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New member
Jun 26, 2018
I feel bad starting another racial thread, but my curiosity got the best of me.
If both of my parents and their familial lineage has always been pure to their race, and then they race mix to create me 50% black and 50% white, is my race dependent on my soul, and since I've always leaned more towards the white race, and was fascinated by my Italian heritage and wasn't interested in women of any other race other than the white race, am I white on the soul level? Or does being mixed act as a separate race, neither white nor black, rather independent? If neither am I black?

The answer wont bother me, I'll always fight for Satan and our SS family regardless of what I am, I'm just curious whenever I read sermons that mention race, especially mentioning how races should be separate, I don't know if I'd belong in Italy, Africa, or wherever.

Thanks in advance!
You are more toward being black. Black is dominant genes and white is recessive, so it's not really like a 50% + 50% mix. Look for black women to be with. You can mix back into black genes and your descendants will be basically full black again in just a few generations. But the same can not be done with eventually having white descendants. White genes are recessive and much more delicate.
You’ll want to stay with the black race.
It’s good you stay true to nature and loyal to the Gods.
I knew a mulatto who called himself an SS but then would go on and look for white girls and complain about me being a bad Nazi because I exposed his disgusting anti nature behaviour.
A word of caution - in a world where Racial lines are blurred and confused, a White might "prefer" to be Black, and due to programming (education, media, peer pressure, etc.), that can be reinforced. You have to be absolutely certain about your decision.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You are more toward being black. Black is dominant genes and white is recessive, so it's not really like a 50% + 50% mix. Look for black women to be with. You can mix back into black genes and your descendants will be basically full black again in just a few generations. But the same can not be done with eventually having white descendants. White genes are recessive and much more delicate.

Well it’s not always the case. Like Mariah Carey. I was shocked when I even found out she was half black, and had she had kids with a white man, no trace of her black lineage would of been apparent in them I suspect. So, to the OP, look at yourself. Obviously you’re mixed but more often then not there’s one, either black or white, you appear stronger as.
Thanks for the help brother! :)
I just have a follow-up question based on your choice of words, when you say

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You are more toward being black.

does "more toward" mean that I'm not black but just lean more towards it due to having the dominate genes they do, or did you mean I am of the black race?

Thanks in advance!
cripto556 said:
Thanks for the help brother! :)
I just have a follow-up question based on your choice of words, when you say

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You are more toward being black.

does "more toward" mean that I'm not black but just lean more towards it due to having the dominate genes they do, or did you mean I am of the black race?

Thanks in advance!
Marry someone of the same color as you
Don't worry which race you are
Here look at me I am from india
Here I think 400 million people are race mixed , now we feel like a separate race lol
Unfortunately due to the enemy's curses and other racial karma issues on the soul, such as being in a race-mixed bloodline in a past-life has resulted in some Whites being born into this life half-non White. This is a problem deliberately created by the enemy to rob Gentiles of their identity and spiritual strength, and to bastardize them. It has been mentioned before that a person feels more drawn to the ancestral lands of their race as one indicator, so if you are of mixed race and feel strongly drawn to Europe and it's cultures, or a specific culture, you might be White spiritually but born into the wrong place in this life. Your natal chart is also a way to tell as there are certain placements affected by racial karma, along with past life regression sessions. Which Race Awakening Ritual do you perform and which seems to affect you the most?

What clears this issue up and restores you to the race you are supposed to be part of is consistent meditation and spiritual advancement. As a person becomes more spiritually open and advanced with a soul cleaned of negative karma and curses, their very genome begins to change over the course of years of work as is seen with the SATANAMA mantra and brings them back into accordance with racial purity. Once a person reaches a high enough spiritual state, in some cases the Magnum Opus itself, they fully restore racial purity which is of course a part of overall spiritual perfection. Therefore my advice to you is to continue to work on yourself spiritually and see where it gets you over time. If you are more black than you are white for example, you will begin to feel more attuned to the black race and at some point, know for a fact that you belong to that race. The race the soul belongs to will never change and there are no actual "mixed" souls, as the Gods and nature itself do not make mistakes like that.

