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"We will convert your children"


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Aquarius said:

These degenerates and abominations are literally a cancer on civilisation.
Meteor said:
I thought it was just poor phrasing at first, but when they started chanting "we're coming for your children" I couldn't stand it anymore.
They're so twisted and jaded beneath their smiles and façade. Unsightly.

Nope watched it to before they removed an copyright claimed many channels, vile communist propaganda in the video might aswell have said (oy vey goyims bes good slave like all communist or else.)but the backlash was great though
I don't like this at all. My feeling is the whole thing is just going to backlash on any gay people or people that don't fit in with their gender fully.

I know that is the intent behind it from the beginning but this is really cringe. Those guys have very creepy look and vibe too I think some of them are kikes and sex offenders too from what I read.

Just wait till they actually try to push some pedo stuff in the mainstream somehow.

Hopefully they will target the Jews over this but I am not completely sure. Is society awake enough to realize that is what is going on. I mean yeah we want to target the degenerates but my fear is they will lump everyone else in with that.

Society should not go back to Soviet Union or Xtian fundamentalism as much as it should not go to what these people are pushing for.
Meteor said:
slyscorpion said:
I don't like this at all. My feeling is the whole thing is just going to backlash on any gay people or people that don't fit in with their gender fully.

I know that is the intent behind it from the beginning but this is really cringe. Those guys have very creepy look and vibe too I think some of them are kikes and sex offenders too from what I read.

Just wait till they actually try to push some pedo stuff in the mainstream somehow.

Hopefully they will target the Jews over this but I am not completely sure. Is society awake enough to realize that is what is going on. I mean yeah we want to target the degenerates but my fear is they will lump everyone else in with that.

Society should not go back to Soviet Union or Xtian fundamentalism as much as it should not go to what these people are pushing for.

This is why I've always considered myself a centrist. If lashing out against one extreme means you go to the other, then what's the point? The extremes are the problem here, whether that is sexual deviants who seek to break down society and corrupt children, or people who discriminate severely against people based on their sexuality or based on how masculine or feminine they come across.

Left and right politics create extremes, along with the misconception that those are the only options. In my opinion, the only correct option is the truth; the truth that homosexuality is not wrong, that corrupting children is wrong, and that using physical violence or making a teenager homeless just for being interested in the same sex is wrong. Forming balanced opinions isn't about picking some good things and some bad things and mixing them together; it's about rejecting all that is bad, and only that which is bad.

Is society awake enough to see through this and do the right thing? Who knows. Perhaps some people are and some people aren't. If you fit into a category that is vulnerable to this, you can only hope that at least your friends or family accept you and will protect you. This world can be unfair sometimes; but if you're together, then that's something you can try to fight and overcome.

Yes it's the Jews who always try to push one extreme or the other. I do notice that. They appear throughout history to if they cannot completely control something (they believe they lost control over people so far as sex both homo and hetero is concerned) they then push the opposite where people take it so far they are destroyed or it brings down society and use this to guide people back into being controlled cause they can then go well look at what happened to those people or you didn't want to end up like this did you.

I think gentiles in general were the Jews not around would be a lot more centrist. We would deal with pure degeneracy but be more tolerant of things that were not and not try to push things extreme in one way or the other.

A thing I did find interesting when looking up this stuff is twin souled or third sex was a "gender identity" some people were using that has been used on here to refer to people in this catagory.

Anyways people should look up the fall of Rome. None of the things the Jews are doing is new. It sounds very similar to today. They never really change tactics this is to our advantage cause we can be more creative.
I was going to speak of the rage and wickedness I have in my mind regarding this. But my comments may get me Cancelled and deleted. I hate Pedophiles and sex offenders with a passion. These gay sex offender types tend to work in social services for networks in tandem with feminists. They all work towards the goal of destroying the Gentile family structure in order to break up the family home. They will have the feminist whos role is to make the father look like a lazy violent thug. Or they will strongly promote the idea that the parents are heavily on drugs. Some cases the parents are.
(which is why drugs in Satanism is prohibited and it does not open psychic senses it just makes the enemies job easier to fuck you over and remove your kids from your care).
Most of them work in these domestic violence centers for women. Then they will have a gay man to work alongside that feminist to offer his distorted view on how a man should act and be in the family home. And have the children removed isolated and put into state care eg. fostercare. Where their sick fantasies are carried out for themselves and their jewish masters.In most cases the child is molested and handed around from carer to carer. They all write up bullshit reports stating things like ; The child is disengaged, a problem child, the parents lack parental skills, the child is a self harmer so it is dangerous to put them back in their parents care, the child has all kinds of behavioural problems, the child is a thief, compulsive liar, the child is dabbling in drugs and alcohol .etc.The poor child is just at breaking point from all the frustration and the lack of love shown from all the adults in their life.They have lost trust and faith in the adults that surround them causing them to act out in frustration. Where i Live there is no such thing as Domestic violence center for men.It is unheard of!.. Why is that one must wonder?? why is it that when Domestic violence is involved the support is heavily in favour for the Mother?? hhmmn!?! Ive read about and heard of cases where the Father has gone to Authorities to report domestic violence only to be met with ridicule and told just turn the other cheek keep an arms length distance or leave the home for a few hours then return... I just cant stand these scum of the earth type. I have nothing against gay people. The problem is not Gays. But these predator sex offenders and their feminist cohorts who hide behind these government organisations to carry out their nefarious agendas. Fuck em all. They will get whats coming to them.
Meteor said:
slyscorpion said:
A thing I did find interesting when looking up this stuff is twin souled or third sex was a "gender identity" some people were using that has been used on here to refer to people in this catagory.

