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Oct 28, 2020
This might sound weird or ridiculous to some of you but I will try to explain things as best as I can.

Also before starting with my issue I want to say that I'm not a very shy/socially awkward person.
 I don't have any problem talking with strangers or girls or what have you,but my main issue is that for some odd reason I just can't hold/have normal eye contact with any person.

And when I do look at another person's eyes is almost like I can gaze and touch in with their emotions or feelings at that moment. It makes me feel a lot of emotions or just weird feelings and I don't even know if it's even mine? ( I have above average intuition and can get the person/room "vibes" very accurate within less then a minute or so)

Also I wear glasses most of the time,but I've trained my eyes to see without glasses when going outside or whatever I do not wear them.And usually I might look at someone's eyes but I'm relaxing my eyes and everything becomes blurry . 
It's like seeing a video on 720p you can see everything clearly (details and so on) but when you switch to 360p you still can see everything but it's just blurry. So I'm doing this "cheating" with looking in the eyes so to speak.

But I want to fix this problem because since I was a  child I almost never looked at anybody's eyes. I'm always doing that blurry thing with my eyes or just pretending that I'm looking or doing something and talking with them.

You know when girls just look at your every face reaction and  just watch every move that you do and how you do it. I want that relaxed and healthy eye contact without being weird/feeling a lot of emotions and once. Or just stuttering when talking and looking at other people eyes.

I hope that made any sense and you can help me out give some guidelines or rune workings that would help..

Thank you.
Have a good one. Bye.
Taio said:
This might sound weird or ridiculous to some of you but I will try to explain things as best as I can.

Also before starting with my issue I want to say that I'm not a very shy/socially awkward person.
 I don't have any problem talking with strangers or girls or what have you,but my main issue is that for some odd reason I just can't hold/have normal eye contact with any person.

And when I do look at another person's eyes is almost like I can gaze and touch in with their emotions or feelings at that moment. It makes me feel a lot of emotions or just weird feelings and I don't even know if it's even mine? ( I have above average intuition and can get the person/room "vibes" very accurate within less then a minute or so)

Also I wear glasses most of the time,but I've trained my eyes to see without glasses when going outside or whatever I do not wear them.And usually I might look at someone's eyes but I'm relaxing my eyes and everything becomes blurry . 
It's like seeing a video on 720p you can see everything clearly (details and so on) but when you switch to 360p you still can see everything but it's just blurry. So I'm doing this "cheating" with looking in the eyes so to speak.

But I want to fix this problem because since I was a  child I almost never looked at anybody's eyes. I'm always doing that blurry thing with my eyes or just pretending that I'm looking or doing something and talking with them.

You know when girls just look at your every face reaction and  just watch every move that you do and how you do it. I want that relaxed and healthy eye contact without being weird/feeling a lot of emotions and once. Or just stuttering when talking and looking at other people eyes.

I hope that made any sense and you can help me out give some guidelines or rune workings that would help..

Thank you.
Have a good one. Bye.
Hm maybe try practicing it in the mirror
Taio said:
And when I do look at another person's eyes is almost like I can gaze and touch in with their emotions or feelings at that moment. It makes me feel a lot of emotions or just weird feelings and I don't even know if it's even mine? ( I have above average intuition and can get the person/room "vibes" very accurate within less then a minute or so)

You sound like an even more extreme natural empath than me. Reading people is very easy for our types, as you've clearly figured out, but you're doing it by accident without even thinking. I have to ask, has it always been like this? If so, then this is probably a natural part of your bloodline, or maybe a mix of bloodline and your soul having past experience in this. That's not something you can "turn off" naturally, but if possible, you may be able to train to get rid of the overwhelming feeling when you look in their eyes. "The Eyes are the window to the soul" after all. On some level you're connecting with their energies, that's what empaths do. That also means we have to clean our Auras more often, the more contact we have with people.

If you can find a volunteer to stare into, you can train your mind to get used to this or even stop it entirely by visualizing cutting off the flow of aura/chi. When you're looking into their eyes, I'm guessing you're performing a subconscious exchange of energies. You need to learn to stop that, by commanding/programming your own aura to not do that when you look into peoples eyes, and only when you want to. That last part is important, if you only program your aura to stop, you can end up creating your own mental block, preventing you from using your own gift when you'd actually want to. This is a natural ability with many uses obviously, so we don't want to remove your ability, we just want you to get control of it, so it's no longer a hindrance right? Best of luck figuring it out. It'll take some experimentation to fully get the handle of it, and you probably won't get it one try, but just keep practicing to get it under control and program it proper every day.

I'd suggest the affirmation "When I look in people's eyes, I am not interacting with their soul or emotions, unless I will it so"
I'd suggest that every morning and night x10, until you get a handle of it. Good luck.
I have bad eyesight and I used to avoid eye contact until head teacher in grade 7 asked me to look in her eyes. And I did. Few seconds later she changed her mind. Since then I started to train that stare. It saved my life many times, in situations like being approached by drunk/drug addicts with malicious intentions. I stare and they run ahah, unfortunately sometimes it has the same effect with girls.

