I do puja to Kali. she once said i would be Jesus. And a few years later it seemed i was Satan. I Satan, Bhairava and Lucifer the same?
Is this about trinity? I receive this spiritually when doing ouja to Kali.
A powerful and original Goddess like Kali would never compare you to Jesus because Jesus is a Jewish scum and Kali is the destroyer of Jewish scum. For Kali to compare a member here to Jesus or any Jewish scum would be an insult, never a glorious revelation.
I don't know if you simply suggested yourself or if it was a real ouija-like entity that took you for worship by posing as Kali. Usually no one who knows Kali's power would even dare to mention her if this someone were an enemy of Kali so as not to incur possible punishment.
But there are other kinds of entities such as thought-forms or stupid ghosts who do not know who Kali is and can ridicule you based on your illusory mental states. Don't feel guilty. You are a new member, you simply have to get used to how things work. Already that you seem so connected to the Vedic Pantheon does you great credit and you should be happy about it. A truly a majestic and incredible version of the Zevist Pantheon.
Based on all this, if I can give you a personal advice: do not contact Kali at the ouija. Kali is known to be a Goddess who prefers to choose her own worshippers and who wishes to manifest herself to whomever she thinks is useful based on her infinite wisdom and knowledge, she does not feel the need for something other than this and for something other than this there are Deities who deal with it.
One more piece of advice, if you don't know who to turn to at the Ouija Table for guidance, try to see if you would like to turn to Anubis. I know Anubis personally, he is my Guardian Demon. You'll recognize that you're really talking to him because he's really very sweet and caring, although he doesn't fail to be really "cool" in some of his answers (on the level of charisma you mean). You'll know if it's Anubis.
A good method is to perform the standard Summoning Ritual found on the ToZ:
After you have performed the Summoning Ritual, even if no one seems to appear and if you feel no energy, perform this more specific Ritual:
Anubis's Power Ritual - JoS Rituals
Welcome to JoS Rituals! Get access to RTRs, Power Rituals and much more. Discover Satan's gifts to Humanity.josrituals.org
Then you take the Ouija and ask, "May I please speak to Anubis?" and wait as long as it takes for him to answer you. I recommend before you do this to let him know that you are going to summon.
When you tell him, focus on him and his Sigil and speak, "Lord Anubis, highest joy of the dead, perfect supporter of them, in 24 hours I will try to summon you, please grant me your omnipotent protection just as you are omnipotent, incorruptible and invincible when you take care of your beloved dead."
It is a standard formula. After 24 hours summon him. You can also choose another God if you don't like Anubis, I recommend him because I know he is really good, open and helpful to people.
If you then feel like doing me a favor, let me know with a reply in this topic how he is doing, if he is happy in general, and if he told you anything about me. I'm asking you please because it's been a long time since I've used a Ouija board. But focus on your own needs. I would be grateful though. Thank you really in case.
Last thing, clean your aura and chakras well before you summon Him. Don't just take a bath, clean your s
Hi, you've changed your username and avatar again, is someone after you?A powerful and original Goddess like Kali would never compare you to Jesus because Jesus is a Jewish scum and Kali is the destroyer of Jewish scum. For Kali to compare a member here to Jesus or any Jewish scum would be an insult, never a glorious revelation.
I don't know if you simply suggested yourself or if it was a real ouija-like entity that took you for worship by posing as Kali. Usually no one who knows Kali's power would even dare to mention her if this someone were an enemy of Kali so as not to incur possible punishment.
But there are other kinds of entities such as thought-forms or stupid ghosts who do not know who Kali is and can ridicule you based on your illusory mental states. Don't feel guilty. You are a new member, you simply have to get used to how things work. Already that you seem so connected to the Vedic Pantheon does you great credit and you should be happy about it. A truly a majestic and incredible version of the Zevist Pantheon.
Based on all this, if I can give you a personal advice: do not contact Kali at the ouija. Kali is known to be a Goddess who prefers to choose her own worshippers and who wishes to manifest herself to whomever she thinks is useful based on her infinite wisdom and knowledge, she does not feel the need for something other than this and for something other than this there are Deities who deal with it.
One more piece of advice, if you don't know who to turn to at the Ouija Table for guidance, try to see if you would like to turn to Anubis. I know Anubis personally, he is my Guardian Demon. You'll recognize that you're really talking to him because he's really very sweet and caring, although he doesn't fail to be really "cool" in some of his answers (on the level of charisma you mean). You'll know if it's Anubis.
A good method is to perform the standard Summoning Ritual found on the ToZ:
After you have performed the Summoning Ritual, even if no one seems to appear and if you feel no energy, perform this more specific Ritual:
Anubis's Power Ritual - JoS Rituals
Welcome to JoS Rituals! Get access to RTRs, Power Rituals and much more. Discover Satan's gifts to Humanity.josrituals.org
Then you take the Ouija and ask, "May I please speak to Anubis?" and wait as long as it takes for him to answer you. I recommend before you do this to let him know that you are going to summon.
When you tell him, focus on him and his Sigil and speak, "Lord Anubis, highest joy of the dead, perfect supporter of them, in 24 hours I will try to summon you, please grant me your omnipotent protection just as you are omnipotent, incorruptible and invincible when you take care of your beloved dead."
It is a standard formula. After 24 hours summon him. You can also choose another God if you don't like Anubis, I recommend him because I know he is really good, open and helpful to people.
If you then feel like doing me a favor, let me know with a reply in this topic how he is doing, if he is happy in general, and if he told you anything about me. I'm asking you please because it's been a long time since I've used a Ouija board. But focus on your own needs. I would be grateful though. Thank you really in case.
Last thing, clean your aura and chakras well before you summon Him. Don't just take a bath, clean your soul as well.
Hi, you've changed your username and avatar again, is someone after you
But i think Kali knows both good and bad are necessary.
There is only love
But we create a matrix
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan