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US : Majority of People Under 18 Years Old Now Estimated to be Non-White ,all population growth from Non Whites


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
For the first time in the history of the country’s census-taking, the number of White people in the United States is widely expected to show a decline when the first racial breakdowns from the 2020 Census are reported this week.

For five years now, the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual updates of the 2010 Census have estimated that the nation’s White population is shrinking, and all population growth has been from people of color.

The new census data, planned for release on Aug. 12, will show definitively how the ethnic, racial and voting-age makeup of neighborhoods shifted over the past decade, based on the national house-to-house canvass last year. It is the data most state legislatures and local governments use to redraw political districts for the next 10 years.

If the White decline is confirmed by the new data, that benchmark will have come about eight years earlier than previously projected,
said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution.

“Twenty years ago if you told people this was going to be the case, they wouldn’t have believed you,” he said, adding that the opioid epidemic and lower-than-anticipated birthrates among millennials after the Great Recession accelerated the White population’s decline. “The country is changing dramatically.”

The United States is also expected to have passed two other milestones on its way to becoming a majority-minority society in a few decades: For the first time, the portion of White people could dip below 60 percent and the under-18 population is likely to be majority non-White.

In April, 2020 Census state population totals showed the United States grew by just 7.4 percent in the past decade, more slowly than any decade except the 1930s since census-taking started in 1790. The states with the most growth were in the West and the South, which have seen an influx of people moving in from other countries and other states.

Your questions about the 2020 Census, answered

Between the comprehensive census counts each decade, the Census Bureau updates population numbers with estimates based on such changes as births, deaths and immigration. The 2020 Census head count may turn out to show different results, but meanwhile recent estimates are shaping expectations.

Estimates from 2016 to 2020 show that all of the country’s population growth during that period came from increases in people of color. The largest and most steady gains were among Hispanics, who have doubled their population share over the past three decades to almost 20 percent and who are believed to account for half of the nation’s growth since 2010. They are expected to drive about half the growth in more than a dozen states, including Texas, Florida, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada.

Asian people, who made up about 3 percent of the population in 1990, could double that in the 2020 Census, while the Black population’s share is likely to hold steady at around 12.5 percent.

Whites are expected to account for over half the growth in only five states, plus the District of Columbia. In 26 states, the number of Whites has declined, according to bureau estimates. Up to six states and the District could have majorities of people of color, including Nevada and Maryland, which — if they pass that marker — will have done so in just the past decade.

The trend is projected to continue, with Whites falling below 50 percent nationally around 2045, Frey said, adding that, at that point, there will be no racial majority in the country. Between 2015 and 2060, the Hispanic and Asian populations are expected to approximately double in size, and the multiracial population could triple due to both immigration and births.[/u][/b]

The U.S. population is also becoming older than it used to be: In 31 states, the population of people under 18 is estimated to have declined since 2010.

The changes look different in various geographic areas. Some states will remain more White and continue to lose population as their residents age and die or move away, while others will grow and become increasingly ethnically and racially diverse.

2020 Census shows U.S. population grew at slowest pace since the 1930s

The shifts signal what Frey calls a “cultural generation gap,” with older generations that are much Whiter than younger ones. Racial minorities will drive all the growth in the U.S. labor force as White baby boomers retire and will make the difference between growth and decline in rural and suburban areas. The year 2011 was the first time more non-White babies were born than White babies, and for the past two decades, the growth of the nation’s child population has been due entirely to Hispanic, Asian and multiracial people.

But Mark Hugo Lopez, director of race and ethnicity research at Pew Research Center, cautioned that the estimates themselves may not be an accurate benchmark, adding that in 2010 the decennial census counted about 1 million more people than estimates had projected.

The population estimates may not have accounted for recent immigration,” he said, noting the large influx of people into the country at the end of the 2000s

Along with the Non Whites that are already inside the United States who are making the babies, the massive Open Border policy which is allowing Millions of Immigrants to come inside the country and be dispersed throughout the country around the Clock with the machinery of the United Nations Catholic charities and NGOs ,the window of opportunity to restore balance is quickly dwindling.

Within a couple of years, the damage might be so severe that it will be unalterable.

According to the United Nations report, 300 million Immigrants will be shipped into United States by the end of this half century (2050).
They are probably having a party at the ADL headquarters over this news. But remember it’s just a conspiracy. I sure hope that the certain people here in denial now understand how serious this is.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
They are probably having a party at the ADL headquarters over this news. But remember it’s just a conspiracy. I sure hope that the certain people here in denial now understand how serious this is.
They don't friend. They will let their countries be replaced rather than challenge Female Liberation.

I mean the situation could be worse right ? Imagine if you were in 1930s Germany or in 1950s America with Christian men beating up their wives for fun. These women were walking around with black eyes signaling their marital status. After 1 year these Christians Left their wives who already bore them 4 children and now they'll starve to death on the streets. Can you imagine the amount of abuse that these women had to go through ?

Thankfully nowadays Women are free spirited and more liberated and aren't looked as baby machines. Can you imagine the number of scientists, doctors, Lab technicians etc that women could be and weren't ? That's the real injustice. Yeah they don't want to settle or have kids because of the (((economy))) while the Hispanics are backwards Third World people who don't care about Finances. I mean can you imagine how hard it is to raise a child. These Hispanic women are oppressed and aren't liberated like the White Women.

We don't want statistics to divide our Genders, m'kay ? What matters is that Women make something of themselves and not just be a plain stay at home housewife, baby machine. That's just so degrading.

It was all worth it in the Grand scheme of things. When the war starts with Street to street gunfights with UN paratroopers running around shooting whites, remember that it was all worth fighting for. It's too late either way.

Whites will just need to start preparing for a protracted Military siege by these UN and Migrant enemies.
Jack said:
I mean the situation could be worse right ? Imagine if you were in 1930s Germany or in 1950s America with Christian men beating up their wives for fun. These women were walking around with black eyes signaling their marital status. After 1 year these Christians Left their wives who already bore them 4 children and now they'll starve to death on the streets. Can you imagine the amount of abuse that these women had to go through ?
That was a really annoying talking point that I wanted to address but couldn’t in the haze of things.

