The situation is you can read numerous financial books on the subject but National Socialist was an adaptable financial system and not a 'fixed' system like Capitalism, from a linear perspective at least.
In the mind of National Socialists finances are a means to a way, and not the central organization of all life. Communists and Jews in regards to that that, since the "Money value" is produced by the Goyim, it is meaningless when the Goyim have it, and it gains full meaning when it is on the hands of a jew.
Many people constantly say that the jew loves money, but the jew also trashes the value of money. When it is on the hands of his enemies, he becomes a "Socialist" that dictates to give it away - when he holds it, he becomes the Communist that owns it all. This is because the value of money is created by the working people, to whom he does not really belong, nor in their national organic unity. He comes from outside, and his morality is that of an 'outsider'.
Jews author both the perspective of that "Money is meaningless and paper" and the perspective of "Money is the most important thing in the world". Communism supports the first ideal, and Capitalism the second. Tell me when you work everyday, don't you think your money has any CONTENT to it? For the productive people, money has a value in it, this is their sweat and efforts.
Such perception can only arise when you either get it all for free and you are ungrateful, or in the case of jews, swindle the Goyim for excessive amounts of money. Only a jew who has never grown a field will come to tell you that the 'field has no value, nor its fruit'.
Therefore it doesn't matter, they keep it "ideological". People who are idiotic and they try to say that "National Socialists followed this type of financial system" are fools. You cannot follow the same system during wartime, peace time, or during financial recession caused to you by external factors, such as was the turbulent case in National Socialist Germany. They do not understand what it all really means.
To put this in perspective, you can put "Capitalism" anywhere and you may end up with the "Capitalist state", same as "Socialism", and same as "Communism". These ideologies can be found on the mere promise of how 'wealth' will be distributed in a civilization, the prospects, and the lying promises involved. They are based on external, fiscal and financial figures and factors, or in the case of Communism just purely being a jewish bandit and stealing the wealth of other people.
However, there is no financial "Recipe" that gives birth to the National Socialist state or the rising of it. You cannot say "Oh, let's instate this financial methodology and people will turn magically Whiter, and families will spring to life, and degeneracy will just stop".
If you want to get a better idea study Keynesian economics, and Gottfried Feder, however, it would be a lie to say that "National Socialism was this" or "National Socialism was that" specifically. We hardly have any surviving and not monitoring writings about the National Socialists.
National Socialists went through three main phases: restoring a financially ruined country, a phase of mass development and stabilization (after the jews were out of the picture in the financial sector) and lastly war economy. You cannot have the same meal in all these situations.
Even those with academic passes who may try to find more knowledge, but most of it is second hand - it is interpretations of the National Socialists themselves, mostly with agenda of others - prove Hitler "a Capitalist", prove him "as almost a Communist", prove him as "a Socialist" for good or bad reasons. And that should be obviously pointless to people who understand what National Socialism is.
It's not a financial system. It's not a speculation system, or a system of investments. It is a system based on natural law and justice.
As Goebbels stated, the issues that National Socialism goes forth to undertake are not solvable through mere financial figures. Those who think of it like that, either do not understand it, or simply, they are Marxists ie, Communists. Communists believe that a mere "reformation" of the means of production or financial relations between people or "Classes" is enough to create a fake utopia. Socialists believe the same, and Capitalists also believe the very same. This is why said utopias do not arise under any of these systems for all.
National Socialism has no relation to this consciousness above. It is of a lower level.
Figures can only serve this ideal, not the other way around. And this is what the enemy hates about National Socialism. It does not draw it's power from a theory or from the coin, but from a higher source and reality. If it gained it's power from the coin, everything could be decided based on the will of the coin, or lack of the coin, and therefore fall prey to those who control this form of particular power.
Aristotle was asked in regards to one his essays on "Justice" about what is the "Just way" to distribute finances. Aristotle replied that "everyone gets their portion", and that this is justice. The athlete, he said, will get the required amount of ounces to compete. Clearly, this is not the same amount of food that a person that is 90 years old deserves. With this he answered the question in a simple way. None is however left to die.
