:
The only one who is closer to White Mediterranean although not completely is the man in the first picture, the first woman is the typical Native American person mixed with white 50/50 and the second woman is the typical mulatto person with a lot of African features.

(I was able to figure out how to see the pics even if they weren't showing on the post. )

Agreed on the 1st and 2nd pics. The first woman is obviously not white. White Mexicans have way more White features than that and it's obvious she has a non White soul with those many Asian/Native American features. She may have had a White or mixed White in their ancestry tree and that's why she has those colored eyes but we see this with a lot of "brown" to Black folks having them as well for said reasons.

The last one seems to be harder to tell as the flash makes her look brighter but one can see she does have very light brown skin and most likely tans well. The lips are more Native American and something about the eyes as well. The hair is thick as a lot Asians/Native Americans also have it like that. I'm barely learning about what and how a mulatto is but I see more Native American features than African features. Besides that I agree with your assessment.
Thanks for your input and clarification, I have also seen that some South American people who are mixed also have African traits, this is not frequent in Mexico but in other countries like Colombia, Venezuela or Brazil.


Shakira although born in South America has no Native American ancestry at all: Her mother is of Spanish origin and her father of Lebanese origin, racially Shakira is basically a White Mediterranean mixed with a small amount of Arab from her father.
In my opinion the ones under Shakira are all non White Latin American folks. Hard to tell with the gal with the shades but the lips and face shape and jaw looks non White to me.

I think it's safe to say Shakira is an example of a White Latin American. Note I say Latin American and not Latin or Hispanic as they are different from Mexican in case anyone reading this is confused. But Shakira isn't Mexican if I remember correctly. Peruvian and Spaniard mostly from what I heard before.

She is close as I'm sure you also have seen White Mexicans with very similar features. There's other actors and singers that pass as a White subrace as well from these countries.

Good luck and best wishes with the working. Take note that researching and getting involved with the cultures you're mixed with while doing this working will help out as well. Focus on how each culture feels to you when researching or even getting involved with. After a while there should be a natural feeling coming from the culture your soul is part of. This will extend to how you view the people you're part and those that aren't. A natural attraction (objectively and subjectively) will come from it. Hope that makes sense. :)

FlameGhost said:




Thank you for the rune advice as well, I'll see if that works for me too just in case, I still somewhat wonder for which sub race I am, but I think I have an idea.

Oh true true. In that case I agree with that as she does look like she can pass as Brazillian.

Also thanks for the clarification on Shakira. Mistakenly thought it was Peruvian but Lebanese sounds right.
A white mexican would be somebody with completely white/European DNA who lives in mexico. This is something that was not so rare in the early 1800s before everybody knew where the borders were. Cowboys going west would not have perfect directions, and would end up going south west. Or they just went looking for good places for hunting and trapping, or good land to live in. And there were many who ended up in northern Mexico.

This is not only about Spanish and this was a long time after Spanish. This was white Americans, with many of them being English, Irish, Scottish, French.
I kind of just associate Mexico with the rest of South America in my mind. I forgot that it's part of North America.
Someone with pure European Spanish parents who hailed from Mexico. Not a castizo or mestizo who looks white such as myself.
DTone said:

It is curious the previous year I had an attack of racial identity, I moved to another area of my country for university studies and in that area what caused me uncertainty was that all my new social circle considered me "white", however I understood that there is a large threshold in which no matter how much white blood you have in your genes, the genes that win the most are those of the other race in the racial mix; For example, my ancestry has been white with Mexican Indians and my skin has been too lightened, my hair the same but to a lesser extent, however my soul is still Mexican Indian.

The Mexican Indians are of Asian soul, that is why many light skinned people have Asian features, adding to the situation that there were and there are Asians in Mexico the miscegenation has been more diverse, but even so almost never see sub-races that are considered white.

The first mestizos looked as follows (white-indigenous):



That miscegenation no longer looks so similar to the current situation in Mexico, but from those same souls the great majority descend and have them dominant in their genes despite looking lighter or darker, here would enter the people you shared in your first and last photo, the second photo looks more like a sub-race of African descent, miscegenation that also exists in Mexico, zambos, mulattos and each other.

