Hello, I was born on void moon, and I was 2 lbs.I had to be incubated and I also think it caused problems with reproduction organ and depleted my IQ. I have an IQ of 120-125, although I feel much more intelligent. I have to deal with being labeled as mentally ill,lol I just have harder time deciphering information.I'll eventually get it ,I feel it caused me much problems. I also have the sun 2 degrees of the void moon and am left handed,my subconscious right mind feels more active then my left logical side brain. Since finding SS, I'm trying to sublimate, but am learning not too say too much around family, everyone focuses on me like I'm a loony toon,so to speak,when in reality, I'm outspoken. This struggle is with anyone who I let in my personal life. I also had 4 planets retrograde,one was Saturn.nuff said. PS we as SS , do much for each other, I am so happy too have you all, you fellow SS bring me back to sanity.