I’m sorry to burst the misandrist bubble but no most women were NOT abused slaves during traditional America and even Medieval times. By saying so you are assuming that men are monsters that would beat their wives for no reason. This point has no basis in reality because the vast majority of men aren’t abusive and have no interest in doing such things even under the Jew spell. They will talk about generalizing women and then say this nonsense.
Whites now at 57% ,confirmed (probably 2 percentage points lower because of the millions of migrants unaccounted for. )


There is a window of atmost 5 years liberally before they become the minority with the migrant flows and new babies born.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jack said:
I mean the situation could be worse right ? Imagine if you were in 1930s Germany or in 1950s America with Christian men beating up their wives for fun. These women were walking around with black eyes signaling their marital status. After 1 year these Christians Left their wives who already bore them 4 children and now they'll starve to death on the streets. Can you imagine the amount of abuse that these women had to go through ?
That was a really annoying talking point that I wanted to address but couldn’t in the haze of things.

I’m sorry to burst the misandrist bubble but no most women were NOT abused slaves during traditional America and even Medieval times. By saying so you are assuming that men are monsters that would beat their wives for no reason. This point has no basis in reality because the vast majority of men aren’t abusive and have no interest in doing such things even under the Jew spell. They will talk about generalizing women and then say this nonsense.

Oh really? Were you there, Mr. 18 y/o with a god complex? Because I know for a fact it happened. It was the norm for fathers to whip their children with a belt. Kids had to watch their mothers abused. It did happen, and it was normalized. You're ignorant of the past because you didn't live back then so don't speak as if you were there.

My mother was beaten regularly. She got whacked with a wooden spoon as hard as they could hit her. Her boyfriend used to get taken to the backyard to receive belt lashings whenever he would talk back. It was normalized and encouraged. This was considered good parenting. It was a heavily quoted bible passage, "spare the rod, spoil the child." The only reason women often didn't leave the man was because society didn't allow the conditions for most women to be financially independent, and she wanted to provide for and protect her children, often from the husband himself. Men ARE monsters under xianity, and you and your boyfriend Jack are trying to sweep away the past to pretend that nothing bad ever happened to women, and that men collectively never did anything wrong, and women are solely to blame for all of the world's problems, and that jews have nothing to do with any of it. Nope, not jews - it's all the fault of the female sex. You're such retards.

You don't know anything so stop pretending that you do. Jack has even less right to talk about this because he is in the same boat as you, and he's not even American nor White. You both should just leave us all alone if this is the best you have to contribute to Satan's forums.

Seriously, just move in with each other already if you're not the same person. You can lick each others' wounds more if you share a house together. Losers.
Just let the discussion about women's liberation (or whatever it is now) go. I thought you two had stated this particular subject had been beaten like a dead horse already. You can bring awareness about issues without nagging about women on the whole and mocking other people's points from threads that you had fights on.

Do some meditation for yourselves instead of obsessing over women. It's doing no one any good by making mockery posts and trying to gain moral grounds that you have already displayed not having. You guys are the only ones who keep continuing this topic despite the many threads now that address it and the very recent threads made specifically for this. So what's really the problem here? Women? Or two guys who haven't yet let go of their biased problems regarding the opposite sex?

I don't say this to be a dick. I'm getting about as sick and tired of the repeating fights as the next person here. You and Southern have issues with women that bleed into your perceptions regarding women even here. Time to address it rather than continuing to push it on the forums and doing nothing in your personal time to work on that perception. You're not making the outside world any more freed from jewish programming by continuing to nag about this on the forums. Solutions have been discussed, misunderstandings cleared, knowledge presented to better understand women and relationships, RTR's are being done around the clock to change things. Am I missing something here or would you rather not name the jews who are the reason birthrates tanked and continue venting without contributing to solutions?

Change how you present your information and view points, and people will be better able to have a discussion with you so you can finish settling your inner problems. Mocking will just make things worse.
Jack said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
They are probably having a party at the ADL headquarters over this news. But remember it’s just a conspiracy. I sure hope that the certain people here in denial now understand how serious this is.
They don't friend. They will let their countries be replaced rather than challenge Female Liberation.

I mean the situation could be worse right ? Imagine if you were in 1930s Germany or in 1950s America with Christian men beating up their wives for fun. These women were walking around with black eyes signaling their marital status. After 1 year these Christians Left their wives who already bore them 4 children and now they'll starve to death on the streets. Can you imagine the amount of abuse that these women had to go through ?

Thankfully nowadays Women are free spirited and more liberated and aren't looked as baby machines. Can you imagine the number of scientists, doctors, Lab technicians etc that women could be and weren't ? That's the real injustice. Yeah they don't want to settle or have kids because of the (((economy))) while the Hispanics are backwards Third World people who don't care about Finances. I mean can you imagine how hard it is to raise a child. These Hispanic women are oppressed and aren't liberated like the White Women.

We don't want statistics to divide our Genders, m'kay ? What matters is that Women make something of themselves and not just be a plain stay at home housewife, baby machine. That's just so degrading.

It was all worth it in the Grand scheme of things. When the war starts with Street to street gunfights with UN paratroopers running around shooting whites, remember that it was all worth fighting for. It's too late either way.

Whites will just need to start preparing for a protracted Military siege by these UN and Migrant enemies.

Misrepresenting my arguments again. I thought we settled this. You just won't let go. You know what your real problem is? You lost your power that you stole from women on the forums. They took it back from you, and now you're bitter. That's all.

Keep lying about what I've been saying, Rabbi Jack. That's all you can do is lie. You think I'm saying there isn't a problem at all in society with kosherized females thinking that their highest calling in life is to dress, act, talk, and behave like workers at a strip club. People are sexualizing their children now and letting them wear skimpy outfits and makeup when they're like 8 years old and younger. It's disgusting, and it's like a loud siren invitation to every jewish pedo in the tri-state area. Kids aren't raised with responsibility anymore. They aren't taught life skills and how to survive on their own. It's a trend for millenials to still be living with their parents, and guess what - that's partially because of the economy so don't pretend that economics is something that doesn't factor in. Triple parentheses around "economics?" That's too much. That's just too stupid, dude. That's right up there with "poverty produces heroes." So where's all the heroes then since everyone is so poor right now?

