himmler was a legend said:
Im looking for a necklace about Satanism, and like the necklace of Ida and Pingala, but i dont know what it means. Can someone please explain?
It would be best to post these kind of questions in the main "Joy of Satan" forum. You will get better exposure there and more people are able to answer you. This forum is primarily for Online Activism / Online Warfare.
The Ida and Pingala nadis, or Moon and Sun nadis, are two of the main nadis of the soul, the third being the Sushumna. The Ida is black, the Pingala is red, and the Sushumna is white. Ida is feminine, Pingala is masculine.
If you look at the Medical Caduceus, a symbol that represents the human soul, they are represented by the two serpents that goes out from each side of the base chakra, and intervening at each chakra going upwards, and unite at the 6th chakra.
The third main nadi, the sushumna, is the line the kundalini travels up the spine.