A lot of people who are frightened and do not understand why things escalate in the world as they are. Seemingly so, the world is seems to be entering a cycle of chaos [attempted by the enemy], where everything appears as if anything but a badly staged movie, which many people falsely believe has to do with the "End Times" and cannot comprehend due to lack of knowledge.
Lack of information leads to lack of ability to understand. Many people have been with-held of information that was widely known on the ages past, such as for example, how one must be careful of their thoughts or how applied psychic energy and belief can make specific things occur. As such, people are open to severe enemy manipulation on a global scale. To reverse this lack of knowledge with spreading knowledge, reverses all the perils that have come from mass ignorance. But before this happens, many people will be quite ignorant. And ignorance is not bliss it's dangerous and breeds evil.
In the attempts of people to put pieces together, which in many ways range all the way from being very honest to absurd theories and a lot of observations have been circulating around the internet in the late days, in regards to how the Co-VID crisis is handled, that relate this crisis to many other situations. Most people are left baffled without knowing what is going on.
This will clarify and say only the truth about what is going on, and may those who are aware, and have the mind to comprehend this [I know many of you have seen a lot of things lately, and want answers], may these people receive the answers that they deserve.
Keeping one's head in one's ass and saying that this is "The end times" and just refusing to look further into things, means one is stupid, lacks knowledge, lacks spiritual education, and is primarily used as a borg to self manifest their own destruction. This stance deserves no truth, as these people are cattle, and formed likewise by the enemy, and many are quite refusing to change their identity from cattle of jews into human beings. Cattle cannot understand what is happening, because cattle does not want to. The Jew does all the thinking for the cattle - if jews lie to them and claim it's the end times, or something, they believe it. And that's it.
These lies have went on for centuries now, this theme is repeated, and civilizations are ruined because of this process of people ruining their own creations by ignorance. The enemy adds the grease and these people slip into accidents and damnation.
For those who know how spirituality [and specifically so that of the enemy] does work, they are very centered of doing specific things on specific dates, and in general, their whole system runs like a computer software program, doing specific things at specific dates, they charge on specific dates, discharge on others, do political moves on their key holidays, and all sorts of other things like that. That is the source of their power and their source of weakness, at the very same time. Also, as with any said system, things can fall apart and really quickly provided specific things are done.
They also have specific dates, which their "Psychics" see, most of the time, in league with enemy ET's, that give them insights into their own program, and how this may potentially escalate. What these "Psychics" do is get into this whole energetic program of the enemy, and deduct potential manifestations emerging from their energy pool. As the enemy plans catastrophe, so do these psychics observe all this crazy stuff from Nuclear war to mass damnation. Then they transfer these sightings to humanity to increase fear which is where the enemy program is based.
Some key years are pulled out, where they make major predictions about, both to brainwash people [such as movies frequently do, 2012 the end of the world, 2011 the movie Contagion, the list goes]. When the mass mind is sufficiently brainwashed, and we are talking millions and billions of people, if the mass mind does not reject this, it tends to manifest this tragic reality onto itself. One specific date, which a lot of enemy psychics and others who are balls deep or at least in some form of communication with the enemy, is that they all agreed year 2020 would be a very active year for the enemy, a year of many attempted breakthroughs by these reptilian alien offspring.
Some went as far as to mention this year was "Armageddon", which is a very common thing they do to many years, all the time. Some people are so self destructive they obsessively so want the world to be destroyed, and many are pampering their energy, willingly or less willingly, towards this end, which is coded as predictive programming in all the world's major alien and hostile to humanity, created, religions.
They think doing this will do "Good" and cause "Jeboo Return", where they haven't read the chapter where all of them are mortally punished for being "Goyim" [not-jews] and thrown in lakes of fire or something. Christianity ends up in the jewish old testament wet dream with exactitude. But xians cannot understand this as they are mortally stupid and keen on self destruction.
This is how both Islam and Christianity complete themselves with their teleological doctrine. Death, destruction, mass misery, poverty, illnesses, damnation, people getting enslaved with microchips or other life threatening technology [The so called Mark of the Beast], is something that in the mind of Christians, Jews and Muslims, "MUST HAPPEN" and "MUST ENDURE" in order for them to experience their collective jewish wet dream. They actually are drawing these things on them, to supposedly "Get the prophecies to fullfill". And before they know it, they are creating the very same circumstances that will damn them.
Then all that happens is that these people are damned and since the whole "get saved" thing was only a hoax to get them to create into their own damnation, they just get destroyed. Xianity is where people get jew'd and it's no difference than fake loans, fake jew type politician promises, and jew lies in general.
These, based on spiritual and astral laws the enemy has them with-held from, manifest themselves in realities for the world, for themselves, and for our collective living situation on the planet.
This hoax that humans need to "Redeem themselves", "in the eyes of the jew(s)", who have credited them with imaginary and non-existent sins. Such as how sinful it is that humanity was once spiritually advanced, or how sinful it were that once time humanity was living thousands of years, or how sinful it were that "us the goyim" created some of the best civilizations there were, and so forth. Clearly here, the aliens behind these programs are speaking heavily through the jews, and are trying to criminalize every attempt humanity has ever done to move forward into a better state of existence. They try to keep us from existing and advancing as a globe at large.
We saw the beginning of this instantly in 2020, with incidents like the attempt to break WW3 with Iran and the US on behalf of Israel. The event was sudden, quick, but it did not bear the intended fruit, because it was intervened into by our side. There will be more of this. Many of these events are highly programmed and etched in the reality of this world, and millions have been programmed with predictive programming so the mass mind makes these events occur. Under normal circumstances, these things just happen exactly as the enemy has planned, and until recently, they have been getting what they wanted really easily.
As one can understand despite the Co-VID being real, you do not destroy the global economy over what is necessarily and what the same people that instigated this destruction, claimed was only "A flu virus". The situation is not about any flu, it's about the fluke of mentally brainwashing people into their damnation. Movies like Contagion explain the very situation, of brainwashing people to energetically manifest their own damnation. The enemy tried very hard to do this with 2012, but of course, they failed, and nothing happened in 2012. The only end that came on this year, was not of the earth, but of their alien shit agenda, which has progressively so unraveling.
The virus exists, and is certainly problematic, but is it more problematic than throwing one third of American people on the streets, or crashing the global economy crashing it with no survivors? Clearly this is not a normal occurrence for an event of this magnitude, such as this particular Coronavirus flu. That would only be fitting if there was some sort of bubonic plague in place, wouldn't it?
The measures to "protect" the people were kind of able to be debated, but the reaction of the economy and how this is handled is very revealing. Since the globe didn't get a full blown WW3, we got something else, which is a black swan incident and a mass financial depression, manifested over something that considering the gravity of the situation is only an excuse.
This situation will be used to promote a further "Globalist" agenda, in contrast to the ideology that Trump promoted, which was a slow return to Nationalism and Nationally produced goods and economy. He didn't even mean it very seriously, but the situation clearly got the enemy Globalists onto red alert, since even the mere idea to go down that line, puts them really back to all the slavery relationships they try to create between Nations, and in particular, their plan to financially enslave the world through China.
But even the above is nothing but just another symptom of a larger problem the enemy is facing, the web of their breaking and shifting control goes even deeper, to levels that are quite worrisome for them. The enemy, the above aside, is only losing this. Weeks ago I was contacted by Andras in a very brief meeting, and he mentioned, that "Our planet is being watched closely". We are definitely not alone. As everyone can see, the enemy's plan is not really fully manifesting, and they are on a very seriously exposed and even weakened position, despite their stunts.
Those who have lived in these measures, such as those in Italy, or in other Quarantined places, will understand that the measures are bordering measures of insanity. Locking people in, military on the streets, confinement, sudden unemployment, a lot of massive suffering, a financial misery that dwarfs that of 2008 and some argue is the worst since the Great Depression of 1929, is bound to have something else behind it, as it had back then. Some people cannot take this to the point they commit suicide, because they lose their job or businesses out of nowhere, and many are getting broken mentally.
Meanwhile, it seems that specific places are "sworn" to keep people locked inside, regardless, or at least they try. This would question most people on why that would be the case.
This if observed from the Co-VID perspective may make sense to limit this illness, but it is justified through nothing else. Never in the history of the world have all governments went so far deeply into such radical measures, so suddenly, and so recklessly. The situation is very chaotic and quite messy.
Normally, Governments would be concerned about the damage they do to themselves, to their people, to their economies, even the most rotten of politicians would try to mitigate damage in order to save their own ass and protect themselves from excommunication - but not with Jews in power. When they are in power, all they care about is their alien agenda, and how everything can fall in place for it, and nobody and nothing else. Careless enforcement is something the jews always did.
When Rome toasted the jews, they didn't care at all. They conducted murder rituals and kept going until they became flattened toast. They have no consciousness to stop, they can only be the reptilians that they were created to be.
What is more important and where this all is the important thing, is the observations of many people [and the numerous videos online] of excessive UFO activity. During every chaotic time, the enemy becomes active. Our side also becomes active, which is why the whole situation has quite degenerated, and greys are getting their microchip dreams shoot down heavily. The RTR ties into the energetic spectrum of all this, and extends all the way up to the enemy, who exacts their alien force through this "Aleph-Bet" of the jews. Those who do the RTR and are psychic, have seen this. Know when you do the RTR, the forces extent beyond, and a great banishing of these hostile entities is done at large.
UFO's have been observed all the time in the recent 2-3 years, very physically active, and observably. People going out of their gardens during Quarantine are happening to see many of these. Now that people are locked in, they feel more confident to roam the planet, and their alarming number of appearances show that they are quite alarmed as to what is going down here, they feel like their control is drifting, so they decided to attempt to pay a visit to try to get things back to "Normal", or their lizard normal - ie, to the path of micro-chipping, meaningless wars, and all sorts of other garbage. Their physical agents have been on total rabid trying to enforce the above. This is not very good news to have them around.
The Greys in particular see humanity as nothing more than cattle. Like a parasite that has had it's blood flow cut, they are now reacting. They are clearly roaming around to see what is going on, in the regards that, all the major "Religions" haven't been feeding these parasites energy. So they are like trying to come down to see what is going on, and to promote acceleration of their plans against mankind.
Because clearly, their earthly agents cannot pull these through. Judging from works of enemy psychics, 2020 was supposed to be a year 'Armageddon', with potential WW3, and all sorts of other events were planned and being made. But we and our side has guarded from all of this and the transitions will be better off. Indeed this is an ongoing battle between the parties involved, but there is major progress being done. The more people wake up on some things the less things we will have to endure.
The Co-Vid incident and how this escalates, has really made things confusing in the very least, and unbalanced a lot of the enemy's plans, energy banks, facade of governments worldwide, and many more things.
Around two weeks before the situation in China broke hard, a grey notified during an attack that "We", as in collectively, anyone who fights them and goes against their agenda which they believe is great to turn us like them into robot borgs [they believe that we should be THANKFUL for this - they cannot fathom why we are even resisting], it mentioned that "We", collectively, have been throwing this world [Their world down here] out of balance. In regards to what balance, that is *their* balance.
It also added that those who try to do this will get punished severely. As one can see, all the bug headed fuck can do, is only talk. The "order" of this world, their "order", has been destabilized, and ruined, and the drastic empowerment of their enemies, and their downfall, is starting to become a fact, to the point that they have to engage closer and try to set the record straight. They are very desperate that this planet is going to be lost out of their hands, in due time. Just look at how people are inflamed and what "conspiracy" theories are circulating online, and you will see, what they did triggered a global response from which we will never return to any "Goyim normalcy - boil the frog slow so he dies without reaction type of normalcy" as it was before. Many of these conspiracy theories, have to do with Aliens.
Doing something massive was the only thing they could do, but this very thing, will accelerate their downfall.
Last year in 2019, the US Navy and other commanders found out that they are on a stalemate, and powers of this world, understand that we are being invaded past the point of trying to hide anything. Of course, jews are going to keep lying until the last minute [they hide their bosses and they are eternal liars], and ridicule the alien phenomenon, especially as they are losing, and because their ties to nefarious "otherworldly" forces have been exposed for what they really and truly are - pure evil, pure destruction, and pure ruin for mankind. Worshipped for nothing for centuries by deceived mankind, leading to only damnation.
Therefore the powers that be decided to leak factual military Info, and not just whistle-blowing, of how many UFO's soldiers see, to try to prepare the masses for the things they will see in the future. I cannot judge them badly on that, as they have limited options to do as "Human" governments. The military commanders who did this, that was the proper and the sane thing to do, as awareness of this phenomenon is the only thing that can save humanity on a massive scale.
