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What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?


New member
Jul 6, 2014
I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?
Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.) He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to.
There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he was scheduled for execution in Texas.
It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never become one in the first place.
It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment will cooperate .... somehow. 

From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?

  I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?

Disease & accidents aren't the same as death itself. 
From: nicknesredna <nicknesredna@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 6:05 PM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?

  I remember Maxine writing somewhere that she had some very bad planets at some point and that she can predict death astrologically, she had seen the the day coming for years. I can't find the sermon right now.

I guess, maybe, you do it the same way you can see diseases coming. I know a girl who was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. At the time, Saturn was opposing her fifth house natal Jupiter in Capricorn (sign ruled by Saturn which rules chronic ailments). Jupiter rules the Pancreas.

At the same time, transiting Jupiter was opposing her natal Saturn in Pisces; Pisces rules the Lymphatic System which is related to the nervous system (which kills the cells in the Pancreas producing insulin, causing Diabetes).

This is just an example of disease, but a fatal disease or accident could be seen the same way. Transits, progressions and solar returns all blended together could produce some kind of indication.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.) He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to.

There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he was scheduled for execution in Texas.

It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never become one in the first place.

It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment will cooperate .... somehow.

From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?

I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?

Not to berate the issue, however .... The thing about this is that something fatal to one may not be fatal to another. We are all made up of the 'fingerprint' of our natal charts. Therefore & additionally, the disease is also subject to durations & fluctuations of timing of transits, the intensity of the transits & of course the planet(s) involved & how they affect us based on our own charts. Even house locations can come into play.* One person may get thru one set of circumstances that another might not. Granted, some things may certainly be fatal, such as lymphatic cancer. However, other cancers may not be fatal.
*A side note on outer planet transits in houses: When an outer planet leaves a house, it will drop you a little reminder of what that transit was about right before it leaves that house.

From: nicknesredna <nicknesredna@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 8:21 PM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?

  That is an unobjectionable observation.

I did, however, write "fatal diseases and accidents" which both result in death. If it equals death or not is just wordplay, but you still die from them. Predict these and you have indications of death.
Like yourself, I am not presenting an answer but an idea.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

Disease & accidents aren't the same as death itself.

From: nicknesredna <nicknesredna@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 6:05 PM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?

I remember Maxine writing somewhere that she had some very bad planets at some point and that she can predict death astrologically, she had seen the the day coming for years. I can't find the sermon right now.

I guess, maybe, you do it the same way you can see diseases coming. I know a girl who was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. At the time, Saturn was opposing her fifth house natal Jupiter in Capricorn (sign ruled by Saturn which rules chronic ailments). Jupiter rules the Pancreas.

At the same time, transiting Jupiter was opposing her natal Saturn in Pisces; Pisces rules the Lymphatic System which is related to the nervous system (which kills the cells in the Pancreas producing insulin, causing Diabetes).

This is just an example of disease, but a fatal disease or accident could be seen the same way. Transits, progressions and solar returns all blended together could produce some kind of indication.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@ wrote:

Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.) He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to.

There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he was scheduled for execution in Texas.

It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never become one in the first place.

It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment will cooperate .... somehow.

From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?

I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?

About HP Maxine. I remember very well her sermon about Satan saving her life. She wrought that Saturn transitted her main Chart ruller while one bad lunar return - and she supposed that she dies in this year (and at that time she was rather advanced in astrology!), but as a result she had no problems that year. It was fine) Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nicknesredna" <nicknesredna@... wrote:

I remember Maxine writing somewhere that she had some very bad planets at some point and that she can predict death astrologically, she had seen the the day coming for years. I can't find the sermon right now.

I guess, maybe, you do it the same way you can see diseases coming. I know a girl who was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. At the time, Saturn was opposing her fifth house natal Jupiter in Capricorn (sign ruled by Saturn which rules chronic ailments). Jupiter rules the Pancreas.

At the same time, transiting Jupiter was opposing her natal Saturn in Pisces; Pisces rules the Lymphatic System which is related to the nervous system (which kills the cells in the Pancreas producing insulin, causing Diabetes).

This is just an example of disease, but a fatal disease or accident could be seen the same way. Transits, progressions and solar returns all blended together could produce some kind of indication.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@ wrote:

Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.) He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to.

There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he was scheduled for execution in Texas.

It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never become one in the first place.

It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment will cooperate .... somehow.

From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?