As for third world people, they still have their land to exist on. They're still racially homogeneous, or do you not have eyeballs to see that? Their nation isn't a multicultural shit hole. It may be a shit hole, but at least it's not multicultural. That's why their birth rates aren't diminishing because they don't have to share their land and resources with invaders. The ZOG in America gives most of our tax dollars to the jews in israel, and the rest of the tax dollars go to the salivating jihadists to live here in our land illegally as "refugees" and vote, and they get to breed while we work to feed the bastards. Oh but I bet you want to blame women for the jews shipping the invaders here too, don't you? Yeah it's all women's fault. Fuck, you're such a fool. Nobody should ever hire you for political commentary because you just fucking suck at diagnosing problems. I've never seen someone so arrogant manage to get it wrong so badly when they weren't trying to. Most people who are that arrogant at least have the sensibility to make sure they're right, or don't make it so blatantly obvious that they're wrong and full of shit.

You want to simplify a problem that is just far too complex. You want to blame women for everything because your mind is just that tiny.

Here's yours and SWG's new theme song :)

I could see SWG being sung that as a lullaby. I bet he would feel so happy while hearing it.

Fucking christian apologists.

Christianity is a woman hating religion. Assholes.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jack said:
I mean the situation could be worse right ? Imagine if you were in 1930s Germany or in 1950s America with Christian men beating up their wives for fun. These women were walking around with black eyes signaling their marital status. After 1 year these Christians Left their wives who already bore them 4 children and now they'll starve to death on the streets. Can you imagine the amount of abuse that these women had to go through ?
That was a really annoying talking point that I wanted to address but couldn’t in the haze of things.

I’m sorry to burst the misandrist bubble but no most women were NOT abused slaves during traditional America and even Medieval times. By saying so you are assuming that men are monsters that would beat their wives for no reason. This point has no basis in reality because the vast majority of men aren’t abusive and have no interest in doing such things even under the Jew spell. They will talk about generalizing women and then say this nonsense.

Christianity has a way of creating of the most depraved monsters, no matter the time period.

I'm sure you are already aware of this.
jrvan said:
Oh really? Were you there, Mr. 18 y/o with a god complex? Because I know for a fact it happened. It was the norm for fathers to whip their children with a belt. Kids had to watch their mothers abused. It did happen, and it was normalized. You're ignorant of the past because you didn't live back then so don't speak as if you were there.
I still haven’t seen where you are getting this from. It is just more conjecture to justify your misandry. No basis in reality like most things you say.

My mother was beaten regularly. She got whacked with a wooden spoon as hard as they could hit her. Her boyfriend used to get taken to the backyard to receive belt lashings whenever he would talk back. It was normalized and encouraged. This was considered good parenting. It was a heavily quoted bible passage, "spare the rod, spoil the child." The only reason women often didn't leave the man was because society didn't allow the conditions for most women to be financially independent, and she wanted to provide for and protect her children, often from the husband himself.
So the weird cults and living situations that you 2 grew up under is now the norm. Not to say that myself or others had perfect upbringings but it’s very far from whatever this is.

Men ARE monsters
This encapsulates your entire worldview, the tail of which I will answer later in this post. All information you take in is molded to fit this feminist ideal.

boyfriend Jack
Attacking sexuality +1

You trying to sweep away the past to pretend that nothing bad ever happened to women, and that men collectively never did anything wrong,
Unlike anything I’m saying, being a perpetual victim IS a trait of Jews. What you are doing right is now is blaming me for slavery and saying that I should pay reparations.

and women are solely to blame for all of the world's problems, and that jews have nothing to do with any of it.
It’s funny how you say I’m the one that thinks of women as lesser when you are the one implying that women need all responsibility rescinded from them because they are too stupid to make decisions for themselves, which if this is the case than you should not support the so called “independence” of women. Lie in the bed that you have made.

Nope, not jews - it's all the fault of the female sex. You're such retards.
No one says that the enemy did not have a role in this, but like the point above you can’t just arbitrarily remove all responsibility from people that still made the decision to be “independent”. You cannot blame Jews when you burn a meal because YOU had the stove too hot. I think I’ll just shoot myself in the foot and then blame Jews, is that how this works?

You don't know anything so stop pretending that you do.
I don’t know anything.. I know everything!

Jack has even less right to talk about this because he is in the same boat as you
Which boat would that be? The SS Chad 😎

he's not even American nor White. You both should just leave us all alone if this is the best you have to contribute to Satan's forums.
How about you quit following me around and attacking me when it’s not even relevant? I already exposed that you are the one that doesn’t care about the decorum because every thread you are on eventually turns into a mess. That’s not a coincidence.

Seriously, just move in with each other already if you're not the same person. You can lick each others' wounds more if you share a house together. Losers.
RUSSIAGATE CONFIRMED?? I can’t wait to hear your report on it mr. mueller.

serpentwalker666 said:
Christianity has a way of creating of the most depraved monsters, no matter the time period.
I'm sure you are already aware of this.
I agree but that is not the point at all.

You may think that saying “all women were abused slaves” is anti-Jew/xian but it’s not. It’s literally saying “All white men are abusive devils” remind me how this differs from anything that a CRT believing leftist would say.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
They are probably having a party at the ADL headquarters over this news. But remember it’s just a conspiracy. I sure hope that the certain people here in denial now understand how serious this is.
They don't friend. They will let their countries be replaced rather than challenge Female Liberation.

I mean the situation could be worse right ? Imagine if you were in 1930s Germany or in 1950s America with Christian men beating up their wives for fun. These women were walking around with black eyes signaling their marital status. After 1 year these Christians Left their wives who already bore them 4 children and now they'll starve to death on the streets. Can you imagine the amount of abuse that these women had to go through ?