It wasn't Communism, it wasn't Socialism, it wasn't Capitalism. People try to prove this always within this context either to vilify enemies or to bless themselves as being "Good guy Socialists", or "Evil Anti-Capitalist retrogressive Socialists" such as the it's claimed of many in present day America. And these people are biased and liars.
Why this is done is because if the National Socialist system was put on a 'financial context', it basically is far simpler things such as abolishing jewish and "External" ie, jewish control, and applying notions of justice, and not equality, as written above.
For example the left tries to portray Hitler as some sort of "Capitalist" without the name, and alternatively the right winger boomers they have made up the lie that "Hitler was a leftist socialist" to give credence to Capitalism, ie Hitler the evil socialist with the threatening ideals. Alternatively I have read Socialists and Communists writing about how "Hitler and his party were centering all the wealth to a financial elite class" and complain that Hitler ate "Caviar". These people are too biased to analyze Hitler and his ideals, so these cheap arguments are expected from the hungry bellies and the fools who write these things.
People for foolish temporal reasons have jumped on this debate, to try to gain traction and/or acceptance by already existing political parties or wings, but let me remind you of something: They will never accept Hitler even if you dress him with the "leftist" clothing, or the "right wing" clothing. Tell them anything you want, but they will never care, they are not for Hitler, they are not for Race, they are not for wellbeing of people, and above all, they are not for abolishing the control of the enemy onto this world.
If people believe that you have to prove Hitler was this or that to gain 'acceptance' from mutants like the Young Turks for his "Socialist Views" or "Goldman Sachs" becuase Hitler "applied forms of Capitalism to elevate the economy in rapid pace highs never seen before", then you must be really foolish or retarded. It's better these foolish opinions are kept to one's self.
Now from an academic point of view, due to lack of material it becomes increasingly difficult, but the historical reality is quite clear, that National Socialism was nothing else but National Socialism. There are hardly any direct sources from where one can draw verifiable conclusions (That is, from the very hand of the National Socialists themselves). You cannot really equate it or say it had even aspects from other ideologies because ironically, it practiced many of the no-go zones of other financial ideologies.
This is because of a simple reason. National Socialism is founded upon the well-being of the race, and a delicate balance on what we have available, realism, and the dream of manifesting our people in the greatest racial purity and power. It is based first on natural law and only third or fourth comes the importance of the "financial system" to base this upon.
Capitalists lose their hair when they are told that Hitler actually did put these poor and broken people on the street with state guidance back into jobs. How evil of the National Socialists to raise their beaten and hungry volk by instating their own debt-free currency, abolish usury, weird financial services with extreme risk for citizens, and disallow people to dwell in extreme, never ending poverty.
They name this "Socialism" but that is a lie. You can also try to name this "Capitalism with Welfare", whatever fits your bill. There is no financial motive or necessity to give credence to a financial "motivation" here by doing this. The reasons are purely racial. A National Socialist would simply call it "I care for my people despite of their level or financial creed".
Socialists lose their hair (and even many socialist tentative, and closeted "Communists" in Hitler's party which didn't understand the new ideology) when they are confronted with the fact that Hitler lived comfortably. Radical "Socialists" also were in opposition of the central bank. They believe it would be better people would hand leaflets of money in the street I guess, like Communists distribute chicken once a month.
Later, there were some complaints. Yes, he was also given later a Mansion. Yes, the NS had uniforms that costed closely a thousand even for the normal members. If a man succeeds in raising his civilization from an almost dead nation, to the world's most powerful nations, and you believe he deserves to live in a trailer, then you need to suicide because you are a communist nut.
Hitler was also on many occasions bashed over the fact he did not throw the rich on the street to "distribute their wealth" to the poor. Does by killing a star of one's own race, one create many stars, or do they just kill a star for no reason, to feed unproductive black holes, such as the "Socialists" who had these ideas?
In the National Socialist state, both the billionaire and the average person, do work to safeguard, protect, and elevate within the context of the same volk. The rich and the poor work together to create a better shared living condition, by a prohibition of the masters of the race for no abuse of either class towards the other.
Many people are of the stupid belief that the "poor" are entitled to the abuse of the "rich". Christians frequently believed they have a right to also victimize, rob, and robin hood the wealth of the "rich". The "rich" that organized them and did all sorts of other things are rendered meaningless in the eyes of these dumb individuals - alternatively, the rich also believe they have a right to overly abuse the poor, as the jews believe they have a right on the "cattle". Both these faces of this are totally incorrect and stem from talmudic understanding. This is typical Christianity.