I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?
I did have problems that year, but they were minor.   I don’t have the time to check back here and answer questions. This topic interested me when I was approving messages. Unfortunately, there are many events that can be plainly seen after the fact in regards to astrology. As with death experiences, near death experiences and such, the signs in the transits and more importantly, the solar and lunar returns are all individual. Predicting someone falling in love for example is very simple astrologically- say, progressed Sun conjoins birth chart Venus, and many more aspects, but death and other events are more difficult, as in many cases, these are individually specific.   Looking at James Dean’s birth chart, one can see he was a very high-strung hair-trigger personality. Aries on the ascendant and Uranus at the apex of an action oriented cardinal t-square in near exact conjunction with his ascendant. Jupiter added to the recklessness in being in a very tight square to Uranus. This configuration makes a person erratic, unpredictable, unstable, moody, and impulsive. Mars squaring his Moon added to emotional outbursts and a hot temper.   His 1955 solar and lunar returns are for what I could find of his place of residence in California that year. Both, especially the solar returns are location sensitive. I have noted in nearly all of my research involving death cases, the midheaven and IC axis’ flip in the death returns. In his September 1955 lunar return, there are many indications: 28 degrees of Sagittarius on the cusp of his 4th house [a house of endings and works with the 8th in foretelling death], this contained the degree of his birth chart midheaven at 6 of Capricorn. As I already mentioned- the midheaven/IC axis flips. 6 degrees of Cancer was on the cusp of his IC [4th house of endings] in his birth chart. This was activated in his 1955 solar return. 6 degrees of Sagittarius was on his solar return ascendant, creating an inconjunct [often seen in death charts, but a common overall aspect], to his birth chart IC at 6 of Cancer, indicating an ending. His solar return Moon tied into this at 6 degrees of Virgo. Whenever you have two or more exact degrees lining up, a significant event will occur. The 6 degrees of his solar return ascendant and solar return Moon tied into his 6 degrees on the 4th of endings. His SR Mars was in the 4th house of his SR for that year. This is very significant because Mars is his birth chart ruler.   His 1955 solar return also has solar return ascendant ruler Jupiter in tight conjunction with solar return Uranus in the SR 8th house of death. This tight conjunction amplified his tendencies at risk taking, moodiness, and reckless behavior for that year. Uranus made the death quick and unexpected. SR Uranus ruled the SR 3rd house which rules over short distance travel as in driving. SR Saturn within 15 seconds of exact conjunction of fixed star Unukalhai [ a malefic and degree of loss] is in his 12th house of endings. This lines up near exact with SR Jupiter at 21 of Cancer, a malefic trine, easing the way for disaster.     His SR 4th house cusp was at 22 degrees of Pisces. In his September 1955 lunar return, near the time of his death, the LR Mercury was at 22 of Libra, as his LR had 28 of Virgo on the ascendant. Late degrees on the ascendant indicate endings of some sort. 28 degrees lined up on both of his LR ascendant and IC axis’. In his SR, Neptune, which ruled his 12th house, the other house of endings was at 28 degrees of Libra. The lunar nodes of fate are always extremely important and manifest blatantly in years where there is a significant life-altering event. His nodes were at 16 of Aries and Libra in his birth chart. His SR 3rd and 12th house cusps are at 16 degrees, tying in. LR Saturn is at 17 degrees of Scorpio [sign of death], making an exact inconjunct to his SR Mars at 17 of Aries, placed in his SR fourth house of endings. His LR Mars is placed in his LR twelfth of sorrow and endings.   I could go on and on regarding this, but the important things to look for in death charts are the MC/IC axis of the birth chart flipping in the SR chart. The 4th, 8th and 12th houses of endings manifest blatantly, as in many cases do the lunar nodes. Late degrees, over 25 of any sign are also prevalent in many cases. As for transits, on the date of his death, the Sun was at 6 of Libra, activating his MC/IC axis in his birth chart, his SR asc/dec axis, SR Moon, which tied into his birth chart IC/4th house of endings. Transiting Moon was in Pisces that day in his 12th of endings, Mercury, which rules driving and all short distance travel was at 28 of Libra that day, activating the 4 cardinal points of is lunar return chart of which all were at 28 degrees. Transiting Mars [which Mars is his birth chart ruler] went into 21 of Virgo that day, activating the SR chart ruler Jupiter at 21 of Cancer in the SR 8th of death. Transiting Jupiter was opposing his birth chart Sun at that time in his life, adding to overconfidence and risk-taking. Transiting Saturn tied in that day at 18 degrees of Scorpio, squaring his Sun and making a sextile to his birth chart Saturn, and trining his birth chart 4th house Pluto. Transiting Uranus was applying to an exact conjunction with his ruling Mars that day. Uranus/Mars contacts are very common with accidents and can influence [especially those with tendencies] to reckless behavior. I have noted with transits, oftentimes, an event will occur when the slower moving planet is applying to an exact aspect, within 1-2 degrees of being exact to the natal planet.   Transiting Pluto at 27 of Leo made an inconjunct to his birth chart Mercury, which rules his third house of short distance travel and driving. Pluto is permanent and also rules over death, as it is the ruler of Scorpio and the natural ruler of the 8th house. Neptune at 27 of Libra also tied in.     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com     About HP Maxine. I remember very well her sermon about Satan saving her life. She wrought that Saturn transitted her main Chart ruller while one bad lunar return - and she supposed that she dies in this year (and at that time she was rather advanced in astrology!), but as a result she had no problems that year. It was fine) Hail Satan!   --- In [email protected], "nicknesredna" <nicknesredna@... wrote:   I remember Maxine writing somewhere that she had some very bad planets at some point and that she can predict death astrologically, she had seen the the day coming for years. I can't find the sermon right now. I guess, maybe, you do it the same way you can see diseases coming. I know a girl who was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. At the time, Saturn was opposing her fifth house birthJupiter in Capricorn (sign ruled by Saturn which rules chronic ailments). Jupiter rules the Pancreas. At the same time, transiting Jupiter was opposing her birthSaturn in Pisces; Pisces rules the Lymphatic System which is related to the nervous system (which kills the cells in the Pancreas producing insulin, causing Diabetes). This is just an example of disease, but a fatal disease or accident could be seen the same way. Transits, progressions and solar returns all blended together could produce some kind of indication. --- In [email protected], m_18 <magus_18@ wrote: Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.) He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to. There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he was scheduled for execution in Texas. It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never become one in the first place. It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment will cooperate .... somehow. Â ________________________________   From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@ To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like James Dean?   Â I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?        
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I just checked what HPS Maxine wrote, about the IC/MC axis flipping for a solar return chart indicating death, and referred it to my brother's solar return chart for the year he died. And what do you know, they were flipped. And voila, finally, after countless hours trying to find his death in his chart, progressions, transits, lunar return, solar return, there it is. Mystery solved.