As for who you have children with, I would suggest not having children at all until you have at least raised your serpent and know for certain which race you belong to genetically. Even then you should not have children with White or Black women who are mostly purely of their race, instead go for someone more or less mixed (between 50% and 65%) if you absolutely must have children. Remember that Satan is always willing to guide you to the truth about yourself and through the bigger decisions you make.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You are more toward being black. Black is dominant genes and white is recessive, so it's not really like a 50% + 50% mix. Look for black women to be with. You can mix back into black genes and your descendants will be basically full black again in just a few generations. But the same can not be done with eventually having white descendants. White genes are recessive and much more delicate.
He should not mix further into the Black race either if it turns out he is not spiritually Black, as connections on the soul he would make with a Black spouse would remain and cause further racial karma issues in future lives and vice-versa if his soul is not spiritually White. I am of the opinion that race mixed individuals which are 50%-65% of another race should not reproduce as it only propagates racial impurity even more and all genetic/health issues associated with it. If Third Sex individuals do not need children to be happy with their lives then race-mixed individuals can do without as well unless they complete the Magnum Opus and restore racial purity in their current lifetime. There are always future lives to have children where one can be closer to their actual race if they work on their souls in this lifetime.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Doing the Magnum Opus does not turn a mix race person into a pure race person, it doesn't work like that. Even if growing to the level of a god, they would still be mixed race. They would be perfected in their own way, and the conflicting genes would be put into a harmony and corrected. But they would not become pure of either race.

Even if their soul feels more white, the body is not white. Their body is still mixed, and is closer to being black than to being white since white genes are recessive. They can't go with a white spouse because that would be mixing and erasing that spouse's potential white descendents. But since black genes are dominant, in only a very few generations the children would be pure black again.

If you feel like your soul is more white, maybe it is, but that doesn't make it okay to mix. All those white kids obsessed with anime and feel a deep connection to it, doesn't make them Japanese.
For anyone not sure of their race, or what race to go with if you are mixed, right now is an eclipse in Cancer, perfect time to use the Othal rune to align yourself with your race. Eclipse starts in 4 minutes from the time of my post being posted, and will last for 3 hours from now.

Othal is #24, you can vibrate it for 24, 48, 72 etc times.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Doing the Magnum Opus does not turn a mix race person into a pure race person, it doesn't work like that. Even if growing to the level of a god, they would still be mixed race. They would be perfected in their own way, and the conflicting genes would be put into a harmony and corrected. But they would not become pure of either race.

Even if their soul feels more white, the body is not white. Their body is still mixed, and is closer to being black than to being white since white genes are recessive. They can't go with a white spouse because that would be mixing and erasing that spouse's potential white descendents. But since black genes are dominant, in only a very few generations the children would be pure black again.

If you feel like your soul is more white, maybe it is, but that doesn't make it okay to mix. All those white kids obsessed with anime and feel a deep connection to it, doesn't make them Japanese.
If the Magnum Opus is the peak realization of spiritual, physical, and mental perfection, why would it seem so strange that a person would fully integrate back into the race they are spiritually? Especially considering that the soul and body merges upon it's completion. "Conflicting genes" as you put are those which belong to another race, and thus their "correction" would result in a restoration of their full racial being. That does not imply a dark haired with tanned skin Arab suddenly becomes a blonde and blue eyed Swede, but it means that racial and physical harmony is restored and one can be considered truly part of only one race again.

The Magnum Opus is the completion of Satan's work and how he meant for an individual to be. Mixed races are not fully natural nor the intention of Satan, so perfection involves "correcting" it.

This does not in any way excuse race mixing and just like I mentioned previously, race mixed individuals do not need nor should have childern, regardless of who they are more mixed with.