When Rabbi Jesus came, he preached to destroy the "Rich", and against the "Rich" (because the rich were of course goyim back then, and not lazy jews who dwelled in the desert and created nothing). Then, he rose the "poor" against the "rich" in a perpetual war of false morals, to make society collapse. The first Communist revolt has started in the bible. What happened after this so called "poor against the rich"? The jews became the new rich, and they started abusing the eternal and, presently "equal" poor. Rabbi Jewsus laughs in this. Just look at the Vatican and who owns the world's wealth. The mafia first raised the plebians against their own people, and then it ruled the plebians, "all equal" in the exact same state of permanent abuse.
Have you heard many "socialists" complain about jews running the planet? And you will never do. Because they are interested only in the 'financial' aspect. It does not come by a historical coincidence, that this "Applied socialism" always takes out the rich Gentiles, and always gives amends to the rich jews. This is because it is owned by jews, run by jews, and controlled by jews. Alternatively, do you see many "Capitalists" making really rich or financially 'free and stable' many Gentiles?
The actual God of the White race, when he came around, in contrast to the Communist Shrieking of Rabbi Yeshua or Jewsus, he put the rich and the poor on the same table, and he told them to serve their own Volk, and to find the best ways to co-operate to the best of their abilities, no grudges asked. As a good father he drew bridges between his younger sons and his elder sons, with the same purpose of the family in mind.
A people of the same blood and of the same society, have nothing to divide, they must be put to work together. As such the abolishing of the "social class ideology" of the National Socialists. There was a world back then when the farmer was not hated by the teacher, and that the doctor didn't look at both of them as inferior, while the politician looked upon all of them as useless cattle. There was, once upon a time, a non-jew poisoned world.
The levels of financial ownership and levels of finances will always exist between people, in any form of wealth, literal, knowledge, luck, fortune, health, money (or whatever other currency form takes its place at any given time). National Socialism did not come to equalize, it came to harmonize.
Hitler deserved a huge mansion the size of football fields, not average joe down the street who spent his life drunk all the time and eventually 'woke up to the fact' that he has to do something meaningful because of the National Socialist state. But this man also deserved a second chance and a future. Each in their own way, have to be given what they deserve.
Those who think otherwise need to go hang themselves. Wealth should relate to the metaphysical and the physical importance of people, and not arbitrary "theories". A Pharaoh and literal reformer and re-establishes of a war torn country, will not live inside a trailer so these "Socialists" can be satisfied. He will not make decisions through a slum.
Financial modern ideologies based (or many times not even based) on financial theories, are based on fragmentation of societies through the perspective of the "social" or "financial classes", which is used as argument in all theories about to be "pro or against" a certain club or individual group in any society. One class has to be bolstered on the benefit of itself and against some other, and this is because jews find themselves in the need to bolster their own class, or boost themselves in order to effectively rule an alien populace.
Racially fragmented societies cannot have anything better than that, as there is no connection point for people to care about one another, so violence and carelessness are the only things to expect, and the manifestation of this into a financial system of either false compassion such as "Socialism" ("feed the alien migrants now, will you? Maduro did really well in Venezuela"), or systematic violence towards the poor which can happen frequently with Capitalism ("Oy vey, get private social insurance and if the company closes die on the street, your fault goy"), or Communism as in ("Gibs me dat goyim, we own 100% of wealth of your goyim nation and know we will evenly distribute it, lol kek, just go work on the gulag now and die in a disposable bag").
All our issues are consciousness and spiritual related, and above all, the race is the important motivation and basis factor to build better worlds. Until this understanding rises, people will only be plagued by suffering, and happiness will be only a selective visitor to the doors of a few. For better or for worse, this is how it is.
The deeper humans go down the alleys of unnatural living, the more rises the demand of pseudo political solutions: "How to elevate compassion through weed?". I will tell you how you elevate compassion: By living among your own people and your own tribe with a common mission.
Financial measures will never solve this problem.
