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What can i do to pass exam?


Dec 5, 2021
Hi! On wednesday i have an exam. Im studying like crazy, but im have fear of failure. Im praying to Satan to pass this exam.. There are 1400 questions to study, but only 40 will be in exam. Is there anything i can do to pass exam? When we were doing FRTRs i was doing them. Im also translating JoS website. Please, what everything can i do to pass this exam? I would do anything..
You can Lord Thoths' ritual combined with a small working with Mannaz or Kenaz for a few days.

If you can't use runes, power up with yoga or breathing exercises and breathe in yellow energy. Program it to improve your cognitive abilities.

Good luck!
Breath and absorb golden energy, this deals with ; intuition, insight, divination , quick luck , trust in one self , personal power and many other things.
While doing so , do an affirmation such as " I trust in my abilities and I successfully pass my exam in positive ways for me " .
While doing so , feel happy and trust in yourself , feel as you already passed it and you feel the winner joy of the success.

This will also help your intuition so if you read all that you need to read , when the questions will come then you will simply just pump out the information out of your head.
Good luck!
When I needed to pass exams what worked like charm was vibrating Satanas as much as you can and affirming that you are passing that exam very easily and succesfully.

You will be magically guided to studying what will directly be in the exam. Always worked like charm, but you need to do your part and study.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