Not at all related to the OP's case and neither does it make race mixing acceptable, but I should also point out that not all White genes are recessive. Brown hair for example is usually a White allele and it is Dominant. Furthermore individuals with recessive alleles today such as blonde hair and blue eyes have usually had a dark haired recent relative or ancestor. If it were true that the recessive genes are always turned off, blonde and redhaired traits may have disappeared centuries ago in most European countries due to the mass migrations and shifting of peoples in the Middle Ages. As another example you have Greece today which had lots of admixture with the Arab Turks over the course of Ottoman occupation, and there are still many blondes in Greece today after White bloodlines were restored. Also consider how Whites have adapted to so many distinct environments throughout time, this is also why the White phenotype is so diverse today in regards to varying alleles.

I believe White genes are just as "robust" as any other and we should consider where the term of recessive/dominant genes is recorded from in modern times, A Catholic monk affiliated with Jews who was studying simple plants. Ancient scientists no doubt had a far better idea of how human genes work before the knowledge was lost. There is much we are only now rediscovering and plenty that the Jews have perverted or obscured to fit the Jewish agenda.
Scion of Atlantis said:
What I said about this comes directly from what has been stated multiple times by both Cobrah and Mageson, and they both obviously know much more than the two of us do. They have both said multiple times that the Magnum Opus does not turn a mixed race person into a pure race person. It makes them perfect in their own way, but it does not fundamentally change who they are in such a deep way as changing their race. Remember there are even a couple high gods who are mixed race part Nordic and part some other species. Magnum opus didn't turn them into being full Nordic.

About recessive/dominant genes, I wasn't getting as deep into the "well technically..." as you are getting. I'm saying if you take a 100% black and a 100% white parents and they have a child, the result is like a black person with lighter skin, but with full black facial structure for example. And I'm sure there's all kinds of exceptions to this too, but I'm just saying this is how it is ~95% (or whatever percent) of the time. Structurally, they often still have a black body, just with lighter skin, sometimes a larger head, sometimes with white people's kind of hair. But basically they are (95% of the time, or more) mostly like a black person, and just a little bit of white features. I'm talking physically, not about whatever feelings in the soul or personality.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
What I said about this comes directly from what has been stated multiple times by both Cobrah and Mageson, and they both obviously know much more than the two of us do. They have both said multiple times that the Magnum Opus does not turn a mixed race person into a pure race person. It makes them perfect in their own way, but it does not fundamentally change who they are in such a deep way as changing their race. Remember there are even a couple high gods who are mixed race part Nordic and part some other species. Magnum opus didn't turn them into being full Nordic.

About recessive/dominant genes, I wasn't getting as deep into the "well technically..." as you are getting. I'm saying if you take a 100% black and a 100% white parents and they have a child, the result is like a black person with lighter skin, but with full black facial structure for example. And I'm sure there's all kinds of exceptions to this too, but I'm just saying this is how it is ~95% (or whatever percent) of the time. Structurally, they often still have a black body, just with lighter skin, sometimes a larger head, sometimes with white people's kind of hair. But basically they are (95% of the time, or more) mostly like a black person, and just a little bit of white features. I'm talking physically, not about whatever feelings in the soul or personality.
With those Gods such as we are talking about other species besides humanity which exist naturally, their being part Nordic and partially another species is perfectly natural and fits fully with their impowered souls, therefore no genes had to be corrected nor other physical traits. Racial purity is important to the Gods and Satan segregates all races under his wing and ensures they all practice racial hygiene. Even so we still have members (not referring to you) who believe that the Gods are race mixers and that one being of mixed race, with completely screwed up racial karma, rampant physical and genetic health problems, mental issues at birth or later in life, coupled with a constant identity crisis. Do you really think the Gods' own path would allow someone to suffer like this and still call it "perfection"? Does it sound like "perfection" if a soul that was created White and has remained such for millennia happens to reincarnate into a pair of race mixers due to a now mangled bloodline is somehow now permanently of mixed race?