Thankfully nowadays Women are free spirited and more liberated and aren't looked as baby machines. Can you imagine the number of scientists, doctors, Lab technicians etc that women could be and weren't ? That's the real injustice. Yeah they don't want to settle or have kids because of the (((economy))) while the Hispanics are backwards Third World people who don't care about Finances. I mean can you imagine how hard it is to raise a child. These Hispanic women are oppressed and aren't liberated like the White Women.

We don't want statistics to divide our Genders, m'kay ? What matters is that Women make something of themselves and not just be a plain stay at home housewife, baby machine. That's just so degrading.

It was all worth it in the Grand scheme of things. When the war starts with Street to street gunfights with UN paratroopers running around shooting whites, remember that it was all worth fighting for. It's too late either way.

Whites will just need to start preparing for a protracted Military siege by these UN and Migrant enemies.

Misrepresenting my arguments again. I thought we settled this. You just won't let go. You know what your real problem is? You lost your power that you stole from women on the forums. They took it back from you, and now you're bitter. That's all.

Keep lying about what I've been saying, Rabbi Jack. That's all you can do is lie. You think I'm saying there isn't a problem at all in society with kosherized females thinking that their highest calling in life is to dress, act, talk, and behave like workers at a strip club. People are sexualizing their children now and letting them wear skimpy outfits and makeup when they're like 8 years old and younger. It's disgusting, and it's like a loud siren invitation to every jewish pedo in the tri-state area. Kids aren't raised with responsibility anymore. They aren't taught life skills and how to survive on their own. It's a trend for millenials to still be living with their parents, and guess what - that's partially because of the economy so don't pretend that economics is something that doesn't factor in. Triple parentheses around "economics?" That's too much. That's just too stupid, dude. That's right up there with "poverty produces heroes." So where's all the heroes then since everyone is so poor right now?

As for third world people, they still have their land to exist on. They're still racially homogeneous, or do you not have eyeballs to see that? Their nation isn't a multicultural shit hole. It may be a shit hole, but at least it's not multicultural. That's why their birth rates aren't diminishing because they don't have to share their land and resources with invaders. The ZOG in America gives most of our tax dollars to the jews in israel, and the rest of the tax dollars go to the salivating jihadists to live here in our land illegally as "refugees" and vote, and they get to breed while we work to feed the bastards. Oh but I bet you want to blame women for the jews shipping the invaders here too, don't you? Yeah it's all women's fault. Fuck, you're such a fool. Nobody should ever hire you for political commentary because you just fucking suck at diagnosing problems. I've never seen someone so arrogant manage to get it wrong so badly when they weren't trying to. Most people who are that arrogant at least have the sensibility to make sure they're right, or don't make it so blatantly obvious that they're wrong and full of shit.

You want to simplify a problem that is just far too complex. You want to blame women for everything because your mind is just that tiny.

Here's yours and SWG's new theme song :)

I could see SWG being sung that as a lullaby. I bet he would feel so happy while hearing it.

Fucking christian apologists.
Economics Might be a problem for you but it doesn't seem to be a problem for the Non Whites. That is the entire point. Just like Liberation of Women might be a problem for you while these people do not care about that. Do you not understand yet ? It doesn't matter what intellectual gibberish you believe in. These migrants do not care.

You don't seem to Understand. Some millions of Migrants were shipped in and dispersed throughout the Country this year. ,the worst till date You have at best 5 years before Whites become the minority without any minority benefits.

Just because your mother was abused doesn't mean everyone else was. This is the real problem with you ,you seem to think that everything revolves around you.

I've been continually right throughout the history of my reporting and my views. Your just dumber than a rock and its offensive you keep quoting me.

The Western Nations collapsed due to "Female Choice " of not having kids. And they reason they could make that choice is because Jews liberated them and allowed them to have that choice. That fact remains regardless of economy or otherwise.

What your actually saying is that after looking at the real problem your ignoring it and saying that it isn't real.

Using the same 1950s morals in Extreme sense Adolf Hitler was able to reverse the fertility crisis in nazi Germany in the 1930s.

You're completely delusional to the point that your unable to see reality as it is without making stuff up in your mind.

Don't reply to me because its offensive at this point. I feel like I'm talking to a schizophrenic patient who reads a document ,sees what is says happened and then says no the document isn't real. Its just too tiresome.

More importantly just because you are delusional doesn't also mean that hope is lost for all these Whites. Most Whites who are aware ,recognize and are capable of understanding the problems and not being deliberately argumentative like you.
tabby said:
Just let the discussion about women's liberation (or whatever it is now) go. I thought you two had stated this particular subject had been beaten like a dead horse already. You can bring awareness about issues without nagging about women on the whole and mocking other people's points from threads that you had fights on.

Do some meditation for yourselves instead of obsessing over women. It's doing no one any good by making mockery posts and trying to gain moral grounds that you have already displayed not having. You guys are the only ones who keep continuing this topic despite the many threads now that address it and the very recent threads made specifically for this. So what's really the problem here? Women? Or two guys who haven't yet let go of their biased problems regarding the opposite sex?

I don't say this to be a dick. I'm getting about as sick and tired of the repeating fights as the next person here. You and Southern have issues with women that bleed into your perceptions regarding women even here. Time to address it rather than continuing to push it on the forums and doing nothing in your personal time to work on that perception. You're not making the outside world any more freed from jewish programming by continuing to nag about this on the forums. Solutions have been discussed, misunderstandings cleared, knowledge presented to better understand women and relationships, RTR's are being done around the clock to change things. Am I missing something here or would you rather not name the jews who are the reason birthrates tanked and continue venting without contributing to solutions?

Change how you present your information and view points, and people will be better able to have a discussion with you so you can finish settling your inner problems. Mocking will just make things worse.
The only solution that is visible is to return to the way things were before when whites were able to have a lot of children and replicate that time period and its morals. The only solution.

There is no discussion. This information is open and shut like a homicide suspect caught red handed on the scene of the crime.