I don't really like the term "third sex". I understand that it's used in some cultures because it makes it easier to accept that some people are different in terms of sexuality or expression, since you can just dismiss those things by saying they're like that because they're "third sex" (even though it's supposed to be a descriptor rather than a prescript).
But I think it's better to go on a more individual basis and let such people discover their nature for themselves, instead of putting them in a category that only means "not a normal man or woman". I think there are so many insightful intricacies that can be found this way regarding the self that might otherwise go overlooked, and it might also help to keep such people from feeling like outcasts over it.

"Twin soul" is an even more confusing term; I don't think many people understand what it's even really supposed to mean, especially with that wording. A duality between masculinity and femininity exists in all humans anyway, so that isn't what it's about. What I was able to understand about it myself is that it has less to do with masculinity or femininity, and more with being both male and female, whether in a physical or spiritual sense. However, just like physical intersex conditions, it might as well be considered a disorder rather than something "special". I can understand why some people like that might want to change their body. I think it's different from people who want to be the opposite sex for psychological reasons, or people who feel like they should be the opposite sex because they don't fit in with their sex. There's certainly a distinction to be made.

But again, rather than prescribing such things and putting a label on it, it's better to give people room to understand themselves, and hope they don't fall into delusion about it. Although that may be easier said than done. But I find that putting everyone like that into an unclearly defined category only ends up confusing most people. There's only a risk of innocent people being lumped together with degenerates because they're already lumped together in the language, described with the same word. And due to that, sometimes it starts to look like "gay" doesn't mean you're interested in people of the same sex, but that you want to go on a parade wearing weird costumes and sexually harass children. Of course that example is a bit exaggerated, but I think to some people out there who aren't too familiar with all that stuff it might really look that way, because the extremes always stand out the most. You know?

I don't even know what twin souled means either.
That's why I never bothered talking about it much. I assumed it had more to do with some sort of aspect in the soul that is unique to them that others don't have. I will say the third gender distinction might be somehow valid because they have an energy that is not masculine or feminine it is something else. Does this mean they can be both genders and choose which one to incarnate into I really don't know it doesn't appear to be that way and to be honest. I don't think all third genders are Trans Gay or any of that though. I honestly don't know if I myself am twin soul/third sex or not. I tried asking but no one really gave an answer I understood.

This would definitely be a better identity for them than todays Termonology though.
Hornet666 said:
I was going to speak of the rage and wickedness I have in my mind regarding this. But my comments may get me Cancelled and deleted. I hate Pedophiles and sex offenders with a passion. These gay sex offender types tend to work in social services for networks in tandem with feminists. They all work towards the goal of destroying the Gentile family structure in order to break up the family home. They will have the feminist whos role is to make the father look like a lazy violent thug. Or they will strongly promote the idea that the parents are heavily on drugs. Some cases the parents are.
(which is why drugs in Satanism is prohibited and it does not open psychic senses it just makes the enemies job easier to fuck you over and remove your kids from your care).
Most of them work in these domestic violence centers for women. Then they will have a gay man to work alongside that feminist to offer his distorted view on how a man should act and be in the family home. And have the children removed isolated and put into state care eg. fostercare. Where their sick fantasies are carried out for themselves and their jewish masters.In most cases the child is molested and handed around from carer to carer. They all write up bullshit reports stating things like ; The child is disengaged, a problem child, the parents lack parental skills, the child is a self harmer so it is dangerous to put them back in their parents care, the child has all kinds of behavioural problems, the child is a thief, compulsive liar, the child is dabbling in drugs and alcohol .etc.The poor child is just at breaking point from all the frustration and the lack of love shown from all the adults in their life.They have lost trust and faith in the adults that surround them causing them to act out in frustration. Where i Live there is no such thing as Domestic violence center for men.It is unheard of!.. Why is that one must wonder?? why is it that when Domestic violence is involved the support is heavily in favour for the Mother?? hhmmn!?! Ive read about and heard of cases where the Father has gone to Authorities to report domestic violence only to be met with ridicule and told just turn the other cheek keep an arms length distance or leave the home for a few hours then return... I just cant stand these scum of the earth type. I have nothing against gay people. The problem is not Gays. But these predator sex offenders and their feminist cohorts who hide behind these government organisations to carry out their nefarious agendas. Fuck em all. They will get whats coming to them.

slyscorpion said:
Meteor said:
slyscorpion said:
A thing I did find interesting when looking up this stuff is twin souled or third sex was a "gender identity" some people were using that has been used on here to refer to people in this catagory.