It has been stated before that individuals always reincarnate into their race and bloodline, a soul does not change races due to the conditions of the body, and with the Magnum Opus merging the two, obviously the power and featured of the soul will change the body to be in accordance with it. "Mixed race" humans are not natural and it is an imperfection encouraged by the enemy to cause Gentiles to loose a connection with their race.

Some Satanists are very confused by the fact we have Gods who are dark skinned and are still considered to be Nordic. Like the White race on Earth there is simply a wide variety of traits, it does not mean they are of mixed Black and White race. Otherwise lady Sekhmet, one of Satan's wives is half-black and Satan is race mixing, which obviously is not the case.

The body and genome can both be altered and changed in spirituality advanced individuals through witchcraft, we witness it as we advance ourselves. However it cannot be altered in a way that contradicts the soul without causing a number of issues.

I certainly have not done research as intensely as the clergy (which on that note I must have missed the sermon where they say what you claim), but I usually know what makes sense and what does not, and it makes no sense to consider race mixing anything different than the rest of the enemy's curses. A working as great as the Magnum Opus and all that would have followed it must be able to alter this to some effect. Race mixing leads to conflicting genes which as you stated, become corrected.
-Half-white is not White and never will be. Neither is a 1/4 White. Even if a 1/2 "white" person had children with a full White person, those children would not be White.

-Mixed race individuals will never be fully White. Hence the drastic problem of race mixing, it cannot be fixed through Magnum Opus. A mixed person who completes the MO, will not become pure raced. Race is more than genetics, it is at the soul level too.

-"if a soul that was created White and has remained such for millennia happens to reincarnate into a pair of race mixers due to a now mangled bloodline is somehow now permanently of mixed race?" I'm fairly certain the mix raced people, engaged in race mixing themselves in a past life, or they are brand new souls. A White old soul will not incarnate into mixed race, unless they themselves race mixed and created mixed people. The soul is deeply tied into spirituality, we incarnate into bodies that suit us. You race mix in this life and destroy your genetics, you could end up mixed in your next life. This how how Karma works and why we can't be YOLO. We need to be responsible and wise.

-A mixed race person is going to have more work to do, to complete the Magnum Opus. Pure race people have more harmony in their soul, a mixed person is going to have more to do to sort it all out while advancing. Again, this is why race mixing is such a deep problem. It can't be "fixed" in a simple and straightforward manner. They will become perfected in their own unique way, but not as a pure race person.

-As for some Gods being dark skinned and still Nordic, have those people actually seen the Gods in real life? Or could there be spiritual allegories for this. Erishkegal is said to have very black skin, yet myself and a few others were surprised to have astrally seen her with very pale white skin and blond hair. She is a sister of Inanna in the myths, but rules the Underworld, the "black skin" could be an allegory for transformation, the death stage.

-It has been said by Clergy, including HPS Shannon, that the "black" Gods and Goddesses, are not like African Blacks, they are not a separate race like Earthling Blacks and Whites are.
Lydia said:
I'm fairly certain the mix raced people, engaged in race mixing themselves in a past life, or they are brand new souls. A White old soul will not incarnate into mixed race, unless they themselves race mixed and created mixed people. The soul is deeply tied into spirituality, we incarnate into bodies that suit us. You race mix in this life and destroy your genetics, you could end up mixed in your next life. This how how Karma works and why we can't be YOLO. We need to be responsible and wise.

This reminds me of that one post by HPS Maxine about a White woman she knew who race-mixed heavily and smugly hated her own race, thus her soul was a frail, sickly sack of shit when she died and Azazel incarnated her into a nonwhite body. Too few White bodies for a soul like this one.

While I do respect her decision not to share the choice words of disgust Azazel had for this woman, my curiosity makes me a tad giddy. I'm so ragepilled these days that I'd love to hear any one of the Gods shred these degenerates 108 new assholes.
How dissapointing...
How unfortunate...