You should stop commenting on this before you come to accept facts of reality and you should do Meditations to accelerate that growth.

Everyone who is on the winning team has already figured out and had solutions for decades. White Nationalst Rodger F Devlin wrote Sexual Utopia in Power decades ago. Thos information has been known and carefully documented and reviewed for decades. The only people who are struggling with this issue are people like you who are delusional, and new to this kind of information and are unable to process it.

I'm not even going to pay attention to you anymore because I know that everything I'm saying will one day click not far into the future when you experience certain events in real life. But I'm not going to waste time on literally drooling delusional retards who can't read documents. Your so unaware you make the leftist liberals shine like gold. The level of stupidity when faced with hard facts of reality is palpable.

The only difference between you and a hardcore communist is that he blames all his problems on Capitalism and Corporations. Yes ,the jews tanked the birthrates.

But how ? They used feminism to give women economic independence and sexual independence so that they could choose to not have children like they were having before. This is literally what is written in Feminist books. Its not too hard to figure out. No, this particular Jewish policy out of all policies created by Jews is not good. Every single Jewish policy has been used to destroy one particular segment of human life.

You look like a blabbering fool when you go against established fact. Like a Holocaust apologist claiming Jews were mass murdered within Wooden doors and Furnaces. Your just too stupid to talk to, it makes my head spin and lose faith in humanity.

But I have to keep reminding myself that all humans are not Literally Dumber than rocks like you two.

I'm going to keep documenting everything for as long as I can. Nothing you say will stop me from speaking the truth.
Also the claim that it was socially acceptable for men to beat their wives in 1950s is false. In 1920 Wife Beating was made a criminal offense. And well before there have been multiple instances of the man getting killed by community members.



I didn't even know that there was a block option here. There two delusional retards are now the first two on my block list. Thankfully I'll never have to see this kind of atrocious Delusion denial of reality anymore.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
They don't friend. They will let their countries be replaced rather than challenge Female Liberation.

I mean the situation could be worse right ? Imagine if you were in 1930s Germany or in 1950s America with Christian men beating up their wives for fun. These women were walking around with black eyes signaling their marital status. After 1 year these Christians Left their wives who already bore them 4 children and now they'll starve to death on the streets. Can you imagine the amount of abuse that these women had to go through ?

Thankfully nowadays Women are free spirited and more liberated and aren't looked as baby machines. Can you imagine the number of scientists, doctors, Lab technicians etc that women could be and weren't ? That's the real injustice. Yeah they don't want to settle or have kids because of the (((economy))) while the Hispanics are backwards Third World people who don't care about Finances. I mean can you imagine how hard it is to raise a child. These Hispanic women are oppressed and aren't liberated like the White Women.

We don't want statistics to divide our Genders, m'kay ? What matters is that Women make something of themselves and not just be a plain stay at home housewife, baby machine. That's just so degrading.

It was all worth it in the Grand scheme of things. When the war starts with Street to street gunfights with UN paratroopers running around shooting whites, remember that it was all worth fighting for. It's too late either way.

Whites will just need to start preparing for a protracted Military siege by these UN and Migrant enemies.

Misrepresenting my arguments again. I thought we settled this. You just won't let go. You know what your real problem is? You lost your power that you stole from women on the forums. They took it back from you, and now you're bitter. That's all.

Keep lying about what I've been saying, Rabbi Jack. That's all you can do is lie. You think I'm saying there isn't a problem at all in society with kosherized females thinking that their highest calling in life is to dress, act, talk, and behave like workers at a strip club. People are sexualizing their children now and letting them wear skimpy outfits and makeup when they're like 8 years old and younger. It's disgusting, and it's like a loud siren invitation to every jewish pedo in the tri-state area. Kids aren't raised with responsibility anymore. They aren't taught life skills and how to survive on their own. It's a trend for millenials to still be living with their parents, and guess what - that's partially because of the economy so don't pretend that economics is something that doesn't factor in. Triple parentheses around "economics?" That's too much. That's just too stupid, dude. That's right up there with "poverty produces heroes." So where's all the heroes then since everyone is so poor right now?

As for third world people, they still have their land to exist on. They're still racially homogeneous, or do you not have eyeballs to see that? Their nation isn't a multicultural shit hole. It may be a shit hole, but at least it's not multicultural. That's why their birth rates aren't diminishing because they don't have to share their land and resources with invaders. The ZOG in America gives most of our tax dollars to the jews in israel, and the rest of the tax dollars go to the salivating jihadists to live here in our land illegally as "refugees" and vote, and they get to breed while we work to feed the bastards. Oh but I bet you want to blame women for the jews shipping the invaders here too, don't you? Yeah it's all women's fault. Fuck, you're such a fool. Nobody should ever hire you for political commentary because you just fucking suck at diagnosing problems. I've never seen someone so arrogant manage to get it wrong so badly when they weren't trying to. Most people who are that arrogant at least have the sensibility to make sure they're right, or don't make it so blatantly obvious that they're wrong and full of shit.

You want to simplify a problem that is just far too complex. You want to blame women for everything because your mind is just that tiny.

Here's yours and SWG's new theme song :)

I could see SWG being sung that as a lullaby. I bet he would feel so happy while hearing it.

Fucking christian apologists.
Economics Might be a problem for you but it doesn't seem to be a problem for the Non Whites. That is the entire point. Just like Liberation of Women might be a problem for you while these people do not care about that. Do you not understand yet ? It doesn't matter what intellectual gibberish you believe in. These migrants do not care.

You don't seem to Understand. Some millions of Migrants were shipped in and dispersed throughout the Country this year. ,the worst till date You have at best 5 years before Whites become the minority without any minority benefits.

Just because your mother was abused doesn't mean everyone else was. This is the real problem with you ,you seem to think that everything revolves around you.

I've been continually right throughout the history of my reporting and my views. Your just dumber than a rock and its offensive you keep quoting me.

The Western Nations collapsed due to "Female Choice " of not having kids. And they reason they could make that choice is because Jews liberated them and allowed them to have that choice. That fact remains regardless of economy or otherwise.

