Einstein was a member of more than 35 different communist organisations, his only goal was world communism.
Einstein was one of the main people who convinced Truman to nuclear bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, melting hundreds of thousands of people into dust in less than a second. What is more evil than that?
Einstein was totally retarded, dumber than a rock. He never said a single word until he was like 5 years old, and his family, and all of the teachers he ever had, they all thought he was totally braindead. He would just sit there total blank like he was sleeping, but his eyes were still open. It's been said people have seen a fly fly into one of his ears, and come out the other ear soon after. He couldn't even do simple 2nd grade algebra, he had his wife do all his math for him.
Equation E=mc^2 is wrong. It assumes that the fastest thing there could ever be is the speed of light, and that the speed of light is constant. Both of these are wrong. Speed of light varries, and there are things faster than it.
When he wrote the book about relativity, he did not include any sources. He did not include any studies. He did not include any research. Nothing about it is in any way acceptable to the way that scientific papers are required to be written. Anybody who wrote a paper like that, even if it was correct, it would be thrown right in the garbage. It isn't even written like a scientific article, it's written in the style of just repeating a story. He had about the mental capacity of a 5 year old child, but somehow he said this whole idea of relativity just came to him in a dream, and he wrote it all down when he woke up. He worked for years doing paperwork in the patent office. He couldn't understand what was written on the papers, but he could just erase the name of the person submitting it and put his name on it instead. But I don't think he ever did this with any patents, he was even too dumb to think of that idea.
Nearly every idea he is credited with, were all stolen directy from other scientists from the mid 1800s. I forget their names, but it was a few Germans and a French scientists. Who created and published these ideas, concepts, and equations more than 50 years before Einstein did anything. He just copied and pasted the life's work of these real scientists, wrote it down in a way to make it sound like it was all his idea, and didn't put any sources. The extremely small amount that he didn't just directly copy, was all wrong anyway.
Einstein was made increasingly popular and increasingly high reputation each year by the other jewish scientists in the Physics and academic fields, because he is one of them. Einstein's success makes all of them look better. To all of society, Einstein is thought of like a god, and then the others in his tribe must also be gods along with him. Other scientists who just innocently wanted to argue against what einstein was saying, or wanted to give credit to the real scientists who einstein stole his ideas from, they had their carrers ruined and were called antisemitic. But they weren't antisemitic at all, they didn't disrespect einstein for being jewish, they didn't care about that. They only disrespected him because he was a thief and a fraud.
Then of course with einstein being a total communist fanatic, member of more than 35 different official communist organisations. This is a big reason why he was promoted so much. He's working to help world communism, so world communists also worked to promote him just as much.
You should read a book called "Einstein the Incorrigible Plagiarist"