Giving people free money or taking it all away won't solve this problem, drugs will not solve this problem, turning the people into microchipped borgs will not solve this problem; Only Racial Consciousness will solve this problem.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In the mind of National Socialists finances are a means to a way, and not the central organization of all life. Communists and Jews in regards to that that, since the "Money value" is produced by the Goyim, it is meaningless when the Goyim have it, and it gains full meaning when it is on the hands of a jew.
Many people constantly say that the jew loves money, but the jew also trashes the value of money. When it is on the hands of his enemies, he becomes a "Socialist" that dictates to give it away - when he holds it, he becomes the Communist that owns it all. This is because the value of money is created by the working people, to whom he does not really belong, nor in their national organic unity. He comes from outside, and his morality is that of an 'outsider'.
Jews author both the perspective of that "Money is meaningless and paper" and the perspective of "Money is the most important thing in the world". Communism supports the first ideal, and Capitalism the second. Tell me when you work everyday, don't you think your money has any CONTENT to it? For the productive people, money has a value in it, this is their sweat and efforts.
Such perception can only arise when you either get it all for free and you are ungrateful, or in the case of jews, swindle the Goyim for excessive amounts of money. Only a jew who has never grown a field will come to tell you that the 'field has no value, nor its fruit'.
Therefore it doesn't matter, they keep it "ideological". People who are idiotic and they try to say that "National Socialists followed this type of financial system" are fools. You cannot follow the same system during wartime, peace time, or during financial recession caused to you by external factors, such as was the turbulent case in National Socialist Germany. They do not understand what it all really means.
To put this in perspective, you can put "Capitalism" anywhere and you may end up with the "Capitalist state", same as "Socialism", and same as "Communism". These ideologies can be found on the mere promise of how 'wealth' will be distributed in a civilization, the prospects, and the lying promises involved. They are based on external, fiscal and financial figures and factors, or in the case of Communism just purely being a jewish bandit and stealing the wealth of other people.
However, there is no financial "Recipe" that gives birth to the National Socialist state or the rising of it. You cannot say "Oh, let's instate this financial methodology and people will turn magically Whiter, and families will spring to life, and degeneracy will just stop".
If you want to get a better idea study Keynesian economics, and Gottfried Feder, however, it would be a lie to say that "National Socialism was this" or "National Socialism was that" specifically. We hardly have any surviving and not monitoring writings about the National Socialists.
National Socialists went through three main phases: restoring a financially ruined country, a phase of mass development and stabilization (after the jews were out of the picture in the financial sector) and lastly war economy. You cannot have the same meal in all these situations.
Even those with academic passes who may try to find more knowledge, but most of it is second hand - it is interpretations of the National Socialists themselves, mostly with agenda of others - prove Hitler "a Capitalist", prove him "as almost a Communist", prove him as "a Socialist" for good or bad reasons. And that should be obviously pointless to people who understand what National Socialism is.
It's not a financial system. It's not a speculation system, or a system of investments. It is a system based on natural law and justice.
As Goebbels stated, the issues that National Socialism goes forth to undertake are not solvable through mere financial figures. Those who think of it like that, either do not understand it, or simply, they are Marxists ie, Communists. Communists believe that a mere "reformation" of the means of production or financial relations between people or "Classes" is enough to create a fake utopia. Socialists believe the same, and Capitalists also believe the very same. This is why said utopias do not arise under any of these systems for all.
National Socialism has no relation to this consciousness above. It is of a lower level.
Figures can only serve this ideal, not the other way around. And this is what the enemy hates about National Socialism. It does not draw it's power from a theory or from the coin, but from a higher source and reality. If it gained it's power from the coin, everything could be decided based on the will of the coin, or lack of the coin, and therefore fall prey to those who control this form of particular power.
Aristotle was asked in regards to one his essays on "Justice" about what is the "Just way" to distribute finances. Aristotle replied that "everyone gets their portion", and that this is justice. The athlete, he said, will get the required amount of ounces to compete. Clearly, this is not the same amount of food that a person that is 90 years old deserves. With this he answered the question in a simple way. None is however left to die.
It wasn't Communism, it wasn't Socialism, it wasn't Capitalism. People try to prove this always within this context either to vilify enemies or to bless themselves as being "Good guy Socialists", or "Evil Anti-Capitalist retrogressive Socialists" such as the it's claimed of many in present day America. And these people are biased and liars.