What your actually saying is that after looking at the real problem your ignoring it and saying that it isn't real.

Using the same 1950s morals in Extreme sense Adolf Hitler was able to reverse the fertility crisis in nazi Germany in the 1930s.

You're completely delusional to the point that your unable to see reality as it is without making stuff up in your mind.

Don't reply to me because its offensive at this point. I feel like I'm talking to a schizophrenic patient who reads a document ,sees what is says happened and then says no the document isn't real. Its just too tiresome.

More importantly just because you are delusional doesn't also mean that hope is lost for all these Whites. Most Whites who are aware ,recognize and are capable of understanding the problems and not being deliberately argumentative like you.

Well that's your diagnosis of the situation, and 9/10 Spiritual Satanists disagree with you. Apparently you're God, and we're all unenlightened monkeys.

1950's and 60's was after Germany lost the war. Everything started going downhill progressively after 1945. Japan got nuked. Hippies happened. Xianity got more power for a time. Satanic panic. "War on terror." I'd prefer not to go back to the 1950's and 60's when jews regained total control of society and the narrative, and started pumping marxist propaganda and holocaust fiction in schools nonstop. And as Ben Klassen said, carting around children in school buses like they are cattle.

1920s was decades before the conclusion of the war. People still had common sense for the most part. Americans absolutely refused to support getting involved in WW2, and people were aware of politics. Many were even jew wise. People had inheritance. There was the new Type T from Ford, and it was a great time in America. 1917 happened though, and everything started going to shit. Commies showed up on the world scene. Germans were locked into a life or death struggle financially. What was a good time in America, it was a nightmare of misery in Germany. And that was because of economics. They didn't own anything, and their currency was worthless. Also LMAO @ "economics isn't a problem for third worlders because third worlders don't have an economy lololo" Too much :lol:

You're inconsistent in your views. You say you hate sluts, but if you really cared about the White race and its birth rates as much as you say you do (and surely must since you've been bitching about it to us for over a month now) then you would be worshiping sluts, and taking it upon yourself to do magick rituals to direct their slut hivemind to only seek out sexual relations with members of their own race. Then birth rates would skyrocket. Why aren't you doing that? Because you have no spiritual power. You're weak, and you only want to bitch about the problem instead of do anything to solve it.

Oh dear. It seems I have walked into a den of lizards. I'm still holding my own though even in your own territory because I'm such a cuck. You can't even win on your own thread :p
Jack said:
I didn't even know that there was a block option here. There two delusional retards are now the first two on my block list. Thankfully I'll never have to see this kind of atrocious Delusion denial of reality anymore.

I'm going to take this to mean you have surrendered to me. :)
Jack said:
tabby said:
Just let the discussion about women's liberation (or whatever it is now) go. I thought you two had stated this particular subject had been beaten like a dead horse already. You can bring awareness about issues without nagging about women on the whole and mocking other people's points from threads that you had fights on.

Do some meditation for yourselves instead of obsessing over women. It's doing no one any good by making mockery posts and trying to gain moral grounds that you have already displayed not having. You guys are the only ones who keep continuing this topic despite the many threads now that address it and the very recent threads made specifically for this. So what's really the problem here? Women? Or two guys who haven't yet let go of their biased problems regarding the opposite sex?

I don't say this to be a dick. I'm getting about as sick and tired of the repeating fights as the next person here. You and Southern have issues with women that bleed into your perceptions regarding women even here. Time to address it rather than continuing to push it on the forums and doing nothing in your personal time to work on that perception. You're not making the outside world any more freed from jewish programming by continuing to nag about this on the forums. Solutions have been discussed, misunderstandings cleared, knowledge presented to better understand women and relationships, RTR's are being done around the clock to change things. Am I missing something here or would you rather not name the jews who are the reason birthrates tanked and continue venting without contributing to solutions?

Change how you present your information and view points, and people will be better able to have a discussion with you so you can finish settling your inner problems. Mocking will just make things worse.
The only solution that is visible is to return to the way things were before when whites were able to have a lot of children and replicate that time period and its morals. The only solution.

There is no discussion. This information is open and shut like a homicide suspect caught red handed on the scene of the crime.

You should stop commenting on this before you come to accept facts of reality and you should do Meditations to accelerate that growth.

Everyone who is on the winning team has already figured out and had solutions for decades. White Nationalst Rodger F Devlin wrote Sexual Utopia in Power decades ago. Thos information has been known and carefully documented and reviewed for decades. The only people who are struggling with this issue are people like you who are delusional, and new to this kind of information and are unable to process it.

I'm not even going to pay attention to you anymore because I know that everything I'm saying will one day click not far into the future when you experience certain events in real life. But I'm not going to waste time on literally drooling delusional retards who can't read documents. Your so unaware you make the leftist liberals shine like gold. The level of stupidity when faced with hard facts of reality is palpable.

The only difference between you and a hardcore communist is that he blames all his problems on Capitalism and Corporations. Yes ,the jews tanked the birthrates.

But how ? They used feminism to give women economic independence and sexual independence so that they could choose to not have children like they were having before. This is literally what is written in Feminist books. Its not too hard to figure out. No, this particular Jewish policy out of all policies created by Jews is not good. Every single Jewish policy has been used to destroy one particular segment of human life.

You look like a blabbering fool when you go against established fact. Like a Holocaust apologist claiming Jews were mass murdered within Wooden doors and Furnaces. Your just too stupid to talk to, it makes my head spin and lose faith in humanity.

But I have to keep reminding myself that all humans are not Literally Dumber than rocks like you two.

I'm going to keep documenting everything for as long as I can. Nothing you say will stop me from speaking the truth.

Are you done yet?

If you can't respond to a decent comment that is very responsible with nothing other than attacks and stupid shit go hang out with your Right Wingers you love so much.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
Oh really? Were you there, Mr. 18 y/o with a god complex? Because I know for a fact it happened. It was the norm for fathers to whip their children with a belt. Kids had to watch their mothers abused. It did happen, and it was normalized. You're ignorant of the past because you didn't live back then so don't speak as if you were there.
I still haven’t seen where you are getting this from. It is just more conjecture to justify your misandry. No basis in reality like most things you say.