Looking at the mirror or finding a volunteer is a hood start.
The more you practice the better.

Since you are an empath, the reason why you feel discomfort can be that the most people are "dirty" or empty. Not a very nice thing to sense.

Also when you make an eye contact it matter how you feel. For example if you make an eye contact with a girl while you chill, she gonna like it.
But if having Vietnamese flashbacks your stare gonna make her feel uncomfortable.
It takes practice. When you got bad vision it may look like you are penetrating the soul, many people don't like that.

Between males, it's like a game sometimes. Having an eye contact and if someone decides to end it and start looking down or in the phone it simply means that he accepted dominance of his opponent. But if you stare without confidence it may lead to conflict.

Also if your intentions to pick up girls, you need to learn how to play with your eyes. Like causally slide and stop at her eyes for a few seconds. Don't try to penetrate her skull from kilometer away and try to maintain that contact.

You may try looking trough people. Like your eyes are physically aimed to the eyes of your "victim", but you make your vision blury, unfocused and pretend that this person is not here. This actually helps to see aura with eyes open but in most cases make people feel uncomfortable. Me, personaly can see if the person is possessed and if he/she is " full of shit". Most xians have a very dirty grey color and sometimes it feels physical eyes may hurt.

I hope this information is useful.
Try it out and see what's best for you.
SleepingWolf said:
Taio said:
And when I do look at another person's eyes is almost like I can gaze and touch in with their emotions or feelings at that moment. It makes me feel a lot of emotions or just weird feelings and I don't even know if it's even mine? ( I have above average intuition and can get the person/room "vibes" very accurate within less then a minute or so)

You sound like an even more extreme natural empath than me. Reading people is very easy for our types, as you've clearly figured out, but you're doing it by accident without even thinking. I have to ask, has it always been like this? If so, then this is probably a natural part of your bloodline, or maybe a mix of bloodline and your soul having past experience in this. That's not something you can "turn off" naturally, but if possible, you may be able to train to get rid of the overwhelming feeling when you look in their eyes. "The Eyes are the window to the soul" after all. On some level you're connecting with their energies, that's what empaths do. That also means we have to clean our Auras more often, the more contact we have with people.

If you can find a volunteer to stare into, you can train your mind to get used to this or even stop it entirely by visualizing cutting off the flow of aura/chi. When you're looking into their eyes, I'm guessing you're performing a subconscious exchange of energies. You need to learn to stop that, by commanding/programming your own aura to not do that when you look into peoples eyes, and only when you want to. That last part is important, if you only program your aura to stop, you can end up creating your own mental block, preventing you from using your own gift when you'd actually want to. This is a natural ability with many uses obviously, so we don't want to remove your ability, we just want you to get control of it, so it's no longer a hindrance right? Best of luck figuring it out. It'll take some experimentation to fully get the handle of it, and you probably won't get it one try, but just keep practicing to get it under control and program it proper every day.

I'd suggest the affirmation "When I look in people's eyes, I am not interacting with their soul or emotions, unless I will it so"
I'd suggest that every morning and night x10, until you get a handle of it. Good luck.

Thank you for your kind words sleeping wolf. I don't know about bloodline thing actually, but yeah I think I have some "gifts" as a person you could say that. With that intuition stuff I only got good at about more then 3 years ago.. before that I was just drifting in life and not listening to my iner voice at all. while writing this I remembered one think of my past.

I am not proud of it in any way about these moments when I did some drugs in my past... but I can say clearly that when I did few times magic truffels I was able to control even more of it. Like to the point where If I don't like some vibes/feelings around me.

I can change peoples feelings and the atmosphere by my own mind or just knowing what to say. Idk just that thought of the past came in .. any how. I will try advices you guys gave me.
Taio said:
I can change peoples feelings and the atmosphere by my own mind or just knowing what to say. Idk just that thought of the past came in .. any how. I will try advices you guys gave me.

Yeah manipulating others and our environment isn't that difficult. The hard part is being ethical about it. Not abusing our gifts to do harm to others. It took a bit of self isolation to get my manipulative tendencies under control, and only use them when it won't do harm. Smart Empaths can easily find the right words to get what they want, if they want shallow things, or something easy in life, but going too far will bite you if you're not careful. As SS, we have to strive for greater things, and greater pleasures. Be careful with that mouth of yours, it can get you into trouble if you're not careful. Be sure to have forethought with the words you want to say, and understand the consequences. I'm a quick thinker so, I've always been able to quickly evaluate how far I can push someone with my words, but typically I'm just using it so they can leave me alone and I can get back to my meditations.

Still can't imagine any love life right now, with how I am. But do be careful, and don't get yourself in trouble.
If this problem is something you really want to fix I recommend practicing speaking to people more. Do your best to be yourself. The more you practice the better. Talking to strangers everyday is something weird in today's society but maybe find a way to go about it? Like getting a job where you need to speak to random people. Some activism programs require this so you'll be able to make the world a better place while at the same time bettering your social skills. Don't over think while you speak to people either. Just let it be as natural as possible.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