So I was correct about the white race.

It must only know purity, absolutely.

Lydia said:
-Half-white is not White and never will be. Neither is a 1/4 White. Even if a 1/2 "white" person had children with a full White person, those children would not be White.

-Mixed race individuals will never be fully White. Hence the drastic problem of race mixing, it cannot be fixed through Magnum Opus. A mixed person who completes the MO, will not become pure raced. Race is more than genetics, it is at the soul level too.

-"if a soul that was created White and has remained such for millennia happens to reincarnate into a pair of race mixers due to a now mangled bloodline is somehow now permanently of mixed race?" I'm fairly certain the mix raced people, engaged in race mixing themselves in a past life, or they are brand new souls. A White old soul will not incarnate into mixed race, unless they themselves race mixed and created mixed people. The soul is deeply tied into spirituality, we incarnate into bodies that suit us. You race mix in this life and destroy your genetics, you could end up mixed in your next life. This how how Karma works and why we can't be YOLO. We need to be responsible and wise.

-A mixed race person is going to have more work to do, to complete the Magnum Opus. Pure race people have more harmony in their soul, a mixed person is going to have more to do to sort it all out while advancing. Again, this is why race mixing is such a deep problem. It can't be "fixed" in a simple and straightforward manner. They will become perfected in their own unique way, but not as a pure race person.

-As for some Gods being dark skinned and still Nordic, have those people actually seen the Gods in real life? Or could there be spiritual allegories for this. Erishkegal is said to have very black skin, yet myself and a few others were surprised to have astrally seen her with very pale white skin and blond hair. She is a sister of Inanna in the myths, but rules the Underworld, the "black skin" could be an allegory for transformation, the death stage.

-It has been said by Clergy, including HPS Shannon, that the "black" Gods and Goddesses, are not like African Blacks, they are not a separate race like Earthling Blacks and Whites are.
Lydia said:
-Half-white is not White and never will be. Neither is a 1/4 White. Even if a 1/2 "white" person had children with a full White person, those children would not be White.

-Mixed race individuals will never be fully White. Hence the drastic problem of race mixing, it cannot be fixed through Magnum Opus. A mixed person who completes the MO, will not become pure raced. Race is more than genetics, it is at the soul level too.

-"if a soul that was created White and has remained such for millennia happens to reincarnate into a pair of race mixers due to a now mangled bloodline is somehow now permanently of mixed race?" I'm fairly certain the mix raced people, engaged in race mixing themselves in a past life, or they are brand new souls. A White old soul will not incarnate into mixed race, unless they themselves race mixed and created mixed people. The soul is deeply tied into spirituality, we incarnate into bodies that suit us. You race mix in this life and destroy your genetics, you could end up mixed in your next life. This how how Karma works and why we can't be YOLO. We need to be responsible and wise.

-A mixed race person is going to have more work to do, to complete the Magnum Opus. Pure race people have more harmony in their soul, a mixed person is going to have more to do to sort it all out while advancing. Again, this is why race mixing is such a deep problem. It can't be "fixed" in a simple and straightforward manner. They will become perfected in their own unique way, but not as a pure race person.

-As for some Gods being dark skinned and still Nordic, have those people actually seen the Gods in real life? Or could there be spiritual allegories for this. Erishkegal is said to have very black skin, yet myself and a few others were surprised to have astrally seen her with very pale white skin and blond hair. She is a sister of Inanna in the myths, but rules the Underworld, the "black skin" could be an allegory for transformation, the death stage.