My mother was beaten regularly. She got whacked with a wooden spoon as hard as they could hit her. Her boyfriend used to get taken to the backyard to receive belt lashings whenever he would talk back. It was normalized and encouraged. This was considered good parenting. It was a heavily quoted bible passage, "spare the rod, spoil the child." The only reason women often didn't leave the man was because society didn't allow the conditions for most women to be financially independent, and she wanted to provide for and protect her children, often from the husband himself.
So the weird cults and living situations that you 2 grew up under is now the norm. Not to say that myself or others had perfect upbringings but it’s very far from whatever this is.

Men ARE monsters
This encapsulates your entire worldview, the tail of which I will answer later in this post. All information you take in is molded to fit this feminist ideal.

boyfriend Jack
Attacking sexuality +1

You trying to sweep away the past to pretend that nothing bad ever happened to women, and that men collectively never did anything wrong,
Unlike anything I’m saying, being a perpetual victim IS a trait of Jews. What you are doing right is now is blaming me for slavery and saying that I should pay reparations.

and women are solely to blame for all of the world's problems, and that jews have nothing to do with any of it.
It’s funny how you say I’m the one that thinks of women as lesser when you are the one implying that women need all responsibility rescinded from them because they are too stupid to make decisions for themselves, which if this is the case than you should not support the so called “independence” of women. Lie in the bed that you have made.

Nope, not jews - it's all the fault of the female sex. You're such retards.
No one says that the enemy did not have a role in this, but like the point above you can’t just arbitrarily remove all responsibility from people that still made the decision to be “independent”. You cannot blame Jews when you burn a meal because YOU had the stove too hot. I think I’ll just shoot myself in the foot and then blame Jews, is that how this works?

You don't know anything so stop pretending that you do.
I don’t know anything.. I know everything!

Jack has even less right to talk about this because he is in the same boat as you
Which boat would that be? The SS Chad 😎

he's not even American nor White. You both should just leave us all alone if this is the best you have to contribute to Satan's forums.
How about you quit following me around and attacking me when it’s not even relevant? I already exposed that you are the one that doesn’t care about the decorum because every thread you are on eventually turns into a mess. That’s not a coincidence.

Seriously, just move in with each other already if you're not the same person. You can lick each others' wounds more if you share a house together. Losers.
RUSSIAGATE CONFIRMED?? I can’t wait to hear your report on it mr. mueller.

serpentwalker666 said:
Christianity has a way of creating of the most depraved monsters, no matter the time period.
I'm sure you are already aware of this.
I agree but that is not the point at all.

You may think that saying “all women were abused slaves” is anti-Jew/xian but it’s not. It’s literally saying “All white men are abusive devils” remind me how this differs from anything that a CRT believing leftist would say.

Minus the kids had to watch their mothers abused part it's an undeniable truth that savage sprog beating
was not rare at all back then
If you don't feel like accepting certain topics from each other, add each other onto the "Foe" list, and ignore each other. Because if something is not fundamentally against the rules, then banning or whatever is not going to happen.

So either one has to accept some contrarian opinion, which is unavoidable in this world, or the bickering must be never ending, wasting time and energy of all those involved.
While I got pretty appalled when hearing that some lesser souls had dictated our Clergy what to write in the past, I strongly disagree with Freedom of Speech for those who force misinfo on others. It only leads to waste of time and misdirecting of everyone else and themselves, while forums are here to learn and not to waste time. The comments that are promoting lies and misinfo should not be approved, let alone blasphemy and attacks on JoS at all.
Freedom of Speech should be ranked, not equal.

Jewish psychopaths promote from the times immemorial against Constitutional values and Satanic values of our society such as sexual freedoms, promoting here literally laws that allow forced marriage and unwanted relationship, i.e. rape. Because it is the system they and their jewish ancestors implemented in the past, and is the only way of the unworthy to procreate and for jews — to run a Gentile society. Forced marriage allowed by church only is how jews controlled our society for ages and how they destroyed witch families.

Most female diseases are known to be in this or that way connected to Qi and blood stagnation which is literally unfreedom in deep spiritual forms, tied Chakras, tied life. This is also the reason of spiritual disadvantage of Humanity and being hold back for thousands of years.

Truth is, women ARE SUPPOSED BY NATURE to have choice and to be free. It is needed so that only right men procreate. Women are natural merit of Nature. That is why the word «whore» is so denigrating to women only — women are considered to be unattainable, proud and idealistic. Men are considered to not be granted anything but to prove themselves entire life — this is why men are so martial naturally. Look at animal females: they procreate only with those they consider worthy and they would pretty fight to death if the unworthy approaches them. If you try to present them your ideas of choice depriviation, well, you will be torn apart as such as you deserve to be. Animal females may have primitive understanding of this but it works: basically they are the only ones whose word is last and whose choice makes a gene pool. This is natural system of filtering bullshit.

Sexual freedoms, spiritual freedoms and other crucial freedoms are in Gentile society for a reason.

Kikes and their agents who infiltrated Gentile societies forever try to misrepresent our Ancestors and our Men in general. As if we needed rape to procreate in the past, like kikes do. In truth kikes and unworthies alone need this. Our Ancient societies never had this «function for thsoe who happened to be unworthy of a female». Our Men achieved goals, proved themselves, advanced spiritually and actually deserved what kikes and their moslen slaves cannot get but by rape. We passed tens of thousands of years before xianity without rape and fared pretty well. Our Gentile Men do not inherently need gender inequality to procreate, nor violence or related jewish disease. SWG is very right that it is simply not in our nature and is completely alien to our kind, let alone not effective since the best of Women that really natter will prefer death to it anyway. This whole topic is jewish infiltration trying to misrepresent our civilizations as rapist kikehole.