I saw his death looking back through my mom's chart, Saturn was retrograding past her 4th house cusp at the time and another thing that I can't remember, perhaps a hard aspect to her natal Moon, as the moon rules the family or maybe it was her Sun as the sun rules children.

Just looked further, he had 4 planets in late degrees, all 26 degrees. 2 of them in Aquarius, which is on the cusp of his natal 8th house (rules death). If that matters at all.

Thank you so much, HPS Maxine.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich " <maxine.dietrich666@... wrote:

I did have problems that year, but they were minor.

I don't have the time to check back here and answer questions. This topic
interested me when I was approving messages. Unfortunately, there are many
events that can be plainly seen after the fact in regards to astrology. As
with death experiences, near death experiences and such, the signs in the
transits and more importantly, the solar and lunar returns are all
individual. Predicting someone falling in love for example is very simple
astrologically- say, progressed Sun conjoins birth chart Venus, and many
more aspects, but death and other events are more difficult, as in many
cases, these are individually specific.

Looking at James Dean's birth chart, one can see he was a very high-strung
hair-trigger personality. Aries on the ascendant and Uranus at the apex of
an action oriented cardinal t-square in near exact conjunction with his
ascendant. Jupiter added to the recklessness in being in a very tight square
to Uranus. This configuration makes a person erratic, unpredictable,
unstable, moody, and impulsive. Mars squaring his Moon added to emotional
outbursts and a hot temper.

His 1955 solar and lunar returns are for what I could find of his place of
residence in California that year. Both, especially the solar returns are
location sensitive. I have noted in nearly all of my research involving
death cases, the midheaven and IC axis' flip in the death returns. In his
September 1955 lunar return, there are many indications: 28 degrees of
Sagittarius on the cusp of his 4th house [a house of endings and works with
the 8th in foretelling death], this contained the degree of his birth chart
midheaven at 6 of Capricorn. As I already mentioned- the midheaven/IC axis
flips. 6 degrees of Cancer was on the cusp of his IC [4th house of endings]
in his birth chart. This was activated in his 1955 solar return. 6 degrees
of Sagittarius was on his solar return ascendant, creating an inconjunct
[often seen in death charts, but a common overall aspect], to his birth
chart IC at 6 of Cancer, indicating an ending. His solar return Moon tied
into this at 6 degrees of Virgo. Whenever you have two or more exact degrees
lining up, a significant event will occur. The 6 degrees of his solar return
ascendant and solar return Moon tied into his 6 degrees on the 4th of
endings. His SR Mars was in the 4th house of his SR for that year. This is
very significant because Mars is his birth chart ruler.

