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What do the reptilians want?


New member
Dec 27, 2022
Why are we at war with the reptilians in the first place? If they wanted slaves, they are technologically advanced enough to genetically engineer clones, they even made the jews. If they wanted our planet, they would have exterminated us a long time ago. I cant seem to find any logical conclusion to what the reptilians have in store for us and our race

And who were the gods who opposed Satan? It seems like they would be a pretty huge threat, i was thinking they could possibly be responsible for imprisoning the group of demons maxine spoke about freeing.

Im very curious and inquisitive, and it seems not even the forums hold the answers i seek sometimes. Thank you for whoever replies, even if you don't know. Its always great to ask questions and seek the truth ^-^
That is not what is that much important. Most people think this is a video game so they focus on things way beyond the scope of human life. They are just another alien race with their own motivations, which they have been failing since forever to achieve, thanks to the Gods.

When one is dedicated they do not have to worry about these entities. They reside in another dimension and they cannot do much about a Dedicated Satanist. One should dwell on the Gods instead and not worry about these things.

What anyone who is a criminal out there won't matter even in regular civilization. Likewise, the above is mostly shared for reasons of knowing, not for reasons of dwelling. Past a point thes stories become obsessive insanity, especially if one cannot know where to put their focus.

"Gods" is a general term for many entities which are in higher dimensions. Not all of them are "Gods" in the literal sense. They are just entities which are higher than our dimension. The only real Gods are those whom we follow, the rest are entities which can have relative power of influence towards us, but not against the Gods. The Joy of Satan requires revision and updates, because terms used were of the very old times, causing some confusion.

Back then members knew this, but after we had certain platforms nuked, confusion ensued.

They do not matter. One must focus on the Gods.
Why are we at war with the reptilians in the first place? If they wanted slaves, they are technologically advanced enough to genetically engineer clones, they even made the jews. If they wanted our planet, they would have exterminated us a long time ago. I cant seem to find any logical conclusion to what the reptilians have in store for us and our race

And who were the gods who opposed Satan? It seems like they would be a pretty huge threat, i was thinking they could possibly be responsible for imprisoning the group of demons maxine spoke about freeing.

Im very curious and inquisitive, and it seems not even the forums hold the answers i seek sometimes. Thank you for whoever replies, even if you don't know. Its always great to ask questions and seek the truth ^-^
You should try to avoid the reptilians even from your mind at all times they are pure evil!
That is not what is that much important. Most people think this is a video game so they focus on things way beyond the scope of human life. They are just another alien race with their own motivations, which they have been failing since forever to achieve, thanks to the Gods.
But are the enemy nordics real? I've seen them mentioned in old writings. It's a bit confusing.
Some people say they're not real.

Can you tell me about other dimensions?

Why are we at war with the reptilians in the first place? If they wanted slaves, they are technologically advanced enough to genetically engineer clones, they even made the jews. If they wanted our planet, they would have exterminated us a long time ago. I cant seem to find any logical conclusion to what the reptilians have in store for us and our race

And who were the gods who opposed Satan? It seems like they would be a pretty huge threat, i was thinking they could possibly be responsible for imprisoning the group of demons maxine spoke about freeing.

Im very curious and inquisitive, and it seems not even the forums hold the answers i seek sometimes. Thank you for whoever replies, even if you don't know. Its always great to ask questions and seek the truth ^-^
They Don't want Slaves. They Want Souls.
That is a good daunting question? But then again the reptilians want something to play with? For their amusement since they're all about destroying and killing people and taking over worlds and planets! They look up on us as toys and food and something to play with and don't even respect the fact that we have a mind of our own and that we can take care of ourselves so they become angry
Because they know what they are up against! They're afraid of us and we are intimidating to them! Because of our knowledge and the things that we can do! Not to mention the fact they know that they are going against nature and its forces dealing with Satan and his gods! So they want to make everything into a Battlefield and they want to play with this like we're little toys and a child's bedroom! And don't even care what they're up against because these fucking idiots love power and they love to play with it and don't care what happens! Like a little retarded kid that got a hold of a gun! These reptilians think they're hot shit and don't realize how stupid and pathetic they are! They think that because they've got a gun they think they've got power! And they think that they're so smart? Challenging people and going against! Coming up with their own rules and their own ideas trying to take the seat from the King and trying to take the power from the gods? Because they want to play god! And they want to have what they want on a silver bladder just because they are reptilian and just because they're rich
Why are we at war with the reptilians in the first place? If they wanted slaves, they are technologically advanced enough to genetically engineer clones, they even made the jews. If they wanted our planet, they would have exterminated us a long time ago. I cant seem to find any logical conclusion to what the reptilians have in store for us and our race

