FlamingRedRose666 said:
Hey guys.. I just wanted to ask you all for advice on how to get rid of stress..
I'm in 12th grade at the moment and I'm experiencing too much stress. I don't know what to do...
I'm ashamed to say that I started to eat from stress which has made me gain back weight ten fold...
I'm tired of getting bullied, getting into stupid fights at school, getting stressed out from these exams... I just can't take this anymore.. It's too fucking much for me...
I'd like to take an academic holiday just until I fix my health, stress levels, my weight and so on.. But I feel like nobody is going to allow me that.
I just want to get better, feel better and be better...
I'll appreciate all the advice from you guys..
P. S. Yes, I'm meditating and doing the Final RTR everyday.
Stress is a form of negativity that comes from outside influences and sources. When we are stressed we are forming our own personal rain cloud of negative energy from within ourselves which spreads through-out our body and shrouds our chakras. This same thing happens with those who are clinically depressed in that they are practically a factory for negative energy that they allow to build up and build up. It's not easy to prevent yourself from getting stressed as this can take discipline and time but you can treat the stress itself like any other negative energy.
As far as my personal experience goes, the negative energy of stress cannot be deflected as we essentially produce it within ourselves from our reaction to the outside sources causing it, but it
can be cleansed, programmed, manipulated and redirected and you
can remove it from yourself or utilize the negative energy as a spiritual attack against our enemies or even those who are causing you such stress such as bullies or assholes.
We are Satanists, justice is in our blood and exacting it should be second nature so don't feel any qualms against bringing about misfortune upon those who needlessly bring it to you via legal and or magical means. If you do not fully clean yourself of this energy thoroughly or you do not redirect it elsewhere then it will keep building up within you bringing about all sorts of bad karma and negative feelings of being overwhelmed.
When it comes to lots of negative energy, small or typical workings will not be enough and you will need to spend a considerable amount of time on meditations such as
Aura Cleaning and
Aura of Protection. Under these circumstances such workings should take you at least 30 focused minutes each. In addition I would recommend x58 or x108 vibrations of
SOWILO (listed as #16) into your entire soul, aura and body simultaneously daily. I suggest drawing the rune on a piece of paper as well as this gives you a more personal connection to the rune and amplifies the vibrations when focused upon it. Always remember to raise your energy before doing these workings for without the energy there is nothing to direct.
I also want you to know that you are not alone here and we always have your back as we're all a family here. When things push us we push back harder as allies and make it through to the light. After all, mountains don't rise without earthquakes.