Honestly I think moslen and xian systems run only because of rape because no women would choose to dirt their gene pool over such slimes (females have this subconscious instinct to reject the slime). All enemy systems are literally based on rape and protect it. They also promote all kind of other abuse because they literally cannot coexist with free, powerful and healthy Woman who prefer death to dishonor — kikes forever state it in their own writings. Women are clearly stated to be of the Devil, «stupid and unable» in all xian and moslen literature in the sense that «their way of thinking is of the Devil» and inherently cannot be made «good» in abhamamic way, i.e. submissive. In other words, this is their way to attack right part of Gentile soul which stands for supernatural. This all is interconnected. They destroyed their own women in their civilizations — look at greys, they are now sexless. Basically they are proof that destruction of women and their free choice is a destruction of natural perfecting process of the civilization.

By promoting forced marriage one literally admits to be unable to achieve this in natural deserving way i.e. literally just cannot handle free Woman and needs special «function for the unworthy» to procreate. This leads to procreating dross en mass.

This is the reason they promote the idea that Humans in general are «inherently unable or unworthy of a free choice», i.e. they present our Gentile society as inherently evil, dependent psychologically, unable to think for themselves and needy of their guidance. Did you notice this line in infiltrator propaganda too?

They also misrepresent Women Rights of being feminist in their core, while feminism is anything but Woman Rights.

Truth is our Women and Men fought for their human rights and freedoms far before feminism merged its ugly head. This goes back thousands of years, and comes through Templars and educated aristocracy. Communism killed those aristocrat women and figures who fought for Women Rights outside of communism because Women and Human Rights as a whole are essentially very aristocratic and anti-communist in their nature: they leave people with no choice but to DESERVE things, and that is why kikes try to lie that human being (especially female one) «essentially cannot choose a right thing thus should not be given any responsibility».

It was understood by those Satanic souls and our Ancestors that Freedom of choice and responsibility for this choice is essential for spiritual and whatever advancement. This is a basement of all civilization and progress. And yes, those who are unworthy of procreation should not procreate even if it is entire race — this is how such races as kikes and isil lowlife are naturally extinct. And Women are those who entertain and initiate this rightful natural genocide of the unworthy, while Men are those who protect their choice and make it possible by their physical Power (which therefore is meant to be that huge and overwhelming). So yes, basically it will always be Men who fight and make possible any Human or Women Rights because it is the choice of those worthy and best Men, it is part of their higher goal of protecting and perfecting The Earth.

Women in my country are traditionally called natural Keepers of Culture which means keeping both blood and culture in purity. In spiritual society Female energies are natural spiritual class of society while male ones are natural warrior class and bulwork that make everything possible. Every Pagan culture traditionally calls female energy to be Wisdom, while male energy - to be Power, which is also represented by lower and upper Chakras. They both fight to be worthy of each other, forever cleanse each other by their choices and thus forever striving to perfection that is represented by Dao.

Only kikes and worst mongrels would have such a denigrate way of thinking that any species may at all need rape or depriving the entire 50% of society of worthwhile existence, just to procreate making more and more of their putrid selves. Such state indicates horrific denigration and being basically a shit on the face of the Earth, not worthy of any procreation first and foremost.

As for mongrel problem, well, first kikes implemented equal rights for criminal, free procreating for everyone except worthy, free welfare for undeserving and lazy, never punished any criminal in Europe, destroyed death penalty in every country, now every rapist mongrel bandit procreates at our expence freely. Then kikes come in JoS forum and say: worthy hard working responsible civilized women (who happen to pay for all this from their pockets) are to blame for not procreating like those sponsored insects do, let us rape them into pregnancy (as a last blow to European culture).

Guess what? These laws are for moslens alone because no actually worthy of procreation Man is going to do it anyway. This is kike logic and works only in kike and lowlife societies. It will never work here. So this raving is just common moslen riot with them going in streets demanding to rape White women for free. No other man needs it but them. This way we are only going to get more of this lowlife, having the greatest of our Men outsided and outgened, and greatest of our Women - dead in their last battle. So it is a system designed to filter the best.

The answer to this is not becoming insects or lowlife ourselves to defeat other lowlife, but to outlaw the lowlife itself. Also understanding that just overpopulation is not a weapon against lowlife as well. Our people are to become immortal Gods not machines making more lowlife. Reptilians run whole planets overpopulated by their slaves, submissive mindless and disposable as moslen wives. Our goal is to make universe Godly, not to overpopulate it with anyone. We can stand being one free Man and one free Woman who rule the entire universe alone — Satan and Lilith stand like this. Our Gods proved us with their own example the superiority of individual spiritual advancement over insect overpopulation which is of the enemy and lower forms of life.

This is where all Human and Woman Rights come from in our Ancient orders, Templers, Yogies etc. that I mentioned that it had long story before feminism stole it to misrepresent, communize and destroy. And this is what HPs Maxine obviously meant by «Lilith being first feminist» - she remembered the word «feminism» meaning just Women Rights, not jewish misrepresentation of them. First and foremost, the ones to advance and become Gods (obviously incompatible with slave existence).

«Lowlife does not care that you have your human rights» - they do not care as far as WE allow them to not care. Of course if they run free they do not care we have a Culture, Values, our Satanic religion and any other beautiful thing. Parasites and bacterias as well do not care that we have our health. Yet they care that we have antibiotics.

So yes, Godly destiny of our kind matters more than overpopulation and even existence of the entire races. Divine civilization and perfecting process is a goal of human life and stands first, for the sake of which worthless existence of the entire species which prefer not to advance should be put aside.

Universe is ruled by Godhead not by quantity.
I hear most white people if they ask for race in college,they say they are mixed or something else,I don't blame them so many of the colleges are Indoctrinating,an making a generation of failures,though I know not all cause some are able to resist the communist critical race theory, but the reptiles are setting up the people for failure on purpose,white people are singled out by the brainless npcs, but on the bright side if any white people want to sue these colleges,an get a lot of money, sue the colleges for discrimination ,fight back I'm sick of these brainwashed npcs ruining everything

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