It's been stated in past posts: the reptilians are vampiric entities and can't produce their own energy so they want to use us as energy sources. They want to use earth as a big energy farm where they can get megatons of spiritual energy from humans.
But are the enemy nordics real? I've seen them mentioned in old writings. It's a bit confusing.
Some people say they're not real.

Can you tell me about other dimensions?

There are no enemy nordics of the same race as the gods, that was a meme created years ago in the early days of JOS out of confusion , there may be more enemy aliens other than reptilians and greys but they are not nordics.
It's been stated in past posts: the reptilians are vampiric entities and can't produce their own energy so they want to use us as energy sources. They want to use earth as a big energy farm where they can get megatons of spiritual energy from humans.
Why do the reptilians want spiritual energy from humans? I have a feeling that it can't be pleasant.
They feed off of us our blood our energy etc etc because either they want to be us? Jealous over the fact that we Are Who We Are being connected with the Gods and the fact that they want Power to have control over anyone or anything just to build themselves up because he's aliens know that they're a freak Show and they are a freak! And therefore they come after people like us with the vengeance and they hate the human race because of things they're not and because of what we have and what we are capable of doing and having an achieving! And Aliens want to take that away from us for their benefit thinking is going to make something of them
They feed off our energy because the are soul vampires and leeches they get a rush and experience a pleasureable high when they consume our energy
There are no enemy nordics of the same race as the gods, that was a meme created years ago in the early days of JOS out of confusion , there may be more enemy aliens other than reptilians and greys but they are not nordics.
I’ve read there are different species that resemble the nordics like the tall whites and even more that look like humans
I’ve read there are different species that resemble the nordics like the tall whites and even more that look like humans
Many times when enemy ETs try to manipulate you, they send you mental images of that type to make you lower your guard. Would you trust more in an ugly reptile or another ET with a strange physical appearance or if has a similar appearance to your race?
Why are we at war with the reptilians in the first place? If they wanted slaves, they are technologically advanced enough to genetically engineer clones, they even made the jews. If they wanted our planet, they would have exterminated us a long time ago. I cant seem to find any logical conclusion to what the reptilians have in store for us and our race

And who were the gods who opposed Satan? It seems like they would be a pretty huge threat, i was thinking they could possibly be responsible for imprisoning the group of demons maxine spoke about freeing.

Im very curious and inquisitive, and it seems not even the forums hold the answers i seek sometimes. Thank you for whoever replies, even if you don't know. Its always great to ask questions and seek the truth ^-^
Since reptilians are intelligent, I think they have a very complex structure and pursue specific goals, which may be to enslave people, and feed on their souls, body, blood (for example, to perform bloody Jewish rituals) and take over the planet, or just grab some resources (for example, to build ships, or the production of something), but since the reptilians are opposed by our Gods, the reptilians have no chance of winning, the reptilians will be defeated.
Many times when enemy ETs try to manipulate you, they send you mental images of that type to make you lower your guard. Would you trust more in an ugly reptile or another ET with a strange physical appearance or if has a similar appearance to your race?

Here an example of this from today for further explanation how they operate:
They preferably use the inject of dreams after they have explored emotional weaknesses. I guess you know you are most open and vulnerable during waking up or falling asleep. There they do operate preferably because of the accessibility of the subconcious in this state

Got a dream seeing my nice (a very beautiful aryan soul) after several years again. Strange unrealistic setup about the location, the basement of my old parents house which has to do with another manipulation they try. So I was happy to met her again. She moved from my brother to me and I embraced her immediately because my heart is still bleeding for that I cannot meet her and my nephew in this realm (emotional weakness they explored) and was happy. After I let go of the hug I looked in her face and was confused because that wasn't my nice, it was a face of a women, pretty beatiful but definitely not my nice so i woke up (or got woken up to be more precise) and there it is, they opened a tunnel to the mind through the defense for injecting manipulating thoughts, because additionally to all this cosuming spiritual energy stuff they also try to manipulate. Ever heard of web-slinging Wasps?
Why do the reptilians want spiritual energy from humans? I have a feeling that it can't be pleasant.
For the same reason human beings want to eat salmon and take from cods their cod liver oil. They just see humans as a resource. A mosquito sees you in the same way, too.

However, mosquitoes are a bigger problem for humanity in proximity rather than reptilians, so instead of people fixating to think that one' felt an itch on their ass because of an entity from another dimension, they should be ignored. Doing the alternative which is dwelling also procures too much misplaced imagination.

In the same way one failure and one bandit can make an "alliance" to gang up on someone to steal from them, so do they, with the enemy. In the same way one cannot spend all day trying to figure out a bandit's very foolish mentality, one cannot be serious and dwell on these subjects either. Waste of time.

I borderline regret having to ever talk about these subjects as they agitate the imagination of many weak people to cause problem transferrence to "entities" instead of understanding that this is only a far reaching projection to compensate for numerous psychological weaknesses. However one could not avoid this topic because it's actually known and many people were curious.

So yes they exist somewhere but the existence of a parasite is not more important than the study of a mosquito. If one feels major need for this, they should understand that staying away from the mosquito is the best thing to do. They are not worth all the attention in anyway.

In the real world and for people close to the Gods, none of that means anything.

The Gods are extremely powerful, these beings are as limited as a bandit compared to the Gods. The privillege of those of the Gods is they don't have to worry about every parasite out there, but rather that one can be close to the light and away from these things. One must therefore also distance their mind from these useless notions, albeit knowing them as info of something that "alright", it does exist.
Understand that the Reptilians are ultimately little more than an alien species that has failed internally on a colossal scale no matter how advanced their "civilization". To even declare them to be "advanced" would not be entirely true, as unlike our Gods and the civilizations cultivated by them, the Reptilians have no higher aspirations than to satiate base and parasitic desires which have come to rule over them like a tyrant. That is a part of why the High Priest so wisely states that in comparison to our Gods, they are merely bandits, and indeed, in juxtaposition to our Gods, they are inferior in every way, beginning first and foremost with their failure to ever achieve any genuine form of internal law, temperance or wisdom.

In that regard, these entities are inferior to even a dedicated and consistently advancing and growing Spiritual Satanist and are thus unworthy of our concern or attention, especially as the Gods protect us from any interference the worthless vermin may prove capable of.
Hades is a "concept". "It is the lowest point," "Abyss," "the lowest point in the soul is the 1st chakra," "there is nothing below it."

The Bible corrupted this "concept" by linking "hell" with "Hades," representing the 1st chakra, for their "disconnection" goals.
Here an example of this from today for further explanation how they operate:
They preferably use the inject of dreams after they have explored emotional weaknesses. I guess you know you are most open and vulnerable during waking up or falling asleep. There they do operate preferably because of the accessibility of the subconcious in this state

Got a dream seeing my nice (a very beautiful aryan soul) after several years again. Strange unrealistic setup about the location, the basement of my old parents house which has to do with another manipulation they try. So I was happy to met her again. She moved from my brother to me and I embraced her immediately because my heart is still bleeding for that I cannot meet her and my nephew in this realm (emotional weakness they explored) and was happy. After I let go of the hug I looked in her face and was confused because that wasn't my nice, it was a face of a women, pretty beatiful but definitely not my nice so i woke up (or got woken up to be more precise) and there it is, they opened a tunnel to the mind through the defense for injecting manipulating thoughts, because additionally to all this cosuming spiritual energy stuff they also try to manipulate. Ever heard of web-slinging Wasps?
Definitely there are a lot of parasites in the astral, and yes they mimic your loved ones, to energetically hook into you via your dreams to feed off your emotions. They have consciousness yes, whether they are linked to reptilians or greys, I dont know?
Why are we at war with the reptilians in the first place? If they wanted slaves, they are technologically advanced enough to genetically engineer clones, they even made the jews. If they wanted our planet, they would have exterminated us a long time ago. I cant seem to find any logical conclusion to what the reptilians have in store for us and our race

And who were the gods who opposed Satan? It seems like they would be a pretty huge threat, i was thinking they could possibly be responsible for imprisoning the group of demons maxine spoke about freeing.

Im very curious and inquisitive, and it seems not even the forums hold the answers i seek sometimes. Thank you for whoever replies, even if you don't know. Its always great to ask questions and seek the truth ^-^
Why are we at war with the reptilians in the first place? If they wanted slaves, they are technologically advanced enough to genetically engineer clones, they even made the jews. If they wanted our planet, they would have exterminated us a long time ago. I cant seem to find any logical conclusion to what the reptilians have in store for us and our race

And who were the gods who opposed Satan? It seems like they would be a pretty huge threat, i was thinking they could possibly be responsible for imprisoning the group of demons maxine spoke about freeing.

Im very curious and inquisitive, and it seems not even the forums hold the answers i seek sometimes. Thank you for whoever replies, even if you don't know. Its always great to ask questions and seek the truth ^-^
About the reptilians genetically engineering jews. — that doesn’t really sound logical, if Satan is supposed to receive even the jewish soul’s after death? Either, the jews just have seriously bad karma, and seriously weak souls, and so are easily inhabited by astral parasitic thought forms (mind) from very early on, or even at birth,

Or, they have a different alien soul, which I guess would get escorted after death by the 4th dimensional reptilians or whatever you want to call them, to where ever they dwell in the astral.

Probably, it is just the former - parasitic mind infestation
About the reptilians genetically engineering jews. — that doesn’t really sound logical, if Satan is supposed to receive even the jewish soul’s after death? Either, the jews just have seriously bad karma, and seriously weak souls, and so are easily inhabited by astral parasitic thought forms (mind) from very early on, or even at birth,

Or, they have a different alien soul, which I guess would get escorted after death by the 4th dimensional reptilians or whatever you want to call them, to where ever they dwell in the astral.

Probably, it is just the former - parasitic mind infestation
I am of the theory that the Jewish "soul" is ultimately little more than an amalgamation of thoughtforms conceived of by the enemy and empowered by the Hebrew alphabet. It is known that the Hebrew alphabet is virtually the Jewish soul, and also a part of why the Final RTR does so much damage to the Jews on every level beyond the fact that all of their spiritual power is based in it. Whenever we perform the Final RTR, we essentially drain their souls, which is observable in the ways in which it weakens them and exposes them to destruction.

Much like the Jewish form, the Jewish soul would likewise be a shoddy Reptilian attempt to approximate and mimic the Human soul as created by the Gods. The Jewish "soul", being essentially a thoughtform, is likely reused by the enemy after the death of a Jew if it has remained strong enough. This is likely how the enemy hopes to manifest a Jewish "messiah" by means of massive blood sacrifice and the Torah subliminals, similar to the other enemy thoughtforms, which are at any rate gradually being destroyed by the Final RTR and it's accompanying rituals.

I would be interested in making a post, or a sermon of sorts on this subject, explaining this in greater detail, but I am uncertain if High Priest Hooded Cobra has already touched upon the subject, or if he plans to do in the future.
I am of the theory that the Jewish "soul" is ultimately little more than an amalgamation of thoughtforms conceived of by the enemy and empowered by the Hebrew alphabet. It is known that the Hebrew alphabet is virtually the Jewish soul, and also a part of why the Final RTR does so much damage to the Jews on every level beyond the fact that all of their spiritual power is based in it. Whenever we perform the Final RTR, we essentially drain their souls, which is observable in the ways in which it weakens them and exposes them to destruction.

