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Jul 10, 2019
Hai all. Firstly, I said this is my last words in the these days.I don't know how explain this because my english is not perfect but I try.I have a anxiety, social fobia , panic attacks , apathy etc. I'm live in a doctor control's everyday.I have a lot of medicine.I take it all day.I have a no real friend, I scare everything.Everyday, I'm suffering.I'm 23 years old.I have many memories that I cannot tell, it is real suffering.I'm smart enough to know that I've had this since childhood but I don't tell my family because I love them so much.Guys I'm weak person.Two years ago, I found Joy of satan and this forum.I love Hp's ,my god Satan and other lovely gods.I know a lot of thing about spiritual things.I'm do meditation and kundalini as well.Nothing change.I try everything.I take medicines all time but I know it is jewish stuff.I love all my gods and I know suicide is a not good thing.Also, I tell one other thing.This is not depression or other psycho things.I'm person like this, it is not change.Sorry to take your time but I have no friends, I don't trust my doctors.All I have you guys.Now, this is my last limit for this weakness. I cry everyday.My hair is already white.I want one thing from you guys. How change my life? There is any rune spells, there is any suggest for me? Mantras?
Gaius said:
Hai all. Firstly, I said this is my last words in the these days.I don't know how explain this because my english is not perfect but I try.I have a anxiety, social fobia , panic attacks , apathy etc. I'm live in a doctor control's everyday.I have a lot of medicine.I take it all day.I have a no real friend, I scare everything.Everyday, I'm suffering.I'm 23 years old.I have many memories that I cannot tell, it is real suffering.I'm smart enough to know that I've had this since childhood but I don't tell my family because I love them so much.Guys I'm weak person.Two years ago, I found Joy of satan and this forum.I love Hp's ,my god Satan and other lovely gods.I know a lot of thing about spiritual things.I'm do meditation and kundalini as well.Nothing change.I try everything.I take medicines all time but I know it is jewish stuff.I love all my gods and I know suicide is a not good thing.Also, I tell one other thing.This is not depression or other psycho things.I'm person like this, it is not change.Sorry to take your time but I have no friends, I don't trust my doctors.All I have you guys.Now, this is my last limit for this weakness. I cry everyday.My hair is already white.I want one thing from you guys. How change my life? There is any rune spells, there is any suggest for me? Mantras?

Hey man, calm down, everything will be alright in the end. We all want you to feel better, don't worry about using our time.

One possible explanation, given what you said about your hair and mental state, is that your kidneys are deficient, from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective. TCM understands the physical body and how it operates way better than modern Jew medicine, and is therefore completely curative. Given your panic attacks, I think you may have an additional yin deficiency in the heart.

There are certain runes or mantras you can undertake, however I think the simpler and quicker solution would be physical solutions, not astral ones. Doing everything you can physically to boost your kidney energy will aid you.

Firstly, do you have access to a TCM doctor in your area? You may have to google. If you do not, you can call or webcam with TCM clinics anywhere in the world. They will talk with you and learn your symptoms, then they can prescribe herbal formulas to you, and even ship them to you. I can guess at your symptoms, and hopefully CentralForce will help out here as well, but it is best to get a good, qualified TCM doctor to help you.

As far as exercise goes, you will want to focus on yin-building exercises. Qigong exercises, especially those for the water element/kidneys, will suit you best. Hatha yoga is also very good for the yin of the body, and you will want to do that as well. Void/focus meditation will also calm your emotions and body.

The TCM doctor will give you herbal formulas. If there is a clinic near you, you can get acupuncture as well. In addition to this, there are some kidney yin tonics available online to order. I will post the links later, but I want to wait until CentralForce gives his input.

I have to ask you, because it is a common cause of kidney deficiencies, do you use porn or ejaculate frequently? Stop all porn use and lengthen the time between ejaculations. Do not try to abstain from ejaculation forever, but set a frequency that you can meet, such as every 5 or 7 days. This is not permanent, rather you are giving your kidneys time to rebuild their yin.

Keep us updated man, you have a good recovery ahead of you!

Kidney Qigong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjST0nDQteU
Hatha yoga: Open link, then search "Kundalini & Hatha Yoga Routine.zip" https://www.satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library.html

Food to eat: https://www.naturopathic-care.com/key-foods-to-build-kidney-yin

More info: Please read:
"Understanding Kidney Yin and Yang":
http://www.shen-nong.com/eng/princi...ang deficiency,general edema may also appear.

"What is Kidney Jing/Restoring it":https://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=32900
Blitzkreig said:
Gaius said:
Hai all. Firstly, I said this is my last words in the these days.I don't know how explain this because my english is not perfect but I try.I have a anxiety, social fobia , panic attacks , apathy etc. I'm live in a doctor control's everyday.I have a lot of medicine.I take it all day.I have a no real friend, I scare everything.Everyday, I'm suffering.I'm 23 years old.I have many memories that I cannot tell, it is real suffering.I'm smart enough to know that I've had this since childhood but I don't tell my family because I love them so much.Guys I'm weak person.Two years ago, I found Joy of satan and this forum.I love Hp's ,my god Satan and other lovely gods.I know a lot of thing about spiritual things.I'm do meditation and kundalini as well.Nothing change.I try everything.I take medicines all time but I know it is jewish stuff.I love all my gods and I know suicide is a not good thing.Also, I tell one other thing.This is not depression or other psycho things.I'm person like this, it is not change.Sorry to take your time but I have no friends, I don't trust my doctors.All I have you guys.Now, this is my last limit for this weakness. I cry everyday.My hair is already white.I want one thing from you guys. How change my life? There is any rune spells, there is any suggest for me? Mantras?

Hey man, calm down, everything will be alright in the end. We all want you to feel better, don't worry about using our time.

One possible explanation, given what you said about your hair and mental state, is that your kidneys are deficient, from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective. TCM understands the physical body and how it operates way better than modern Jew medicine, and is therefore completely curative. Given your panic attacks, I think you may have an additional yin deficiency in the heart.

There are certain runes or mantras you can undertake, however I think the simpler and quicker solution would be physical solutions, not astral ones. Doing everything you can physically to boost your kidney energy will aid you.

Firstly, do you have access to a TCM doctor in your area? You may have to google. If you do not, you can call or webcam with TCM clinics anywhere in the world. They will talk with you and learn your symptoms, then they can prescribe herbal formulas to you, and even ship them to you. I can guess at your symptoms, and hopefully CentralForce will help out here as well, but it is best to get a good, qualified TCM doctor to help you.

As far as exercise goes, you will want to focus on yin-building exercises. Qigong exercises, especially those for the water element/kidneys, will suit you best. Hatha yoga is also very good for the yin of the body, and you will want to do that as well. Void/focus meditation will also calm your emotions and body.

The TCM doctor will give you herbal formulas. If there is a clinic near you, you can get acupuncture as well. In addition to this, there are some kidney yin tonics available online to order. I will post the links later, but I want to wait until CentralForce gives his input.

I have to ask you, because it is a common cause of kidney deficiencies, do you use porn or ejaculate frequently? Stop all porn use and lengthen the time between ejaculations. Do not try to abstain from ejaculation forever, but set a frequency that you can meet, such as every 5 or 7 days. This is not permanent, rather you are giving your kidneys time to rebuild their yin.

Keep us updated man, you have a good recovery ahead of you!

Kidney Qigong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjST0nDQteU
Hatha yoga: Open link, then search "Kundalini & Hatha Yoga Routine.zip" https://www.satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library.html

Food to eat: https://www.naturopathic-care.com/key-foods-to-build-kidney-yin

More info: Please read:
"Understanding Kidney Yin and Yang":
http://www.shen-nong.com/eng/princi...ang deficiency,general edema may also appear.

"What is Kidney Jing/Restoring it":https://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=32900

Oh thanks a lot. I think, I have not kidney deficiencies but I check this quickly and I search it already.I don't watch porn.I try Void/focus meditation but I do all the time if it is work.I do in the morning then I go to school and panic attacks starting again.Man thanks a lot your suggestion.I check the links and I try everything you said.
Gaius said:
Oh thanks a lot. I think, I have not kidney deficiencies but I check this quickly and I search it already.I don't watch porn.I try Void/focus meditation but I do all the time if it is work.I do in the morning then I go to school and panic attacks starting again.Man thanks a lot your suggestion.I check the links and I try everything you said.

Hope it helps. If you still need help or have questions please ask them. The best thing you can do though is see a TCM doctor. I hope my suggestions help, but seeing a fully qualified clinician would be the best solution. They have the time and expertise to aid you fully.
Blitzkreig said:
Gaius said:
Oh thanks a lot. I think, I have not kidney deficiencies but I check this quickly and I search it already.I don't watch porn.I try Void/focus meditation but I do all the time if it is work.I do in the morning then I go to school and panic attacks starting again.Man thanks a lot your suggestion.I check the links and I try everything you said.

Hope it helps. If you still need help or have questions please ask them. The best thing you can do though is see a TCM doctor. I hope my suggestions help, but seeing a fully qualified clinician would be the best solution. They have the time and expertise to aid you fully.