Why this is done is because if the National Socialist system was put on a 'financial context', it basically is far simpler things such as abolishing jewish and "External" ie, jewish control, and applying notions of justice, and not equality, as written above.
For example the left tries to portray Hitler as some sort of "Capitalist" without the name, and alternatively the right winger boomers they have made up the lie that "Hitler was a leftist socialist" to give credence to Capitalism, ie Hitler the evil socialist with the threatening ideals. Alternatively I have read Socialists and Communists writing about how "Hitler and his party were centering all the wealth to a financial elite class" and complain that Hitler ate "Caviar". These people are too biased to analyze Hitler and his ideals, so these cheap arguments are expected from the hungry bellies and the fools who write these things.
People for foolish temporal reasons have jumped on this debate, to try to gain traction and/or acceptance by already existing political parties or wings, but let me remind you of something: They will never accept Hitler even if you dress him with the "leftist" clothing, or the "right wing" clothing. Tell them anything you want, but they will never care, they are not for Hitler, they are not for Race, they are not for wellbeing of people, and above all, they are not for abolishing the control of the enemy onto this world.
If people believe that you have to prove Hitler was this or that to gain 'acceptance' from mutants like the Young Turks for his "Socialist Views" or "Goldman Sachs" becuase Hitler "applied forms of Capitalism to elevate the economy in rapid pace highs never seen before", then you must be really foolish or retarded. It's better these foolish opinions are kept to one's self.
Now from an academic point of view, due to lack of material it becomes increasingly difficult, but the historical reality is quite clear, that National Socialism was nothing else but National Socialism. There are hardly any direct sources from where one can draw verifiable conclusions (That is, from the very hand of the National Socialists themselves). You cannot really equate it or say it had even aspects from other ideologies because ironically, it practiced many of the no-go zones of other financial ideologies.
This is because of a simple reason. National Socialism is founded upon the well-being of the race, and a delicate balance on what we have available, realism, and the dream of manifesting our people in the greatest racial purity and power. It is based first on natural law and only third or fourth comes the importance of the "financial system" to base this upon.
Capitalists lose their hair when they are told that Hitler actually did put these poor and broken people on the street with state guidance back into jobs. How evil of the National Socialists to raise their beaten and hungry volk by instating their own debt-free currency, abolish usury, weird financial services with extreme risk for citizens, and disallow people to dwell in extreme, never ending poverty.
They name this "Socialism" but that is a lie. You can also try to name this "Capitalism with Welfare", whatever fits your bill. There is no financial motive or necessity to give credence to a financial "motivation" here by doing this. The reasons are purely racial. A National Socialist would simply call it "I care for my people despite of their level or financial creed".
Socialists lose their hair (and even many socialist tentative, and closeted "Communists" in Hitler's party which didn't understand the new ideology) when they are confronted with the fact that Hitler lived comfortably. Radical "Socialists" also were in opposition of the central bank. They believe it would be better people would hand leaflets of money in the street I guess, like Communists distribute chicken once a month.
Later, there were some complaints. Yes, he was also given later a Mansion. Yes, the NS had uniforms that costed closely a thousand even for the normal members. If a man succeeds in raising his civilization from an almost dead nation, to the world's most powerful nations, and you believe he deserves to live in a trailer, then you need to suicide because you are a communist nut.
Hitler was also on many occasions bashed over the fact he did not throw the rich on the street to "distribute their wealth" to the poor. Does by killing a star of one's own race, one create many stars, or do they just kill a star for no reason, to feed unproductive black holes, such as the "Socialists" who had these ideas?
In the National Socialist state, both the billionaire and the average person, do work to safeguard, protect, and elevate within the context of the same volk. The rich and the poor work together to create a better shared living condition, by a prohibition of the masters of the race for no abuse of either class towards the other.
Many people are of the stupid belief that the "poor" are entitled to the abuse of the "rich". Christians frequently believed they have a right to also victimize, rob, and robin hood the wealth of the "rich". The "rich" that organized them and did all sorts of other things are rendered meaningless in the eyes of these dumb individuals - alternatively, the rich also believe they have a right to overly abuse the poor, as the jews believe they have a right on the "cattle". Both these faces of this are totally incorrect and stem from talmudic understanding. This is typical Christianity.