His 1955 solar return also has solar return ascendant ruler Jupiter in tight
conjunction with solar return Uranus in the SR 8th house of death. This
tight conjunction amplified his tendencies at risk taking, moodiness, and
reckless behavior for that year. Uranus made the death quick and unexpected.
SR Uranus ruled the SR 3rd house which rules over short distance travel as
in driving. SR Saturn within 15 seconds of exact conjunction of fixed star
Unukalhai [ a malefic and degree of loss] is in his 12th house of endings.
This lines up near exact with SR Jupiter at 21 of Cancer, a malefic trine,
easing the way for disaster.

His SR 4th house cusp was at 22 degrees of Pisces. In his September 1955
lunar return, near the time of his death, the LR Mercury was at 22 of Libra,
as his LR had 28 of Virgo on the ascendant. Late degrees on the ascendant
indicate endings of some sort. 28 degrees lined up on both of his LR
ascendant and IC axis'. In his SR, Neptune, which ruled his 12th house, the
other house of endings was at 28 degrees of Libra. The lunar nodes of fate
are always extremely important and manifest blatantly in years where there
is a significant life-altering event. His nodes were at 16 of Aries and
Libra in his birth chart. His SR 3rd and 12th house cusps are at 16 degrees,
tying in. LR Saturn is at 17 degrees of Scorpio [sign of death], making an
exact inconjunct to his SR Mars at 17 of Aries, placed in his SR fourth
house of endings. His LR Mars is placed in his LR twelfth of sorrow and

I could go on and on regarding this, but the important things to look for in
death charts are the MC/IC axis of the birth chart flipping in the SR chart.
The 4th, 8th and 12th houses of endings manifest blatantly, as in many cases
do the lunar nodes. Late degrees, over 25 of any sign are also prevalent in
many cases. As for transits, on the date of his death, the Sun was at 6 of
Libra, activating his MC/IC axis in his birth chart, his SR asc/dec axis, SR
Moon, which tied into his birth chart IC/4th house of endings. Transiting
Moon was in Pisces that day in his 12th of endings,

Mercury, which rules driving and all short distance travel was at 28 of
Libra that day, activating the 4 cardinal points of is lunar return chart of
which all were at 28 degrees. Transiting Mars [which Mars is his birth chart
ruler] went into 21 of Virgo that day, activating the SR chart ruler Jupiter
at 21 of Cancer in the SR 8th of death. Transiting Jupiter was opposing his
birth chart Sun at that time in his life, adding to overconfidence and
risk-taking. Transiting Saturn tied in that day at 18 degrees of Scorpio,
squaring his Sun and making a sextile to his birth chart Saturn, and trining
his birth chart 4th house Pluto. Transiting Uranus was applying to an exact
conjunction with his ruling Mars that day. Uranus/Mars contacts are very
common with accidents and can influence [especially those with tendencies]
to reckless behavior. I have noted with transits, oftentimes, an event will
occur when the slower moving planet is applying to an exact aspect, within
1-2 degrees of being exact to the natal planet.

Transiting Pluto at 27 of Leo made an inconjunct to his birth chart Mercury,
which rules his third house of short distance travel and driving. Pluto is
permanent and also rules over death, as it is the ruler of Scorpio and the
natural ruler of the 8th house. Neptune at 27 of Libra also tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


About HP Maxine. I remember very well her sermon about Satan saving her
life. She wrought that Saturn transitted her main Chart ruller while one bad
lunar return - and she supposed that she dies in this year (and at that time
she was rather advanced in astrology!), but as a result she had no problems
that year. It was fine) Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nicknesredna" <nicknesredna@

I remember Maxine writing somewhere that she had some very bad planets at
some point and that she can predict death astrologically, she had seen the
the day coming for years. I can't find the sermon right now.

I guess, maybe, you do it the same way you can see diseases coming. I know
a girl who was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. At the time, Saturn was
opposing her fifth house birthJupiter in Capricorn (sign ruled by Saturn
which rules chronic ailments). Jupiter rules the Pancreas.

