UBI will only reduce already at least in Europe what social help people who actually need it are receiving, so everyone can receive literally nothing or inadequate income for 'life'.
This is just communistic bullshit and the enemy trying to pretend they are creating a 'fair' world. In most cases even the trillions of UBI do not suffice for people to even pay rent. Then, the market can if they want spike prices anyway again, rendering the whole thing just another worthless measure.
To equalize everyone to receive the 'same help' is just typical communist bullshit.
The ability of governments to control the multicultural hordes and have any notion of justice is vanishing, and therefore, loose 'financial' and vague solutions are being 'created' to keep people complacent and promise them the usual BS castles in the sky.
Like Yay you are getting a couple hundreds not enough to even live properly, you are totally alienated from any form of work, and you sit down like a fucking retard and do nothing. Then, if you are an evil goy, maybe those in power can decide to cut your flows. The state feeds you directly, so you have to play along.
The dystopia potential of this policy is as equal as the jews themselves. There could be more effective systems in place than UBI which now will only constitute literal theft from working elements to be enforced. At least for some years, the working class would have to AGAIN, as always, pay the parasites, but this extended into a universality perspective.
In countries like France and England where the Brown Majority is about to become fact, or in the USA in a couple of decades, instating the above will make for even more prolific births of those who already procreated based on nothing. Whites are not going to procreate with a few hundreds of kosher 'state help' as it's simply not enough to go about.
I haven't been paying enough rapefugees, need to pay more.
Dreamers will tell you there is something good here, but let us be specific and see what kind of societies we are in, and the jew that runs them.
Pseudofinancial solutions to pacify, nothing effective.