(This will be a quick post as Mercury is also retrograde so this might be edited later, but I wanted to make the information available as soon as possible regardless.)
Venus rules income, love, relationships, beauty, the arts, and aesthetics. Venus goes retrograde (Rx) about once every 18 months for about 6 weeks. These dates are always shown in our Calendar (download the one for your location), and also online. (Venus is currently Rx now, until April 13.)
All of the information below, keep in mind that many times, things just can’t be helped. Same with Mercury Rx. Sometimes life happens and we need to act, and can’t wait for weeks on end. If you have to do something then you have to do it and that’s that. This post is for general awareness to help you make the best decisions.
Love/Relationships: Relationship breakups are more likely to happen, or perhaps some conflict. However, this is a period to re-evaluate your relationship, and perhaps make plans to improve it. The plans can be implemented when Venus goes direct. If you decide to end a relationship, perhaps consider waiting until the Rx period is over, because you might not be thinking clearly about love right now.
Former lovers may also appear in your life during this time. You might get back together with an ex, only to break up again after the Rx. You might hear from an ex, such as them reaching out to you online or unexpectedly seeing them at an event. It might not result in getting back together, but simply hearing from them again.
It is strongly advised to not begin a new relationship during Venus Rx. If you are interested in someone, wait until after Venus goes direct. If you are on dating apps or whatever, perhaps deactivate your account for the duration. If you meet someone, the energy of this transit is a bit chaotic and they might seem better than they actually are, and you’ll see their true self when Venus goes direct. I read online a metaphor about how Venus Rx is like being drunk, with “beer goggles” and hooking up with someone who seems attractive, until you sober up; Venus direct being the sober state. This isn’t about physical attractiveness, but their personality etc.
Don’t get married or make wedding plans during any Venus Rx. Put it off until after it goes direct.
While on this topic, Lady Maxine confirmed years ago that it is fine to meet someone during a Void Moon, and go on a first date then, as long as Venus is direct.
Beauty: This is a period to re-evaluate your beauty routine, but do not change anything! If you get a haircut, go for your usual style. Nothing new. It’s fine to get a trim, or to get it styled in your usual manner. For men, don’t try a new facial hair style either. Do research now, and try it after this period ends.
Don’t buy new clothes, unless you have to replace something that is worn out such as shoes, and then just get your usual style. But you can do research into new clothes or styles, and make plans to implement them once Venus goes direct. If you buy new clothes during Venus Rx, you might realize after that they are not what you wanted, they don’t suit you, or you overpaid.
Don’t buy new hair products, except to replace your usual products. If you’re thinking of getting a new hair color, or trying a new brand of hair products, do research now, and then purchase after Venus goes direct if you still decide it’s what you want. Same with other beauty products; research now, implement when Venus is direct.
Money: This is not a good time to make new investments. They might be over-valued or lose their value after Venus goes direct. You can re-evaluate your investments and finances in general, but don’t act on them yet, unless something major happens and you need to act – but be aware that your judgement might be wrong.
For taking out a loan, you might have to pay too much interest. This is also not a good time for governments to make financial plans.
Large purchases: Buying something large (car, house, furniture, etc) during this time can result in it being a “money pit”, costing too much and not being worth it. Judging material worth of items is negatively affected by Venus Rx.
Don’t buy a house during this time, because you want your home to be beautiful and have harmony – both traits ruled by Venus, and go off when Rx. And again, the value can shrink after the Rx period.
Music and Art: If you’re a musician or artist, you might find yourself with low motivation to do art/music. You can spend this time learning, or doing something else, and get back into it after this period.
Don’t buy a new instrument or art supplies during this time, unless it’s a replacement, and even then it might be better to delay if possible.
Venus as a Chart Ruler: For those who have Venus as a chart ruler (Taurus or Libra AC, or Venus in your natal 1st house) you might feel a bit off overall when it retrogrades.
Venus rules income, love, relationships, beauty, the arts, and aesthetics. Venus goes retrograde (Rx) about once every 18 months for about 6 weeks. These dates are always shown in our Calendar (download the one for your location), and also online. (Venus is currently Rx now, until April 13.)
All of the information below, keep in mind that many times, things just can’t be helped. Same with Mercury Rx. Sometimes life happens and we need to act, and can’t wait for weeks on end. If you have to do something then you have to do it and that’s that. This post is for general awareness to help you make the best decisions.
Love/Relationships: Relationship breakups are more likely to happen, or perhaps some conflict. However, this is a period to re-evaluate your relationship, and perhaps make plans to improve it. The plans can be implemented when Venus goes direct. If you decide to end a relationship, perhaps consider waiting until the Rx period is over, because you might not be thinking clearly about love right now.
Former lovers may also appear in your life during this time. You might get back together with an ex, only to break up again after the Rx. You might hear from an ex, such as them reaching out to you online or unexpectedly seeing them at an event. It might not result in getting back together, but simply hearing from them again.
It is strongly advised to not begin a new relationship during Venus Rx. If you are interested in someone, wait until after Venus goes direct. If you are on dating apps or whatever, perhaps deactivate your account for the duration. If you meet someone, the energy of this transit is a bit chaotic and they might seem better than they actually are, and you’ll see their true self when Venus goes direct. I read online a metaphor about how Venus Rx is like being drunk, with “beer goggles” and hooking up with someone who seems attractive, until you sober up; Venus direct being the sober state. This isn’t about physical attractiveness, but their personality etc.
Don’t get married or make wedding plans during any Venus Rx. Put it off until after it goes direct.
While on this topic, Lady Maxine confirmed years ago that it is fine to meet someone during a Void Moon, and go on a first date then, as long as Venus is direct.
Beauty: This is a period to re-evaluate your beauty routine, but do not change anything! If you get a haircut, go for your usual style. Nothing new. It’s fine to get a trim, or to get it styled in your usual manner. For men, don’t try a new facial hair style either. Do research now, and try it after this period ends.
Don’t buy new clothes, unless you have to replace something that is worn out such as shoes, and then just get your usual style. But you can do research into new clothes or styles, and make plans to implement them once Venus goes direct. If you buy new clothes during Venus Rx, you might realize after that they are not what you wanted, they don’t suit you, or you overpaid.
Don’t buy new hair products, except to replace your usual products. If you’re thinking of getting a new hair color, or trying a new brand of hair products, do research now, and then purchase after Venus goes direct if you still decide it’s what you want. Same with other beauty products; research now, implement when Venus is direct.
Money: This is not a good time to make new investments. They might be over-valued or lose their value after Venus goes direct. You can re-evaluate your investments and finances in general, but don’t act on them yet, unless something major happens and you need to act – but be aware that your judgement might be wrong.
For taking out a loan, you might have to pay too much interest. This is also not a good time for governments to make financial plans.
Large purchases: Buying something large (car, house, furniture, etc) during this time can result in it being a “money pit”, costing too much and not being worth it. Judging material worth of items is negatively affected by Venus Rx.
Don’t buy a house during this time, because you want your home to be beautiful and have harmony – both traits ruled by Venus, and go off when Rx. And again, the value can shrink after the Rx period.
Music and Art: If you’re a musician or artist, you might find yourself with low motivation to do art/music. You can spend this time learning, or doing something else, and get back into it after this period.
Don’t buy a new instrument or art supplies during this time, unless it’s a replacement, and even then it might be better to delay if possible.
Venus as a Chart Ruler: For those who have Venus as a chart ruler (Taurus or Libra AC, or Venus in your natal 1st house) you might feel a bit off overall when it retrogrades.