These things have already started, ranging from strange things on the sky, strange saucers, flying lights, and go all the way down to strange weather phenomena which are way out of the ordinary, a mix of both human manipulation, and enemy manipulation. People just pop out of their window in Quarantine and they see all these strange UFO's taking strolls, trying to post videos over these. Even in small towns.
Since the enemy perceives they are out of time, they are trying to accelerate the situation and this is why people see them worldwide. Them or any UFO's showing up has two sides, one is the negative side [they are here], and the positive side, that their control is just drifting.
As I explained above, humanity is like cattle to them, and the plan of the enemy is to quickly enslave [or in their words] "assimilate" mankind into the borg. This they plan to do with an array of technologies and implants, which they will promote in such a way that these will not be positive for us, but just "follow the trends" and lead us to in the end, being trapped by their own alein technology, and then have humanity collectively ended up in a slavery situation.
Imagine this simply as linking a brain to a computer, and then hacking the computer and taking it over - one has successfully took over the brain. The hacking of human infrastructure and taking control of it, is not something the enemy is beyond doing. But the enemy cannot reasonably manage and control billions of free people without some sort of severe technological manipulation, they want humanity either gone or enslaved.
Our Gods have other plans and they in no way want to turn us into slaves and borgs, but rather independent and spiritually developed species. Spirituality, safety, and nature first, is a path they follow, since the Ancient Times. They did not give us brain-chips to make us borgs, nor did they hijack and remove our personal will, claiming this would be some sort of "Great leap forward". They are also the only ones who are altering against this danger, and what will come to our world, and try to get this message through, if we collectively fail to control the situation now.
The enemy on the other hand tries to make an artificial acceleration of technology, despite of human and living cost. How they treat this earth, should be quite revealing to everyone who has been watching the news. The Earth is being ruined for absolutely no reason whatsoever, but because of the fallen state of mankind, which the enemy has perpetuated with spiritual ignorance and bolstered for centuries. Never before have humans done as massive damage to their own habitat as the ignoramus humans of today are doing.
Billions of other species like in the Amazon are going extinct, plants, microbes, birds, species never discovered and not yet known [the most bio-diverse place in the Solar System and possibly beyond is the Amazon], so that stupid frivolous individuals can feel like their shitty existence and nihilism has some sort of purpose on this world. These desperate types which also happen to have physical influence, tend to also do anything foolish nefarious entities will recommend them, and the greys find refuge in these retards, and comrades in decay in these nihilistic byproducts of their enforced unspirituality that humanity has been subjugated under.
At first when people said stuff about the 5G, I thought it was only exaggerated hoaxes, or the usual "Everything new is evil" stuff people tend to do due to lack of knowledge. Personally I always evaluate technology logically and I am anything but a Luddite, I have optimism and belief that in the end, modern science, technology, and so forth, will benefit us. So eventually I decided to look further into what this 5G technology is everyone was getting outspoken of, really was, and looked into all the research be this from mainstream down to the worst conspiracy theories. Seeing what it can potentially become, and what is most important, the potential of ABUSE of this technology, makes the situation alarming, and revealing.
The reality is that the material aspect of this is the least aspect to worry us. As exaggerated as this sounds, this goes way on further and relates to everything stated above.
If the 5G works "as claimed" by the enemy, ie, on a band higher than WI-FI, then maybe, it will pose a minimal threat to mankind [but still a painful and unnecessary sore in humanity's ass, and only a technology to increase the Jew World Order's surveillance capabilities to real time surveillance, such as the Chinese real-time AI cameras that can find a person in 1.4 billion people, within less than a minute, in real time].
However there is too much serious potential of misuse with this technology. There are also many things people are unaware of. Human beings are for the most part, quite sensitive to weather changes, frequency changes, UV radiation, and all sorts of external bioelectric phenomena and natural phenomena. These affect human beings directly in unforeseen ways, even if these are small influences that exist over a prolonged period of time.
But the real problem with the 5G is not exactly the WIFI or the internet stuff that it will promote [provided this was done on low frequencies, which, still can harm, but cannot make one into a mutant], but also, the ability of this technology and these antennas to project very high frequencies [the type we call "beyond physical" in our modern language] or other frequencies that can cause all sorts of things when studied, including unrest, fear, potential health problems, or even some form of mind control. This was not a lie at all as disinfo agents have said, these things are within the ability of the 5G system.
If we are lied to an the 5G frequencies do fall past a point, these can actually cause problems for health, and even behavioral problems. If the technology is kept within very limited standards, there will not be problems. Again, the problem is largely a problem of trust, where the technological capabilities come second to the intention of how these are planned to be used.
Seeing how the enemy goes with this, they do not plan to use it in human friendly ways or to just increase your internet connection.
In regards to the 4G frequencies, these can boil someone and they can be used as sufficiently as microwave oven frequencies, provided enough energy is put into them. A phone obviously cannot do that, but if you keep your handset on your head for like 5 hours, your head will really feel like it's heating up and boiling. A mix of these and EMF, is what people feel when they are putting their cellphones on their head, which causes a very noticeable increase of the temperature of their ears. These, have mostly a manifestation along this range. It has been scientifically observed.
5G, on the other hand, is scarcely observed. Or let us say, scientific contradictory evidence is ignored, such as professionals saying that this can be bad. Before this crap is even studied, so that we can utilize it safely [such as underground, or in a wired technology through WI-FI, always in mind with human safety], the enemy is rolling it out - everywhere.
Already existing WI-FI technology can achieve tremendous internet speeds and other things through a technology already known to us and tested for a decade. It wouldn't be so hard. Plus, some WIFI antennas, can extend to hundreds or thousands of feet without really doing anything that we don't know or are into already. And as thus would be safer implementations.
5G on the other hand has this uncanny thing that an antenna is required every a few tens of feet. This is because, when you will take your phone and cameras will be installed anywhere, the "Grid" will know when you are, with the exactitude of a few feet and meters. WIFI technology that could theoretically be used, would still provide privacy, and still the fast internet and everything required for us to exchange information. But 5G's purpose as explained in another topic is more on the surveillance side of things and general manipulation.