-It has been said by Clergy, including HPS Shannon, that the "black" Gods and Goddesses, are not like African Blacks, they are not a separate race like Earthling Blacks and Whites are.
Thanks for your input; a lot of this is what I've been saying in regards to karma, there is a lot of negative karma behind race mixing and a person being mixed race. I believe it has been stated before however that some who were pure Whites in past lives have, due to all that is afflicting our racial karma today and the enemy's White genocide program, reincarnated into not fully or pure White bodies. A person can repair their genetics and alter their karma, but it all depends on the nature of the soul. There may have been some people from centuries and millennia ago who were of mixed race and it's simply become a part of their soul and always will be, along with those whites who race mixed and as a result are now mixed for good, yet the heightened level of race mixing we see today is mostly a modern phenomenon and there are possibly both new and old souls reincarnating into mixed race bodies during this generation. The more race mixing the Jews are allowed to promote, the more problems it will cause in the future even after the enemy is destroyed.

A slightly "less" mixed person who leans more toward one race however, I am still convinced the Magnum Opus and all of the work they would have done to their souls to reach that point, such as fixing negative karma, would have "corrected" the racial impurity to a certain point insofar as the perfected nature of their soul allows. In any case, I've said all that I wanted to on the matter.
Lydia said:
-Half-white is not White and never will be. Neither is a 1/4 White. Even if a 1/2 "white" person had children with a full White person, those children would not be White.

-Mixed race individuals will never be fully White. Hence the drastic problem of race mixing, it cannot be fixed through Magnum Opus. A mixed person who completes the MO, will not become pure raced. Race is more than genetics, it is at the soul level too.

-"if a soul that was created White and has remained such for millennia happens to reincarnate into a pair of race mixers due to a now mangled bloodline is somehow now permanently of mixed race?" I'm fairly certain the mix raced people, engaged in race mixing themselves in a past life, or they are brand new souls. A White old soul will not incarnate into mixed race, unless they themselves race mixed and created mixed people. The soul is deeply tied into spirituality, we incarnate into bodies that suit us. You race mix in this life and destroy your genetics, you could end up mixed in your next life. This how how Karma works and why we can't be YOLO. We need to be responsible and wise.

-A mixed race person is going to have more work to do, to complete the Magnum Opus. Pure race people have more harmony in their soul, a mixed person is going to have more to do to sort it all out while advancing. Again, this is why race mixing is such a deep problem. It can't be "fixed" in a simple and straightforward manner. They will become perfected in their own unique way, but not as a pure race person.

-As for some Gods being dark skinned and still Nordic, have those people actually seen the Gods in real life? Or could there be spiritual allegories for this. Erishkegal is said to have very black skin, yet myself and a few others were surprised to have astrally seen her with very pale white skin and blond hair. She is a sister of Inanna in the myths, but rules the Underworld, the "black skin" could be an allegory for transformation, the death stage.

-It has been said by Clergy, including HPS Shannon, that the "black" Gods and Goddesses, are not like African Blacks, they are not a separate race like Earthling Blacks and Whites are.

What about those people that get raped by a different race? ... are they screwed forever too? Or can it be fixed if they work on it in the same life?
Scion of Atlantis said:
A slightly "less" mixed person who leans more toward one race however, I am still convinced the Magnum Opus and all of the work they would have done to their souls to reach that point, such as fixing negative karma, would have "corrected" the racial impurity to a certain point insofar as the perfected nature of their soul allows. In any case, I've said all that I wanted to on the matter.
I agree with your view on this.
I personally think that slight racial impurities are cleansed passively through meditation and the magnum opus.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
What about those people that get raped by a different race? ... are they screwed forever too? Or can it be fixed if they work on it in the same life?
I think it's only people who consciously and purposefully engage in race mixing.

Shael said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
A slightly "less" mixed person who leans more toward one race however, I am still convinced the Magnum Opus and all of the work they would have done to their souls to reach that point, such as fixing negative karma, would have "corrected" the racial impurity to a certain point insofar as the perfected nature of their soul allows. In any case, I've said all that I wanted to on the matter.
I agree with your view on this.
I personally think that slight racial impurities are cleansed passively through meditation and the magnum opus.
I also agree.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
