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Vaccinated people spreading their mutagens to others, people getting sick


Active member
Sep 21, 2017

the language is serbian/croatian. Please just copy paste it in translators and read it.

Shortly explained: People who are NOT vaccinated and who are often near the vaccinated people are suffering from the same symptoms as those who vaccinated, expecially WOMEN, who are having loss of menstrual cycles, loosing their unborn babies, neurological problems, bleedings in the vaginal area etc. Basicly the vaccinated people are sharing those mutagens that are in them through the air or direkt touch (probably saliva, sexual fluids etc.) to those who are not vaccinated and causing them the same problems. Some doctors of some countries are trying to warn others to stop taking these vaccines who were never tested on people (you know already who is behind all of this....) and are warning also that children will suffer extremely and will be born with diseases if people continue to do so...so they are trying to make us into geneticly mutated idiots who will not be able to procreate. How "beautiful".

Please people, think about it, share it with others, tell it to your nearest and dearest people, and keep yourself safe.
Biological experimental agent. That is a good name for this (from one of the related links on that page). That really sounds like something no one would ever want to put in their bodies. I don't get a good feeling from this.
I believe it I spent 2 weeks with fully vaccinated grandparents and I’ve had unexplained symptoms/illness for almost 3 weeks now though it is starting to wane I believe.

No surprise here. I too will be avoiding vaccinated individuals like the plague until there's more anecdotal evidence that the vaccines do not spread.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I believe it I spent 2 weeks with fully vaccinated grandparents and I’ve had unexplained symptoms/illness for almost 3 weeks now though it is starting to wane I believe.

Is that why you wanted to speak to Blitzkreig about your health?

Just curious you doen't have to awnser me.
Look what we have here. Artificial bioagent injected into the human body, which causes illness and strange symptoms in affected humans, and spreads on it’s own to other people around them through air particles and fluids.

If this isn’t a virus then what is?

First they create Covid in the lab and release it upon the world, claiming it’s from some bat soup (which some people still believe today, absolute morons).

Covid didn’t do enough abs wasn’t deadly enough for their liking, so they go back to the drawing board and under guise of creating a vaccine against this “bat soup virus” (maybe more appropriately called “rat soup” since it was concocted by the filthy jew after all), and spend the next year creating a far more dangerous and resilient virus which they market as a “cure” to the people who are sick and tired of quarantine and other pandemic measures.

The weak and tired sign up for the “cure” of their own accord, knowing the risks, willingly getting injected by the actually dangerous super virus (which is administered directly into the bloodstream, in a carefully curated dose, genetically manipulated for very specific purposes, mostly infertility in woman and weakening of the human biology and psyche).

No surprise the virus is sexually transmitted, since Covid has HIV spike proteins in it.

This virus they created which they had already bragged about prior (billy was very elatedly bragging about another super virus that would be released upon humanity not too long ago), they made with all the Covid modifications in mind, probably using the data collected from millions of Covid patients to create an even more efficacious and harsh virus that is even more difficult to treat or remove, especially since it is injected straight into the persons bloodstream, by passing multiple stages of the human immune system.

This may be more dangerous than it first appeared. HIV is extremely difficult to deal with, and this virus which millions of people have been directly exposed to may be even more difficult to cure or handle, and just like HIV which takes many years to develop into a terminal stage, this virus may take many years to truly show the harmful effects.

The altered menstrual cycle many woman reportedly experience as well as other strange infertility symptoms are the first signs that show up now after a significant percentage of the population has already been injected with this virus.

How this develops next is unknown, but I doubt this is where it ends. Likely it will take a few years until the full extend of this virus is known.

In the meantime, everyone here should be very careful around vaccinated individuals and do more spiritual cleaning than ever, as well as daily SaTaNaMa to strengthen your immune system.

Yoga, both Hatha and Kundalini is also known to strengthen the immune system and may just give you enough of a boost to your vitality to stave of this virus so long as you aren’t directly exposed to it through an injection.

If you have had it injected, please be self conscious.

I ask any SS who have been “vaccinated” with this virus, as a person who cares about gentile humanity, please do not have sex with unvaccinated people, especially not with healthy, young, gentile woman who are more precious than ever, until the true extend of this is known and it becomes clear whether sexual transmission is what causes symptoms in unvaccinated people (highly likely this is the case).

It seems abundantly clear to me this vaccine is nothing more than another, vastly more dangerous virus, or at least an attempt at it which can still fail to do the harm they hoped it would, specifically targeting woman and fertility in gentile people, or perhaps specifically white people.

Don’t become one of the zombies spreading this thing like all the retarded gentiles are doing without reserve.

I do believe so long as we succeed in destroying the jew, there comes a time when healthcare can develop permanent cures to all the viruses and other biological time bombs the jews have released upon humanity.

This may be 15 years down the line, perhaps 20, perhaps 40 years, but I do feel optimistic that it happens soon enough to allow any affected young people to still recover from it in their lives and experience parenthood if they so desire.

