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What American Means To The World

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What American Means To The World

From the anti-Communist protests in Hong Kong:


As Hong Kong protesters march into hails of armoured police, tear gas, rubber bullets, clubs and arrests for democracy and to maintain their autonomy from the Chinese Communist Party on the mainland. They are waving the American flag and singing the American national anthem as they fight for their freedom. American means freedom because this is what American was founded on and those with the least amount of freedom understand this.



Think about this the next time the Judeo-Marxists are in the streets of American waving Communist flags and decrying American freedoms as horrible.
It is always totally stupid when you see people who live outside of the US, always blame the US for just about anything, and in many cases, blaming the normal people too. The situation is most of the "bad" thing the US does boils down to this sole reason:

Jews and the alliance the US has under Israel. Effectively, the US does Israel's external policy for it, that is all there is to it.

People should understand that were it not for the US, in the Western World, there wouldn't be any freedoms. In Europe there aren't a lot of freedoms already as it is, were it not for NATO and other alliances that can only be upkept just by having a 'reasonable amount of freedom, Europe would have far less if any freedoms.

In both Europe and the United states, the enemy plays the very same game, to constrain all the free world and turn it over into a universal communist gulag. Yes, it could have been better, and without the enemy, it will be, but it could also have been FAR worse.

As to the idiots who praise Russia or other places of the world simply because they think they are cool, or China, or whatever else, these people are clearly either closet Communists or just very deceived.

Communist like to praise strange shit, but they enjoy and ravel so much to live in the Free world only to corrupt it and make it a jewish gutter. They won't go into China or "socialist" Cuba will they.

Everytime a "Socialist" accident happens, or Communism is at bay, people only call to the United States for help, Frau Merkel who was literally a member of the Communist police isn't gonna help anyone out.

Britain is also deteriorating in regards to freedoms and any rights due to forced multiculturalism, France is also under siege by the jews and their censorship policies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is always totally stupid when you see people who live outside of the US, always blame the US for just about anything, and in many cases, blaming the normal people too. The situation is most of the "bad" thing the US does boils down to this sole reason:

Jews and the alliance the US has under Israel. Effectively, the US does Israel's external policy for it, that is all there is to it.
Meaning jewmerica or jewnited States of America, after the jewnited Kingdom and - as the jew hopes - the European jewnion.
Hong Kong citizens have more respect for what America really means than than bot only many leftists but many (not all) migrants who have lived here for decades.

I understand that it's hard for people to get out of their echo chamber since there is hardly any alternate news source or any at all they can turn to that speaks their main language but seriously at some point they're the ones at fault for not trying to go out and educate themselves instead of lazily expecting every information to fall on their lap providers by the msm.

It gets frustrating being surrounded by these fools
I'm glad I can come here and "be around" intelligent and spiritually hard working people that can easily understand what The Great Satan really means.
There is no freedom of speech anymore in "modern" European countries. You write something on the internet about Jews or Muslims, you go to jail. You write a lot, you go to jail for almost five years.

That's why I hope American Satanists realize the importance of doing daily online warfare, before the same laws are imposed in the US.
FancyMancy said:
Meaning jewmerica or jewnited States of America, after the jewnited Kingdom and - as the jew hopes - the European jewnion.

As the jew hopes? As the jew already has. The European Union is responsible for the islamicization of half the continent! And it ruined Greece!
Just when I think I've gotten used to the current state of things, something new happens. Hong Kong is shaping up to be a major historical event. What a time to be alive.
txg said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What American Means To The World

From the anti-Communist protests in Hong Kong:


As Hong Kong protesters march into hails of armoured police, tear gas, rubber bullets, clubs and arrests for democracy and to maintain their autonomy from the Chinese Communist Party on the mainland. They are waving the American flag and singing the American national anthem as they fight for their freedom. American means freedom because this is what American was founded on and those with the least amount of freedom understand this.



Think about this the next time the Judeo-Marxists are in the streets of American waving Communist flags and decrying American freedoms as horrible.

i have been speaking negatively about the chinese, calling them ignorant, sheepish etc. i was clearly wrong and im very happy to see this.
I wonder if there might also be any influence from National Socialist Japan upon China, as well.

ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
Meaning jewmerica or jewnited States of America, after the jewnited Kingdom and - as the jew hopes - the European jewnion.

As the jew hopes? As the jew already has. The European Union is responsible for the islamicization of half the continent! And it ruined Greece!
Brexit, baybay! Then cometh (in alphabetical order) Ausexit, Daexit, Dexit, Esexit, Frexit, Grexit, Irexit, Itexit, Swexit...