At the same time, transiting Jupiter was opposing her birthSaturn in
Pisces; Pisces rules the Lymphatic System which is related to the nervous
system (which kills the cells in the Pancreas producing insulin, causing

This is just an example of disease, but a fatal disease or accident could
be seen the same way. Transits, progressions and solar returns all blended
together could produce some kind of indication.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@ wrote:

Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to
predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The
aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was
one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.)
He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to.

There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose
sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back
to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he
was scheduled for execution in Texas.

It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple
times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which
time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from
complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never
become one in the first place.

It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough
people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for
some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado
for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment
will cooperate .... somehow.



From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM

Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like
James Dean?


I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in
finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some
good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a
misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?

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If you don't mind my asking, was the IC/MC axis flip in your brother's solar return chart exact? I'm just wondering if it can be a few degrees off and still indicate death, or if it only applies to a precise flip.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I just checked what HPS Maxine wrote, about the IC/MC axis flipping for a solar return chart indicating death, and referred it to my brother's solar return chart for the year he died. And what do you know, they were flipped. And voila, finally, after countless hours trying to find his death in his chart, progressions, transits, lunar return, solar return, there it is. Mystery solved.

I saw his death looking back through my mom's chart, Saturn was retrograding past her 4th house cusp at the time and another thing that I can't remember, perhaps a hard aspect to her natal Moon, as the moon rules the family or maybe it was her Sun as the sun rules children.

Just looked further, he had 4 planets in late degrees, all 26 degrees. 2 of them in Aquarius, which is on the cusp of his natal 8th house (rules death). If that matters at all.

Thank you so much, HPS Maxine.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich " <maxine.dietrich666@ wrote:

I did have problems that year, but they were minor.

I don't have the time to check back here and answer questions. This topic
interested me when I was approving messages. Unfortunately, there are many
events that can be plainly seen after the fact in regards to astrology. As
with death experiences, near death experiences and such, the signs in the
transits and more importantly, the solar and lunar returns are all
individual. Predicting someone falling in love for example is very simple
astrologically- say, progressed Sun conjoins birth chart Venus, and many
more aspects, but death and other events are more difficult, as in many
cases, these are individually specific.

Looking at James Dean's birth chart, one can see he was a very high-strung
hair-trigger personality. Aries on the ascendant and Uranus at the apex of
an action oriented cardinal t-square in near exact conjunction with his
ascendant. Jupiter added to the recklessness in being in a very tight square
to Uranus. This configuration makes a person erratic, unpredictable,
unstable, moody, and impulsive. Mars squaring his Moon added to emotional
outbursts and a hot temper.

His 1955 solar and lunar returns are for what I could find of his place of
residence in California that year. Both, especially the solar returns are
location sensitive. I have noted in nearly all of my research involving
death cases, the midheaven and IC axis' flip in the death returns. In his
September 1955 lunar return, there are many indications: 28 degrees of
Sagittarius on the cusp of his 4th house [a house of endings and works with
the 8th in foretelling death], this contained the degree of his birth chart
midheaven at 6 of Capricorn. As I already mentioned- the midheaven/IC axis
flips. 6 degrees of Cancer was on the cusp of his IC [4th house of endings]
in his birth chart. This was activated in his 1955 solar return. 6 degrees
of Sagittarius was on his solar return ascendant, creating an inconjunct
[often seen in death charts, but a common overall aspect], to his birth
chart IC at 6 of Cancer, indicating an ending. His solar return Moon tied
into this at 6 degrees of Virgo. Whenever you have two or more exact degrees
lining up, a significant event will occur. The 6 degrees of his solar return
ascendant and solar return Moon tied into his 6 degrees on the 4th of
endings. His SR Mars was in the 4th house of his SR for that year. This is
very significant because Mars is his birth chart ruler.

His 1955 solar return also has solar return ascendant ruler Jupiter in tight
conjunction with solar return Uranus in the SR 8th house of death. This
tight conjunction amplified his tendencies at risk taking, moodiness, and
reckless behavior for that year. Uranus made the death quick and unexpected.
SR Uranus ruled the SR 3rd house which rules over short distance travel as
in driving. SR Saturn within 15 seconds of exact conjunction of fixed star
Unukalhai [ a malefic and degree of loss] is in his 12th house of endings.
This lines up near exact with SR Jupiter at 21 of Cancer, a malefic trine,
easing the way for disaster.