Hai man. I check the clinics but we don't have it.I am going to check-up in hospital tomorrow.Also, do you help me for spells or rune? Thank you.Good day.
Gaius said:

Satanama works well for general healing and balancing of the body. The moon is in virgo now, you can start a working, virgo is good for healing.

Search the forum for some of the posts on the mantra and how to vibrate it. If you need help, I can find some links.
Blitzkreig said:
Gaius said:

Satanama works well for general healing and balancing of the body. The moon is in virgo now, you can start a working, virgo is good for healing.

Search the forum for some of the posts on the mantra and how to vibrate it. If you need help, I can find some links.

Oh thank you I'm going to start Satanama works.
Blitzkreig said:
Gaius said:

Satanama works well for general healing and balancing of the body. The moon is in virgo now, you can start a working, virgo is good for healing.

Search the forum for some of the posts on the mantra and how to vibrate it. If you need help, I can find some links.

Hai man.How much should I repeat this? x108 is ideal?
Gaius said:
Blitzkreig said:
Gaius said:

Satanama works well for general healing and balancing of the body. The moon is in virgo now, you can start a working, virgo is good for healing.

Search the forum for some of the posts on the mantra and how to vibrate it. If you need help, I can find some links.

Hai man.How much should I repeat this? x108 is ideal?

More is better, but you have to do it every day, so you should pick a number you can reasonably obtain. I used to start workings with high repetitions and then procrastinate on doing them because it seemed like such a chore. You want to avoid this because it can kill the working. You can start with a lower number and you can always add more reps if you are confident you can do more.

Besides repetition, the actual length of time you vibrate the word affects the power generated as well. A lower amount of reps, done with longer vibrations, can work just as well as higher, shorter reps.

Yeah, you can use any multiple of 9, so 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, etc. You can use the same for an affirmation. Perhaps do like 9 or 18 times for the affirmation. I think using more affirmation reps would help if you think your focus is a little weak.

Sa should be hissed
Ta does NOT sound like TEEEAHH, rather you put your tongue behind your front teeth and try to vibrate a mix of TH and TZZ.
Na and Ma are vibrated as they sound.

You can use a mudra for this, with Sa you hold your thumb and pointer finger, then with Ta you hold thumb and middle finger. With Na, hold your thumb and ring finger together, and with Ma hold your pinky finger and thumb together.
In regards to your anxiety and panic attacks along with any other mental ailments really vibrate AUM into yourself. You can focus on your heart chakra. Melt yourself into the vibration as you don't need to keep count or anything. The point is to have no other thoughts and completely relax and focus on the mantra. When you feel like you have done enough Affirm: "My mind is calm and clear at all times in a positive and healthy way for me" x5.

Note that this isnt a formal working or anything as its just an aid to keep your mind focused as Aum relates to the mind and on its own can help clear and focus it. You can do this before starting your meditation session or whenever you feel the need to calm yourself.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
In regards to your anxiety and panic attacks along with any other mental ailments really vibrate AUM into yourself. You can focus on your heart chakra. Melt yourself into the vibration as you don't need to keep count or anything. The point is to have no other thoughts and completely relax and focus on the mantra. When you feel like you have done enough Affirm: "My mind is calm and clear at all times in a positive and healthy way for me" x5.

Note that this isnt a formal working or anything as its just an aid to keep your mind focused as Aum relates to the mind and on its own can help clear and focus it. You can do this before starting your meditation session or whenever you feel the need to calm yourself.

Yes I was thinking affirmations. If you can set your timer for five minutes you can visualise yourself out and not getting panicked anymore. Just a five minute daily daydream that you are now 'calm and relaxed.' Do the visualisation every day for five minutes.

And about five minutes before you go into those situations that sometimes panic you. For about five minutes beforehand. Just repeat to yourself over and over again in your mind:

I feel calm and relaxed, I feel calm and relaxed, I feel calm and relaxed.

By affirming you are thinking it. It's all in the mind. And what doesn't mind, doesn't matter.

I'm a very socially isolated person. And I've noticed that the less I interact with people the less I want to. And that I feel a nervous energy to escape.

I also don't have any friends. I'm too selfish with my spiritual aspirations and duties. No time to waste unfortunately. Also I don't have trust much anymore.

Sad but its not healthy. So we need to be able to be friendly and have harmless topic conversations with people we interact with because it's necessary to maintain mental health.

It's harder with the lockdown but I wish you good luck.

Do your five minutes daily meditation. And affirm for five minutes I feel calm and relaxed before going into those situations.

Believe it or not. It's not outside situations that makes you be something. It's all from the inside projecting out.

You can react any way you choose.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