What I meant in my reply is that the jew has raped America, before that the jew has used the UK to rape the world (now with some countries having independence), and now the jew is raping, and is trying to finish raping Europe to make it (the problem, etc.) bigger than the shit it is already. In other words, the jewnited Kingdom had much power, the jewnited States of America has much power, and the European jewnion is trying to have much power, with the hope that these 3 powers would become one superpower...but Brexit, etc.exit, are all happening, so the jew can only wish and hope now.
FancyMancy said:
Brexit, baybay! Then cometh (in alphabetical order) Ausexit, Daexit, Dexit, Esexit, Frexit, Grexit, Irexit, Itexit, Swexit...

What I meant in my reply is that the jew has raped America, before that the jew has used the UK to rape the world (now with some countries having independence), and now the jew is raping, and is trying to finish raping Europe to make it (the problem, etc.) bigger than the shit it is already. In other words, the jewnited Kingdom had much power, the jewnited States of America has much power, and the European jewnion is trying to have much power, with the hope that these 3 powers would become one superpower...but Brexit, etc.exit, are all happening, so the jew can only wish and hope now.

Yeah, good luck with Brexit my friend. Too bad Boris Johnson the jew is now in office. He promised he would go through with Brexit, let's see what happens. My prediction? His jewishness will cause the messiest Brexit possible, but luckily will also be messy for the EU; a No-Deal Brexit, going back to WTO rules. Or perhaps, completely abandon the whole idea and ignore the referendum, just like the EU ignored the referendums from Denmark, Ireland, France, The Netherlands, etc

So who's to say they won't ignore Brexit? DEMOCRATIC MY ASS!!! The EU isn't a democracy, it's an oligarchy! Perhaps we should call it what it really is, the EUSSR. They'll either ignore it, or force the people to keep voting until they get the answer they want. London and Brussels didn't like the answer the people gave, so they say "Uhhhh let's vote again since it's been a couple years, and some of the people who voted are probably dead" Yeah, just keep voting and voting and voting until they get the answer they want, that's proof in the pudding that Democracy in and of itself is a SHAM!!!

That goes for the US too. Perhaps I should've voted for "Deez Nuts" or "Harambe" in 2016 because my vote would've went to waste anyway.

Democracy is a sham, National Socialism now!
The j00 doesn't give the slightest shit about us, because that would mean the j00 has less shit to feast upon (yes, I am being sarcastic disgustingly, but also serious genuinely). In a war, how very likely is it that the win is 100% rosy and hunky-dory and peachy-keen? A lot of shit happens, then the victors have to rebuild; and to them the spoils. After a war, infrastructure (Physically and otherwise) is destroyed, so it might seem like shit but it has to happen.

ShadowTheRaven said:
just like the EU ignored the referendums from Denmark, Ireland, France, The Netherlands, etc
Perhaps you have seen a picture of text/tables with this in it. I found it once then I lost it and I haven't been able to find it again. I have mentioned it a few times, where the votes for the county are ignored and the votes against the country are embraced.

So who's to say they won't ignore Brexit? DEMOCRATIC MY ASS!!! The EU isn't a democracy, it's an oligarchy! Perhaps we should call it what it really is, the EUSSR.
There was also an "EUrabia".

That goes for the US too. Perhaps I should've voted for "Deez Nuts" or "Harambe" in 2016 because my vote would've went to waste anyway.
I wonder how many votes the Monster Raving Loony Party will win!

It's interesting that (((they))) termed it "demo-cracy", with "demo" coming from "demonstrate/ion", i.e. from "Daemon", which means "Guardian, Teacher, Guide".
FancyMancy said:
It's interesting that (((they))) termed it "demo-cracy", with "demo" coming from "demonstrate/ion", i.e. from "Daemon", which means "Guardian, Teacher, Guide".

I'm pretty sure the etymology for the word "democracy" does not come from the word Daemon.

Let's call it what it really is: A plutocracy. That's the US and Europe for you, they're Plutocracies (Ruled by the wealthy)
ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
It's interesting that (((they))) termed it "demo-cracy", with "demo" coming from "demonstrate/ion", i.e. from "Daemon", which means "Guardian, Teacher, Guide".

I'm pretty sure the etymology for the word "democracy" does not come from the word Daemon.