His SR 4th house cusp was at 22 degrees of Pisces. In his September 1955
lunar return, near the time of his death, the LR Mercury was at 22 of Libra,
as his LR had 28 of Virgo on the ascendant. Late degrees on the ascendant
indicate endings of some sort. 28 degrees lined up on both of his LR
ascendant and IC axis'. In his SR, Neptune, which ruled his 12th house, the
other house of endings was at 28 degrees of Libra. The lunar nodes of fate
are always extremely important and manifest blatantly in years where there
is a significant life-altering event. His nodes were at 16 of Aries and
Libra in his birth chart. His SR 3rd and 12th house cusps are at 16 degrees,
tying in. LR Saturn is at 17 degrees of Scorpio [sign of death], making an
exact inconjunct to his SR Mars at 17 of Aries, placed in his SR fourth
house of endings. His LR Mars is placed in his LR twelfth of sorrow and

I could go on and on regarding this, but the important things to look for in
death charts are the MC/IC axis of the birth chart flipping in the SR chart.
The 4th, 8th and 12th houses of endings manifest blatantly, as in many cases
do the lunar nodes. Late degrees, over 25 of any sign are also prevalent in
many cases. As for transits, on the date of his death, the Sun was at 6 of
Libra, activating his MC/IC axis in his birth chart, his SR asc/dec axis, SR
Moon, which tied into his birth chart IC/4th house of endings. Transiting
Moon was in Pisces that day in his 12th of endings,

Mercury, which rules driving and all short distance travel was at 28 of
Libra that day, activating the 4 cardinal points of is lunar return chart of
which all were at 28 degrees. Transiting Mars [which Mars is his birth chart
ruler] went into 21 of Virgo that day, activating the SR chart ruler Jupiter
at 21 of Cancer in the SR 8th of death. Transiting Jupiter was opposing his
birth chart Sun at that time in his life, adding to overconfidence and
risk-taking. Transiting Saturn tied in that day at 18 degrees of Scorpio,
squaring his Sun and making a sextile to his birth chart Saturn, and trining
his birth chart 4th house Pluto. Transiting Uranus was applying to an exact
conjunction with his ruling Mars that day. Uranus/Mars contacts are very
common with accidents and can influence [especially those with tendencies]
to reckless behavior. I have noted with transits, oftentimes, an event will
occur when the slower moving planet is applying to an exact aspect, within
1-2 degrees of being exact to the natal planet.

Transiting Pluto at 27 of Leo made an inconjunct to his birth chart Mercury,
which rules his third house of short distance travel and driving. Pluto is
permanent and also rules over death, as it is the ruler of Scorpio and the
natural ruler of the 8th house. Neptune at 27 of Libra also tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


About HP Maxine. I remember very well her sermon about Satan saving her
life. She wrought that Saturn transitted her main Chart ruller while one bad
lunar return - and she supposed that she dies in this year (and at that time
she was rather advanced in astrology!), but as a result she had no problems
that year. It was fine) Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nicknesredna" <nicknesredna@

I remember Maxine writing somewhere that she had some very bad planets at
some point and that she can predict death astrologically, she had seen the
the day coming for years. I can't find the sermon right now.

I guess, maybe, you do it the same way you can see diseases coming. I know
a girl who was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. At the time, Saturn was
opposing her fifth house birthJupiter in Capricorn (sign ruled by Saturn
which rules chronic ailments). Jupiter rules the Pancreas.

At the same time, transiting Jupiter was opposing her birthSaturn in
Pisces; Pisces rules the Lymphatic System which is related to the nervous
system (which kills the cells in the Pancreas producing insulin, causing

This is just an example of disease, but a fatal disease or accident could
be seen the same way. Transits, progressions and solar returns all blended
together could produce some kind of indication.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@ wrote:

Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to
predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The
aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was
one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.)
He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to.

There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose
sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back
to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he
was scheduled for execution in Texas.

It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple
times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which
time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from
complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never
become one in the first place.

It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough
people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for
some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado
for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment
will cooperate .... somehow.



From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM

Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like
James Dean?


I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in
finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some
good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a
misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?