Much like the Jewish form, the Jewish soul would likewise be a shoddy Reptilian attempt to approximate and mimic the Human soul as created by the Gods. The Jewish "soul", being essentially a thoughtform, is likely reused by the enemy after the death of a Jew if it has remained strong enough. This is likely how the enemy hopes to manifest a Jewish "messiah" by means of massive blood sacrifice and the Torah subliminals, similar to the other enemy thoughtforms, which are at any rate gradually being destroyed by the Final RTR and it's accompanying rituals.

I would be interested in making a post, or a sermon of sorts on this subject, explaining this in greater detail, but I am uncertain if High Priest Hooded Cobra has already touched upon the subject, or if he plans to do in the future.
yes, a parasitic thought form, that gets into the crown chakra, which is able to infiltrate our minds as they trick us into letting them in when we are dreaming. I think its likely the thought form moves on from its host as they near death, as the host is not so much used to them. Like a life long possession.

I think a human body is only compatible with a human soul, but the negative karma of the jews, their weaknesses, make them way more susceptible to parasitic thought forms.

When my gran died recently, she definitely was met with demon beings, and she started remembering her true self, rather than identifying with the acquired personality of this life that had been influenced by the jewish though form, and she said "there is no useful information in the Bible"..... having been a devout christian her whole life. She told me this the day before she left her body. Of course my family all think i'm lying...
Is better if you pay them no mind. They are attention seekers and just want all your attention so they can feed off your energy. If you try to attack one many more will attack you all at once. They are not to be underestimated
Ok thanks for the advice, so best to save our energy for focus for the RTRS then? What about black magic on our fellow humans? Would you advise also just to save your energy for the RTRS?
Definitely there are a lot of parasites in the astral, and yes they mimic your loved ones, to energetically hook into you via your dreams to feed off your emotions. They have consciousness yes, whether they are linked to reptilians or greys, I dont know?

Well do not see this as an "or" these Greys or their thoughtforms are kinda workerbees/slaves for the Reptiles, at least from my experience.
Got through this several times, at first you encounter one or several greys(or their thoughtforms). They are small in size, about 30-50 cm and try to weaken your Aura by injecting thoughts or trying to attach to your aura/chakras. They can also attach to another person with a weak aura or if he/she is simply unaware, get this person near you and operate from nearby when your own field isn't directly accessible and trying some weakening manipulations.

When the situation is "hopeless" for these little creeps. Either your own field is to strong or the environment doesn't allow outside manipulations. (It is also possible to knock them out btw). They call their "big buddies" so to speak. Reptilian entities have at least human size ( the weaker ones) but mostly they are bigger than the average human body. If they are mounted on a human they are attached to their lower chakras but often the heartchackra, holding the human like a puppet and then trying to jab the human and get hold of it or merge with it.

I think a human body is only compatible with a human soul, but the negative karma of the jews, their weaknesses, make them way more susceptible to parasitic thought forms.

Unfortunately most of the attacks I have ecountered were jumpers from gentile people. But you are definetly right, their energy is that incompatible with the soul that they have to damage the human before. (Alchoholism, Drug addiction etc.) A few weeks ago they tried to attack by using a poor soul in a bank. Definetly gentile but so drunk and drugged that this "host" ware barely able to stand.

And regarding Greys, I also encourered people who saw them and my interaction with them who have adopted them as buddies or guides or something like that.

But in the end what most people write is correct if you are healthy, don't have a damaged body plus awareness/spiritual practice they cannot do very except outside manipulations maybe which is nullified by awareness.
Know this from myself before my accident. Even in a wasted state on a funny weekend their attemps were just laughable weak.
Well do not see this as an "or" these Greys or their thoughtforms are kinda workerbees/slaves for the Reptiles, at least from my experience.
Got through this several times, at first you encounter one or several greys(or their thoughtforms). They are small in size, about 30-50 cm and try to weaken your Aura by injecting thoughts or trying to attach to your aura/chakras. They can also attach to another person with a weak aura or if he/she is simply unaware, get this person near you and operate from nearby when your own field isn't directly accessible and trying some weakening manipulations.