To give an example if you use a high fiber optic connection now and someone finds your IP address, they know that you have been in X town. Many towns show up IP's from another town where the actual centers are. None of these can really and at once lead to an exact physical location. For example I could be taking internet from Town A and in reality, I was in a town 200 miles away, from which is the central internet communication center.
With 5G, it will be known where people are with an exactitude quite similar to this of a GPS, if not far more accurate. Also, despite the doomsday, just know that the 5G will not do more surveillance than smartphones, which already do that. But the key word here is that this grid will be EXTERNAL. You can leave your phone somewhere and go somewhere else without having to worry about being 100% tracked. They enemy wants this to be everywhere, and this relates to these odious chapters about how the "Angels observe everything" and other grey alien verses put in the bible. Tracking will be external, biometrics and microchip based, and be 100% continuous.
Now, since people have been reacting to this, the enemy saw that the installation of these would be difficult. In some places people went as far as to physically protest and halt the installations, other people lost their patience and started burning. In some places it went even violent. But now that everyone is closed in, all the installations will more than likely proceed in full throttle speed, and when quarantines will end in many places, installations may have progressed to their end.
When Governments want to break protests, sometimes, they deploy these very frequencies that 5G can readily emit. This is scientifically proven and you can read on this on your own. These can range in their effects from breaking the spirit, to dulling down anger, to making people flip out, to all sorts of things. These are also not heard by the physical ears at all. But this is not limited to 5G. Already existing wireless technology, can be used, in potential, to cause all these effects. The only limitation is the energy put into it. The enemy grid is not specifically designed as real time, as AI based, and as capable and with this goal in mind.
For those who think this is some sort of joke, just read into all the experiments that have been done for brainwashing people through sound, ultrasound, ultrasonic waves, and how much invisible light spectrum waves can potentially affect organisms. This goes way further than breaking glass. Certain frequencies can turn some people who are weak minded into rabid, and others are beyond capability to be controlled or resisted by the human mind.
Having sophisticated machinery every 150 yards worldwide, that can possibly affect the spectrum that affects humans, and and will definitely affect human behavior, is NOT a good or decent idea. Certainly so, mere installation, does not mean misuse, but given the history of the enemy, we can understand this will more than likely occur.
Few positive things can manifest from the above. There is nothing positive in having a social credit system that is enforced by a borg, there is nothing positive about not being able to have any privacy, there is nothing positive about Zuckerborg knowing where people were 24/7 for absolutely no reason whatsover. Programmers and people of renown understand the very serious and damning implications of all this.
The aliens that stand behind the enemy have sufficiently influenced mankind [and jews] progressively and with the energy they have been given, to conveniently guide them down this path, to where this looks as an "unavoidable future", that "is coming no matter what", and used many of their agents to promote exactly this very future. Some of these agents have been in the know and some totally oblivious.
All of this can be avoided, mitigated, resisted, and denied. There is no future set on any stone about these things.
I doubt anyone would willingly go and become a borg on their own accord if they understood that this meant the complete eradication of their personal "will", which is the basis of our existence, and what makes existence in some way meaningful. On being blank and only a body without nothing existing in them anymore.
Instead, to their followers, they told them all these lies about convenience, and how this will turn these old idiots into "augmented humans" and all the rest of the crap, that they will lord over the goyim with AI and go to sleep at night peacefully, and when the goyim is angry, they will ramp up the 5G frequency and live in their "Messianic Times".
But the real goal behind this is this: Absorb humanity in the borg with the end result being out transformation and assimilation into their meaningless and alien hive. The enemy holds the same contempt for everyone.
Lastly, how the enemy manages to do this to planets, is they set in front of them fake things such as fake spiritual systems, which with predictive programming, and infiltrator tribes [such as the jews] bring amongst their midst. These attempt to struggle to control primitive civilizations, and slowly turn them into a psychic machine that self-replicates it's own psychic energy into it's own damnation, through the fake thing that they brand as "Religion". All of these situations are manifestations that are manifested by intensive charging of human psychic energy, going into the enemy's nefarious programs, for centuries.
For those who do not know, the "Prophecies" of the enemy are only predictive programmings, which billions of unknowing people charge without their knowledge, thinking these events have to "Manifest" - "In order to" bring the so called "Messianic Era", where "Evil will have been blotted out of this world". This "Evil" that they try to drive out, is our Gods, which have protected us for centuries in that regard, so we were safe, and still we happen to be free, and not assimilated, nor gone.
People unknowingly are put to sever ties with our Gods, disconnect our world from theirs, fall into lower spiritual levels, and end up charging their own damnation with whatever frail energy they have left, until a society is either destroyed or absorbed by the enemy, as the only means to it's fake "Salvation" from the problems the enemy has created through their core system.
Therefore, suffering, death, diseases, wars, plagues, and everything else morbidly imaginable, is manifested by the unknowing populace, straight onto itself, until the final point where everything goes down the drain and a species is driven to the point of either destruction, or "assimilation". Whenever humanity "disobeys", or is about to break free, or makes a major advancement that is not in compliance with the enemy control, the enemy tries to keep humanity back.
The only way "forward" for the enemy is either we become borgs like them, or that we get destroyed or extinct. They do not recognize any other future for humanity, there is no middle area, and they want us to either be dead or exist as a slave planet.
Jews are at the center of this and this is why the jews relate to the Greys and the Reptilians, to the point they admitted it publicly, and what they are here to do to everyone, which was "communicated" to them by these nefarious entities.
The situation is serious, but definitely, reversible. RTR style reversible.
Not only reversible, but we stand a chance now, which is rare in history [others may not have gotten this and may have not been lucky], as all of this is based on the enemy's pattern of energy guidance and so forth, which will be blotted out, then all the connective link trying to draw and manifest this reality on mankind, will just collapse. The lack of charging also contributes to this failure, this contributes to mistakes, mistakes contribute to total failure, and through the cracks humanity can emerge triumphant, and so does the general destabilization of their spiritual system, continue to get wrecked.
Long story short, the enemy will be toast, and there is still time. Our planet and we as a species are not without support. We will also be receiving increasingly so external intervention from our Gods, which are overseeing the situation, and will not allow humanity to be destroyed.
There is no need to enter into dystopian scenarios, application of the spiritual weaponry by the Gods sets the precedent of avoiding this planned damnation. The Gods are experts in guiding us towards advancement naturally and positively.
Since we are "Down here" and into the earth [with all that this entails] we have to project the energies we have been instructed, to nullify the enemy's energy and therefore foil their energy from manifesting. And put this all to an end once and for all.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Lack of information leads to lack of ability to understand. Many people have been with-held of information that was widely known on the ages past, such as for example, how one must be careful of their thoughts or how applied psychic energy and belief can make specific things occur. As such, people are open to severe enemy manipulation on a global scale. To reverse this lack of knowledge with spreading knowledge, reverses all the perils that have come from mass ignorance. But before this happens, many people will be quite ignorant. And ignorance is not bliss it's dangerous and breeds evil.
In the attempts of people to put pieces together, which in many ways range all the way from being very honest to absurd theories and a lot of observations have been circulating around the internet in the late days, in regards to how the Co-VID crisis is handled, that relate this crisis to many other situations. Most people are left baffled without knowing what is going on.
This will clarify and say only the truth about what is going on, and may those who are aware, and have the mind to comprehend this [I know many of you have seen a lot of things lately, and want answers], may these people receive the answers that they deserve.
Keeping one's head in one's ass and saying that this is "The end times" and just refusing to look further into things, means one is stupid, lacks knowledge, lacks spiritual education, and is primarily used as a borg to self manifest their own destruction. This stance deserves no truth, as these people are cattle, and formed likewise by the enemy, and many are quite refusing to change their identity from cattle of jews into human beings. Cattle cannot understand what is happening, because cattle does not want to. The Jew does all the thinking for the cattle - if jews lie to them and claim it's the end times, or something, they believe it. And that's it.
These lies have went on for centuries now, this theme is repeated, and civilizations are ruined because of this process of people ruining their own creations by ignorance. The enemy adds the grease and these people slip into accidents and damnation.
For those who know how spirituality [and specifically so that of the enemy] does work, they are very centered of doing specific things on specific dates, and in general, their whole system runs like a computer software program, doing specific things at specific dates, they charge on specific dates, discharge on others, do political moves on their key holidays, and all sorts of other things like that. That is the source of their power and their source of weakness, at the very same time. Also, as with any said system, things can fall apart and really quickly provided specific things are done.
They also have specific dates, which their "Psychics" see, most of the time, in league with enemy ET's, that give them insights into their own program, and how this may potentially escalate. What these "Psychics" do is get into this whole energetic program of the enemy, and deduct potential manifestations emerging from their energy pool. As the enemy plans catastrophe, so do these psychics observe all this crazy stuff from Nuclear war to mass damnation. Then they transfer these sightings to humanity to increase fear which is where the enemy program is based.
Some key years are pulled out, where they make major predictions about, both to brainwash people [such as movies frequently do, 2012 the end of the world, 2011 the movie Contagion, the list goes]. When the mass mind is sufficiently brainwashed, and we are talking millions and billions of people, if the mass mind does not reject this, it tends to manifest this tragic reality onto itself. One specific date, which a lot of enemy psychics and others who are balls deep or at least in some form of communication with the enemy, is that they all agreed year 2020 would be a very active year for the enemy, a year of many attempted breakthroughs by these reptilian alien offspring.
Some went as far as to mention this year was "Armageddon", which is a very common thing they do to many years, all the time. Some people are so self destructive they obsessively so want the world to be destroyed, and many are pampering their energy, willingly or less willingly, towards this end, which is coded as predictive programming in all the world's major alien and hostile to humanity, created, religions.
They think doing this will do "Good" and cause "Jeboo Return", where they haven't read the chapter where all of them are mortally punished for being "Goyim" [not-jews] and thrown in lakes of fire or something. Christianity ends up in the jewish old testament wet dream with exactitude. But xians cannot understand this as they are mortally stupid and keen on self destruction.
This is how both Islam and Christianity complete themselves with their teleological doctrine. Death, destruction, mass misery, poverty, illnesses, damnation, people getting enslaved with microchips or other life threatening technology [The so called Mark of the Beast], is something that in the mind of Christians, Jews and Muslims, "MUST HAPPEN" and "MUST ENDURE" in order for them to experience their collective jewish wet dream. They actually are drawing these things on them, to supposedly "Get the prophecies to fullfill". And before they know it, they are creating the very same circumstances that will damn them.
Then all that happens is that these people are damned and since the whole "get saved" thing was only a hoax to get them to create into their own damnation, they just get destroyed. Xianity is where people get jew'd and it's no difference than fake loans, fake jew type politician promises, and jew lies in general.
These, based on spiritual and astral laws the enemy has them with-held from, manifest themselves in realities for the world, for themselves, and for our collective living situation on the planet.
This hoax that humans need to "Redeem themselves", "in the eyes of the jew(s)", who have credited them with imaginary and non-existent sins. Such as how sinful it is that humanity was once spiritually advanced, or how sinful it were that once time humanity was living thousands of years, or how sinful it were that "us the goyim" created some of the best civilizations there were, and so forth. Clearly here, the aliens behind these programs are speaking heavily through the jews, and are trying to criminalize every attempt humanity has ever done to move forward into a better state of existence. They try to keep us from existing and advancing as a globe at large.
We saw the beginning of this instantly in 2020, with incidents like the attempt to break WW3 with Iran and the US on behalf of Israel. The event was sudden, quick, but it did not bear the intended fruit, because it was intervened into by our side. There will be more of this. Many of these events are highly programmed and etched in the reality of this world, and millions have been programmed with predictive programming so the mass mind makes these events occur. Under normal circumstances, these things just happen exactly as the enemy has planned, and until recently, they have been getting what they wanted really easily.
As one can understand despite the Co-VID being real, you do not destroy the global economy over what is necessarily and what the same people that instigated this destruction, claimed was only "A flu virus". The situation is not about any flu, it's about the fluke of mentally brainwashing people into their damnation. Movies like Contagion explain the very situation, of brainwashing people to energetically manifest their own damnation. The enemy tried very hard to do this with 2012, but of course, they failed, and nothing happened in 2012. The only end that came on this year, was not of the earth, but of their alien shit agenda, which has progressively so unraveling.
The virus exists, and is certainly problematic, but is it more problematic than throwing one third of American people on the streets, or crashing the global economy crashing it with no survivors? Clearly this is not a normal occurrence for an event of this magnitude, such as this particular Coronavirus flu. That would only be fitting if there was some sort of bubonic plague in place, wouldn't it?
