Our society is big on people swallowing all emotional pain, misery, and withholding all their emotions until one turns into a robot and dies on the inside.
While this may sound shocking misery since xianity took over is like the literal fuel of society. The more misery, the more the slave system keeps going and going.
Since this above makes people insane modern societies give two ways on how people are supposed to deal with this. One is to get on medication, practice ignorance, leading to a breakdown, the other is for people to go into some self destructive explosion such as Communism and bring down society, or their family, or their life wholly apart.
Communism is appealing because all this sorrowful pain is ingested into it and the hatred finds itself a path to murder the society. In this case the jews just misdirect the hatred they caused back on the people themselves and their society, ruining both again. To them misery is necessary and this is why xianity is based on lamentation, misery, sorrow, self guilt, depression, and pure hatred disguising itself as goodness.
As time goes and we progress with the enemy, we have to be mindful that people will be really angry, feel really cheated, nihilism, pain, suppression, suffering caused by slavery, morbid emotions, will come out of people as things come out of someone when they are taking necessary surgery.
Without the above awakening cannot happen. In the same way one is too afraid to do a little open of surgery because they are afraid to see blood, and this allows underlying deadly illness to thrive, modern society acts in this way, and that is retarded.
The Movie the Joker was based around the same concept when humanity reaches the lowest bottom and then people eventually self destruct. To avoid this, one has to vent themselves, heal themselves, and find their inner power so that this state of collapse is not encountered.
By educational effort this can turn into the transformative wheel that will not only bring the enemy down, but give us a new and far better world. From Kali comes the cleansing, and it may not always be really pleasant. But from Kali also comes death.
What the outcome will be is on the control of the beholders, and in a sense, we are the beholders, and we have to do our educational duty now before it is too late.
In the movie the Matrix you have a case where Neo, the main character, wakes up from the Matrix. He goes off a slide to die in slimy sludge, and he experiences a reality breakdown after he is unplugged from the Matrix. His crew has to take care of this and give him time and space to understand what is going on, but eventually he does.
He then goes through a transformation and becomes empowered from this. This metaphorically can be applied to all people that wake up to the Truth. This movie is a verbatim stolen script of a modernized jewish theft of alchemical truths, such as the Platonic Cave. The Herculean myth follows the same pattern of realization, awakening, going to Hades and up, and so forth.
As one can understand in this movie he didn't like go on to punch Morpheus in the face and set the ship on fire, he just collapsed. If he went to set the ship on fire and punch Morpheus he was probably going to get restrained or worse. This would be Agent Smith and not Neo doing work there.
It may hurt in the beginning but what one wants to do is not to avoid a little pain but to take a little pain now and avoid damnation later. Humanity has been taught to ignore it's problems and ignore everything, and go down the path of disaster without any consequence or care. This is going to kill us before too long if this behavior is not steered differently.
We are constantly told since we are kids to ignore evil, turn a blind eye, and try to live in ignorance. But when you live in ignorance you will not pay by tears or sorrow, you will pay by death tommorow. Rhyming was intended. Anyway.
Awakening to facts may be a blackpill in the beginning, one goes through a phase of decomposition of the identity or the self. But eventually one recovers on newfound power. Think of how many people approach Satan filled with greasy doubt and fear, but when one finally settles in, ones power rebuilds and keeps building.
If one wanted to keep their state of ignorance, one wouldn't get into the new level of understanding.
It's better to cry today about the situation of the Earth and it's suffering, rather than to stay blissful and just ignore the matter until we are swarming like cockroaches in garbage as a species. These tears shed today are no price to pay for the future of collective damnation.
It would be great if humanity understood and entered a stage of sorrow about what it has done unto itself, and then, kick out from the state and start doing something about it. Understanding gives also newfound invigoration and hope, in contrast to blindness that can be sweet, debilitating, and finally deadly. The problem is that people are always distracted from seeing all of that.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
While this may sound shocking misery since xianity took over is like the literal fuel of society. The more misery, the more the slave system keeps going and going.
Since this above makes people insane modern societies give two ways on how people are supposed to deal with this. One is to get on medication, practice ignorance, leading to a breakdown, the other is for people to go into some self destructive explosion such as Communism and bring down society, or their family, or their life wholly apart.
Communism is appealing because all this sorrowful pain is ingested into it and the hatred finds itself a path to murder the society. In this case the jews just misdirect the hatred they caused back on the people themselves and their society, ruining both again. To them misery is necessary and this is why xianity is based on lamentation, misery, sorrow, self guilt, depression, and pure hatred disguising itself as goodness.
As time goes and we progress with the enemy, we have to be mindful that people will be really angry, feel really cheated, nihilism, pain, suppression, suffering caused by slavery, morbid emotions, will come out of people as things come out of someone when they are taking necessary surgery.
Without the above awakening cannot happen. In the same way one is too afraid to do a little open of surgery because they are afraid to see blood, and this allows underlying deadly illness to thrive, modern society acts in this way, and that is retarded.
The Movie the Joker was based around the same concept when humanity reaches the lowest bottom and then people eventually self destruct. To avoid this, one has to vent themselves, heal themselves, and find their inner power so that this state of collapse is not encountered.
By educational effort this can turn into the transformative wheel that will not only bring the enemy down, but give us a new and far better world. From Kali comes the cleansing, and it may not always be really pleasant. But from Kali also comes death.
What the outcome will be is on the control of the beholders, and in a sense, we are the beholders, and we have to do our educational duty now before it is too late.
In the movie the Matrix you have a case where Neo, the main character, wakes up from the Matrix. He goes off a slide to die in slimy sludge, and he experiences a reality breakdown after he is unplugged from the Matrix. His crew has to take care of this and give him time and space to understand what is going on, but eventually he does.
He then goes through a transformation and becomes empowered from this. This metaphorically can be applied to all people that wake up to the Truth. This movie is a verbatim stolen script of a modernized jewish theft of alchemical truths, such as the Platonic Cave. The Herculean myth follows the same pattern of realization, awakening, going to Hades and up, and so forth.
As one can understand in this movie he didn't like go on to punch Morpheus in the face and set the ship on fire, he just collapsed. If he went to set the ship on fire and punch Morpheus he was probably going to get restrained or worse. This would be Agent Smith and not Neo doing work there.
It may hurt in the beginning but what one wants to do is not to avoid a little pain but to take a little pain now and avoid damnation later. Humanity has been taught to ignore it's problems and ignore everything, and go down the path of disaster without any consequence or care. This is going to kill us before too long if this behavior is not steered differently.
We are constantly told since we are kids to ignore evil, turn a blind eye, and try to live in ignorance. But when you live in ignorance you will not pay by tears or sorrow, you will pay by death tommorow. Rhyming was intended. Anyway.
Awakening to facts may be a blackpill in the beginning, one goes through a phase of decomposition of the identity or the self. But eventually one recovers on newfound power. Think of how many people approach Satan filled with greasy doubt and fear, but when one finally settles in, ones power rebuilds and keeps building.
If one wanted to keep their state of ignorance, one wouldn't get into the new level of understanding.
It's better to cry today about the situation of the Earth and it's suffering, rather than to stay blissful and just ignore the matter until we are swarming like cockroaches in garbage as a species. These tears shed today are no price to pay for the future of collective damnation.
It would be great if humanity understood and entered a stage of sorrow about what it has done unto itself, and then, kick out from the state and start doing something about it. Understanding gives also newfound invigoration and hope, in contrast to blindness that can be sweet, debilitating, and finally deadly. The problem is that people are always distracted from seeing all of that.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666