When the situation is "hopeless" for these little creeps. Either your own field is to strong or the environment doesn't allow outside manipulations. (It is also possible to knock them out btw). They call their "big buddies" so to speak. Reptilian entities have at least human size ( the weaker ones) but mostly they are bigger than the average human body. If they are mounted on a human they are attached to their lower chakras but often the heartchackra, holding the human like a puppet and then trying to jab the human and get hold of it or merge with it.

Unfortunately most of the attacks I have ecountered were jumpers from gentile people. But you are definetly right, their energy is that incompatible with the soul that they have to damage the human before. (Alchoholism, Drug addiction etc.) A few weeks ago they tried to attack by using a poor soul in a bank. Definetly gentile but so drunk and drugged that this "host" ware barely able to stand.

And regarding Greys, I also encourered people who saw them and my interaction with them who have adopted them as buddies or guides or something like that.

But in the end what most people write is correct if you are healthy, don't have a damaged body plus awareness/spiritual practice they cannot do very except outside manipulations maybe which is nullified by awareness.
Know this from myself before my accident. Even in a wasted state on a funny weekend their attemps were just laughable weak.
thing is, most people do have addictions, and weaknesses, drugs, food, shopping, sex, so easily fall into traps during the dreamtime, where energetically they are then tapped into. So most people, have some sort go thought form running through them. To maintain lucidity during dreaming is very difficult.
But can we send our hate towards them? Instead of fellow humans.
Sure, you can do this through the gods' rituals. For example, you can visualize Baal shaking the entire universe with his power returning these curses and attacks (They have tried to erase the gods) to the senders.

Notice, the above will cause you several attacks. They will try to stop anyone from doing this, at any cost, so before doing this you should build a strong AOP.

Also, you won't get any immunity if you are not sick in the first place. A wolf in the wild is stronger than a wolf in the zoo.
Ok thanks for the advice, so best to save our energy for focus for the RTRS then? What about black magic on our fellow humans? Would you advise also just to save your energy for the RTRS?
Well we are spiritual satanists and we do not condone turning the other cheek when people try to do us harm. so black magic is good way to retaliate but you have to really be skilled and know what you’re doing when you use black magick it tends to be more dangerous then white magick. When you have a powerful aura you can intimidate your enemies with it and they will feel it. Yes RTR are to be enforced now more than ever! You have to know your enemies and use your energies wisely against these parasites/jews that are the definition of pure evil that must be eradicated off the face of this earth forever!
What is Rainman, mentioned in the songs in the movies? There are many songs about him. I think this is the being to whom they sold their souls. Could it be Moloch?
Hades is a "concept". "It is the lowest point," "Abyss," "the lowest point in the soul is the 1st chakra," "there is nothing below it."

The Bible corrupted this "concept" by linking "hell" with "Hades," representing the 1st chakra, for their "disconnection" goals.

Hades is not a concept, but real person. The lowest point of soul is not directed by physical chacra placement, but deep of the soul. Pointed primary by 6th Chacra, but also achievable at every single of them. Abyss as a place include all souls and places like Hell or Heaven. The exception are souls, that wanted to stay on Earth. This choice costs mostly short lifetime because soul energy at open world fastly fainting by law of entropy. Soul can't breathe, eat or drink that protect you from entropy during Earth lifetime. Hades or Abyss hold all astral characters in closed environment, so their energy can last even forever.
You seem very confused, please read the jos.

Zeus is also a real person, but he is also associated with some “concepts” a kind of “message” as in the case of Hades. This can also be seen in the Hellenic myths. Hermes, God Thoth, also represents the function of the lower and higher mind, connected with the sign of the twins, the mind.

(..)Hades = Hell (otherworldly realm) Poseidon = Earth (human realm) Zeus = Heaven (heavenly realm)(..)

“Hell” is connected to the first chakra. The sixth chakra is not connected to it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