The measures to "protect" the people were kind of able to be debated, but the reaction of the economy and how this is handled is very revealing. Since the globe didn't get a full blown WW3, we got something else, which is a black swan incident and a mass financial depression, manifested over something that considering the gravity of the situation is only an excuse.
This situation will be used to promote a further "Globalist" agenda, in contrast to the ideology that Trump promoted, which was a slow return to Nationalism and Nationally produced goods and economy. He didn't even mean it very seriously, but the situation clearly got the enemy Globalists onto red alert, since even the mere idea to go down that line, puts them really back to all the slavery relationships they try to create between Nations, and in particular, their plan to financially enslave the world through China.
But even the above is nothing but just another symptom of a larger problem the enemy is facing, the web of their breaking and shifting control goes even deeper, to levels that are quite worrisome for them. The enemy, the above aside, is only losing this. Weeks ago I was contacted by Andras in a very brief meeting, and he mentioned, that "Our planet is being watched closely". We are definitely not alone. As everyone can see, the enemy's plan is not really fully manifesting, and they are on a very seriously exposed and even weakened position, despite their stunts.
Those who have lived in these measures, such as those in Italy, or in other Quarantined places, will understand that the measures are bordering measures of insanity. Locking people in, military on the streets, confinement, sudden unemployment, a lot of massive suffering, a financial misery that dwarfs that of 2008 and some argue is the worst since the Great Depression of 1929, is bound to have something else behind it, as it had back then. Some people cannot take this to the point they commit suicide, because they lose their job or businesses out of nowhere, and many are getting broken mentally.
Meanwhile, it seems that specific places are "sworn" to keep people locked inside, regardless, or at least they try. This would question most people on why that would be the case.
This if observed from the Co-VID perspective may make sense to limit this illness, but it is justified through nothing else. Never in the history of the world have all governments went so far deeply into such radical measures, so suddenly, and so recklessly. The situation is very chaotic and quite messy.
Normally, Governments would be concerned about the damage they do to themselves, to their people, to their economies, even the most rotten of politicians would try to mitigate damage in order to save their own ass and protect themselves from excommunication - but not with Jews in power. When they are in power, all they care about is their alien agenda, and how everything can fall in place for it, and nobody and nothing else. Careless enforcement is something the jews always did.
When Rome toasted the jews, they didn't care at all. They conducted murder rituals and kept going until they became flattened toast. They have no consciousness to stop, they can only be the reptilians that they were created to be.
What is more important and where this all is the important thing, is the observations of many people [and the numerous videos online] of excessive UFO activity. During every chaotic time, the enemy becomes active. Our side also becomes active, which is why the whole situation has quite degenerated, and greys are getting their microchip dreams shoot down heavily. The RTR ties into the energetic spectrum of all this, and extends all the way up to the enemy, who exacts their alien force through this "Aleph-Bet" of the jews. Those who do the RTR and are psychic, have seen this. Know when you do the RTR, the forces extent beyond, and a great banishing of these hostile entities is done at large.
UFO's have been observed all the time in the recent 2-3 years, very physically active, and observably. People going out of their gardens during Quarantine are happening to see many of these. Now that people are locked in, they feel more confident to roam the planet, and their alarming number of appearances show that they are quite alarmed as to what is going down here, they feel like their control is drifting, so they decided to attempt to pay a visit to try to get things back to "Normal", or their lizard normal - ie, to the path of micro-chipping, meaningless wars, and all sorts of other garbage. Their physical agents have been on total rabid trying to enforce the above. This is not very good news to have them around.
The Greys in particular see humanity as nothing more than cattle. Like a parasite that has had it's blood flow cut, they are now reacting. They are clearly roaming around to see what is going on, in the regards that, all the major "Religions" haven't been feeding these parasites energy. So they are like trying to come down to see what is going on, and to promote acceleration of their plans against mankind.
Because clearly, their earthly agents cannot pull these through. Judging from works of enemy psychics, 2020 was supposed to be a year 'Armageddon', with potential WW3, and all sorts of other events were planned and being made. But we and our side has guarded from all of this and the transitions will be better off. Indeed this is an ongoing battle between the parties involved, but there is major progress being done. The more people wake up on some things the less things we will have to endure.
The Co-Vid incident and how this escalates, has really made things confusing in the very least, and unbalanced a lot of the enemy's plans, energy banks, facade of governments worldwide, and many more things.
Around two weeks before the situation in China broke hard, a grey notified during an attack that "We", as in collectively, anyone who fights them and goes against their agenda which they believe is great to turn us like them into robot borgs [they believe that we should be THANKFUL for this - they cannot fathom why we are even resisting], it mentioned that "We", collectively, have been throwing this world [Their world down here] out of balance. In regards to what balance, that is *their* balance.
It also added that those who try to do this will get punished severely. As one can see, all the bug headed fuck can do, is only talk. The "order" of this world, their "order", has been destabilized, and ruined, and the drastic empowerment of their enemies, and their downfall, is starting to become a fact, to the point that they have to engage closer and try to set the record straight. They are very desperate that this planet is going to be lost out of their hands, in due time. Just look at how people are inflamed and what "conspiracy" theories are circulating online, and you will see, what they did triggered a global response from which we will never return to any "Goyim normalcy - boil the frog slow so he dies without reaction type of normalcy" as it was before. Many of these conspiracy theories, have to do with Aliens.
Doing something massive was the only thing they could do, but this very thing, will accelerate their downfall.
Last year in 2019, the US Navy and other commanders found out that they are on a stalemate, and powers of this world, understand that we are being invaded past the point of trying to hide anything. Of course, jews are going to keep lying until the last minute [they hide their bosses and they are eternal liars], and ridicule the alien phenomenon, especially as they are losing, and because their ties to nefarious "otherworldly" forces have been exposed for what they really and truly are - pure evil, pure destruction, and pure ruin for mankind. Worshipped for nothing for centuries by deceived mankind, leading to only damnation.
Therefore the powers that be decided to leak factual military Info, and not just whistle-blowing, of how many UFO's soldiers see, to try to prepare the masses for the things they will see in the future. I cannot judge them badly on that, as they have limited options to do as "Human" governments. The military commanders who did this, that was the proper and the sane thing to do, as awareness of this phenomenon is the only thing that can save humanity on a massive scale.
These things have already started, ranging from strange things on the sky, strange saucers, flying lights, and go all the way down to strange weather phenomena which are way out of the ordinary, a mix of both human manipulation, and enemy manipulation. People just pop out of their window in Quarantine and they see all these strange UFO's taking strolls, trying to post videos over these. Even in small towns.
Since the enemy perceives they are out of time, they are trying to accelerate the situation and this is why people see them worldwide. Them or any UFO's showing up has two sides, one is the negative side [they are here], and the positive side, that their control is just drifting.
As I explained above, humanity is like cattle to them, and the plan of the enemy is to quickly enslave [or in their words] "assimilate" mankind into the borg. This they plan to do with an array of technologies and implants, which they will promote in such a way that these will not be positive for us, but just "follow the trends" and lead us to in the end, being trapped by their own alein technology, and then have humanity collectively ended up in a slavery situation.
Imagine this simply as linking a brain to a computer, and then hacking the computer and taking it over - one has successfully took over the brain. The hacking of human infrastructure and taking control of it, is not something the enemy is beyond doing. But the enemy cannot reasonably manage and control billions of free people without some sort of severe technological manipulation, they want humanity either gone or enslaved.
Our Gods have other plans and they in no way want to turn us into slaves and borgs, but rather independent and spiritually developed species. Spirituality, safety, and nature first, is a path they follow, since the Ancient Times. They did not give us brain-chips to make us borgs, nor did they hijack and remove our personal will, claiming this would be some sort of "Great leap forward". They are also the only ones who are altering against this danger, and what will come to our world, and try to get this message through, if we collectively fail to control the situation now.
The enemy on the other hand tries to make an artificial acceleration of technology, despite of human and living cost. How they treat this earth, should be quite revealing to everyone who has been watching the news. The Earth is being ruined for absolutely no reason whatsoever, but because of the fallen state of mankind, which the enemy has perpetuated with spiritual ignorance and bolstered for centuries. Never before have humans done as massive damage to their own habitat as the ignoramus humans of today are doing.
Billions of other species like in the Amazon are going extinct, plants, microbes, birds, species never discovered and not yet known [the most bio-diverse place in the Solar System and possibly beyond is the Amazon], so that stupid frivolous individuals can feel like their shitty existence and nihilism has some sort of purpose on this world. These desperate types which also happen to have physical influence, tend to also do anything foolish nefarious entities will recommend them, and the greys find refuge in these retards, and comrades in decay in these nihilistic byproducts of their enforced unspirituality that humanity has been subjugated under.
At first when people said stuff about the 5G, I thought it was only exaggerated hoaxes, or the usual "Everything new is evil" stuff people tend to do due to lack of knowledge. Personally I always evaluate technology logically and I am anything but a Luddite, I have optimism and belief that in the end, modern science, technology, and so forth, will benefit us. So eventually I decided to look further into what this 5G technology is everyone was getting outspoken of, really was, and looked into all the research be this from mainstream down to the worst conspiracy theories. Seeing what it can potentially become, and what is most important, the potential of ABUSE of this technology, makes the situation alarming, and revealing.
The reality is that the material aspect of this is the least aspect to worry us. As exaggerated as this sounds, this goes way on further and relates to everything stated above.
If the 5G works "as claimed" by the enemy, ie, on a band higher than WI-FI, then maybe, it will pose a minimal threat to mankind [but still a painful and unnecessary sore in humanity's ass, and only a technology to increase the Jew World Order's surveillance capabilities to real time surveillance, such as the Chinese real-time AI cameras that can find a person in 1.4 billion people, within less than a minute, in real time].
However there is too much serious potential of misuse with this technology. There are also many things people are unaware of. Human beings are for the most part, quite sensitive to weather changes, frequency changes, UV radiation, and all sorts of external bioelectric phenomena and natural phenomena. These affect human beings directly in unforeseen ways, even if these are small influences that exist over a prolonged period of time.
But the real problem with the 5G is not exactly the WIFI or the internet stuff that it will promote [provided this was done on low frequencies, which, still can harm, but cannot make one into a mutant], but also, the ability of this technology and these antennas to project very high frequencies [the type we call "beyond physical" in our modern language] or other frequencies that can cause all sorts of things when studied, including unrest, fear, potential health problems, or even some form of mind control. This was not a lie at all as disinfo agents have said, these things are within the ability of the 5G system.
If we are lied to an the 5G frequencies do fall past a point, these can actually cause problems for health, and even behavioral problems. If the technology is kept within very limited standards, there will not be problems. Again, the problem is largely a problem of trust, where the technological capabilities come second to the intention of how these are planned to be used.
Seeing how the enemy goes with this, they do not plan to use it in human friendly ways or to just increase your internet connection.
In regards to the 4G frequencies, these can boil someone and they can be used as sufficiently as microwave oven frequencies, provided enough energy is put into them. A phone obviously cannot do that, but if you keep your handset on your head for like 5 hours, your head will really feel like it's heating up and boiling. A mix of these and EMF, is what people feel when they are putting their cellphones on their head, which causes a very noticeable increase of the temperature of their ears. These, have mostly a manifestation along this range. It has been scientifically observed.
5G, on the other hand, is scarcely observed. Or let us say, scientific contradictory evidence is ignored, such as professionals saying that this can be bad. Before this crap is even studied, so that we can utilize it safely [such as underground, or in a wired technology through WI-FI, always in mind with human safety], the enemy is rolling it out - everywhere.
Already existing WI-FI technology can achieve tremendous internet speeds and other things through a technology already known to us and tested for a decade. It wouldn't be so hard. Plus, some WIFI antennas, can extend to hundreds or thousands of feet without really doing anything that we don't know or are into already. And as thus would be safer implementations.
5G on the other hand has this uncanny thing that an antenna is required every a few tens of feet. This is because, when you will take your phone and cameras will be installed anywhere, the "Grid" will know when you are, with the exactitude of a few feet and meters. WIFI technology that could theoretically be used, would still provide privacy, and still the fast internet and everything required for us to exchange information. But 5G's purpose as explained in another topic is more on the surveillance side of things and general manipulation.
To give an example if you use a high fiber optic connection now and someone finds your IP address, they know that you have been in X town. Many towns show up IP's from another town where the actual centers are. None of these can really and at once lead to an exact physical location. For example I could be taking internet from Town A and in reality, I was in a town 200 miles away, from which is the central internet communication center.