FREE 3D EARTH SCREENSAVER - Watch the Earth right on your desktop!
Check it out at http://www.inbox.com/earth
I was actually going to mention it anyway, in case anyone was wondering, but I had forgotten. It was 8 degrees off, in the same signs though.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "briar_rose666" <briar_rose666@... wrote:

If you don't mind my asking, was the IC/MC axis flip in your brother's solar return chart exact? I'm just wondering if it can be a few degrees off and still indicate death, or if it only applies to a precise flip.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

I just checked what HPS Maxine wrote, about the IC/MC axis flipping for a solar return chart indicating death, and referred it to my brother's solar return chart for the year he died. And what do you know, they were flipped. And voila, finally, after countless hours trying to find his death in his chart, progressions, transits, lunar return, solar return, there it is. Mystery solved.

I saw his death looking back through my mom's chart, Saturn was retrograding past her 4th house cusp at the time and another thing that I can't remember, perhaps a hard aspect to her natal Moon, as the moon rules the family or maybe it was her Sun as the sun rules children.

Just looked further, he had 4 planets in late degrees, all 26 degrees. 2 of them in Aquarius, which is on the cusp of his natal 8th house (rules death). If that matters at all.

Thank you so much, HPS Maxine.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich " <maxine.dietrich666@ wrote:

I did have problems that year, but they were minor.

I don't have the time to check back here and answer questions. This topic
interested me when I was approving messages. Unfortunately, there are many
events that can be plainly seen after the fact in regards to astrology. As
with death experiences, near death experiences and such, the signs in the
transits and more importantly, the solar and lunar returns are all
individual. Predicting someone falling in love for example is very simple
astrologically- say, progressed Sun conjoins birth chart Venus, and many
more aspects, but death and other events are more difficult, as in many
cases, these are individually specific.

Looking at James Dean's birth chart, one can see he was a very high-strung
hair-trigger personality. Aries on the ascendant and Uranus at the apex of
an action oriented cardinal t-square in near exact conjunction with his
ascendant. Jupiter added to the recklessness in being in a very tight square
to Uranus. This configuration makes a person erratic, unpredictable,
unstable, moody, and impulsive. Mars squaring his Moon added to emotional
outbursts and a hot temper.

His 1955 solar and lunar returns are for what I could find of his place of
residence in California that year. Both, especially the solar returns are
location sensitive. I have noted in nearly all of my research involving
death cases, the midheaven and IC axis' flip in the death returns. In his
September 1955 lunar return, there are many indications: 28 degrees of
Sagittarius on the cusp of his 4th house [a house of endings and works with
the 8th in foretelling death], this contained the degree of his birth chart
midheaven at 6 of Capricorn. As I already mentioned- the midheaven/IC axis
flips. 6 degrees of Cancer was on the cusp of his IC [4th house of endings]
in his birth chart. This was activated in his 1955 solar return. 6 degrees
of Sagittarius was on his solar return ascendant, creating an inconjunct
[often seen in death charts, but a common overall aspect], to his birth
chart IC at 6 of Cancer, indicating an ending. His solar return Moon tied
into this at 6 degrees of Virgo. Whenever you have two or more exact degrees
lining up, a significant event will occur. The 6 degrees of his solar return
ascendant and solar return Moon tied into his 6 degrees on the 4th of
endings. His SR Mars was in the 4th house of his SR for that year. This is
very significant because Mars is his birth chart ruler.

His 1955 solar return also has solar return ascendant ruler Jupiter in tight
conjunction with solar return Uranus in the SR 8th house of death. This
tight conjunction amplified his tendencies at risk taking, moodiness, and
reckless behavior for that year. Uranus made the death quick and unexpected.
SR Uranus ruled the SR 3rd house which rules over short distance travel as
in driving. SR Saturn within 15 seconds of exact conjunction of fixed star
Unukalhai [ a malefic and degree of loss] is in his 12th house of endings.
This lines up near exact with SR Jupiter at 21 of Cancer, a malefic trine,
easing the way for disaster.

His SR 4th house cusp was at 22 degrees of Pisces. In his September 1955
lunar return, near the time of his death, the LR Mercury was at 22 of Libra,
as his LR had 28 of Virgo on the ascendant. Late degrees on the ascendant
indicate endings of some sort. 28 degrees lined up on both of his LR
ascendant and IC axis'. In his SR, Neptune, which ruled his 12th house, the
other house of endings was at 28 degrees of Libra. The lunar nodes of fate
are always extremely important and manifest blatantly in years where there
is a significant life-altering event. His nodes were at 16 of Aries and
Libra in his birth chart. His SR 3rd and 12th house cusps are at 16 degrees,
tying in. LR Saturn is at 17 degrees of Scorpio [sign of death], making an
exact inconjunct to his SR Mars at 17 of Aries, placed in his SR fourth
house of endings. His LR Mars is placed in his LR twelfth of sorrow and