Let's call it what it really is: A plutocracy. That's the US and Europe for you, they're Plutocracies (Ruled by the wealthy)
Yeah, so we need some SSs who have the money, then, before c(r)apitalism turns into commjewnism.
I said it many times in my posts, I am an Argie. Our Constitution was based on American Constitution(I am studying law here). Since a very young age I looked up to the States mainly for its language and the values you defend. I've been there many times in my life and I must admit it is such a great country that it even surpasses the greatness of some european countries. Even though Donald Trump is a pro jewish puppet(unfourtunately I believe he will impose the 7 noachide laws and will help the kikes build the third temple. There is a book I wanna read that elaborates on this idea I've been having since 2017 called "The rabbis Donald Trump and the secret plan to rebuild the third temple by a nefarious jew Thomas Horn)
he is the least worse politician there is to rule the US. He is the "best" asset the western world has many idiots compare him to the moron homophobic Bolsonaro but he has nothing to do with that piece of shit. I am, as my user name can tell you,an admirer of the pre christian Roman Empire and it has been said many times that USA is a reminicense of that wonderful Empire. It is a fact that many scumbag morons dont get to understand but for Hitler and the United States wr would have been all slaughtered many moons ago. Western civilization lives and struggles to survive thanks to the existance of USA. The mongrels dumbs who claim to be NS and attack the US just for its ties to the bandit state of pissrael are a bunch of ignorants who havent read Mein Kampf since Adolf Hitler praises US in his book.
As an outsider who has visited the States I must tell everything stated here is true.
I was mesmerized when I came to know in 2011 the NSM that uses SA uniforms and Swatikas and NS memorabilia existed. In no other country such a freedom of speech would exist.

I hate to say this, but...

RT - YouTube axes anti-protest channels as US Ministry of Truth battles China over Hong Kong
Twitter - "Hong Kong Christian"/"Hong Kong Muslim"

Hong Kong isn't something we should be supporting. The CCP is bad in its own way, but it's overwhelmingly obvious that the "American Flag" protests have been set off by the US. And even if America's founding ideology was anti-Jewish while China's was Jewish, it's not debatable that Jews are 100% in control of America, while China does not seem to be run by anyone except the Han Chinese.

China is definitely not NatSoc - they run roughshod over their own people and others, and are out for as much as they can grab from the world. But they're one of the only countries on Earth that's stood up to Christians, Muslims, (((Wall St))), and the Baizuo ("White Left" - China's own word for SJWs) at the same time. It's unfortunate that quasi-Communist China appears to be a less Jewish project than the formerly-Free United States, but that's where we're at.

If anything, Hong Kong is perfect proof that the Jews, who "hate" Christianity so much, will eagerly pull it out of the closet to use on any country they want to destroy.
China is run by the Jews, they also enforce the Catholic Church. Hong Kong does not want to be ruled by Communists Jews with Asian faces. I have wrote numerous articles detailing that China is the base the Jews are rolling out their New World Order system from. This includes economic, military and AI networks. China is the new USSR for the Jews which is why the Jews built Communist China and have built it up. The Jews want to destroy America from the inside and bring China to be the global Communist power of which they will use to bring about global Communist take over.

The events from the trade wars to the protests are all part the collapse of Communist China if this keeps going. The Party can't sustain itself.
RoyBatty91 said:
I hate to say this, but...

RT - YouTube axes anti-protest channels as US Ministry of Truth battles China over Hong Kong
Twitter - "Hong Kong Christian"/"Hong Kong Muslim"

Hong Kong isn't something we should be supporting. The CCP is bad in its own way, but it's overwhelmingly obvious that the "American Flag" protests have been set off by the US. And even if America's founding ideology was anti-Jewish while China's was Jewish, it's not debatable that Jews are 100% in control of America, while China does not seem to be run by anyone except the Han Chinese.

China is definitely not NatSoc - they run roughshod over their own people and others, and are out for as much as they can grab from the world. But they're one of the only countries on Earth that's stood up to Christians, Muslims, (((Wall St))), and the Baizuo ("White Left" - China's own word for SJWs) at the same time. It's unfortunate that quasi-Communist China appears to be a less Jewish project than the formerly-Free United States, but that's where we're at.

If anything, Hong Kong is perfect proof that the Jews, who "hate" Christianity so much, will eagerly pull it out of the closet to use on any country they want to destroy.

Cant agree more!!! China has been over the control of the jews since they took power with the crypto tiu-kiu-koui jew mao tse tung in the 1950's. Neither Hong Kong nor any city in China or in Asia let alone Japan albeit our belief that the Japs tend to be less intoxicated of jewish garbage, is safe from kosher domination. If you take a look close to the president of China and Japan's prime minister you will spot their jewish feature specially China's. That rat face along with those ears. I must admit it is very hazardous to tell apart jews among asian people but china's prime minister is way too easy

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