With 5G, it will be known where people are with an exactitude quite similar to this of a GPS, if not far more accurate. Also, despite the doomsday, just know that the 5G will not do more surveillance than smartphones, which already do that. But the key word here is that this grid will be EXTERNAL. You can leave your phone somewhere and go somewhere else without having to worry about being 100% tracked. They enemy wants this to be everywhere, and this relates to these odious chapters about how the "Angels observe everything" and other grey alien verses put in the bible. Tracking will be external, biometrics and microchip based, and be 100% continuous.
Now, since people have been reacting to this, the enemy saw that the installation of these would be difficult. In some places people went as far as to physically protest and halt the installations, other people lost their patience and started burning. In some places it went even violent. But now that everyone is closed in, all the installations will more than likely proceed in full throttle speed, and when quarantines will end in many places, installations may have progressed to their end.
When Governments want to break protests, sometimes, they deploy these very frequencies that 5G can readily emit. This is scientifically proven and you can read on this on your own. These can range in their effects from breaking the spirit, to dulling down anger, to making people flip out, to all sorts of things. These are also not heard by the physical ears at all. But this is not limited to 5G. Already existing wireless technology, can be used, in potential, to cause all these effects. The only limitation is the energy put into it. The enemy grid is not specifically designed as real time, as AI based, and as capable and with this goal in mind.
For those who think this is some sort of joke, just read into all the experiments that have been done for brainwashing people through sound, ultrasound, ultrasonic waves, and how much invisible light spectrum waves can potentially affect organisms. This goes way further than breaking glass. Certain frequencies can turn some people who are weak minded into rabid, and others are beyond capability to be controlled or resisted by the human mind.
Having sophisticated machinery every 150 yards worldwide, that can possibly affect the spectrum that affects humans, and and will definitely affect human behavior, is NOT a good or decent idea. Certainly so, mere installation, does not mean misuse, but given the history of the enemy, we can understand this will more than likely occur.
Few positive things can manifest from the above. There is nothing positive in having a social credit system that is enforced by a borg, there is nothing positive about not being able to have any privacy, there is nothing positive about Zuckerborg knowing where people were 24/7 for absolutely no reason whatsover. Programmers and people of renown understand the very serious and damning implications of all this.
The aliens that stand behind the enemy have sufficiently influenced mankind [and jews] progressively and with the energy they have been given, to conveniently guide them down this path, to where this looks as an "unavoidable future", that "is coming no matter what", and used many of their agents to promote exactly this very future. Some of these agents have been in the know and some totally oblivious.
All of this can be avoided, mitigated, resisted, and denied. There is no future set on any stone about these things.
I doubt anyone would willingly go and become a borg on their own accord if they understood that this meant the complete eradication of their personal "will", which is the basis of our existence, and what makes existence in some way meaningful. On being blank and only a body without nothing existing in them anymore.
Instead, to their followers, they told them all these lies about convenience, and how this will turn these old idiots into "augmented humans" and all the rest of the crap, that they will lord over the goyim with AI and go to sleep at night peacefully, and when the goyim is angry, they will ramp up the 5G frequency and live in their "Messianic Times".
But the real goal behind this is this: Absorb humanity in the borg with the end result being out transformation and assimilation into their meaningless and alien hive. The enemy holds the same contempt for everyone.
Lastly, how the enemy manages to do this to planets, is they set in front of them fake things such as fake spiritual systems, which with predictive programming, and infiltrator tribes [such as the jews] bring amongst their midst. These attempt to struggle to control primitive civilizations, and slowly turn them into a psychic machine that self-replicates it's own psychic energy into it's own damnation, through the fake thing that they brand as "Religion". All of these situations are manifestations that are manifested by intensive charging of human psychic energy, going into the enemy's nefarious programs, for centuries.
For those who do not know, the "Prophecies" of the enemy are only predictive programmings, which billions of unknowing people charge without their knowledge, thinking these events have to "Manifest" - "In order to" bring the so called "Messianic Era", where "Evil will have been blotted out of this world". This "Evil" that they try to drive out, is our Gods, which have protected us for centuries in that regard, so we were safe, and still we happen to be free, and not assimilated, nor gone.
People unknowingly are put to sever ties with our Gods, disconnect our world from theirs, fall into lower spiritual levels, and end up charging their own damnation with whatever frail energy they have left, until a society is either destroyed or absorbed by the enemy, as the only means to it's fake "Salvation" from the problems the enemy has created through their core system.
Therefore, suffering, death, diseases, wars, plagues, and everything else morbidly imaginable, is manifested by the unknowing populace, straight onto itself, until the final point where everything goes down the drain and a species is driven to the point of either destruction, or "assimilation". Whenever humanity "disobeys", or is about to break free, or makes a major advancement that is not in compliance with the enemy control, the enemy tries to keep humanity back.
The only way "forward" for the enemy is either we become borgs like them, or that we get destroyed or extinct. They do not recognize any other future for humanity, there is no middle area, and they want us to either be dead or exist as a slave planet.
Jews are at the center of this and this is why the jews relate to the Greys and the Reptilians, to the point they admitted it publicly, and what they are here to do to everyone, which was "communicated" to them by these nefarious entities.
The situation is serious, but definitely, reversible. RTR style reversible.
Not only reversible, but we stand a chance now, which is rare in history [others may not have gotten this and may have not been lucky], as all of this is based on the enemy's pattern of energy guidance and so forth, which will be blotted out, then all the connective link trying to draw and manifest this reality on mankind, will just collapse. The lack of charging also contributes to this failure, this contributes to mistakes, mistakes contribute to total failure, and through the cracks humanity can emerge triumphant, and so does the general destabilization of their spiritual system, continue to get wrecked.
Long story short, the enemy will be toast, and there is still time. Our planet and we as a species are not without support. We will also be receiving increasingly so external intervention from our Gods, which are overseeing the situation, and will not allow humanity to be destroyed.
There is no need to enter into dystopian scenarios, application of the spiritual weaponry by the Gods sets the precedent of avoiding this planned damnation. The Gods are experts in guiding us towards advancement naturally and positively.
Since we are "Down here" and into the earth [with all that this entails] we have to project the energies we have been instructed, to nullify the enemy's energy and therefore foil their energy from manifesting. And put this all to an end once and for all.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666