When Rabbi Jesus came, he preached to destroy the "Rich", and against the "Rich" (because the rich were of course goyim back then, and not lazy jews who dwelled in the desert and created nothing). Then, he rose the "poor" against the "rich" in a perpetual war of false morals, to make society collapse. The first Communist revolt has started in the bible. What happened after this so called "poor against the rich"? The jews became the new rich, and they started abusing the eternal and, presently "equal" poor. Rabbi Jewsus laughs in this. Just look at the Vatican and who owns the world's wealth. The mafia first raised the plebians against their own people, and then it ruled the plebians, "all equal" in the exact same state of permanent abuse.
Have you heard many "socialists" complain about jews running the planet? And you will never do. Because they are interested only in the 'financial' aspect. It does not come by a historical coincidence, that this "Applied socialism" always takes out the rich Gentiles, and always gives amends to the rich jews. This is because it is owned by jews, run by jews, and controlled by jews. Alternatively, do you see many "Capitalists" making really rich or financially 'free and stable' many Gentiles?
The actual God of the White race, when he came around, in contrast to the Communist Shrieking of Rabbi Yeshua or Jewsus, he put the rich and the poor on the same table, and he told them to serve their own Volk, and to find the best ways to co-operate to the best of their abilities, no grudges asked. As a good father he drew bridges between his younger sons and his elder sons, with the same purpose of the family in mind.
A people of the same blood and of the same society, have nothing to divide, they must be put to work together. As such the abolishing of the "social class ideology" of the National Socialists. There was a world back then when the farmer was not hated by the teacher, and that the doctor didn't look at both of them as inferior, while the politician looked upon all of them as useless cattle. There was, once upon a time, a non-jew poisoned world.
The levels of financial ownership and levels of finances will always exist between people, in any form of wealth, literal, knowledge, luck, fortune, health, money (or whatever other currency form takes its place at any given time). National Socialism did not come to equalize, it came to harmonize.
Hitler deserved a huge mansion the size of football fields, not average joe down the street who spent his life drunk all the time and eventually 'woke up to the fact' that he has to do something meaningful because of the National Socialist state. But this man also deserved a second chance and a future. Each in their own way, have to be given what they deserve.
Those who think otherwise need to go hang themselves. Wealth should relate to the metaphysical and the physical importance of people, and not arbitrary "theories". A Pharaoh and literal reformer and re-establishes of a war torn country, will not live inside a trailer so these "Socialists" can be satisfied. He will not make decisions through a slum.
Financial modern ideologies based (or many times not even based) on financial theories, are based on fragmentation of societies through the perspective of the "social" or "financial classes", which is used as argument in all theories about to be "pro or against" a certain club or individual group in any society. One class has to be bolstered on the benefit of itself and against some other, and this is because jews find themselves in the need to bolster their own class, or boost themselves in order to effectively rule an alien populace.
Racially fragmented societies cannot have anything better than that, as there is no connection point for people to care about one another, so violence and carelessness are the only things to expect, and the manifestation of this into a financial system of either false compassion such as "Socialism" ("feed the alien migrants now, will you? Maduro did really well in Venezuela"), or systematic violence towards the poor which can happen frequently with Capitalism ("Oy vey, get private social insurance and if the company closes die on the street, your fault goy"), or Communism as in ("Gibs me dat goyim, we own 100% of wealth of your goyim nation and know we will evenly distribute it, lol kek, just go work on the gulag now and die in a disposable bag").
All our issues are consciousness and spiritual related, and above all, the race is the important motivation and basis factor to build better worlds. Until this understanding rises, people will only be plagued by suffering, and happiness will be only a selective visitor to the doors of a few. For better or for worse, this is how it is.
The deeper humans go down the alleys of unnatural living, the more rises the demand of pseudo political solutions: "How to elevate compassion through weed?". I will tell you how you elevate compassion: By living among your own people and your own tribe with a common mission.
Financial measures will never solve this problem.
Giving people free money or taking it all away won't solve this problem, drugs will not solve this problem, turning the people into microchipped borgs will not solve this problem; Only Racial Consciousness will solve this problem.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666