Which chakra is ruled by Venus?
Doing a Venus square and I've found doing squares in general it works best to "aim" the vibration at the associated chakra of the square, or else vaguely in the torso area, but there's nothing listed on the Venus page:
"In the chest [heart] you have two places of interest. One is the Heart [the literal heart] and that is ruled by Venus. Therefore working on the Venus there, causes no problem.
In front of the heart, you have the Thymus gland, which is ruled by Mercury, yet this is still a part of the general heart chakra.
In the throat, you have the vocal chords [ruled by Mercury] and the Thyroid [butterfly shaped gland, ruled by Venus]. These are two parts also, bonded in one.
These four places in the soul, do form an X shape, and their energies are interchanged all the time. They never stay "in one place".
And therefore the conflation in the Ancient texts arose about the rulership. The exchange and inter-flow between the two chakras makes them very closely connected. You can take this either way, Venus/Heart or Mercury/Throat, and nothing bad will happen to the balance of the Soul, or you can do the reverse.
For setting a final answer, you can say that Heart is ruled by Venus, and Co-ruled by Mercury, while Throat is ruled by Mercury, and Co-Ruled by Venus. The reason why is the reason above. One can also try for themselves to see the result for themselves."