I don't really like the term "third sex". I understand that it's used in some cultures because it makes it easier to accept that some people are different in terms of sexuality or expression, since you can just dismiss those things by saying they're like that because they're "third sex" (even though it's supposed to be a descriptor rather than a prescript).
But I think it's better to go on a more individual basis and let such people discover their nature for themselves, instead of putting them in a category that only means "not a normal man or woman". I think there are so many insightful intricacies that can be found this way regarding the self that might otherwise go overlooked, and it might also help to keep such people from feeling like outcasts over it.

"Twin soul" is an even more confusing term; I don't think many people understand what it's even really supposed to mean, especially with that wording. A duality between masculinity and femininity exists in all humans anyway, so that isn't what it's about. What I was able to understand about it myself is that it has less to do with masculinity or femininity, and more with being both male and female, whether in a physical or spiritual sense. However, just like physical intersex conditions, it might as well be considered a disorder rather than something "special". I can understand why some people like that might want to change their body. I think it's different from people who want to be the opposite sex for psychological reasons, or people who feel like they should be the opposite sex because they don't fit in with their sex. There's certainly a distinction to be made.

But again, rather than prescribing such things and putting a label on it, it's better to give people room to understand themselves, and hope they don't fall into delusion about it. Although that may be easier said than done. But I find that putting everyone like that into an unclearly defined category only ends up confusing most people. There's only a risk of innocent people being lumped together with degenerates because they're already lumped together in the language, described with the same word. And due to that, sometimes it starts to look like "gay" doesn't mean you're interested in people of the same sex, but that you want to go on a parade wearing weird costumes and sexually harass children. Of course that example is a bit exaggerated, but I think to some people out there who aren't too familiar with all that stuff it might really look that way, because the extremes always stand out the most. You know?

I don't even know what twin souled means either.
That's why I never bothered talking about it much. I assumed it had more to do with some sort of aspect in the soul that is unique to them that others don't have. I will say the third gender distinction might be somehow valid because they have an energy that is not masculine or feminine it is something else. Does this mean they can be both genders and choose which one to incarnate into I really don't know it doesn't appear to be that way and to be honest. I don't think all third genders are Trans Gay or any of that though. I honestly don't know if I myself am twin soul/third sex or not. I tried asking but no one really gave an answer I understood.

This would definitely be a better identity for them than todays Termonology though.

Essentially, the male or female energies and/or physical aspects in question are not very dominant in some people.

I have done my own research into human sex determination and realised that the answer we are looking for is in the DNA.

Don't waste your time in the dark, we need light.

These people will be fully accepted and respected so that they will not be a threat and danger to the well-being, freedom and development of others and also of themselves.
Meteor said:
slyscorpion said:
A thing I did find interesting when looking up this stuff is twin souled or third sex was a "gender identity" some people were using that has been used on here to refer to people in this catagory.

I don't really like the term "third sex". I understand that it's used in some cultures because it makes it easier to accept that some people are different in terms of sexuality or expression, since you can just dismiss those things by saying they're like that because they're "third sex" (even though it's supposed to be a descriptor rather than a prescript).
But I think it's better to go on a more individual basis and let such people discover their nature for themselves, instead of putting them in a category that only means "not a normal man or woman". I think there are so many insightful intricacies that can be found this way regarding the self that might otherwise go overlooked, and it might also help to keep such people from feeling like outcasts over it.

"Twin soul" is an even more confusing term; I don't think many people understand what it's even really supposed to mean, especially with that wording. A duality between masculinity and femininity exists in all humans anyway, so that isn't what it's about. What I was able to understand about it myself is that it has less to do with masculinity or femininity, and more with being both male and female, whether in a physical or spiritual sense. However, just like physical intersex conditions, it might as well be considered a disorder rather than something "special". I can understand why some people like that might want to change their body. I think it's different from people who want to be the opposite sex for psychological reasons, or people who feel like they should be the opposite sex because they don't fit in with their sex. There's certainly a distinction to be made.

But again, rather than prescribing such things and putting a label on it, it's better to give people room to understand themselves, and hope they don't fall into delusion about it. Although that may be easier said than done. But I find that putting everyone like that into an unclearly defined category only ends up confusing most people. There's only a risk of innocent people being lumped together with degenerates because they're already lumped together in the language, described with the same word. And due to that, sometimes it starts to look like "gay" doesn't mean you're interested in people of the same sex, but that you want to go on a parade wearing weird costumes and sexually harass children. Of course that example is a bit exaggerated, but I think to some people out there who aren't too familiar with all that stuff it might really look that way, because the extremes always stand out the most. You know?
All of these terms were deliberately or poorly misused by Mageson who was a scam artist. There is no such thing as a Twin Soul and Masculine and Feminine energies make up every soul. There is no special composition that makes up a soul ,twin. This is so ridiculous that its insane people actually believe this stuff.

Essentially what everything related to this issue boils down to is Gender Dysphoria. And since it's a sacrament of the Jews to Sanctify every perverse, degenerate and disgusting thing they've chosen to glorify a group of mentally ill people who believe they are the opposite sex. It's no different from when Christianity glorifies the sick, weakly,poor and suffering people.

The reason why the jews do this is because they can be easily controlled by key people inside their organizations or through mass media manipulation public opinion.

The next straw to break will be pedophilia when these jews will claim that an adult male having sex with a 5 year old boy is the sign of great love. Once the people at mass accepted transgender legislation in the government, the signs were clear that the country had already been too domesticated to fight back.

People are going to rise up but things need to be so bad that the situation cannot be ignored any longer. A lot of people need to be directly hurt for them to snap out of their trance and take action.

When your son comes back from school and tells you that he learnt about anal masturbation and putting dildos in his ass ,and how he's actually a little girl. That pain and rage is the only thing that will snap most people out of their domesticated lives.

By the way ,if it feels disgusting reading this. Imagine how it would feel if you were the mother or father of such a child who was mentally abused and became a transgender. There is a singular group of people who have done all this to us.

Never forget the hatred and suffering these jews have caused us. Remember that ,when we finally have a solution to the Jewish problem and we are capable of enacting it.
Meteor said:
slyscorpion said:
I don't like this at all. My feeling is the whole thing is just going to backlash on any gay people or people that don't fit in with their gender fully.

I know that is the intent behind it from the beginning but this is really cringe. Those guys have very creepy look and vibe too I think some of them are kikes and sex offenders too from what I read.

Just wait till they actually try to push some pedo stuff in the mainstream somehow.

Hopefully they will target the Jews over this but I am not completely sure. Is society awake enough to realize that is what is going on. I mean yeah we want to target the degenerates but my fear is they will lump everyone else in with that.

Society should not go back to Soviet Union or Xtian fundamentalism as much as it should not go to what these people are pushing for.

This is why I've always considered myself a centrist. If lashing out against one extreme means you go to the other, then what's the point? The extremes are the problem here, whether that is sexual deviants who seek to break down society and corrupt children, or people who discriminate severely against people based on their sexuality or based on how masculine or feminine they come across.

Left and right politics create extremes, along with the misconception that those are the only options. In my opinion, the only correct option is the truth; the truth that homosexuality is not wrong, that corrupting children is wrong, and that using physical violence or making a teenager homeless just for being interested in the same sex is wrong. Forming balanced opinions isn't about picking some good things and some bad things and mixing them together; it's about rejecting all that is bad, and only that which is bad.

Is society awake enough to see through this and do the right thing? Who knows. Perhaps some people are and some people aren't. If you fit into a category that is vulnerable to this, you can only hope that at least your friends or family accept you and will protect you. This world can be unfair sometimes; but if you're together, then that's something you can try to fight and overcome.
Unfortunately the situation is so far gone that only a very extreme reaction in the opposite direction will be able solve it. You need drastic change to deal with drastic problems.

We'll have to do what Hitler did in Weimar Germany and break up all these Marxist organizations and arrest their leaders for treason. We need laws similar to Hungary, cleansing media of Homosexual conditioning in young children. Children needs to be away from sexuality until they're old enough to understand it.
Master said:
Hornet666 said:
I was going to speak of the rage and wickedness I have in my mind regarding this. But my comments may get me Cancelled and deleted. I hate Pedophiles and sex offenders with a passion. These gay sex offender types tend to work in social services for networks in tandem with feminists. They all work towards the goal of destroying the Gentile family structure in order to break up the family home. They will have the feminist whos role is to make the father look like a lazy violent thug. Or they will strongly promote the idea that the parents are heavily on drugs. Some cases the parents are.
(which is why drugs in Satanism is prohibited and it does not open psychic senses it just makes the enemies job easier to fuck you over and remove your kids from your care).
Most of them work in these domestic violence centers for women. Then they will have a gay man to work alongside that feminist to offer his distorted view on how a man should act and be in the family home. And have the children removed isolated and put into state care eg. fostercare. Where their sick fantasies are carried out for themselves and their jewish masters.In most cases the child is molested and handed around from carer to carer. They all write up bullshit reports stating things like ; The child is disengaged, a problem child, the parents lack parental skills, the child is a self harmer so it is dangerous to put them back in their parents care, the child has all kinds of behavioural problems, the child is a thief, compulsive liar, the child is dabbling in drugs and alcohol .etc.The poor child is just at breaking point from all the frustration and the lack of love shown from all the adults in their life.They have lost trust and faith in the adults that surround them causing them to act out in frustration. Where i Live there is no such thing as Domestic violence center for men.It is unheard of!.. Why is that one must wonder?? why is it that when Domestic violence is involved the support is heavily in favour for the Mother?? hhmmn!?! Ive read about and heard of cases where the Father has gone to Authorities to report domestic violence only to be met with ridicule and told just turn the other cheek keep an arms length distance or leave the home for a few hours then return... I just cant stand these scum of the earth type. I have nothing against gay people. The problem is not Gays. But these predator sex offenders and their feminist cohorts who hide behind these government organisations to carry out their nefarious agendas. Fuck em all. They will get whats coming to them.

slyscorpion said:
Meteor said:
I don't really like the term "third sex". I understand that it's used in some cultures because it makes it easier to accept that some people are different in terms of sexuality or expression, since you can just dismiss those things by saying they're like that because they're "third sex" (even though it's supposed to be a descriptor rather than a prescript).
But I think it's better to go on a more individual basis and let such people discover their nature for themselves, instead of putting them in a category that only means "not a normal man or woman". I think there are so many insightful intricacies that can be found this way regarding the self that might otherwise go overlooked, and it might also help to keep such people from feeling like outcasts over it.

"Twin soul" is an even more confusing term; I don't think many people understand what it's even really supposed to mean, especially with that wording. A duality between masculinity and femininity exists in all humans anyway, so that isn't what it's about. What I was able to understand about it myself is that it has less to do with masculinity or femininity, and more with being both male and female, whether in a physical or spiritual sense. However, just like physical intersex conditions, it might as well be considered a disorder rather than something "special". I can understand why some people like that might want to change their body. I think it's different from people who want to be the opposite sex for psychological reasons, or people who feel like they should be the opposite sex because they don't fit in with their sex. There's certainly a distinction to be made.

But again, rather than prescribing such things and putting a label on it, it's better to give people room to understand themselves, and hope they don't fall into delusion about it. Although that may be easier said than done. But I find that putting everyone like that into an unclearly defined category only ends up confusing most people. There's only a risk of innocent people being lumped together with degenerates because they're already lumped together in the language, described with the same word. And due to that, sometimes it starts to look like "gay" doesn't mean you're interested in people of the same sex, but that you want to go on a parade wearing weird costumes and sexually harass children. Of course that example is a bit exaggerated, but I think to some people out there who aren't too familiar with all that stuff it might really look that way, because the extremes always stand out the most. You know?

I don't even know what twin souled means either.
That's why I never bothered talking about it much. I assumed it had more to do with some sort of aspect in the soul that is unique to them that others don't have. I will say the third gender distinction might be somehow valid because they have an energy that is not masculine or feminine it is something else. Does this mean they can be both genders and choose which one to incarnate into I really don't know it doesn't appear to be that way and to be honest. I don't think all third genders are Trans Gay or any of that though. I honestly don't know if I myself am twin soul/third sex or not. I tried asking but no one really gave an answer I understood.

This would definitely be a better identity for them than todays Termonology though.

Essentially, the male or female energies and/or physical aspects in question are not very dominant in some people.

I have done my own research into human sex determination and realised that the answer we are looking for is in the DNA.

Don't waste your time in the dark, we need light.

These people will be fully accepted and respected so that they will not be a threat and danger to the well-being, freedom and development of others and also of themselves.

In addition to general development, I am also referring to biological development of men and women and their values. Raising offspring without a father and/or mother is not the best thing to do.
You know what the gayest part about it is? That they think people care if they are gay. Like you'd think they would feel freaking safe by now. Just have sex with who you want and shut up - is that so hard for them? They act like there's people on every corner of every street pointing rifles at them because they found out what they do with their own genitals. Honestly, there's more to life than the specifics of where one shoves their junk. You know, they could be like normal humans and not base their entire identity on their sexual preferences.

Oh wait they can't. Because they're jews.
jrvan said:
You know what the gayest part about it is? That they think people care if they are gay. Like you'd think they would feel freaking safe by now. Just have sex with who you want and shut up - is that so hard for them? They act like there's people on every corner of every street pointing rifles at them because they found out what they do with their own genitals. Honestly, there's more to life than the specifics of where one shoves their junk. You know, they could be like normal humans and not base their entire identity on their sexual preferences.

Oh wait they can't. Because they're jews.

It's not just about sex, they also want to have kids. Speaking of anal sex, I had several fantasies in the past and was thinking of trying it out and practicing it a few times with my future girlfriend. I knew it wasn't as safe as vaginal sex but as I studied more and did more research on it, I found out that it is also potentially harmful.

If you're interested in the topic, read the comments on this topic.

Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.
Watching this video is make me feel very angry and make me remember one very disgusting event in my life when a gay man try to have sex with me. I am a hetero man, and of course interested in woman and this will be till I live.
The guy who was invited in a house party few years ago by my other friend was a gay, but nobody said that to me.
After a couple of hours and after few drinks he started pushing on me an openly start using vulgar words that he how much
want to sleep with me and he explained what he would be able to do to me sexualy if I do agre with it. Man, I said , better if you stop this cos I can not guarantee that not the ambulance will take you away.
That was awfull what he was telling me and the pation he did, it was just unbelievable, but anyway, the situation in what I found myself with that gay man really stayed with me. To watching this video and seeing their deviant, sick faces I remember the words that gay man was telling me, is disgusting and awful and I just imagine that those things, these creatures can easy do to a child. MY BLOOD IS BOILING, you know, is hard to not hate them and wish their ...

I know in this forum are homosexuals too, and do not want to hurt any of them, and my post is not againts them, because I know there are homosexuals who for exaple find any LMBTQ parades disgusting and swithced deviancy.

The thing is, these sick people want to hurt and hurting our children and they want them like never before to unwind their sick desires. They openly want our children to take their life force and contiue it over and over and over. But that has to be stopped, where humanity will finish if people like these in a video will be empoyed in nurseries, schools, and so on??

I am a straight, heterosexual man and I believe man and woman have the most amazing ability which is creating a new life. New life is a new hope and I will defend it all of my power, there is no question about it.

I watch with a faint heart what is going on in some American states, monsters /dragqueens/ are in kindergartens and representing deviancy to those inocent sacred little children who do not understand who is this creature and what he want. But the jews know it, they creating the sickest, psychopat generation that they can controll.
Master said:
jrvan said:
You know what the gayest part about it is? That they think people care if they are gay. Like you'd think they would feel freaking safe by now. Just have sex with who you want and shut up - is that so hard for them? They act like there's people on every corner of every street pointing rifles at them because they found out what they do with their own genitals. Honestly, there's more to life than the specifics of where one shoves their junk. You know, they could be like normal humans and not base their entire identity on their sexual preferences.

Oh wait they can't. Because they're jews.

Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.

LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.
jrvan said:
Master said:
jrvan said:
You know what the gayest part about it is? That they think people care if they are gay. Like you'd think they would feel freaking safe by now. Just have sex with who you want and shut up - is that so hard for them? They act like there's people on every corner of every street pointing rifles at them because they found out what they do with their own genitals. Honestly, there's more to life than the specifics of where one shoves their junk. You know, they could be like normal humans and not base their entire identity on their sexual preferences.

Oh wait they can't. Because they're jews.

Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.

LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.

Sorry, I didn't read what you wrote properly. I thought you called jews we who have criticized LGBT.
Master said:
jrvan said:
Master said:
Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.

LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.

Sorry, I didn't read what you wrote properly. I thought you called jews we who have criticized LGBT.

All good. I'm glad that misunderstanding is cleared up.
Master said:
jrvan said:
Master said:
Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.

LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.

Sorry, I didn't read what you wrote properly. I thought you called jews we who have criticized LGBT.

All good. I'm glad that misunderstanding is cleared up.
jrvan said:
Master said:
jrvan said:
You know what the gayest part about it is? That they think people care if they are gay. Like you'd think they would feel freaking safe by now. Just have sex with who you want and shut up - is that so hard for them? They act like there's people on every corner of every street pointing rifles at them because they found out what they do with their own genitals. Honestly, there's more to life than the specifics of where one shoves their junk. You know, they could be like normal humans and not base their entire identity on their sexual preferences.

Oh wait they can't. Because they're jews.

Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.

LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.

It is, the literal idea that people have to be divided from society over their sexuality and made into a special category with particular interests, same as a lot of the strangest stuff, is only a jewish invention.

Pagan civilizations accepted people and let nature do it's thing. The jews came on later with a lot of dividing nonsense. The recent form of this is xianity and GBLTQAI+. It's mean to crash civilization.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Master said:
Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.

LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.

It is, the literal idea that people have to be divided from society over their sexuality and made into a special category with particular interests, same as a lot of the strangest stuff, is only a jewish invention.

Pagan civilizations accepted people and let nature do it's thing. The jews came on later with a lot of dividing nonsense. The recent form of this is xianity and GBLTQAI+. It's mean to crash civilization.
I agree with this 100% but I want to add that the fault does not lie only on gay people who act in this way but even on the ones who make them feel like they are something weird and different. If everyone would just don't care about sexuality and jews were not here then things would be quite better.
jrvan said:
All good. I'm glad that misunderstanding is cleared up.

Oops, how did this get double posted? :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Master said:
Please don't use the jew accusation senselessly.

LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.

It is, the literal idea that people have to be divided from society over their sexuality and made into a special category with particular interests, same as a lot of the strangest stuff, is only a jewish invention.

Pagan civilizations accepted people and let nature do it's thing. The jews came on later with a lot of dividing nonsense. The recent form of this is xianity and GBLTQAI+. It's mean to crash civilization.

Thank you for the reply, High Priest. This was my understanding of it as well. I've read some of your sermons on the issue, and I assumed I was accurate with what I was saying. That's why I was confused by what Master said, but now the misunderstanding is cleared up.

To add something to what you're saying, I think it's really sad seeing the reactionary movement also started by jews known as mgtow. That hateful ideology does nothing but fuel even more enmity between the sexes, and its popularity disturbs me. I see its talking points and phrases uttered even locally sometimes. What mgtow does is basically cast a spotlight on males who constantly confirm the suspicions that women have about men thanks to mgtow's counterpart in radical feminism. So the way I see it, there's all these jewesses whispering in gentile womens' ears about men, and then men confirm those biases that were placed in womens' heads instead of simply pointing to the jews who are pointing their fingers at them. Men could vindicate themselves in womens' minds easily if they stopped playing defense against all the accusations thrown at them, and just show that jews are responsible for xianity and the "patriarchy." All the energy that so many men in society waste on hating women, could instead be used to bring to light the connection between jews and the origin of xianity. Xianity which is a woman hating religion directly responsible for the oppression of women, and that was forced on our ancestors. It's not even the fault of White men, but they play defense rather than realizing they have been scapegoated by the jews.

That's why I get annoyed when I see members of my sex trash talking about females because it's not doing anything to remedy the problem. Only knowledge and awareness will solve the problem, and vindicate men collectively.

I know we were talking about... omg... AI+ LMAO.

I know we were talking about LGBwhatever, but I think radical feminism is linked in my mind way too well with that. Actually I wonder why that conflation happened lol. Now that I've written the reply however, I think it would be a shame to discard it. I think it's useful discussion even if off topic. Forgive me for the deviation.
jrvan said:
jrvan said:
All good. I'm glad that misunderstanding is cleared up.

Oops, how did this get double posted? :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
LGTBQ is literally led by jews though. The insane people who get really deep into the organization and lose themselves in it are all having their minds and behavior programmed by jews. What's senseless about it? I thought this was common knowledge here.

It is, the literal idea that people have to be divided from society over their sexuality and made into a special category with particular interests, same as a lot of the strangest stuff, is only a jewish invention.

Pagan civilizations accepted people and let nature do it's thing. The jews came on later with a lot of dividing nonsense. The recent form of this is xianity and GBLTQAI+. It's mean to crash civilization.

Thank you for the reply, High Priest. This was my understanding of it as well. I've read some of your sermons on the issue, and I assumed I was accurate with what I was saying. That's why I was confused by what Master said, but now the misunderstanding is cleared up.

To add something to what you're saying, I think it's really sad seeing the reactionary movement also started by jews known as mgtow. That hateful ideology does nothing but fuel even more enmity between the sexes, and its popularity disturbs me. I see its talking points and phrases uttered even locally sometimes. What mgtow does is basically cast a spotlight on males who constantly confirm the suspicions that women have about men thanks to mgtow's counterpart in radical feminism. So the way I see it, there's all these jewesses whispering in gentile womens' ears about men, and then men confirm those biases that were placed in womens' heads instead of simply pointing to the jews who are pointing their fingers at them. Men could vindicate themselves in womens' minds easily if they stopped playing defense against all the accusations thrown at them, and just show that jews are responsible for xianity and the "patriarchy." All the energy that so many men in society waste on hating women, could instead be used to bring to light the connection between jews and the origin of xianity. Xianity which is a woman hating religion directly responsible for the oppression of women, and that was forced on our ancestors. It's not even the fault of White men, but they play defense rather than realizing they have been scapegoated by the jews.

That's why I get annoyed when I see members of my sex trash talking about females because it's not doing anything to remedy the problem. Only knowledge and awareness will solve the problem, and vindicate men collectively.

I know we were talking about... omg... AI+ LMAO.

I know we were talking about LGBwhatever, but I think radical feminism is linked in my mind way too well with that. Actually I wonder why that conflation happened lol. Now that I've written the reply however, I think it would be a shame to discard it. I think it's useful discussion even if off topic. Forgive me for the deviation.

I don't write much here, I'm from the Portuguese forum. but reading here about issues of feminism and lgbtpqp+ etc. I come to leave my opinion: feminism was the biggest disease that the Jews created for our civilization, because it harms men and women and brings many problems, and the worst thing is that in addition to Jews promote the thing in the social sense, they still make anti-man laws and a political correctness deontio that simply DESTROYED the cultural values ​​that I so admire and respect, like male virility, manhood, being a Warrior and so on. the end result of feminism is Sweden. I'm sorry if you have any Swede or Scandinavian here, I LOVE the viking culture and your people, but you need to make a revolution to retake old society values ​​of you guys who have already lost, as well as all of europe. I speak here from Brazil where feminism is advancing very very very much, the vast majority of my acquaintances are incels, OR extreme fear of relating to women - I fit in the latter case but I'm not inceminical - but still the problems I'm facing they're terrible this jewish viper breed has DESTROYED society and the sex lives of many men and i fit in here. I admire strong women but I hate feminists, women who try to prey on men and who are increasingly dangerous and hostile to relationships. this really disappoints me and that's where mgtow comes in, which I think a lot about being a fan because I'm tired of everything these days. and he's just a rational outlet for everything that's out there. but modern life is what it is and I honestly don't know how to reverse these deep problems and revolutions that the Jews have caused in society and I don't even know if there is a turning back. Brazil is not considered the West by many Brazilians, who think they are Latino and part of a foreign civilization, but let's face it: when it comes to importing all that is worthless from North America and Europe, they are pioneers, with the help of our hook-nosed friends !
schwarze Krähe said:
jrvan said:
jrvan said:
All good. I'm glad that misunderstanding is cleared up.

Oops, how did this get double posted? :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is, the literal idea that people have to be divided from society over their sexuality and made into a special category with particular interests, same as a lot of the strangest stuff, is only a jewish invention.

Pagan civilizations accepted people and let nature do it's thing. The jews came on later with a lot of dividing nonsense. The recent form of this is xianity and GBLTQAI+. It's mean to crash civilization.

Thank you for the reply, High Priest. This was my understanding of it as well. I've read some of your sermons on the issue, and I assumed I was accurate with what I was saying. That's why I was confused by what Master said, but now the misunderstanding is cleared up.

To add something to what you're saying, I think it's really sad seeing the reactionary movement also started by jews known as mgtow. That hateful ideology does nothing but fuel even more enmity between the sexes, and its popularity disturbs me. I see its talking points and phrases uttered even locally sometimes. What mgtow does is basically cast a spotlight on males who constantly confirm the suspicions that women have about men thanks to mgtow's counterpart in radical feminism. So the way I see it, there's all these jewesses whispering in gentile womens' ears about men, and then men confirm those biases that were placed in womens' heads instead of simply pointing to the jews who are pointing their fingers at them. Men could vindicate themselves in womens' minds easily if they stopped playing defense against all the accusations thrown at them, and just show that jews are responsible for xianity and the "patriarchy." All the energy that so many men in society waste on hating women, could instead be used to bring to light the connection between jews and the origin of xianity. Xianity which is a woman hating religion directly responsible for the oppression of women, and that was forced on our ancestors. It's not even the fault of White men, but they play defense rather than realizing they have been scapegoated by the jews.

That's why I get annoyed when I see members of my sex trash talking about females because it's not doing anything to remedy the problem. Only knowledge and awareness will solve the problem, and vindicate men collectively.

I know we were talking about... omg... AI+ LMAO.

I know we were talking about LGBwhatever, but I think radical feminism is linked in my mind way too well with that. Actually I wonder why that conflation happened lol. Now that I've written the reply however, I think it would be a shame to discard it. I think it's useful discussion even if off topic. Forgive me for the deviation.

I don't write much here, I'm from the Portuguese forum. but reading here about issues of feminism and lgbtpqp+ etc. I come to leave my opinion: feminism was the biggest disease that the Jews created for our civilization, because it harms men and women and brings many problems, and the worst thing is that in addition to Jews promote the thing in the social sense, they still make anti-man laws and a political correctness deontio that simply DESTROYED the cultural values ​​that I so admire and respect, like male virility, manhood, being a Warrior and so on. the end result of feminism is Sweden. I'm sorry if you have any Swede or Scandinavian here, I LOVE the viking culture and your people, but you need to make a revolution to retake old society values ​​of you guys who have already lost, as well as all of europe. I speak here from Brazil where feminism is advancing very very very much, the vast majority of my acquaintances are incels, OR extreme fear of relating to women - I fit in the latter case but I'm not inceminical - but still the problems I'm facing they're terrible this jewish viper breed has DESTROYED society and the sex lives of many men and i fit in here. I admire strong women but I hate feminists, women who try to prey on men and who are increasingly dangerous and hostile to relationships. this really disappoints me and that's where mgtow comes in, which I think a lot about being a fan because I'm tired of everything these days. and he's just a rational outlet for everything that's out there. but modern life is what it is and I honestly don't know how to reverse these deep problems and revolutions that the Jews have caused in society and I don't even know if there is a turning back. Brazil is not considered the West by many Brazilians, who think they are Latino and part of a foreign civilization, but let's face it: when it comes to importing all that is worthless from North America and Europe, they are pioneers, with the help of our hook-nosed friends !

My friend, mgtow is not the answer. I have been there, and I have studied their philosophy in depth. I too felt validated by the mgtow philosophy and community, and I thought that women were these evil organic robots scanning for any and all weaknesses that a man possessed so that she could exploit them. I'm sad to say that I wasted a few years with that hateful community and mindset. It finally dawned on me one day while observing the community around me in the comments on youtube videos that the men there had been turned into the most toxic, hateful people I had ever seen (as had I). It woke me right up and snapped me out of it because I was so disgusted by the collective attitude there. I began to open my eyes more and more following that moment.

The reason why I was drawn to mgtow in the first place was because of my mom who abused me throughout my childhood. I was weak, damaged, emotionally broken, and I was looking for answers. Mgtow only made sense to me back then because of my deep pain and trauma, and their talking points and overarching philosophy kept getting confirmed in my mind because of the way I was treated by my mom and a handful of other females, and the females I had seen online sometimes and on the television. It formed strong cognitive biases in my mind about women, and I judged the female sex collectively because of this. I regret that deeply, and I would never want any vulnerable man to fall into the trap of mgtow set by unscrupulous predators like "Sandman" and others who are only out to make money from these poor broken men. He's a vicious scumbag for doing that. Turdflingingmonkey and the others of their ilk... all they care about is growing their audience so they make more money off of men. Monsters the whole lot of them.

If you want to meet good, friendly, honest women who are as honorable as you are and have plenty to contribute to your life, then you can do a magick working and program your aura to seek them. There are many good women who will treat you right, and take very good care of your heart. They're out there. I was a fool to think they don't exist. Take it from me - if you only focus on the negative side of life like the mgtow community, then the negative is all you will see and find.

You can do it. Not all women are radical brainwashed feminists. And at the end of the day even those women are still your people, they are still humans, and they were just led by jews. One day you will see those same people again, maybe you will see their souls when they reincarnate in another life, and they might be totally different normal people when they aren't brainwashed by jews.

For now you should focus on your own life and your own happiness. If you want a kindhearted woman you can definitely find one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