As I mentioned there are also Mexicans that would be considered as white subraces, these can become powerful if they practice eugenics, but as the current situation goes they could get lost, these people are quite infiltrated by Jews in mexico ruining them completely, here are some that I consider white souls subrace of white and low percentage of indigenous Mexican:


I met this tik tok celebrity at an electronics exhibition, in a talk she said she has indigenous ancestry and her eyes still show some features, I am still in doubt if she is a white soul, she could be an extreme of white blood in an indigenous soul:

The same applies to this person of recent crossbreeding between a Mexican with non-white genes and a 100% white Russian:

I wish I could put every existing subrace but the reality is that there are many subraces in mexico, for my part I have only investigated the subrace of indigenous mexican and white because it is the one I belong to, my dna test gave me 48% white (spain-portugal) and the rest indigenous mexican, I consider myself an indigenous mexican soul because of my interests in the culture since I was a child and my dominant traits.

The key is to find someone like you and have acceptance of yourself, I leave you some images of how the original indigenous people of Mexico looked like without mestizaje so you can analyze, and I also advise you to use the AI to your advantage by analyzing the face and looking for similar images.

Codices even in analysis mentioned a new sun metaphorically referred to a new era where the snake changed its skin, I never imagined that this change of skin would be literally the color of the skin, because even with the clear skin I feel my Mexican indigenous soul:



Interesting. Usually the fathers traits are more dominant but because of my father I look whiter and thus it brings out my more Spanish features from my moms side; so spiritually and racially I identify with the Mediterranean cultures and have an attraction to the Greco-Roman pantheon over the Nordic ones. What are your thoughts on the place of Hispanics in the NatScoc/Satanic movement?
Sgt. Darkness said:
Interesting. Usually the fathers traits are more dominant but because of my father I look whiter and thus it brings out my more Spanish features from my moms side; so spiritually and racially I identify with the Mediterranean cultures and have an attraction to the Greco-Roman pantheon over the Nordic ones. What are your thoughts on the place of Hispanics in the NatScoc/Satanic movement?

I believe that in the future every SS should go back to their ancestral roots and work on recovering and collecting the ancient culture of their ancestors because you describe even if you are mixed and not completely white you are a white soul.
As a South Spaniard myself, I feel much more attracted to ancient Mediterranean cultures like Greece, Rome ,Egypt, Phoenicians, Anatolia than to Nordic cultures like Vikings, Scandinavians or Slavs.
Wotanwarrior said:
Sgt. Darkness said:
Interesting. Usually the fathers traits are more dominant but because of my father I look whiter and thus it brings out my more Spanish features from my moms side; so spiritually and racially I identify with the Mediterranean cultures and have an attraction to the Greco-Roman pantheon over the Nordic ones. What are your thoughts on the place of Hispanics in the NatScoc/Satanic movement?

I believe that in the future every SS should go back to their ancestral roots and work on recovering and collecting the ancient culture of their ancestors because you describe even if you are mixed and not completely white you are a white soul.
As a South Spaniard myself, I feel much more attracted to ancient Mediterranean cultures like Greece, Rome ,Egypt, Phoenicians, Anatolia than to Nordic cultures like Vikings, Scandinavians or Slavs.
Cool we are in the same boat than. Recommend any books on Egyptian occultism paganism? I like the works of John Anthony West a lot. And Writing’s From Ancient Egypt is a great compilation to on. Can’t speak much for the Book of The Dead because it’s so incomprehensible. Hesiod is my all time favorite though; Works and Days Speaks to me.
Sgt. Darkness said:
Cool we are in the same boat than. Recommend any books on Egyptian occultism paganism? I like the works of John Anthony West a lot. And Writing’s From Ancient Egypt is a great compilation to on. Can’t speak much for the Book of The Dead because it’s so incomprehensible. Hesiod is my all time favorite though; Works and Days Speaks to me.

We follow what is written on the JoS sites: https://www.joyofsatan.org/
Check out the pages on Demons, Meditation, and Witchcraft, for example.

Other good links: HPHC: 40 Day Meditation Program

JoS Clergy: Dedication Ritual to Satan

Shadowcat: Green SS Troopers' Guide
Exactly, it is generally like that, I am often attracted by Nordic, Roman and Greek mythologies, but I have not gone deep into studying them because most of them have already been studied by our high priests, the part of demons and hell gods is an example of that.

I think that eugenics is essential in this, as a subrace consolidates, it can stand out because of the feeling of union in common, simply the proof of this are the Aryan empires and their great advance; countries like Spain must remember the great lineage they have in their blood and move forward. The same with Latin American countries but I consider that they are still in the process of racial stabilization, as long as they make the best racial decisions a great collective advance will be achieved; and thus the best leaders will emerge for each Hispanic nation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