Especially if the world gets cleaned up from the jew plague before long and gentile longevity increases as it should, along with other strange things such as menopause being cured in the human biology, to allow for longer lasting youthfulness in people, or a reversal of aging in the future older generations to give them a few more decades of youthfulness (meditation and yoga cures most of this).

Hail Satan!
their was someone on bitchute called computing forever talking about this i posted it to that it may cause infertility in others or make them sick
the thing is he posted on this an well i was wary of people who got vaccinated but their was a post about this recently about fauchi an his involvement in the bioenginering of the covid an their plan to fuck with our dna take a look at the post if you get time an help it go viral anyway
be careful an keep your guard up

hail satan
hail amon ra
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Is that why you wanted to speak to Blitzkreig about your health?

Just curious you doen't have to awnser me.
Yeah but I’m not certain that vaccine shedding caused it.
For work Ive had to be in proximity of elderly whom have been vaccinated.
Although I did not notice much, for some reason ever since they started vaccinnating people Ive had one day where I felt letharhic (I also sleep a lot then) and where Ive been very emotional during my cycle.
I am already more watery in my nature, but this is as if Ive got no filter at all. The littlest things make me cry on such a day and I feel like a total mess.

I noticed that this is not a PMS signal, since it occurs almost 2 weeks before the cycle resets.
Just do a healing spell on yourself if you have to be around them an use runes I thought something was strange so I used Wunjo to guard against it

Filthy jews

Hail Satan
Hail amon ra
This shit the enemy is doing is so outrageous! This might as well be the Samson Option. I have read accounts of people passing blood in the toilet, developing autoimmune diseases within a month of the vaccine, some dying and so much more. We have to punish the enemy when we are done with the spiritual war because this can't go unpunished.

I'm very relieved no one in my family is vaccinated or planning to.
Satnam666 said:
their was someone on bitchute called computing forever talking about this i posted it to that it may cause infertility in others or make them sick
the thing is he posted on this an well i was wary of people who got vaccinated but their was a post about this recently about fauchi an his involvement in the bioenginering of the covid an their plan to fuck with our dna take a look at the post if you get time an help it go viral anyway
be careful an keep your guard up

hail satan
hail amon ra

Although Dave is xian he does a lot of good work exposing what the Jews are up to. His Computing Forever channel is one of the best things on Bitchute, alongside Vincent James and to some extent Richie from Boston. Richie is really fucking overdramatic though.

You said ",,,,,, they are trying to make us into geneticly mutated idiots who will not be able to procreate."

I agree and wonder if they are trying to actually turn us into a type of Grey/Slave to fulfill their purposes. The Greys do not procreate, and if I remember correctly are genderless (which is the bullshit being pushed hard now a days). Also, you notice with the mask wearing, like greys, all you see is everyone's eyes, no nose or mouth. The DNA manipulation through the vaccines is a way to dumb down the masses physically, mentally and spiritually to have a complete non-rebellious slave force.
MrIntrepid said:
Satnam666 said:
their was someone on bitchute called computing forever talking about this i posted it to that it may cause infertility in others or make them sick
the thing is he posted on this an well i was wary of people who got vaccinated but their was a post about this recently about fauchi an his involvement in the bioenginering of the covid an their plan to fuck with our dna take a look at the post if you get time an help it go viral anyway
be careful an keep your guard up

hail satan
hail amon ra

Although Dave is xian he does a lot of good work exposing what the Jews are up to. His Computing Forever channel is one of the best things on Bitchute, alongside Vincent James and to some extent Richie from Boston. Richie is really fucking overdramatic though.

Sad thing is if some works an are around them their's nothing they can do to stop it but we can by using aura of protection an runes it would also Piss off the reptile jews (oy vey goyims bes making our virus useless oy vey)but still be carefull
My mutual residents are receiving the vaccine.

If it is indeed true that the unvaccinated, can become sick from being near those who are vaccinated, what should I do?
I wouldn't even want to be at the dinner table anymore.

Even though I've built strong spiritual defense up until now, and performed workings for health and against illness, I doubt it's wholly impossible for me to still fall bedridden at worst, if I'm this physically near potential sources of sickness.
OhNoItsMook said:
My mutual residents are receiving the vaccine.

If it is indeed true that the unvaccinated, can become sick from being near those who are vaccinated, what should I do?
I wouldn't even want to be at the dinner table anymore.

Even though I've built strong spiritual defense up until now, and performed workings for health and against illness, I doubt it's wholly impossible for me to still fall bedridden at worst, if I'm this physically near potential sources of sickness.
Vibrate Satanama every day (10-15min, or more if you feel like you need to and can handle it) with health and protection related affirmation. Do kundalini yoga to boost your bioelectricity. Don't dwell on the negative aspects too much. Focus on the important and on the way forward.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