I could go on and on regarding this, but the important things to look for in
death charts are the MC/IC axis of the birth chart flipping in the SR chart.
The 4th, 8th and 12th houses of endings manifest blatantly, as in many cases
do the lunar nodes. Late degrees, over 25 of any sign are also prevalent in
many cases. As for transits, on the date of his death, the Sun was at 6 of
Libra, activating his MC/IC axis in his birth chart, his SR asc/dec axis, SR
Moon, which tied into his birth chart IC/4th house of endings. Transiting
Moon was in Pisces that day in his 12th of endings,

Mercury, which rules driving and all short distance travel was at 28 of
Libra that day, activating the 4 cardinal points of is lunar return chart of
which all were at 28 degrees. Transiting Mars [which Mars is his birth chart
ruler] went into 21 of Virgo that day, activating the SR chart ruler Jupiter
at 21 of Cancer in the SR 8th of death. Transiting Jupiter was opposing his
birth chart Sun at that time in his life, adding to overconfidence and
risk-taking. Transiting Saturn tied in that day at 18 degrees of Scorpio,
squaring his Sun and making a sextile to his birth chart Saturn, and trining
his birth chart 4th house Pluto. Transiting Uranus was applying to an exact
conjunction with his ruling Mars that day. Uranus/Mars contacts are very
common with accidents and can influence [especially those with tendencies]
to reckless behavior. I have noted with transits, oftentimes, an event will
occur when the slower moving planet is applying to an exact aspect, within
1-2 degrees of being exact to the natal planet.

Transiting Pluto at 27 of Leo made an inconjunct to his birth chart Mercury,
which rules his third house of short distance travel and driving. Pluto is
permanent and also rules over death, as it is the ruler of Scorpio and the
natural ruler of the 8th house. Neptune at 27 of Libra also tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


About HP Maxine. I remember very well her sermon about Satan saving her
life. She wrought that Saturn transitted her main Chart ruller while one bad
lunar return - and she supposed that she dies in this year (and at that time
she was rather advanced in astrology!), but as a result she had no problems
that year. It was fine) Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nicknesredna" <nicknesredna@

I remember Maxine writing somewhere that she had some very bad planets at
some point and that she can predict death astrologically, she had seen the
the day coming for years. I can't find the sermon right now.

I guess, maybe, you do it the same way you can see diseases coming. I know
a girl who was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. At the time, Saturn was
opposing her fifth house birthJupiter in Capricorn (sign ruled by Saturn
which rules chronic ailments). Jupiter rules the Pancreas.

At the same time, transiting Jupiter was opposing her birthSaturn in
Pisces; Pisces rules the Lymphatic System which is related to the nervous
system (which kills the cells in the Pancreas producing insulin, causing

This is just an example of disease, but a fatal disease or accident could
be seen the same way. Transits, progressions and solar returns all blended
together could produce some kind of indication.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@ wrote:

Methods of death & timing of death are almost always impossible to
predict & can usually only be ascertained astrologically after death. The
aspects involved are usually almost always very complex. However, there was
one astrologer who predicted his own death accurately. (I forgot his name.)
He waited to buy life insurance until he absolutely had to.

There was an illegal alien in Texas on death row in the 1990s whose
sentence was commuted after DNA evidence proved his non-guilt. He went back
to Mexico & died in an auto accident ...... on the day & approximate time he
was scheduled for execution in Texas.

It is my personal belief that when one could die can occur multiple
times in one's life. How you handle your life can sometimes dictate which
time. Let's say you become an alcoholic. Then you could possibly die from
complications of alcoholism at an earlier time than as if you had never
become one in the first place.

It is also my belief that the universe will cooperate when a enough
people come within close proximity of each other who have a potential for
some "similar in nature type of event" could occur, such as say a tornado
for example or say a building collapse, etc., etc., then the environment
will cooperate .... somehow.



From: lakshmipalmer <lakshmipalmer@

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:42 AM

Subject: [JoS_Astrology] What is the signs of a violent death, like
James Dean?


I was watching some James Dean films a week ago but I was interested in
finding out more about his life extra, via his astrology etc. He had some
good planets, but I wonder what caused him to die so young. Was this a
misplaced Mars in the 8th House of something?

FREE 3D EARTH SCREENSAVER - Watch the Earth right on your desktop!
Check it out at http://www.inbox.com/earth

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
